Resolution-PC 91-35•r , ~ r`:'',. 1tF,SO~,UT~r~!N NO. Pr 1-35 A RESOLUTIUN UF THG A:QA'r1EIM CTTY PLADINING COMMISSION 'fHAT PLTTTION FOR CONDI'TIONAG USE PGFtMTT NO. 3392 Bi: GI2ANTEq y~E;~K~;nS, the Anaheim City Planniny Cami~i.eeian clid r•o~o~e~tg verific~d YettLic,n •~or Condi.L•ional Uee Permit fnr c~artai.n real p P~' Y 3ituatecl iii thU City of Ariahein„ Cou~lty ~E Uran~e, Stat ~f Califarnia, d~scribed a4~ 'TIiE EAST 16E3 F~:E'T OF TH~ WF.ST 475 FEET Ob' LO'." .l5 GzTY IN ~L' BLOCK "36" ~k' TI{E YORF3A LIr1DA TRACT, IN THE CALII'ORN1A AS ANAHETM, .:nUNTY OF ORANGE, STATF. 5 , OF `~i 1 1 AND PAGE OF SEiOWN ON A MA P R~CORDF.D IN E10UK OF . ~UN OFtAN(=~~ f ~ !~1ISCELI~AVEOUS 21APS, ItECORD5 CALI~'ORNIA. WF~F.R~'As, the Ci.ty Planniric; Con~ninaion did hold a public he~.ring at ttie~ Civic Centpr iii tt~e Cir.y of Anaheim °nlvenca81required by LawoandmS.r. nc~tice of said publi.c hearing having >>~~n duly g' accordance witti thr~ proviaiana of tY~e Anahei~~ Munici.~~al Ccde, Chapter 18.03, to l~ear anrl consid~r: ev..dc-nce L~r and a3~in5t sai.d propo:~ed conditiunal uae permLt ;and to investigate anci make findi.n,s and r~commondatione in c.onnection therewith; and WFiE:2Erl.S, said Cc~mmi~s`_on, af~er due inspectf~n, invQetigation and 3Cuc',y maGC~ W~~ itaelf anc9 in i.tA behalf, ~n~ `~ft~ues~findnand~detexmin~` tih~ evi:iance and r.~port~ c£fert~d at said hc~aring, fol.low'.ng f.acCs: 1, That the proposed uee ie pr.~p~rly une foz which a r,ondit~anal uae pei'mit ig ;,~tk1Oel~~d~nP~ f~Aili'tymwM'~hialE51foot~hSghLtower8i~~ttnSexiRting perm:t r~ collular P re~~reational vehicle :;torage y~rd wirti±he following waivQra: ( a) 5e~:ti fons 1E3._'~.~~~?2 .020i - Nax imuro heig.hk.. ~ t5 feet ~ermitteci in the RS-A-43,000(SC) and 1Fs~84 _042__~1J ~ ' ~0 feet propor~ed) 7on~; - (t,) Section 1g.7.1_U53_02.() - Nl.nimum eide v•~rd yetb~+ck. - ~~ 0 f.eei; i'~qu ~z~d; none proposP~l) - Nfnim_!~~ re~r~Lard setbac . (cy S~ction i: ~~5 feet roquirRd; none proposed) ~. '.Chat th~ requa_gted w~i.vera are her.eby yrutlted on the baeiB Chat th~ pr~pos~i. i3 located in the Ca~.yun Induetrial Ar~a and is deeignated for i.nduotrial l.:snd uoea by the An~heim ~~oeea~ paunh a~~ teizether~h8~e r~pQCinl c1rc~am~tancQe applicahle c~ he P~~ Y 1 to oCher identically t~pa9raPhY, lo~ati.on an~ eurroundingx wt~ich do not app Y xonhd pr~~rr,y rin thT~~aYe v~of~iFrivil~yed3en~oYFd~~Ypothertpropertiee irnth~s ~odQ deprive~ hc~ p PE Y idn_ntical zu~~~ and clausifiration tn tne vicinity. -1- PC91-35 CR1133MP p:,;<•S ? ~ J. Ti~at the prr_po-3ed uHe will not adveroe.ly affoct the adjoining ~and uaee an~l 1;hQ growi-.t~ ~nd ciev~lapme~nt of th~ r~r9r~ ir~ which it ird pr~poeed t~ be locaked. 4. Thrat the ai.zg ar,d ahape af th~ eitQ progoa~d for th~ uc~e ie adoquatQ to a12aw the full. dovel.o~x~ient ot the pro~oe~d u~e in u mannnr nct d~trimental to the particuLar. area nor tr tIlE3 peuce, hecslth, aafet•y and genora,l welfare of ~I1f3 Cit:izene of L•he City of Anaheim. 5. Ttl~h t.ho grunting of the Conditional Use Permit under the con~.+itiona impo~~:i, ii any, wi.:.1 n~t be c~Ptr.tmental to the peace, healt•h, sa~ety and g~nQral welfar~ of tne Citlzon~ :~f the City of Anahc~im. 6. T;~at tt;e traific g~neratad by the prupooQd une will nut i.mpocc~ an undue bur.den u~,~n the ntroete and highwaye d~niyned and improvod ta carry t11e traffic ln the ar.ea. '1. That one person ir~c~icat~d their proeenco at aaid public h•.~ari.ng in opposi: i.r~n; and that. n~~ correepondence wad recaived ln oppaeition to the dubjcact pa4ikion. CALIFORNTR ENVIRONMEN:AL ~~U1\LITX ACT E'I:IDIN1: That th~ Anaheicn CiL•y Planning Cummtnsian has reviewed the ~rc,poda.l to parm.it a cellular telQpho-u, f ac.l1 ity with a 6!>-fout hig}~ tower .in an exiating recrt~ational vohicle Htosagc~ yr~rd witF, ~~aivere of maximun~ height, mi.nimurt~ s.tde yard sstback ancl minimum rear yar~ ~ietback nn a rFCtt-ngularl;~-~-haped parcel of land conei~tiny of appr~ximatcely 1.8 acres, having a fra~t;age aL npproximately 181 feEt oi~ the e~uth eide ~f I.a Palma Avenue, ha~~ing a maximum depth nf approx.imately 425 feet, t~eing located approxi.n~ate].y 300 feot w~eL• ~f the centerli.ne ~~f Lakeview Avenue and £urt:~~er descriaed ne 4420 ~aet La Palma~ Avenue; and cioe~- he~rQby ap~rove L•ha: ?legative Declarntion upon fi.nding tl~at it has coneidorod the riegarive Decl»ra~i.on to~eCher w.ith any crmment,. r.eceivad during the public review ;~races~ und furthfer finrlin,a, on the baAi.t~ ~hat th~ i.nitial ~tudy and any c~umm~~nte rocet~•ed that chere fe no subatantial evidance ~:aat the project will t~ave a ~3ignifi.:ant effeck on the environment. NOW, THEREFORF., AE I'f RESOLVLD that the Anat;eim City Planning Commi~sion doeH hereby gx•ar-t, pubj~ct PetiL•ion for Conditiona'1 Uoe Permit, upon the following c~ndltionr~ which arQ h~reb}• found to be a neceeeary prersquisite ta the proposed ~aee of the aubjoct properry in ordar to ~L'F3E3C32:VP. tha aafety an9 general welfa:e of che Ci.t.~.zc~n~ of thQ C.iCy of Anahei-r,: 1. " That th~ new conetrurtic,n authoi•izod by th~i.a res~lution shall be Berved by un<1c~ryround utiliti.eu. 2. That eubject proparty 6ha11 be devQlc>ped ~~abstantially in acc~rdance with plane 3r.d speci.ficatians submS.tted to t:he Cit~ of ~lnaheim by thq p~ti.tion~r.• and which ~l~n~i are on file with the PLanninq Department marked Exhi.bLt Noe. ] and 2. '2' PC91-35 Ir;~M1'iV~~ 3. That prior to final buildinc~ and zc,ning i.c~epocti~ne or wlthin a peL~i.od t7f one (1) yaaY Lrom ~k~o ~~a~o of thia rer~alution, whichever uccura firet, Candition Noe. 1 anct :2, above-m~nti.oned, ahalt be compliod wl.th. ~xteneione for f.urCher. tirne to complate snid cor~ditiuna may be grantnd ix: accordence with Section ].f3. O3.090 af the, Auaheim Mun' cipal Code. ~~. *`Ptiat appravr~l ofi this applicat.',on canotltutee approval o,: ~ho pro~d~d requ~st nn.ly ~:o t:he c~xtent th~t it ~~mpyies with the AnRr:eim MunlcipP.l Zc~ning Code and any othsr appl:lcable City, 5taCe and Federal regul+stionF. A~praval do~s not i.ncl~ide any action or. finding~ ae t~ compli.anca or approval of the requ~et. rec~~-rding any oth~r applica~le ordin,~nce, regulation or z~equireme-1C. Cond~.lione mPrked with an aeter:pk (~) are required by establiehed J.awa, codes, r~gulation~ and agreements and~ are, therefore, not eubject tc, negoti.ation. 6E IT FURTH~Ft RESUL~rED t:hat the Anah~im City pl.anr-ing Commiesion dooe harohy fincl and detQrmine that adopti~n of this Roeolution is expreesly predicate~ upun ~pplicar-t'a compliauce with each ~r.d all of the r.ond~.tion~a hereinabo~~e set forth. 3hould any such. condition, or any part thereof, be declaracl invalid or urientiorceable by the final judqment uf rtny c~urt of competerit }urisdic~iori, thFn thie R~~olution, and any approvale heroin co~~~itiod, ~hall be (~E3E31IIECI null and voi.d. TEiE FnF:EGOINC F~ESqLuTIGN wae acloptPd at the Ylanni.ng Cc.mmission meeting of March 11, 1991. ,~-~,' ~ .' ./('~~i . ~~4/.• ~~ / ~~•.•~~, ~~ C.- ~ /Y '" ~l.L..v1~~~~ / / ----_ f..._". C[iAiRWCSMI~N, AidAHEIM CITY/ PLANNING COMMISS~UN ATTE£T: ^ /1 . . (' - ~ v i ,y.~ ,~ i --- ~ SGl3L_~~ i .:_ _ -~l/L 4.~, __ SECRETARY, ANAHE:YM CT1'Y PLATiNING COMMISS.LOP7 STATE UF CA'LIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as, CI'TY OF 1~1NA[~FTM ) I, rdii:h ~. Harris, SQCr~itar~ ~f the Anaheim City Pl~znning L'c~mmi~ssion, dc~ hereby certify that the fo.regning resolution wa~ paeaed and adopte~i at a meetinr~ of the Anaheim c';ii:y Planr.ing Commlesian held on Ma~ch 11, 1991, by the following vo~e of the member~ therACaf.: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: IdOFS: CAM2d.ISSIONE'I2S: ABSENT: COMMISSIONEHS: IN WITNES of __Y~,~C~ ~.._~, 1997.. BOYDSTUN, [~ELLYER, HEt~NINGER, MESSE, PEFtA'I.A NVNE BOUAS, FI:LDHAUS S WFIEIt~OF, T have hereunto set my hand ~hie ~~~ duy •~~ , I .~_' \ . ' ~ .L"' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI6SICN -3- PC'~2-35