Resolution-PC 91-29~;;l~.~ 12ESpLUTIUN NU. I'C91-'l9 ~+'~'i^~~ A Fti;SOLU'I'TQN OF TH.E ANAHE:M CITY PL'ANNING CGMt4ISS:ION THAT YF.'PITION FQT2 CUNDTTTONAL USE PEFtMZT .10. 33f3f3 BE GRANTRD WHLREAS, tho Anahei;n City Planning Conuni.r~eion did r.eceive a verlfied Petition f.or Canditi.~nal U;~e Perm±.t for cortain real ~raperf:y ai.tuateci in the City o.f P.nalieim, County of Orang~, Sta•te at California, d~scribeci aA: PARGEL 1, IN 'THE CITY QF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG~, STA'PF UF CALI'FURt1IA, AS SHUWN ON A MAP FILF.D IN BO(?K 146, PAGES 1 AND 'l qr PAP.CEL MAPS, SN TEIE OFFICE OF T[-IF. CUUN'I'Y RECORDEFL OP' ORAPIGE COUNTY, CALIFnRNIA. WEiERI:A5, the Ci.ty Plac~ning Commieaiori did hold a nublic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of ~lnahel.rn an F'ebruary 25, 1991, at 1:3A p.m., notice of 3ai.d public hear.ing tiaving Y~EPIl duly givPn an reguired by 'law and in ~~ccc,rdance w.i.th th~ pr.ov:.sior« oI' the Anaheim Municipai Code, Chapter 18.03, to hc:ar and con~icler evi~ic:nce for ~znu agafnat sa.id gropo~ed con~itional uae permit arid to invest~qat:e and rnake f.indinge and r.ecommendat.ion~ in r.onnect.iott therc~with; and w~-cFiGAS, said C~miriE~sion, aftc.r due ins~~~ction, investigaL•ion and :~r.udy made by i.t:~~~if. and in it_; bc~half:, and after. due con3idera~.ion of all evidence ar.d i:eports olfer;;d at said h~ariny, doet~ tind and d~termine th2 fr~llowing facL-a: 1. 1'he~t thc~ prot~o~ed uoe is ~~ruper.ly orie foi: which a conditi.orial ucF' [~~rmi_t is authorizcad by An<ihei.m Munic.ipa.l Code Scction 18.u1.05Q.60G to permi.k a martisl art:s achuol. with wai.ver of. thc~ ~o1..lawing under autharLty af Code Sect.ion 18.06.Ot30: SEC'I'IC)NS 18.U6.050.0212 •- Mini.rnum Number_ of p~it-ki.no space3. ]~8.06_USU.()733 (31H req~~.'tr.ed; 315 ~xi.nting) ] A . 06~ 05U_02555 1 A ..06_050 _031. ~tnd l8.Ei1,.06Fi.Q~iQ 2. Th~t t.Iie rtqurarated waiver is hereby granter3 on the bt~s~is ttint the parking waiver wiil not caucae an increj~e in traftic congestfon in the imme:~ir.~te vicinity nor a~3v~rsely aff~c~t ar~y adjainir,g lancl uc~es and c~ranting of th~ parking waiver undF~r the condit.i~ne imponeci, i.f any, wij.l n~~t be detri.rnental ko the ~~~ace, healr.h, :~af.ety ancl generel w~liar~ of tha citi.zent~ of ci:e City of Anah~~im. 3. •rhar, the prupo3~~d uz;e wi11 not adveraely affect the adjoining Land u:ze:i n;id t.he r~rowtF and develogniF~nt of. thc~ 4rea in whiah it ia propo~ed to I.x~ lucaY.eci. CR1124MP -1- PC91-29 ~ ,~,.. 4. That ~hE ~ize and Rhape of the site proposc~d for ttie u~e ia ~-ciequate to a11ow the fu11 clevelopment of the pr~posed uae in a manner n~t detrimcntal ta tt» ~articular area nor tn the peace, hsalth, ~azety and g6neral welfaro of the C.itizens af the City c~f Anaheim. 5. That the grantiny oE tFe Condi_tional [7se Perm.tt undar ~he condit:iono imposed, i.f. any, will no~ be detrimental to the peaco, :ealth, ~afety and g~ner~zl wclfare of the Citizonc~ o.f t.he City of Anaheim. 6. That trie tratfic generated b,y tho proposed use will r-ot impo~e ~n undue burden up~n khe ntreeta and highways designed and improvAd to carry the traffic in '•he area. 7. That no ont indicated tti~ir presencA at said public hear.tng .in oppo~ition; and tnat no correspondence was received in ~ppo~ition to the ~uhjecr petition. CAL21~'UItNIA PI3VIk20NMENTAL UALTTY F1CT FIIYDIPdG: That the Anaheim City Planniny Commi:~3ion has r~viewE~d i:he prapo~al to pQrmit a mar.ti.a.l arte SCf10G1 with waiver of miniinum number of parki.iiq 3par.es on an irrtgularly-shaped l~arce7. af larid consietinq of approximately 6.2 acres located at tlie eouthweat c~1i1~-;: oE Diira.loma Avenu~ znd Lakeview Avenue, having approximate frontaqes of 500 feet on the south c~ide oP Miraloma Avenue and 458 feet: on the wor~t side of Lak~vieo-~ Aver;ue, and f.urther. de~cribed as 1'l61 N. Lakevi.ew Aventxe, Su.itp D; and does hereby ap~r~ve t:he NF~qatJ.we Declara~ion uQon finding L•hat it haa considered the t~egative Declar~:-tiori together with any commer.te received. duzing the publ.ic rcvi.~w pt-ocesr~ and ~urther finding on the banir~ that ~he initfal stu<iy und any comm~nts r.eceived that ':here is no aub~tantial evidQncP that the E~i•oject will have a~iyni.ficant tffect: an the enviror,ment. Hv~7, Tf1PRI,F'ORF;, BL IT I2LSOLVED that the A;~ah~im CitX Planninc,~ ~.omrni~s.ic~n doe~ hereby grant ~ubjecL Fetitiur, i~~r Coriditional Ua~ Perrni~, upon ~he tc,lluwing conditionr~ wtiich are hereby futind to be a neceo~ary prerequisite to tht~ pr~~os~~d use of. the sub;rct ~.~rr,p~ri•y in order to preaerve the safety and general welf~:ire of. the ritizFns of the Ci~y af Anah~im: 1• That 3ubje~;C ~rop«>rly rihall be devel~ped aubntantially in accordance wi,th plana and epecif. i.cati,o~is ciuhmitted to l:he City of Anaheim by L•he pf~titioner and which plan:~ are~ on file with tht Pianning bepartment max•k~d Exhi~it iJc~a, 1, 'l and 3. ~• 1'h~.it ,.ppLOVal o.f this ap~lica.tion cr.~nst~,tutes apFroval of ttie propo~ed reque~t ~nly tu the extent that iC complieo with the Anaheim Municip~il Zuning Code and any c,ther applicable City, State .~nd Federal regulatione. A~~roval does not ir,clude any action or findinga ~~a to compliance or ~~P.~to~~l of the rcaquegt reqarding ariy ~ther ~pplicab~.e ordinance~ regulatior~ or requirem~nt. rZ PC41-•29 ~ -~ 3 ~~~-J:~, B~ I'P FURTHER R~SOLVED tl~at the Anaheim Cit1 Planning Commi.asion doea hereby find ar.d determin~ that adaption of thio Resolution ie expreesl,y 1>redicared upon applicant's compl.iance with each and a.ll of tl~s conditione her~inabove aet forth. Shou.ld any ~uch condi4ioz, or any part rhereof, be ~eclared inva.lid ar unenfo.rceable by thg final judgment of any court of compe~ent juri~diction, theci thie l~eaolution, and any apgrovals t~eretn rontained, shall be deemed nul.l and void. THE FOREG~TNG RFSOLUTION was adoptad at the Planning Commiesi.an meetinc~ of FQUruary 25, ].99I. ~ -,: . ; : r; .... ;~ ~ r.• ~ ;l . Y,,..•:,~"~,1.-(:,~ ~~_. Ci~AIR~i~lf)NlAN~ ANAHEIM CIZ'Y FiANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ , .~ ~~f j ~J .. , ,t] l~~ f~_~j~ ~.ti~ ~~1..~-, SN'CRL.TAR'l, AiVAEiEIM C.TTY FLANNING COMbiTSSION STATL OP' CALI.~ORNI11 ) COUNTY OF 022ANGJ3 ) :~:s . CITY OF ANAEi~IM } I, Edith L. Ilarrie, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci.t:y Planning Commission, do hereby cE.rtify that the foregoing reaolution wa~ paesed and adc7pted ~~t a mecting of thc: Anaheim Ci*y P13nning Commisaion held on ~'e~iruary 25, 1991, by tlie following vot~~ of th~ membera thereof.: AY~S: C'OMM7.SSTONFF2S: FiO~JA:3, BOYDSTUN, FF:LDHAUS, HEZ,LYER, HENNIJIGF.R, !1~:SSE, PERA2A NOFS: COI~iMISSTOVF.RS: iJ~'NE; ABSLNT: rOMMISf:IONERS : NUIvE aPJ W.L'rNESS WFiL,RF.OF, I have hc~reunto set m,y hand ttiit~ /[ /~_, day of __~-,-G~~~ 1991. , , - ~~ ' ~ ~/~ ~-- ~. ' ~ L 'tt' _ r'^~ ' _~ S~:CRE'PARY, AL3AE]EIM CITY PLANNING COt4MISSTnN -3- PC91-29