Resolution-PC 91-41~~:; ,. ~ !'~ RESULUTION NO. FC 91-41 ' ~'` A RFSOI,UTION OF TFIE ANAii~IM CITY PLANNTNG COI~iMISSIOIV APPROViI3G MADTF'ICATIUN (REVISION 1N0. 1) TO CONllITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3294 WHEREAS, on Augu~t 14, 1990, Conditional Uae Permi~ No. 3299 wae ~>roved by the Cicy Couiicil, following denial by che Plax~ntng Commiseion, to ,~r-c~it a 1-lnt, 40-•unit RM-2400 condomin~.um comple;s wil:h waiverd a£ maximum ~tY•uctural, minimum recreaL•ional/leisure ar.ea, required land~cape buF~er ar.ea and minimum distance betwoen buil.dingg; and WHE~tEA5, the petitioner ~now requeste approval to construa~ two 2-stoLy, 2U-unit aach, RM-2400 condominium complexod on 2 lots; and WHEREAS, the Cii:y l~lanning Commiasion did kiold a publ; c hearing at the Civic Center in the City a£ Anah~im on MarcYi 25, 1~91, a~t 1:30 p.m., n~tice af said pub7.ic heazinq havi..ng been cluly gi•~~n as required by law and in arcordance with the provisione of t:he A,naheim Municipal Co<~P, Chapter 18.03, to hear. and consider evidence .for and agai.net aaid ps:oposed modifiaation to c~nditional uee Fermit and to invegL•igate ~.nd ~~~:~ke L•indinys and recocrunondationa in connection therewith; and WEIEREAS, ~aid C~mmisaion, aEtei ~iue inspection, inveatigation and study made by itaelf and i.~i ito behalf, ~:~~d after duF canaideratian of a.ll evidence and reporte offered at sai.d hearing, duea find and deterrnirie the following fact•F.: 1. That L-he ~roposed usA is properly une f.or which a conditi~nal uee permit is 2uthorir.ed by Anaheim Niunicipal Code Section tc F~ermit two 2-story, 20-unit each, RM-24CQ condominium complexe~. 2. That the Conditional Use Permit No. 3299 waR readverY.i.sed tn iL•s entirety to c~nsider x.Avised pl~zne labelQd Revieion No. 1. 3. :that the rev.isod site plan ahnwa a new lot. li.ne di.vidir-g su5jsr,t proper.~y int:o L•wo lats: Lot No. 1. con3iHt9 ~£ 1.3 acrfss, 20 condominiun~ uni~a, 32 open parking epaceo and appr~~ximately 2080 ~quare feet of comm~n recr~ational ].eiaure area; arid Lot No. 2 cone~.at~ uf ~.pproximately 11.9 acre, 2U cUndominium unii:s and 28 open parkiny ~pacee. 4. That the pei:itioner• etf.pulated at the public hearing to developing Lat No. 1 wi'~}i the parking spacee and common recreatianal leisure area .firat a~ Phas~: I. r waivers. S. Tti~t the revi:~ed plar, dags not create any additional code 6. Th~t. the prop~3ed use wi.ll nat adverdely affect tha adjoin.ing la~id usea and the growtYt and development ~f. the area i.n whicll it ia praposed to be located. 7. That ttie t~ize and ahape of the site pr.opoaed for the us~ ie adequat.e to allow the fuli development. of th~ propoRed uee in a mannQr n~t detri.mer.tal L•o the narticul~r ar~a n~r to *he peace, healtti, eafQty and general welfare of the ~itizene of the City of Anaheim. ~ rR1143FH -:1- PC91-41 8. That tne ~rant iny of t:~e cotizd~.tions im~need, if any, will not ~af~ty and g~r,eral welfare of the Citixene 9. T~iat the ui~ciue b~irden upon t:h tiaffi.c in the area. 10. 'lh~t no appooitfon; and tklat ~ub;ec~ peti.tion. ~rk'dct.,. Condit3.ona:l. _ ae Permi~ under the ~e detrimental ~o the peace, health, af the C'ity c~f Ar~~theim. traPfic generated by the pzopo~ed uee will not impoeo an a etreQts and highwaya cle~signac~ ar.~d ~mproved tn carry the one indicated their preaence at r... .., public hearing in no carr~apondence wao r.eceived in opposition to the CAI~IFORNIA _ENVIRONMENTAL QUALI'PY ACT FIND'ING: Ttiat the Analie:i.m Cii:y Planning Commi~r~ior: c.lnee hereby find that tne Negative DecLarataon ~,ia~iously approved in conjunction witn Conditional Use Permi•t Nn. 3Z99 ie adcaquato to serve as the required ciocumentation for Lhis revisS.on to the sita plan. NoW, TFiEREFORE, BE ]:T RESOLVED that the Art~heim City Flanning Commissian doea hereby grant. subject Petition far modification tc Ccnditional Uae I~Prmit, upon the fallowing conditj.ons which are herQby foiind to be a neceysary prerequioite to the propoeed use oF the subject property in ~rder to pr.e~erve the eafety and qeneral wplfare a£ th~ CS.tizane of the Cit-y o£ Anaheim: 1.* 'Phat prior t~ ic~euance of building pt~rmits, the appropxiat9 traf~ic aignal a.seessmei~t fees shall ?ae pai.d ta ~lte City of Anaheim iii an amount ae establ.ished by City Counoil Resolution No. 90R-198. 2. That the privat~ etreot ehali be ful.iy c~nstructedl within ancl duri.ng the deveZopment <~f Lot No. 1(Pha[~~ Ij. 3.* That gatea aha11 not be instal).ed acroes the drive~vay or private streat in a manner w;~ich may adverael.y affect v~ehicular tYaffic in the adjacent public ptre~t. Installati~an of. any e~~tes sha.ll conform to ~ngineering Standard Plaxi~ and ~hall b~ subject to the reviasv and appraval of tho City Traffic Rngineer prior to iasuance o: a buildinq permit. 4.* That plans ohall b~ eubmi.tted S:u the City Traff:Lc F.ngineer f~r ha.s roview and approval ahowl.ng conformance with the latost reviaion of Eng;neering Standard P13n Nor~. 436 ~r.nd b01 pertaining to parkl.ng etandards and dr:.:•eway loc..i:i.~n. subject propezty sha11 t~h~.reupon be developed and maintain~d in conformance with sai.d plana. 5. ~hat ttia clriveway on Katel:la Avenue ahall be conetructed with ten {10) foot radius curh rEturn~s as required by the City Erigineer in conformance w.ith Engitieeriric~ Staridarde. 6. That guest ~arking ehall be clearly marked "gu~at parki.ng only~" ancl sha11 be readily accessible tu viaiting motoris'ts from the contir~uoua public etr~eto. 'T. 'Chat prior ~o the firat final building arid ~~ning inapection (f.or Fhase I), temporary etreet nama »ignA for i:he new private atreet shall be inatalled if permanent Htr.eet narne s~gns have nat b~~en installed. Page No. ? PC91~4i r. . ~i.,ict~ 8. That prior to the issuance ~f any building permit, f~.nal Trac~ Map No. 14406 shall be approved by the City of Anaheim und recoxd~d in the Ornnge County Rocarder'o nf~ice. 9. That Lot No. 1 ehall. ba developed ae Phase i, including o~on parking r~Pacee and common r~cr.eation/leieure area which shall be ahared with Lo~ No. 2 (Phaae IT). 10. That prior to iasuance of. a builciing ~ermit, apec;ific landscape plana for •the fi~e (5) foot wide plantar along the north property lirie ah allbe submitted to the Planning Department for rev;.ew and approval. Said plans c~nall tncludP specimen-eized board-headed trees planted on mar.imum tcventy (20j faot centerc~ or leea (d~pend3.ny an thQ speciea} i-.o quarantee ef~:ective viaual acreeni.ng b~tween subject property and th~ ad~acent RS~-72U0 zoned property t~o th~ north. The requir~ment ~or treea maybe modified b}: the Planning Department if overhead ut~.lity :Line s arP prea~nt. Appropriate i.r.rigation faeilitiea and a"roat barri.ez•~~ (b~cause aP the narrow width of the Landscaped planter) shall be includQ~~. Said landecapi.ng, irrigation facilitiea and "root b3rrier" shall be mainta ined, 11.* That prior to rendering of water eervice and signature approval o P the water eyatem improvemer~t pl ana hX the Water Engineering Mana,qer, kh~ appro~riate .fees due for prinary water mains and fire protection sezvice shall be pai.d to the 'rlater EnginePring Division in accordance with Rules 15A and 20 ~f the Water Cltility Ratea, Rulea aad Regulations~ Further, that wat~r ~ervice ahall be taken from public water main on the eout h eide of KatFii,3 .~lvenue. Each lot ahall. be servea by separat~ watEr meters ~p ~ private aya: ~m i.a iitilize~~. 12. That two aeparate pzivate ~aater aervice syatern~ shall be prov~ded. Each l.ot shall have ~epazata 1.ines for both domestic anci f.i.re water e~ervic~. 1.3. * Tliat an adequate, unobstr.ucted fi.r~ truck 'r.u.-n-~~round area ae required ~~d appi•aved by the Fire Department ehall be specifically t~hown on plans suhmitt~d fnr building permits. Said tuzn-arounc3 area ehall ~,~ p~:rmanpntly marked and m~i.ritained tu the satiafaction of Aaid D~partm~nt, 14. That the legal oT,:nE~r of sub~ect pr.operty Hhr~11 record an uneul~a.rdinated covenanz stating that both lota eha~l in~iintatn the dc~gignated fire truck turnaround in a clear and iinobetructed conditi~n for the life of the ~tructures. 15. That tl,e water backflow equipmetit and any oi:hor la.rge water ayetam eguipment ~hal]. be i.nstalled to ~he oatisfac;tion of the Water Utility Divioion in either (a.) undergruund vaults or (b) behind the etreet setback ar.ea in a manner fully screened from all ptiblic atreete and a.lleys. :6.* That p.rior t~~ commencement af sL•ructural framing, fire hydrants aha 11 h~ installed and charged ae required and approved by the Fire Departmer.t. ~". * Tt~at fire dpri.nklere shall be ix-stalled ao required by the F'tre Department. 18.* That a aix (6)-f~ot high masunry block wall shall be construcL•ed and maintai~iad along the we~t., nortt~ and east property li.net~. Page No. 3 PC9i-~1 ~ ~~~+ ,~~,, 19. * Tha~ thi.e Condit'= :-al Uae Pc~rmit is granted aub j~ .: ~o the adoption a~ ~. zoning ordinance in conneation wi•th Reclaesificatioii No. 90-91-01, naw pending. 20. '~hat eubject property ehall be developed aubstr~ntially i.n a~:vordance wi•th ~lans and speci.fications aubmitted to ~he Gity of Anaheim by the ~Qtitioner and which plans are on file with th~ Planning Dep~rtment markod Revision No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1 and Exhibit Noe. 2 through 4. 21. 'P.hat irio.r to ie6uanc~ of a bui.lding permit ~r within a period of ane (1) year fron~ th~ da.te o.f thie resolu~ion, wh.ioh~v~r ~~ccu.re Eirst, Conditxan Nos. 1, 3, 4, ';, 9, 9, 10, 14 and 19, above-mentioned, shall b~ complied ~ with. Ext~nsione ~or further time to completc~ said conditions may be gLanted ±n accordance wi•th Sec~ior~ 18.03.09U of the Anaheim M~nicipal Code. 22. That prior ~o ftnal building a:~d zuning inepections, Condition 1N~s. 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 3.5, 1'!, 1E3 an;~ 2p, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied with. BE IT FURTT3ER RESOLVEU ~hat the Anall~im City Planning Cnmmiesion d~ea herFb,y f:~nd and determine that adopti~~n ~f this R~oolution 3s ~txpr~seiy pred:irat~d upon apglicant's cumpl3.ance ~rith ea~h and all ~f the conditiona hereinabove sot forth, Should any such condition, or any par.t thereof, be declared invali.d or uneniorceab?e by the £irial judgment of any court. of competent :jur~~;r9iction, then thie Reeolutian, and any approvals herein contai.ned, ahal]. be deemed nu11 ar,d vAicl. Z'HE FC?.P:GOTNC RESOI.UTION was adopt~d at the Planning ComAt~ieaion m~c,ting of N,ar.•ch 25, 1~91. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~,- i. ~.<~.~ ,.~ :. ~ ._~~v;~.~~~':~;~,,~~~"".._ %~~.~ ._. , ~c GHAIHWOMAN, ANAHEIM `CITY~PLANhTNG COMMISSION ATTEST: -~ ~ ~C4:~•1..~?~% ~ ~~, %C,~L1,C<:~: .._.._ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'I'Y OF ORANGE ) sp. CiTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edir:Y~ .L. l~Iarrio~ S~cretary of thd Anaheim Ci~y Planraing Commisaion, do hex~eby certify thai: tt-~c foregoing re~olutior, waa paased and ado,pted at a meeting c~f th~ AnaP~~im City Planning Commiogion held on March 25, 199]., by ti~e following vote oL• the mEmbere theroof: AYES: COMMISSIO~iERB: BOUAS, HOYUSTUN, HEL~T~'IER, F~ENNTNGLR, H~SS'E, PER.~IZA NOk.S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMxSST~NERS: P'ELDFIAUS IN WITN~SS WHEkEpF, Z have h~:reunto s~t my hand this ~~~c. day c~r , 1991. •--~-k~y-- 1I ~ > ~ ,~~ ~~ I v z `-~..iG~..~ '1t•~ / (_4 ~,n~'~~ SECRE'PARY, AZ3AHEIM rITY PLANNING COI~SMISSION Yage No. 4 PC97.-41 `~~