Resolution-PC 91-21~ Ej_F~.SqI.U:CTOI~NO. _F?C91~ 21 ~~ip A RE:iC1LGTTON UF THE ANANEIM CT'PY. F'LAPINING COMMISSION OCN]INC TFi~; RL~QUESTS FOlt A SE'fBACK WAIV~'R, AMENDMEIVT '1'U TH~ (:UND7TIC)NS OP' APPROVAT, AN~ THE REVTSEU PLAN5 FOR CnNl1ITIONAI. USE PER14I't NU. 3262 'AHGREAS, o~i April 23, 1~39U the P.l~tnt~ing C~mml.er~ion grr~nL•od Condittunal ~s~ Pnrm~t No. 326i under RW~oLuCion No. PCSO-95 in cqnjunction wi.th Reclaeoiticatian P;o. 89-9f)-46 to rezone aubject property fram the CO (5C) 'Lot~e to the CL (SC) 'I.onQ and to pFrmit a 17,890 square foot, 12-unit commercial retail cpntar arid a 1, 760 f~quaro foot car-w~~o}~ fac:ility w.tth gasoline sale& on an irzegu].arly-ehaped pt-r~;n_1 ~f !ar:r1 consietir.? ~f ar~proximately 2.25 acrea, locate.~i at thc n~~rr_hwest c~rnPr af MonLe Vieta R~ad and Weir Canyon Road, and having approximat.~ front.tiq~s of 500 feaot on thQ north AidP of Monte Vieta Ftoad and 'l2Q feet on the weat ~idc~ of we~.r C.~nyon Road; and WHr:KL•'A5, c~n July 30, 1940 the Pl.anni.ng Commieeion agproved revised plan~ thereby det•ermining c~ubet:nti.al con.o.rmance with previously approv~d plana and al.lowinq a 9`~ .inci-eaFic~ ir. f! oor are,i fc r the retai:i build.ingn; and WHFREA5, the r~etit-i.uner ic~ now reqiiaeting aPZ~rava.l of the fo~.lowing wa iver a.n c~ :nect• Lon wit.~ a prcvi~~usly approvE~d cunditional use pecmit permiCting ,i conur,ercial rc~Cail cer.te~ sind car W39I1 facility with qasolin4 Dr71@f31 SF_r._TIUN 7.E3.8q_.Ot;?_.r~ll - Satr~ack__~d;acc~nt~ to_a_ ncF~nic hi.c~hwav. (minim»-~ lOC) f~et required along Weir Canlon Road; 59 t.u 6C_f~et pro~,ooed (G~ Lo 70 feet previously ap~~r.o~<~dj ) ' wHEREAS, thF C.ty planniizy Co,nmia~.ion did hol:f ~ public hearing at tti~ Civic CentF~r in the City oE Ara}~e:m on Ft~bruary 1.1, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., noti::e of ~ai.d public heaLinq havir.g ;;ean duly given ae required by law ancl fn ar_cordance with *he pr~~vi»ions of ~:.he f.nah~irn MunicLpal CcdA, Chap;.er .18.03, to }~ear a-:d conef,dF~r evidence f~r and ayain~3t e~aSd propoeed ~m~ndmNnt bnd ~o inva~t.tqaY_~ and make f i.ndingr3 and rE+r_om~rF1ndatLc~nts in conn~ction Cherewi.th; and W~iGFtEAS, ea.id Commis~i•~n, after ciue inFpp.ction, invesL•i.ga~ion a~d r3tudy made by i.tc~e~f an~l in Ltc~ ~~eh~lf, and after due conaidaration of all evi~.3enc~e and rF~port~ of fered at r,aid 1~eae-;.nq, dr~p~ f ind and det~ar;ninu tt-e followinq far.r_~: 1• Th~~t the requc~t.;d waiver '_R hereby den.ied on ~he ba~ie that ther~ :ire no ep.~cial cirr.:~mr,tancN~ applicablQ to thc~ pr.ogercy such as eize, ehaF~.~, to~qraphy, l~cat•ion and sur.rc.undings which do not apply to oth~r i.dentl.cally zoneti pcop~rr,y in the ~amc~ vicf.nity; z~nd thar_ Rtrict application of the Zoning Codp doN~, no~ JFprive f:tlF3 propecty of priviloge~ enjoyed by other pr~~~rtied in t:he identital zc~ne aiici claseificati.on in the vicinity. ~~F21 l I~.M1` -I_ P~91-~J. . ,:~ ~: 1 l. 2'hat no one indicated L•hc~.tr pr4uence at eaid public hearing in oppositi~n; and that no eorrespundencc~ w~~ rQC:eivc~d in oppoei.tlan to aubject petl~ion. 3. Th~t d~ni~.l or' the r.~quesL-ed waivor. incorgc~ratee don.ial of t:~e req~~Petec:l ~mc~ndment ta ttie cunditfono nf approval anci dani.al of the revieed plane. ~'11LI~OkNiA i:NV'lRONMENTAL QtJALTTY ACT_ i?IND'ING: 'Phat th~ An3heim C~ty Planning Gommieeian h:-e r.ev;.ewad L•he proposal to ~mend the conditionn of approv~l pertai.niny t~~ ~urking area l.ighting, to c~btain approve~l ~f revieed platiu arid further requeating wu.iver of the r.equi.rec~ setback adjacent t~ a Scenic Exprca~sway and doea hereby fincl that th3 Negati.vo D~r.laration proviouely t~pprovQ in connection with Cor,diti.ona; U~~ Fermit No. 3262 is adequate tu eezve A~ t:hc~ raquired onvironmental documc~nt~3tion in c~nnecti.on with thifl requoat•. NGW THERF.k'ORE, t3E IT RESULVEU that the Araheim City Planning Commi~eion doee hereby deny oubjcct requeet. TIiE FOREGOING T2LSOLUTIUN ora~ adopted a4: the Planning Commi eeipn m~eting of. Februar.y 11, 19y1. ,, . . ,~_ % ~ , ~'. - ~. ~ . .,; , ;"; , , CHAIIZS90t1AN, At7AHEIM CI'CY~F~LANNIIQG COMMZSSION ATTEST: ..~..s.k~~__ ~"~Lkt_:, ..,..L,~ -- -~ ---- SECRE'PARY, ANAHETM CI'1'Y PLANtvING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORN:A 1 COUN'CY AF ORANGF. ) ar~. c:ITY pF ANAHEIN ) I, E:dith L. ftzrr;o, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commiacian, do hereL-y ~ertify that the for~going reeolut.ion wao paeaed and adopted at a meetiny of LhQ Anahefm Ci~~y Planning Commiepion he1G on Fob_uary 11, 1491, by the f~llowing votc of r.hf~inember~ thpreof: t4YES: <:ON2~SISST0:7ERS: FiOYDS'I'UN~ BO'JAS~ :%FLUHAUS~ HELLYF~~, HENNINGFF.~ MESSE, PERAZA NUGS: COMMISSIONERS: NONk: AE3SENT: CUMMISS7UNERS: PlGt1E [N WITNESS WFiERFC:r, I have h~r.eunto ~et ny hanci tF11'3 ~/~L~ day o f --- _._j~ LC1';d,.l~.~ ~. 19 91. _-_. _ -- ~' ~"E'`~`~ ~,~. ~~~~~L.c~~ Si:CREi'ARX, ANAHFLM CITY YLANNSNG CUMMISSIOCf -2- PC9I-21 ~