Resolution-PC 91-22n~:-, a ri'•'~''~1 RESOLU_'__PIOIV NO. PC91 _72 A RESOL,UT[ON OF THE ANRHETM C:CTY FLANNTNG GOMMISSION AMLNDING CON~ITIONS OF APPROVAL OF C:nND]:TIONAL USE PFRMYT NO. 3055 ~NHEREA6, on Auguat 29, 198£~ the Pl~nr~ing Commieai_on grantod Conditional U~e Pez•mit; No. 3055 undFr Reeolu*_ion N~. PC88-240 tu p~rmit a 1,446 oqunre-foo~t c:onv~nience mark~~ with v~aiver af minimum number. of parking epacee on a rec~angu.larly••shaped pareel of land coneieting of apprax3matel.y 1.7 acree, having a front~ge of a~,prc~ximatoly 372 feet on ttiQ nor.th aide Chapman AvAnue, havfng a maximu:~i depth of approximat~ly 200 feEt, bef.T~g located approxinately 290 feet ea3t of tihe ~onterline uf. Har.b~.r Boul~vard and further deecr~.bed ae 513 West Chapman Avenuo; and WHEItGAS, said Renolut.ion No. PC88-2A0 includes the following cnndition: "7. That suhiec~ property ehall I~e developed aubgtant.ially in accordance .+ith pl.anfl and apncifi.cation on file witr the City of Anaheim marked ~xhibit N~s. 1 and 2; pr.ovided, howeve.r, that no takF~-out for~d ~ervice shall be providerl inciuding no miciowave oven 3ha11 be inRtailed, or oth~r i:y~ea of hc~~3tir.g clevicea eYiall be used for heating ~repared foocis. tJH~R~AS the pet.itioner. haf3 regu~stec] amenclment to Rasolutior. Nu. PC88-240 for a r.~Croactiv~a cxtension af time for approval of a condi.tional uee permit: ~~nder auth~rity of Co~le Sectior~ to r~ermit a larger 1,772 ~q.ft. (previ.ou3ly ~,4~36 eq.ft.) cunvanience murkot wiYh o~aiver of thd following: aECTIO:IS 2~i.06.050.022 - Minimum nu[nber of,~arking, spaces. 1Ei.~6.0' ~.231. ( 11A required; 112 exi.ating) 18.O4.U80 ~znd 18.45.a6G.0°~0 WEiF.RE:AS, the City Planning Commiss~.on did hold a publ.tc h~aYing Rt the Ci.vi.c r.ent.er in ttle Ci.ty ot Hn~hefm on February 1], 1991, at 1:30 p.m., not• icc: of ~-aid publ ic hearin~~ tiaving been duly given ~.s required by law and in acco:•dance with the proviaionn of the AnahAim Municipal C~de, Chapter 1£i.G3, to hexr and r,onsider svidence foi- and zgai.net eaid propoc~c~d amendment and Lo inv~arigate and make findinge and ze~ommendationa in cunnection *_h~rewi*h; and WH~REAS, ~aid C~~rnminsion, aftor. dve LnHpection, inveotigatior. and atudy made by i.tBelf and in ite hehalf., ind after ciu~ conr~i~~eration of all eviderice ~nd report~ offered at r.,aid heariny, doee f.Lnd and determino tne follc+wing f3ctn: 1. ThaC tho requeeted ~vaiver ie hereby gr.anted on ~hc~ baeia that th~ parkiny wai.ver will not caLfle an inc~QaDe in tra~fic congQaticn in the irtunQdiate vicinity nor advereely a£fect eny adyoininy land uaes and gL<~ntinc; of the parki.ng wr~ivc~r und~r tbt corditio~~e imp~sed, if any, wil.l not be detrimental to rhe pr:ace, h~alth, safet:y and ger~Nral wal fare af t.he ~it.izene of thE City of AnahE~icr.. CR1115MP -.1- PC91-22 ih~:~''a ,. , 2. Th3t no one i.r-dicatad th~air pror~ance at eaid publia hear.ing in oppor~i~tion; and that no cor:-e~3poridonc~ wae rec~ived in oppoeitJ.on to aubj~:ct petition. CALIFORNIA _~NVTROfTMEN'PAL QUAL 'P~ Y~~CT FINDING: Ttiat the Anahelm City Planning Commiseion has reviewod the Z~roposal to am~nd tha r.ondxtions of approval perta.in3.nq L•o approval ot a conv~nienco markeh (1,772 equttre ~aot ingtead af 1,4~6 aquare feet) witii waiver of. mini.mum numbor of pnrkinq ep~tcee and doQS hereby £ind th~t tho Negativ~ Dec2aration pr.evi.ously approve~ i.n cor~nECti.~n with Conditional UAE P~rmit No. 3055 ia adequate to ~~orve as the required ~nvicanmentul ctocumentation in connectfon wit.h thia rHque~t» NOW, TF1EIt~FORE, P.E TT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim Cxi:y PZanning Commiesi.o-1 c;oes tieraby amend R9aolution No. P~Bfi-2~i0 ae follows: .l. Gr.ant.ing the pzopoeal for a 1,772 aquare•-foot ca~+venienc~ markot with walver of. minimum nurnber of p~~rking spaces (11~! raqutred; 112 a~>pr~ved). 2.. Amending C~~ndl-:ian No. "7 to rsad: "That ~ubject propFrty ~k~all be d~!veloped oubetantially ln accc~rdance witti plans and spECificatian on file with the c:ity of Anaheim ma.rked k~visi.on Nc~. 1 of ~xhibit ~ao~. 1 and 2; provided, howavsr, i:hat no ~ta.ke-~ut .faod service ehall be pra~rided including no mic~rowave oven ahall he install~ed, or athEr ty~ett c~f heat•i.ng dQVicEa s!•.all be ui!ec9 fc~r hearing prepared fooda." 3. Appro~~iny a time extenaian (retroactive to Auguai: 29, 1?fl9) to comply with conditions of appr.oval, tc, oxptra on Auguat 29, 1991. THE I'ORE:GUING RFSOI UTIf)N wa~ adopted at Y.h~ P1annl.ng ~Commis~ion meet.ing of Febr.uary 11, 1991. , . ~:.. r~ ~` f ~" , . ~~~~t.~~~~-~- CEiATRWOMFIN, ANIf~FZM•.CITY FL,AMNIN~ COhiMISSION ATTEST: , __~~_~<~! r-~.~~.-~1,.--. --`~~~~'~~''t..::~.~___-_-_ SE:.~ETAPY, ANAHE;IM CI`CY PLANNING COMDfISSI~JN ..2_ PC9~1-22 ~ ~TATE UP' CALIFORNIA ) COUN?'Y (?F ARANGE ) go, QITY OF ANAHEIM ) <'~a, ~ I, Edit:h L, Hazii.e, Secratary of the Anr~hei.m C..cy Pla-~ning Commigaion, do herEby cerL•i~y that ttae foreg•oing resalution wae paeeed and adcp~ed at• a n,oeting of the Ariahpim Ci~y kl~nning Co-nmi.K~ion held or~ F'ebrunry 11, 1991, by tho falloa~ing v~te of L•he member.e i,hereof: AYL;S: CnbfMISSIONERS: $C~YASTUN, BOUAS, F'FI,DHAUS, IiELLYFR, HFhNINGER, MESS~, p~RpZ}~ NOES: COMMISuIONERS: NUNL•' ABSESiZ': COMMI~SiON~RS: NONE IN WTTNESS WHEFtEOF, L havo her~unto set my hand thie C•ZG of ~~'~~,~-t~~. !/ day , 1991. r~ ~ - , ' ~ =~!~~.~~~vt-t ,._ _ 5EC.RETARY, ~NAHETM CITY PLANNTNG ~OMhi'SSSION ~3 PC91-22