Resolution-PC 91-31~ F~ ~=~~~ ~~~~~a k2ES0_~zpN Np pC91-31 }1 ~ESOL•UTICN OF' TEiE ANAHF~]:M CTTX PLANhING COMMISSION THAT PETI2`ION 1'OF CONDITTONAL USE FERMIT NrJ. 3378 F3E AEN'IET~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Plann.i.nq Commissian did receive a veri£i~d Z~eti•tinn L•or Cor~diti.onal. Uae Per~nit for certain situated in the Cit•y oF Anaheim r~a~ PrQPprty , der~cribed as: ~ CU4nty of Orange, State of c:aJ..if~rnia, TFiAT FORTIQIV QF' LOT 28 OF ANAHETM EXTFNSION AS ^aHOWN QN A MAY BY WM. HAMEI,, A COPY OF WHICH IS SHOWDI IN HO~JK 3, P.~GES 162 TC 169 INCLUSIVE OF LOS ANGELES COUPiTY MAPS IN Ti-IE OFFICE OF 'PH~ CU(JNTY RECORDER OF OTtANGE COUNTY, GALIFORNTA, D~~CRrgEn AS Fnr~,nW~: r{EGINIVIIVG AT THF. INTERSECTION Or' ~HE WESTERLY PROLONGAZ'ION OP Tkll; NURTFi LIN~ CF FiAI,L ROAD WZTH THE JNmERSECTI0I3 TO THE CE[vTCR LIIV~ OF FIAR80It BOtJI,~VARD, ~1S DFSCRIBED '!N Df;ED TO THL~ COUNTY OF ORANG~~ RECCRD~D Mt1RCH 28, 1930 IN BOO(C 372, PAGE 67 OF OFi'ICIAI~ RECOR~iS; THENCE NOR'I`H 89 DEG. 4E' 30" EAST ALONG SAID WE;~'ERLY PROLONGATlON OP SAID NpRTH LINL; OF BAI,L ROAD, 150 FEET; THENCE NORZ'EI, AT RTGHT ANLULES T~ SAID NORTH LIIVE OF BALL ROAD TO TfiE NORTH I,INE OF' T23E LAMll D~SCRI6~D IN DESD TO rDWIh' E14IL KETTLER AND WTFE, RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 1951 TPJ 2264, p~GE; 5gp OF OF'FICIAL RyCORl7S; THENCF: SOUTH 85 DEG. ~36' 30'~ WEST ALONG SAID NOlti'H LINI; TO SAIU CLfdTER LINN OF HARBOR ROULEVARU; THGtJCE SOUTH ].1 DI;G. U7' 30" WEST ALONG SAIIi CENTER LINE 153.48 P'EET TO '1'FiE PUINT UF [iEGIN~IING. E~XCEPTING ANY INTERL%'ST IN :CHL' S;~~J'i'HEi2LY ?.p F'EgT TH~REGF CQNVF;YCD 'rC~ TEiE CITY OF ANAFiEIM B}' U~ED CATEU DECEMBER 3, 1953 AND RLCORDE;U :)~;1;~l~QH.F. .1'j , 1953 _TN BOOK 2032, PA~E 187 OF OFFICIAL. RECORUS, wlirKE;A~, ~he City 671anninc7 Comrnias.ian r~~~ }~ol~ ~~,~~~ic hearing at the Civ~c Ce~ter in the City of Anaheim on Januar 2g notice of, aaid public hearing ha~i.ng been dul y ~ 1991 at 1:30 p.m., accordancE with the Y qzverx as requz.red by lzya and in provicions of. the Ana}~e.Lm Muniei.pal Cocle, Ghap~~r ~~, 03, to hear and con~ider ovidence for and ag«irigt sai.rl p~~po~ed conditiona u~e per.mit and ta inve~tigate and makc :fir~c3inqy and r:ecommandatinns in connect.ion therewith; anc] that said ~ublic heari.;g waa contimsec~ to the March 11, 1991, P.lanning Commissiori Rieeting; and wH~REASr a~aid Commiss~on, zrter due inspection, invasicigation and study madP by itself ar~d in it.s behalf, and after due .r,on~ideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does £ind and de•teri:-~_ne th~ following fact3: CR).127DSP -1- PC~1-3 J. . ~~`~5 1. That cunditionnl uee pc~rmit 18.87.023,U10 tc, rotain oxiet•ing sorvi.cQ ~ta~ton. 2. 'ftiat: l~~i~d ua~ae ~tnd the yrow to b~ locat•e~d. , ;.;.~, tho propo~Qd use tn prop~rty one for whiCh $ ta tiur,horized by Anahei.m Muni.cip~l Cod~ Section %~ tr~cK rvnt~-1 F3f?YV~('0 ae c~r- acceeaor.y uo~ to an thc~ ~ropo~ed ue~<~~ will a~9~ioreely etfecY, the ad jo.ining ;:h and d~:vE~loE:mre~it ot' t:hc~ az•~a in which ir ie pcopoeyd 3. Thar, th~ ~izEa :~nd ~h~pc: of t:t~e eite propc~sod f~r the uoe ie not adoyaate to a~low the full developme~t of the pror•naed ,~~e in a manner nc:t clattimental to thQ part:cul~~r. ar~a 11G1' to the peacc~, h~alr.h, safeL•y anc] gen~ral welfare vf L•hc~ Citizeno of ,.he CiCy of Ar,ah~im. 4. 'l'hat t:he ~~rant.in~ of the Cnnditional U=;~t P~~rmit wi11 bo detrim~~ntal to tho ~~~ace~, !~ealth, o~f.ety- a~id gceneral welrare of. t`~e Citizer.e of the City of A:iahai.m. 5. T1i~t t:~~> ~r,~; f ic; ~)E!fl(?L'iit.f:t~ hy th~ prapofled use ~~ill iTpoflQ ~n undu~, turdcn u~~on ttie ~3~reetr+ an~i hirJhw,~ya desLqnr~cf an!i im~co~ed to carry thEt t'-affic in t}le area. t~. That no ~~ne inclicaecc! Y.heir [~CHSfdI1CB at eaid public hQaring ir. opEx~Eition; ~nd thaC nu corret;pon:lc~nr_~• Naa rt,ceived in ~p~~ition to thg nul~ject petition. CIsT:ZFOR~iIA_ E,7VIF?.~N~MG_hTRi_ UAL:TY r1CT FINDI~IG: 'IT~at khe Anaheim 2°---- !'ity Pla~~n;.rig ~~o~nmis~~on ha~ reviewr ~i th~ ~,rc:poaal to retain ti tr,~ck rental nc:rvice ur an accEOeor.y ua~ co an r~;ciscing aer.vice ar_ation on ~ rc~~kangularly-~2~a~f:3 p:-rcel of lard consicat:ing of approximately 0.4 acre located ~~t the no~ thea:-t CUL'f1E21' O: Eiarbcr Uoul~vard and Ba:l Road, havfng .1F1~2'O%1RIdCG~ frontaqeH of 13U f~~et ~r~ thr. ~ant aidEe of R~~rbor Bo~slevard and I45 feet on the ncr.th nid~ ~~f 8~11 Ro.~d and further deecribed ae 519 W. Eiall Rorsd; anci d~~eF hc~;c!by ap_r.c-~ve a mi.k:yated treqae: ve ueclaraY.i~n and adopC the Mi.tiyation Mcnitori.ny Proqr~~rr~ pureuant to Section 2I081.6 of the Public RQUC~urces Cocfe vn ;:h~ basir r_hat the Pt~nr~?ny CommieKion hae congidered the ~ro~uf,al wLth tre miti.gated :~eqative Dec:aratinn and Menitoring Prc~gram toqether witit ~;ny cemnenr_n received _furi.ny the p~bl.ir. r.evier~ pcoca3A and further findinq, on r_1i~~ bae,+a :~f tF~:~ Initi<il S~uc+.y, that thQ;:e :e no ~ubatr~nti~l evi-Jenct+ [hat tt:ar prc;j~~rL ~•ri! 1 have Kiqni f icart effect on the env i rc~;u+:ent . NOa, Tlfc;:iEFGRE:, EIE: i~ N?~::~uI.VF.U r:hat the A.nahc.?im ~ity 'rlanning Com~~isair.n do~n herehy deny :;uh~,~ct F'.rr.it:ion fvr C:~ndi.C.onal ~.;oe Pnrmit, o~ the ~)1'.SLF, of rhe <'lfCtr(;~lE•fIl lOflE?~I f i:i.liri;_{. ~ Pc:91-31 ~~~ f~ ~•~t~ THE FOR~GOING RESOLiiT:[ON wan adopt~d s~t the P1a~ininq Cc~mmisaion mQe*ing oE Mnrct~ ]1, 199:~. ~, ,, /~ %'' • (~' " %/, ~~~ ~` ~ ' ~~ (~r,. ~ • ~L_,.t._.+:=:7 -.~~{ ~~ ~~.'~:.- - _,;_,..._ ~..._._..~_. CHA'.[RWOMAN, ANAHRTb1 CITY PLANNING C7MldISSYON ATTES'P: , , --------~:.t~~~~~~-:,_ ~`'l.-.--1'_~~!~ _~_. S~CRETARY, ANAHETti CITY PLP.NNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY UF OFtANCE ) nA • CITY OF ANA.HETM ) I, F;d.ith L. ~tarris, Secrecar.y of L•he Anahei.r.~ City Planninq Cammie~fon, do h~~rE:by cectiE~f that the fc~r•~poing r•ec~ul~~tic.n wae pase~d xnd adopted at a meE.ti.ny of the Anahc~im Cit•y F'lanning C~mmissi.on held nn March 11, 1991, by ChQ fo.llowi.ng voCe of Che membere L•herr_oE: AYES: CdMMSS7ICNE;RS: F30YDS7'~JN, FiE:P1NIPiGER, MESSE hOE~S: CUMMISS70NERS: PERA'LA HBSEN'T: CUMMISSZONERS: DUUA~, t!'r.'.LLYER AIISTAItr': C~)MM.TSSIQNERS: F'EL[)HAcJ5 ., TN WI'PNESS WiiFRF.oY, I tiave ~~ere~~-to g~t my hand Chls Y,~. day ~f ~-' ~--`~ _------ iy~~i. 4' _ --- ~ - - , ~! ----------~~C.1.0,~-_,~`iJ _.~ -~t SECI~ETARY, Af~AFiEiM rITY PLANNING COMMISSION _3_ PCSl-31