Resolution-PC 91-204~ . . . , . ~ . ~ ~ . . .. ~ ~•~l,.ll '+~" ,.~yw.i;. ~Q~~ R~;SpLU'1'SON '~,0. pC91-?04. A F2F.SpLpTTON OF 'PFiF; ANAFIEYM CITY PLANNiNC COPSMISSIdN THA'P PETITION f~OR CONDIT.T.QNAl, USE PF.FtMIT NQ. 3q7g DI.; GFtAN'1`;b WH~R~AS, thc~ ]lnaheim City ;~lanning Conu~iiQdl,on did rocai.ve c~ verifi.ed Potition for. Conditi.~nal UAO Permit for cerkain .reul pruperky eituater.l in thQ i:it:y or Anaheim, County nf Ornng~, Stdtc~ c,t California, describecl as= LOTS 61 AND 62 OF ANAHEIM ORIGINAT,~POWIV L~TS, AS 5HOWN ON A MAP R~CORDFD ZN HOOK 9, pAGgS 629 AtdD 630 OF DEFJDS UI' LOS RNCEI,f:S COUNTY, CALI'~'ORNTA. 4!~{~u~A~, the City F.ianning c;ommisa~oii did tinld a public hc~~ring at the Civic Center in the c'ity of AnahQim on U~aember. 16, 1991 at 1:30 natice of ca.id gublic h~aL•inq h~iv~ng been d~al ~ ' p.rn., accordanc~ with ~he pro~:l.sians of thc AnaliF~.im Munl.c.tpal~C cie,~iChapter1lEl.C3~ t;o hear and consider ~vidence far and against aaid pz~posEd ~o~~ditional uae p~rmi~ and to inv~sti~~ate and make finding~~ and recommendatione in connection thc~rew.ith; and WHEREAS, ~~i_~1 ~~mmi _on, afLer due inspECtion, inver~tigatian and • ~~u~y made by itaelf and in its behal° , evidence and reports offered at aaid h~~arin c7fCer du~ con~ideraCion of all t~llowin~ ~act3: ~~ ~a~~ ficid and d~termi~~e the 1• T}-at ~he propooed us~~ ia p: operly c~ne for ~~~hich a coaditi~nal use permit i~ auth~rfzcd b}~ Anaheim M.unicipal Coc9e SecCiona lA.6z.050.p7p and to permit a7 automotive brake ano~ and tt:e rel;ail aales of t-shirta (-nanufactured c:~_~ite) within an e;c;.e~ing indua;.rial buil.ding. 2. That s~zid canditional t~FCe Qermit .~s h~rAbY c~rant~3d foi• a per.iod aE one (1) year, to expirc: on December 26, 199~, a• That t;he propo3ad u~e wzll no~ adv~r.sely atfect the adjoining land U9ng ~z~d the gr_o+.,rth and developmPnC of the area in which it is p.opras~~ to be located. 4. 'I'hat tt;c~ cizr~ ancl nhape uf the nite propo~ed for the ~:sQ ;Q adec1iiate to ~7ii~w the f.u1.1 d~velopm~~nt oc' th~~ detri~nental to the p<~rt•icular area nor to thca , ,n``~nu~e:i u°;p in a manner not wc lfdr.c of the Cltizena of Lh~~ r. I~~=~cc_, hcalt•h, :?r,fetl and general ity of Anah~im. S• ThC~t rh~ ~ranting of ti~~ Conditiona~ (Jan permiL• ~ndec rhE conditions .im~i~~~;d wil;. nnt L~e delrimr:ntal to the peace, hea.lth, ~afeL•y ard yen~ral welfare of the Citizen3 ~f thn City of pna~~~,~{rr~. ~>. That the tr.affi.c qenerated k~y tY~e pro~o~cd uAe will. not ir~~poc~e an •.~ndue b4rdcn ~pon th% akreet•.u nnd hic7hw~yf~ ~]flFl).f~lIE~CI ard im~rovr~d ~o carry the traffic in t:he ar~3. CR1372MS -.1- PCS1-204 ,~:,,y.;~d r;: •, ,,;4,~ ~ ~ ` J! 7. That na on~ indicated their ~rooance at s~id puJ~l.ic h~aring Ln oppositlons and that no carronpondc~ncQ waa rc-~cQtv~d in ~ppoe.tticn to the a~.ib j~:ct petiti~n. GAL.[FORNIA ENVIRONME~JTAL UUALI~Y ACT rINDI~; Thctt thA Anahoim City Pl~~nning Cammiaei.on haH rsviowed thQ propneai to p~rmit ~n automotl.ve }~r~kQ shap anci the .rotal.l eale~ of t-~hirtc~ (manufacturc~d nn-oite+) wi~hin an eaier.ing ind•astrial building on a r,~ctangula.rly-shupod p~rcE~1 of land cnnoieting ~f ~lpproxim~tely 1.:16 acra~, lor.ated on ~hc~ northw~~t cornor of Santa A~Za Str~e~ aricl Ana}ieim E3oulovard, huving ~nproxiinatc: .E'rontagos of 280 fo~at on the nortl: ~i.de c~f Ssr~ta Ana ~treet and lEil feet on thn w~et aide df Anaheim Baulevard and furL•her deacribQd as 425 Soutl~ An~,heim 3oulevard (Uni.tz~ 101-J03); and do~~ he.r.eby a~~rov~ th~ N~gati.ve Dcclaration upon findiny l•hat it haa con~idere:3 th~~ N~gativc; Decla:°ation toge.iL•her with ~ny comments r~cAivod durin.~ th~ pub:ic rE~iew proceas and further finding on the basls that thr~ initizl ~study 1nd any cornmentc~ rer.eivc~d C~~at there .i~ no subetantial evidenca that the projar.t wili have a~ignificant effc~ct on t}ie envi.rr,nmonr„ ~OW, TFIEREFORE, EiE IT RESOLVED th.at the Anaheim City Planning Ccinmi»sion duea hereby grant eubjFlc;C petitlnn for Condit.tonal ~Jae Permit, upon the followxng conuitiona which are t~ereby found to be ~i necQ~aaary prerequisitc~ ~o thp propoaed ii~e of th~ esubjnct property in order to pres~rv;: t}ie oaf~ty and gener~l welfare of. the Cit.i.c~ens of th~ r_ity ~f Anahelm: 1. Ttiat a P:~~ri Sh~~t for salid wa~re atorug~ ~in~ collecti~n and a plan for recycling ahull be i~ubnittnc~ tc~ ~he pEpartment of Maint~nance for reviQw and a~i~roval. 2. ThaY no outdoor ~tot- .-~~ of, clii~~l~y ~>f., or wark on vehicle3 ~r vehicular part~ shall be permitteii and tha~;: all ~xinting outdoar d.i~play and ator~~ge ahal). be removed t~nd any exis*.ing outr3oor work tarminated. 3. * Tha~ the pr~posal ohall cnmply with a12 nigning requiramenta of the ML "Induetrial, I~xmited° Zonc ~rt:ce~s a variance al~owing e.tyn waiverr~ is ap~roveci by t:he City Council, Plsnning CU~;;miaaion or Zoninq Adr~i~ti~trator. 4. * Thnt th~~ on-,~it~ landRc~pi.~;q anc~ irriy~~ion ay3t~m shall bn majntained i.n ::ompliance with CiL•y istancl~rd~. 5. ihat subjec~ propert:y shall h~ deveJoped cub:3tanr.i~lly in accordar.ce with ;:Zanr3 and apccif.icatiara ~ubmitCad to the Cir.y of Anahe:,m by the peti.tionez• and wt~icii plrins arn_ c~n file with the F~lanninq Department marked ~:xhibit ^lo~i. 1 and 2. ~' 6. That rsubject u:~~~ i:~ grantad for a pc~riod of one (i) ye~ir un~il Dnr_ember 16, 1992. -~- PC91-204 ;~'i ~' ~ 7• * That approv~al ~E thie application ccnoti~uten approval of t:~~ proposed raqueot only to th~ extant ~ha~t it complies with the Anaheim Municipal `Loniny Cade and uny other ~pplicable Clty, State an<i Federtt~, rogulatia:ica. A~provaZ doe~ not includt~ ~ny act~,on or fi»di,nga ae to compliance or approvral of the requa~t rQgazding any other aoplicable ordinunco, xsgu].atiort or rac~uir.~:ncnt. Conc]i.".ior.~ mark~d witti an astAriak (*) are requirc~d by eatal.~l.tahed l.awa, coden, rc~~~alal:ions and agraemonts and aru, thereforQ, not aub joct, t~ IlOCJQ~i~-~tiun. BE IT FURTEIFR RESOI,V~;D that ttie Anaheim Cit.y P1~~~~ling Commi~sion ci~es hereby find and det•er.mine that ae7option af ~hts Ftesolu~lon is expresaly predicated upon a.ppli.c.ant; ~ R com~ltanc~: w3.th eacP, and all of the c~nditions h~rein~bave set for+.h. Shauld an}' IIUC~l condition, or any ~art thereof, be docZared invalid or unenforceablo by the final ~udgment of any ~ourt of c:ompQtont juriadict.ion, th~n this Resolution, and any ap~rovals herein contained, shall be cieemed null and void. TEiE FOREGOTNG RESOLUTION was adopt~:d at tne ~.lanriinc~ Commieaian 111P_P.t:~I1CJ of December. 16, 1~91, ,,,.: ~ ,, . J f ~;. r' • (. ~ ,% ,, / ; c.J~' ~r r ~ ~% ~ /~~ i ~,~~~~• ~~ CE'-AIRMAN, ANAHE:CM CITY~NI~~~~0;4t~(TS ~Id ATTr.ST: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~`~~~~ ~ . , a{ . / ~ - c.c,t,_,~ ~.."_______,- SECRETi,R`:, inC1AFiEIM CITY PLAt!'7ZNG CO;dMI:;SiON STaTE UF CALIFORt~Jl1 ) COUNTY OF ORANGG ) Akz. CITY UF ANRH~IM ~ I, ~:cfith L. Ftarri~, SF~cretr.ry o~ the Anaheim City Planning Cornmission, do herE+by c;ertif.y that the foregoiny reF;olution wa~ passed and adoptacl at a rneetiny of tiie 7lnaheim CiL•y Planniny rommi~sion helct on Decsmber i6, .19~~1, by the follow.i~g vote of t!~e memaers thGreof: t~YE>: COIdMI:iSIOf~IERS: BRT.STOL~ f{ELLYER~ HEIvNIC1GER~ ME.`:SE~ PEItA7.A, 2EMI.L NO:'S: CJMMTSSIUNERS: NO;fE li3SE[JT: COMMIS3IOflER^a; EiOUA:; ( IN WITNE;SS ~aFIEF~EO F, 7 have hez•e~:n~o s~t my hand thia c~~l l G~ of ~ ~,un.~_ 1y92. ~~, - ~ , day (1, G yk~ , ~ ~ . ~ 1_.l~"..~ _._. _- n • a1n-c-, SGC~'.ET'ARy, ANAHEIM CI' Y F'LAtJ:1TNG i:OMl3ISSION ~3 F'C92-20-0