Resolution-PC 91-441~~~'~':q Ft'. SOLUTION N~. PC91-4~1 Fr,.~'a',~ A RESOLUTION UF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PL'ANNING COMMISSION THAT F~T7TION FOR CONDITIONAL USF. PERMTT IVO. 339$ BE ~RANTkD WHFkEAS, the Anahcir~ City Pl.anning Commiss.iun di.d recc~ive r~ verified Petition for Condltiona7. UaQ Permit for aertain rc~al propgrty oituated i.n the Gity of Anaheim, County of OranyP, State o~ California, deac:ribed as: TH~ EF,57'ERLI 210 FEET QP '~HE 50UTHEF2LX 125.00 FEET OF LOT 4 UF ORCHARD PARK TRACT, LN THE CITY OF ,ANAHETM, COUNTY OF C~RANC,E, STATE OF CAL'lFORt7IA, A5 PER MAP RECORDF.D IN EOrJK 7 PA~F Ei, OI' MISC~LL?1NEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFIC;E OF '.CHE COUNTY RFCORDEP. QF SAID COUNTY. WHIiRE~1s, ttie City P.lanniiig Commi~aion did hold a publio haaring at th~ Civi.c Centnr i.ii the City af A.naheim on March 25, 1991., at 1:30 p.m., notice of aaid uublic hearing having be!en duly givcn as requir~d by law and in accordance with the provision~ of the Anaheim Municigal Cade, Chapter 18.Q3, to hFar ancl cor~~xder evidenc:e for and ayainet oai_d propoaed conditional uee permit and L-a inv~aL-igate and make findinc~s and .recommendations in connection ~hsrewith; and WEIE:trRS, saic.y ConunisA.ion, after due irispection, in~eotigat.ion and st~tdy mad~ hy it~3elf. and in i_t.~ behalf, and after due coneideration of all evidence and rer~orta offerr~d at aaid hearing, daes find and det~rmine the foll.~~wing facts: :1. 'Phat the propcsed uae ia prnperly one f~r which a conditioaal use pexmit is autl-~orized by f~naheim Mtulicipal Code Sectian 1E3.21.05~.110 to permit a chur.r_ti m~etinc~ f:~cil.it-.y. 2. Th~:it Lhe propo~ed us~ wi.ll not adverAely affect tt!e ad~oining land u~e~r~ and the gr.owth and deve.lopmenL• of the ar.ea in which it ie propc~eed tp be locat;ed. 3. T1~at thc~ ~ize and ohape of the eite p.roposed ~or tho tiee io adequate to al.l.o~u tt~e full development of th~ prop~~ed use in a manner. not detrimenta.l t~ the part:icul~r. area nor L•o the peace, health, sat•ei:y nnd genflral welfare of thc c:itizE~na of. tt~e City of Anaheim. 4. That the ra~:anting aE the Conditional iJse P~rm.it under the co~iditior,r~ imposed, if any, wi.ll nc~t be detriment«1 ta the peace, he~~th, safety and gEneral wc1£are of the Citizenr~ oi the City of Anaheim. 5. That th~ traffic generated by the prc~posed use wi11 not impose an undue bur.den up~r. the ~treFt~r and hiyhways deoigned and improved to carry L-he traffic in the area. ~ CRl.14GMP •-1- PC9J.-44 ~i'~'-`~+1 r'~1 ~•~ 6. '1'hat r~o one indicated their presgnce at ~sid public heariny in oppoaitian~ and that no co.xrNep~~ndence was r.eceived in oppaeition i:o the subject peiitiun. CALIF'ORfIIA }i,NVII20NMFNTFIL~ U? A.'L•.[TY ACT F7[1UING: That th~ Anahr~.im City Planning Commisaion has reviewed th~s proposa2 t~ permit a church meeting facility an a rcet~~ngular.ly•-ahapec] parcel of lancl coneieting of ap~roximately 0.54 acres having a frontage: of approximat~ly 125 fe~t on the weet eide of H~raor Boulevard, having a maximum depttt of appr~~ximatQly 169 teet, beiz~g located approximately 20U fee:t aouth of the c:znterline of Sou~h StrPet and further described a~ 819 S. HarUor 6oulevard; az~d does hereby approvo the Negative ~ealarat.ion upon find.ing thai: it ha8 cor~~~.aerea L-Y:E: Negati.~ve Declaration t~g~ther wit.h any ~~amment:s recei.ved during the public roviQw procese and furth~:r fi_ndi.ng on the basis that thn initial study and any comments receivecf that there i.s no subatant.Lal evidence tha~ the pro~ect will have a signifi.c~ant eifeck on the ~nvironment. NOW, 'THERLF~IRE:, BE IT Hr~CLVED t:hat: the Anaheim riL•y Planning Commian.ion doea t« rebv a~•ant -~ubject Petition for Gonditional Use Permit, upon tha fa2lowinc~ c~n~l.ition~ which are tiereby found to be a nacessary prerequi.sitQ to the proposed u~e of the subject p.roperty in order ~o preserve the aafety and generaL w~lfar~ uI the C~tizens of th~ City of Anah~im: 1. * That the 1F~qa1 owner of aubjec~ p.roperi:y ahall irrevocably o~fer to dedicate to thE~ Ci~:y of Anat~eim an easement sixty (60) feet in wi.dth fz:am thP centerliri~a of the ~tr~et along Flarbor Bnulova.rd for street wideni.ng pur~ooes. 'l. * That plans stiall be aubmitted to the City Traftic an3 Tranepartation Manager for liie review and approval ahowing confarmanae with the latetit revir~ion of F'nginee~ing 5tandar.d Plan No~. 436 and 602 pertaining to parking s~tandar.d~ and driveway location. Subject property shall thereupon be deve.l~ped and mai.ntaineci in conf.ormance with said y~la.ns. 3. Tha~: the driveway on Harbor Boulevard ~ha11 be reaont~txuctcd t~ accommodate fifreet~ (.l5) foot rad.iue curb rel.urnc~ in conformancP with ~ngineering Department Standard:~. 4. * That fire ~pr.inkler:s ~k~a.ll be inatalled c3~ requirQd by the Fire Depurtment. 5. Tt-at the exi~t:.ng trash en~lo~ure sha].1 be demoliahed ancl .replaced wt.th a~~e bu.il.t in ac~.~rdance with City Staiidard~. G. * That ~Ju~ ~o th~ ch3nge in oc~upancy, the exist.i.r~g ~tructure shall c~niply wi.th the minimum ntandardc of thz City of AnaY,eim, including the ~Jnifnrm f3uildiny, Plucnb3.ng, i:.lec';.rical, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City ~: An~~hc:im. -2-- PC91-44 : ~ ~ v~ ,.~« ,~ ^ , - ~'~~i ~ ~«l~~~r` . ~i 7• * That the propor~al sha11 compl.y wit.h a11 aigning requiremen~s c~f the ~s-A-43,000 ~~Ft~s.identi.a~, Agricul~ural" Zone, unle~a a variance allowing ~i9n waivera io approvFd by thE c:ity Council, Plann.ing CommiBeian or Zoning Adm.inisl-.rator. $• * That ttte ~:,-aite landscapl.ng and i.rr.igation aystzm sha11 be refurbiehed and maim~ained in com~~lianco with CiLy etanda.rds. g. That t~ubject property ahall be deve].oned ~ubstantially 3.n xccordance with plans and specificationa submitted to the Cit Petitioner arid whi.ch plana are Qn r-, y °~ Anaheim by the marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2, t~e Wlth ~h~ Plann.tng Agpar~ment ~•~• ~'hat prior to isvuance af a bui.lding permit, ur prior to commencemen~ of ttx~ activity herein 1p~~roved, or withzn a period o:E otie 1 date c,F thia resolution, whic:hever ~ccura ~irst, CAndition Nosr lrana~2e above-•mentioned, shall b~ comnl.ied wirh. Extenaions for fur.~her time tr~ complete oaid conditi~ns may be granted .i~i acc~rdance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Coda, 11. Ttiat ~rioz to commencement oF tt~e activity herpin approved ur ta f±nal buildir.g and zoning it~speCtloq~r whi.chever occurs firet, Condition ~ias. ~' ~' 5~ ~~ g and 9, abave-mPntioned, ahall be ~amplied with, 12• *"Chat approvai of thi~ ~pplication constitutes approval of the gropos~ad request only to the extent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other ~pplic„ble City, State and Fecleral 1egulatians. Approval doeF3 not include any action or findings as ta comp).iance or approval of t!~~ r~quest re7arding any other applica,b].e ordinance, reguJati.on or rPquirement. Conditions marked w.tth an aateriek (*) are requ.~req k~y ~stabli~hed lawo, codea, r.e~ulatione and agre~merits an~ ar.e, therefor•e, not ~ubject to negotiation. BE Ii' FURTFIGR RESOLV~D that ,:he F-naheim City P.lanning Commt,seion d°~y hPreby find and determine that ado~iion ot thie Reaolutian ie pxpresaly pred?.cated upon appll~a~lt~s ~ompliance with ea.ch and all of L•:~ conditione herFinsbove set forth. Sh~uld any such co-:diticn, or any part thereoP, be d<aclared invalid or uncnfor•ceable by the fi~ial judgment, of any court of competent juri~diction, then thi~ Kesal~.iori, and an contained, shall be c~ee~ned nul: and void. Y aPProvals herein THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO~I wae ado~ted at the Planning l~ommioeion meeting of March 25, 1991. !. ~, : ,,,' , , ~, ~. ~;: . ,__.__ ~ '' `y,` , _ _~=.t. : , /, - ~. ~-~ y '' „" " ' l• / ~' ~ J. - t._c <. r ~. CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLA N.ING COMMISSION AI'TEST: -J ------ - .~t~-l•~ _~~~l~G(.~1: i..(_ ~ SECRETA , ANAHEIM CITY FLANNTNG f'OMMISSION ~~~ P~91-44 l~~ f STATE Or CALIFORNIA , . . } '~+::~ ~\ ! COUN'I'Y OF ORANGL ) s s. CITY OP' ANAHEII~S ) I, ~ciith L. Harria, Sacretary of. th~ Anaheim City Planning Cammieeian, do her•eb,y certify i:hat the .foregoii~g .reoolution wae paeaed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahei.m Cit~~ Planning Commiseiori held on March 25, 1991, by the fallowing votc- of the membe.re th~reof: AYES: CONlMISSIp23ER5: BOUAS, BOYD57'UN, HEL.i,YER, HLAININGER, MESSE, PLRA7,A NOES: COMMISSIOI~ERS: NQN~ ABSFNT: rOMMISSIONERS: FELUFiAUS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i tiave h~r.ounto ~et my hand this t~~"'`~ day of _`~:~ L _ , 1991. • . _,"-(~C~., ~ :t-~--~ SECRETARY~ ~1.NAHETM CITY PLANNINCy CUMMI3SION -4- PC91-44 {'r. , , , ~~~ ~:~