Resolution-PC 91-45p; a'.ts~ FtESOliUTION NO. PC91-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING CONMTSSION TH~1T PFTITTt]N FOR Vl~?I?.NCE NO. 411fi BE GRAN7.'ED WI•]ERGAS, the Anzheim Cat1 Planning Conunisaion did xeceiv~i a verified Pet±ti.on far Variance f'or certain real propexty situatsd in L•lle Ci~y of Anaheim, Coun~y of Orange, State of California d~scrihed as: PARCI~;I~ A, IN THE~ CITY OF ANAH~T2Q, COUNTY OF ORANGE. ~TAT~ OF CALIFUE2NIA A5 SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 4~ PAGL~ 15 nF PAP.c:~;T, MAF: IN THE OLFICE OF' 'PHE COUNTY Rb,_URDER OF SAID CQUNTY. WHr'REAS, i:hp Ci':.y P].anning L:omre'_ssion di.d hold a p!lblic heaz~.ng at •the Civic Cente~r in the City of Anahaim on March 25, 1990, at 1s3~ p.ro..- r~atice of c~ald public henring having been dul.,y ctiven aa reguired by law and in acco.rd3nr.e with "tie pr~ovision3 of the F~naheim Municipal Gode, Cliapter 1u.03, to hear and consic3er. evid~nce for and ayainet n~xid propoaed var.Lance and to invpstiqate and maY,e finding~ ard rerommendatians ir~ connecti.on therawith; and WFIk,REAS, ~:-ii.d Commission, atter due inspection, inve~tiga~ion and utudy m3a~ ~y i.t~elf and in its betia7.f, and aftar duc coriai~er~.tion o.f a11 evidence and re~orts o.Efered at :,aid h~aring, does fir~d and d~termi.ne the following facts; 1. That the p~~ti~ioner pral~oeaR waiver nf the f.ollowi.ng to construcL- a 32 nq.ft• freestandi.~ly sign: SECTIONS 18.05.093_C??3 - Permitted .lo_r.ation of fr.e~~standing a~. 18.Q5 _098 (11,'7-foot :~etback from Houth property line required; and 18.6_1_057. 1-~_?.-f.oo_ setbac;~ pr~pUSec'.) 2. 'lhat tlie above-men~ioned waiver ia hereby yrant~d ~n thc~ basio that ther~ are :special circumatanceo applicable to the property euch as size, shape, to~or~raphy. ~ocation and surroundinge whir,h do nat app.ly to ot~er ident=cally zoned property in the c~aaie vicinit.y; and that str.ict appl~.catian of the Zoning Code deprivc~~ the pronerty of privilegea enjoyed by o~ther p::opertieo in th~ identical zon~ and cla~fsif~cation .in th~ vicini~ty. 3. '.i'hac ther.~ are excepi:ional or ex~raordinary circumatancee ~r condi.tions applicablc~ tc~ th~ property ir~voloed ~r t~ the in~onded l:Of3 of. ~he property that do not :~pr~ly generally to the proper.ty ur c~aes of uc~e in the same vicinity and zunr. q, That the requP~c~d variance ie necoF~sary for the preservati~n and ~n;joyrner.t ot a substantial property right poeb~ssed by ottler pz•operty in the aame vic:inity a~id ~one, and denied to the propurty in qu~etion. ,. That ~he reguested variance wi:l] n~t be materially detrim~ntal t~ the Yublic welfare or injurious to the property or improvement;a it~ such vicinity anci zone i.n whi.ch the nroper.ty is located. ~R1147MP _i_ PC91-45 ~ w:,;~,~~ 6. Tti~~t no ane indica~ed tn,eir. ~reaence at eai.d publia hearing i7 op~osikion; and that no correspondpr.ce ~a~ze received, i.n oppaeition to suhjec;t petitien. CALTFOI?N7A Et~ViRO~IMENTAI. QUALITY A~T E~ IA?DING: The ~lanntng Director pr hia e~.uthorized reoresc~r~~~~ive has determ.ined t~i;~~. the prc~poaed project £~lls within the de~init.ic~n of Cai:egor.ical Exemptione, Claae 11, ae defiaed in the StatP E7.R Guidelines aizd ie, there:Eore, cai:egorically exempt from the requir.eme.zt. to prepare an EI~t. N~~~~, ~PHEF.FFGRE, }3E IT RESULVF,D that the Anaheim .;ity Planning Conuni~si.on c!oes hereby grant subject Petition for Vart.ance, upc. , th~~ following canditions which are her~by faund to be a n~cassary prc 3quisite to thn proposed uae of t:he cubj~ct property in order to preserve thQ saf.~ty anci general welfare of tl~e Citizens of the City of Anah~im: l. That caubject property ehall ~e developed pubstantially in accordance with p.lana and spec:i£icati.ona eubmi'ttsd t~ the City af Ar~ah~im by the peL-it.icr.?r and wt~ich plens are an file with the Planning Department n~arked Exhibit No. 1. ~• That the c~xisting pole 3ign which can be aeen irom ttie fr.eeway shall he rc:furbishc.d ar~d painted. 3. That prior to final building and zoning inF~o~ctions, Condition Nos. .1 and ?., above-inentioned, atiali be complied with. 4. That approval of this appli.catian constitutea appr.oval of tha proposed rec~u~st only to the exter-t that- i.t CnlTlplla6 with the Anatieim Municlpal Zoning Coda and any other applicaUle City, State and Feaeral regulatione. Approval daes not include an}- action or. Findinge as to compliar.ce or. approval ot the reque~t r.egarding any other applicabls ordinance, regulation or ~e~~uirement. BE IT Ft:TR2'HER R~;SOLVED tha~t ~he P.naheim City E'lanning Commisnion do[~s herepy find and determine th~zt adoption o£ thi.s RESnlutian is c~xprtssly ~+r~dicated t:~~oit applicant' ~ ~ompliarice wi}h ~ach and all of th~ conditions hereinabove set forth. Sliould any guch con3itions, or any part thereof, be declured invalid oi- un~nforceable by the final judgment of any court of cc~mp~ten,t jurisdictior~, th~=ri ch.i~ ReaoLution, and any appravals herein ~ontain~d, ~tiall be dc~e.med null and void. THE FOREGOING RESULUI'IOIV wae adopted at thE Flannir~g Commiseion meeting of March 25, 1991. . ;; ' -r r ~ ~'' ~~ ~~"Z-y f./~ ',C~4~..,' ~HAIRWOl~N, ANAf•IExM CITY PLAfNI~ING^GOMI~TSSION ATTEST:~ /., Y~ ~ ,!~ ~ .. -''~ -! ' .t~_.LL1~'~~C'~~'t- ~~ SECRETARY, AI3AH~IM CI'PY PLANNING ~^.UMMIS:iION -'2 - PC91-45 ~; *'.F i'p '~'•a ,, ~~ .; ``%e"~ ;.u' s~rn~~ or cA~7~oRrii~ COUNTY OF OP.AN~3k; ) :~s. CITY OF ANAHESM ) T, ~dith L,. Hurria, Sacretary ~f ths Ar.aheim Citv Planninq Commi~oton, do hc~reby cr.rtity th~t th~ foregoing ree~lution WBtJ pas~ed and adoF~ted at r~ me~tiny of. the Anaheim Ci.Y.y P?.anr.ing Cummiaeion he7.d on March 25, 1991, by L-he f.o.llowing votE~ of the member~ thoreof: RYLs: COMMTSSTONERS: BOYL~STUN, F30UAS, Hc^.LLYFR, HENNINGEP., MESSE, kL:FtAZA NO~:S : CUN,MI;,S I~JP7GRS : [~ONF. Af33EtJT: COMMISSIONERS: FF'.LDHAUS IN WI'"t~LSS WiiEFtF.OF , I hmvc~ ht :QUnt~ set mX hand thi~ `~(~i <, day of D~.~------- , .1491. .~ %1 ~ ` ( ~• , ~ ~ ~ ' -- ` ''_'~' ~?t Y- ~-~'l._.*_, SF.CRETARY, ANAHE:M ~ CITY PL}1NNING COMN:ISSIQN -3- PC91-45