Resolution-PC 91-3~~ ~ R;GSOJ.,iJ'1'TON NO. PC91=03 Te RESOLUT.*.0[V OF THE 1~NIAt1ETM CITY PLANNIIJG COMMISSION APPROV'ING 1~MrNDMENT NC?. '1 TO SANTA bE PACIFIC PLAZA SP~CTFIC PL,AN NO. SFE3A-3 WH'3R~AS, on Febr~iary 28, 198'.~3, following Pl.anning Commiesion approval, the City c:at:ncil, ur;der F~eao.lution No. 69R-59, r~ppro~ed S~ACi.£ic Plan No. 88-3 (a 26-acre mi.xed usE~ de~+elopment cc~n~ii.stin~~ c~f a~.~proximately 500,000 equare feet n£ incluotriallywrelated offic~ epace, 24,000 square feet ~f indual:rial7.y-re.lated retail area, an 8,(!OC~ eauarp foot free~tanding reataurant, a 4,000 equare foot drive-through fan~ food reotaura.nt, a 150-r~om hotel and t:wo parking etruc:tuzes) whicn was to be in~plemented in tl~ree phasea; ~nd WHEF.~A~, dn Octob~r 23, 1989, t.he Flanning C~mmiseion reviewed and approve~3 ~ coor,~inat:ed aign program for subj~ct 7.6 acres as reguired by Condi~.ion No. 26 af Resoiutian !39R-59; .3nd WIiET2EAS, Fha~s~ I of thc: Specif::.c Plaa, ae appr.oved by the Ci.L•y c~ouncil, was to conAiat of lOC),pQO aquare fcet af industriallywrel~ted o£fic~ eapace, 24,OOG s~uare-feel. af industx•ia1ZY-related retail area, an 8,OOA ~guare-£eet free~tandi.ng restau.i-ant, a 4,t10U ~quar~-foot drtve-throuyh fast fc.~od restaursnt and a 15U-~ro~n hotel. FIcwever, on August 28, 19isy, the Ulanning Commie~.i.ori approved prec.ise pl.ans for only '_~7,789 s~;uare-feet of .Lnduatria.lly-relat~d ~ffice apace aiid a 2-buil.d~.ng, 15-unit, 23,830 se.~uare-fo~t i.n~•lv.atrially-related reL-ail area; and WHEREAS, Parcel. tdap P7o. 3;-446 (to ~;uiadi~~ide aubject pr.operty in~.o S p~ir~els) was a.pproved hy the City Pric~in.eei an Marc~h 11, 199U; and WHERFAS, on Jul.y 30, 19~90, the Pl~anninq Comnii.sai~n reviewe~ and ap~roved precise plans for a 3, 516 squara-foa~ f.raestac~dinc~ dri•re-thraugh f.ast f.oc~d reataur.ant (C:arl'r~ Jz°. ) aH part o•.`. Phaee I, U~~v~lopr~ent Ar~a Z; and WHEREAS, on August 27, :Lh9U, Lhe Flrinnina Commission rev~.ewed ar~d ap~:ru~~ed preci~e plane r.ieter.ininiiig c3ubstanti3] conf.ormance ~,rith Phaee I Deve:.apment o:f Arca I which permitt;ed the integrati.on of 20,678 equare feet of ~tor~;ge area (to be u~ed exclusi~rc~ly by on-site office t~nantca for acces3ory ator~~ye) into the fuluze parking etrtictur~ ~+lanned for Fhase II; and WHER~AS, Candi.tior.al Uae Per.miL- Nc~. :371 (to permit a 1,335 squ~re focr., pi.zza reataurant with on-s~tlo beer and wine) was appr~ved by the Planning Commi.ssion on Decernber. :17, 199U; and WHLREAS, Va.ri-snce No. 4103 (to con~t:ruct 3 fr.eest.anding ei~~ns witl: wai.vare of maximum numb~r o£ frtentandi.r~g 3igna and permitted location o.f free~,tandiny atgne) wafl approved by tI1P_ Pi.anniny rornmiseion an DecFmber 17, 1990; and CRlc)ii9MP --1- PC91-03 ~' ,,r.:,~~ ,M;,:,~ ~, WHEREAS, th~ pQtitioner roqac~ate acaAnciment to Developm~nt A~:ea 1 oi Specl~ic Plan No. 88-3 ta pe~:mtt additional a.ccese~ry uees and atructuzes consieting of a"warehouse and dietr.ibution facility in support ~f permit~ed ~n-gite office uses" Ynd an "indc~or phys.i.cal recreation far.ilj.tx~ i.a aLYpport oi' pcarmitted on-eite c~ffica u~ea"; and WH~REAS, th~ City Planning Commiaeion did l:ald a public hearing at the Civic Center i.n the City of Anaheim Otl J'anuar.y 14, J991, at 1:30 p.m., notice of eaid public hearing having bePn duiy gi.~en an req~~ired by 1aw and in accordance with the provisiona nf the Anaheim Muriici~al Code, Chagt~r 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and againat. c~aid p=opoa~~d concliti.onal ueo permit and tn inveetiga'~e and n~ake findlrign and r.ecommdndatiur.e in connection therewith; and WH~REAS, said Commic~aion, af~er due inapecki.ori, invr~stigation and atudy made by it~elf and in its beha.lf, ~nd after. due cone~derati~n of a11 avideuce and r~port~ ~ffQr.ed at e~i.d hearyn7, doee find and deter-nine the fal.lowin,q facta: l, That }he propezLy prUFi~s~d ior the Specitic P1an has unique site charar.teriotic~ c;on~istinq of location and aurroundiage which are enhanc~d 1oy r•,ppcial land uae and develapment ntandarde. 2. 'Shai: tlte Specifi.c Plan ie conaistent with i:he goala and po~icies r~~ the General Plan and ~ax.th tkie purposes, r~tan~lar~s arid land use guidelinc~a rontained thQrein. 3. 'Ph4t tYie S~eci.fic Plan reeulte in development of deeirable character which ~vill b~.~ c~mp~~tib1Q with exiatirig and prop~sed develogmerit in the surroundiczg neiqhboi~h~~~d. 4. That the Speci.f.ic Plan concribiitea to a balance of land usEe. 5. That the Sp~cific ~~lan re~pects environment~l and aesthetic res~urcE~s coneistent o~ith economic rea.li.tie~. ENVZF2qNMENT~L IMFACT ANAT,YSI,S; E;nvironmental Impac:t Report No. 'l80 c~rti.fied by the City Counril on February 28, 1n89 i.n corijsncti.on witki the apF~roval of Specific Plan No. BEl-3, addreeoed the environmenta). impacts ar.d mi~~ig~tlon meu~ures aesociated with the doveloprner.t. Staff reviewpd the propaeai and the Initial Study and indicated that there will be no additional a.mpac~ from 1:he propc,sed amendrnent and therefor tt~e Planniny Commissiun dE~~~rmined ~hat subjeat request ie .in conformance with the ~rev.iously a.pproved E'L:~ No. 2f30. NOW, THERE~'aRE, BE iT RE507~VE~ tha4 the ~lnaheim City Planning Commlesion does hereby recommend approvni of the amendment L•o Specific Plan N~. 38-3 to permit the ar~di.tior- of a "war~ahouse and dietribut.ton fa.cility in support of permi.t~:ea on-aite ofiice usea" and an "indo~r physical recreation facility in oupport af p~rmitted on-ei.te office uses" as acceBOOry uaQS and structurQa in Development Area 1. _~_ PC91-U3 ;;~ !~r' ~h~' ti~1;~1 BE IT P'tJRTH~k RESO~,VF.D that t".ommias~.~n does horeb~~ direct tha City Attorney t.o pr9pare a draf* ordi.narice for City Cou-zcil review, to amend Soction 18.73.G20-100 of the Anaheim Munic~pal Code by adQing the followinc~ acce~sory uses ai~d s~ructuras to Secti.on V.2.D.l.b or the Santa Fp ~aci£ic k~l~:.a 3pecific Plan: "4) Warehouae and dioti-ibution facility ir, support of pnrmitted on-sit~ office usea. 5) Indoor ~hyaica.'1 recreat~on f.acili.ty i:~ euppor.t of pQrmittad un-site offico uses." TEIE FOREGOING RESULUTION waD ado~ted at the Plarining Cammi.seion maet~ing of. January 14, 1991. 1,r , ~' / ' ~i~ (:~L.., ~~•://,i'__ ~L t c~,-t` 0 Ct_c.,..L i ~HA~RWOMIIN, ANAHEIM~GI1'Y PL NN:CN~ COMMTSSIUN AT'P~ST: ` ~ ~ !,~f~ ~i) ~ ~~1I`i..~ -~ ~•' '~-~---- '-- ~'`~.~ SECRETAR , ANAHEIM CTT'1 PLF.NNING COMIdI:iSION STAT.E OF CALIFORNIA ) CUL'NTY QF ORANGk; ) yc~ . CiTX OF ANAHEIM ~ I, E~i_tti 'L. Harrie, Se~crc~i:ary ~.f tlip Anaheim City F~lanning Cammission, do hereby certify th~t tl~e f.•oregoi:~g reeolstfon was pa~sed and a~9opted a~ a meet°.ng of tt,~ Ana.h~im Ci~y Ylarining Conmiisaion held on ,7anuary Y4, 1991, r~y ti~e following vote of the membEre ther~of: A'1G~: COM2•:ISSION~RS: EOUAS, HOYDSTUN, FF~CHAUS, HELLYER, HEi~NINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMTSSIONLR3: NOPdE ABSENT: GQMMZCST~NERS: :IONE ~ IN W)'TNESS WH~~2EOF. I h~ve hereunto sec. m- tiand thie ~" ~-~~~ y o{ ( r _~.__. da , 1991. ~ ~'~ ~ ~, C ^ ,/ ~,D '' j , 1 ' ~ ..! U JG ~ J -~ ~ ,_., .; ~ L-r!/l~f,>: .._--- SL~RETANY, ANAHEIM CTTY PL,I~NNING COMMIS:+ZON '3- PC91-0.3