Resolution-PC 91-52n ~~.~ R OL T~ONrJJ~_pC91~-~52_ 1~ RL50LUTION OF 'CFIr ANAFiF IM CITY PLANNINc~ COMMI5SION 'CHA1' YGTI7'ION F'nR CONDITIOIvA'i, USE FERMIT NO. 3~304 II~ GRAN'CED WHER~,rt5, th~ Anahaim C.ttX Planni.•.g commise+_on clid racei.ve a v~rLfied retir.ion For CondS.tional Ud~ Permit for a~rtaln real pr.operty e:.tugted in the Cit:y af Anah~im„ County of Or.angc, State ox Cal.i~arnia, cleocrib~d ae: PAHCEI, As ~'AkCN:L5 1 APID 2 AS SHOWN U~T F.aH7AIT "B" AITACHGD TO Ty~1T CGRTAIh LQ'T L.7,NE ADJUSTMENT PLAT NO. 225, R~CO.RDED SEPTEMf3Fi'R 5, :,99Q ~;; INSTRUMENT NO. 9~-A???.43 OrFICIHI RECORCS OE' 4RANGE COUNTY, CALZFQRN7A. PARCEL fl: THE NORTH 33.74 F~E'^ ON 1'NE SOUTH 216.74 FEF:T ~~~~ TEiE ~AST 183 . ~0 I" EF'T OF THE SOUA'HF:A'.'T QUARTI:R OF 'I'HF, SOUTHEAST' QUA?:'PER OF SECTIOP7 15, TOWNSHIP 4 SUUTH, F2ANGE 11 WF.51', IN THE RF~tJCHO LO ; CO]OTES A5 SH~J47N c~N A MHP RECORUED IN 6UOK 51, PAGE l.l OF MISCEI.I,ANF;OUS MAFS, RFCORDS OF ORl-NCE COIJN'PX, CALIFORNIA. ~7tlETiEAS, ttie City Planni.ng Commienior, dfd hold u public hQaring .~t the Civiu C~nrer in the CiL•y of Anat~eim on April 22, 1991, t~t 1:30 p.m., n~tice of Aa.tr9 put~lic tiE~ari.ng having bc~rn duly given ae rpquired by law and in accor.dance w.ith r.he pravisione of tne AnahQim M~nicip3l Code, ~h~pter 18.03, kc hear a~d c~nsider ~v.idenr.e fur and against ea: i pr~~~eod conditioc:Al uee permit an;i to inveeti.r~ate anc nake findinga and recammendat.ions in connection thereo~ich; ~nd W4Ef2EAS, eaid Corr~mier~ion, ~fte: due inapection, i.nv~stigation t-nd etudy mado by ite~lf and in itu behalf, and afl•eL• due ;.oneidc~r.ation of all evidencp and repvrta ~~ffered at eaid i~eariny, doee find and determine the fol~lowing facts: I. That ~.i~e pro~~ooed ~se i:_ pr.operly onF~ Lor which a conditionr~l uRe Fermit• is auCiiarized by Anaheim Municipni Code Sectiona JEi.03.030.010, :8.44.QS0.23U, 18.44.Q50.3C0 ar~d 1P..44.OSU.303 to permit expanei~~t of a cornnsercial rs~tail centpr to include aut;o re~,air, a driv~-tt~zough iestaurant e;~d z~ m;,ni-at;orage fstc.ilit.r with wiiver~ of th~ tollowir.g: ;A) r,~C_T~ONS.18,06, 50.,,022 - Minimum numb~r Qf p,Zx3~in~ 18.06.050_42 2 3 ~'~~-~~' ~- i_..48 required; 162 exietingp ~Q~~.~5 , 33 18.05.050,0257 18.06.Q80 ~Z.~A.~4 •2~~ (B) SE~"t7,V~t.~g._4.4_063.047 -~~ mui d tanc t~.~eei~ bu id .L _~, ~~.~ _~ _-_...~._ _~.~1~ • (~,~~~oG pPd~etrian ~~•cees rpqi~irod; I~~~~t}go ~ropoA~dy ^R.116UMP _t~ PC91-5?. ;-:} ~41;.,~f~1 (C) SFaCT.ION 18.44.0~ (~) SECTIONS 1f3.05.093~,~21 18 05.0 ,3.02.12 .s-r.~_._.~.__.__ and 18.4~.067 . ~, ec.~ir~d ai,~o ~scrd~nln,y, ( 6 ~r~ot h.~ph blac zequ i.red ad j acent to railroad right-~~-Way~ i~pne propoeed) ~~laximum numbPr of frc~~-_eta d nc ( l permitted; ?. '~~~~Q~~ n~' proposed) (~) GGCTION_,18.05.093_0231 - Minim ~ n~diR~ance belwc~n froec~tand~nqr eic~ne. (JOQ feQt requl.red~ 245 fe~t prQpoeQd) 2. TlZat t-ha r.equeated waiv~r (A) ie hereby qx~nt.ed on the baeie that ~he parkiny waiver ~vill not cauoe ar, incraase in traf:ic conqeotion in the imme~d±at4 vicinity nor adversely a_*•.fect any ad~ainin land ~aee and ti~~Q parking o~aiver under t;~e canditi~ns im ~ 9rantina of dot;rimental to th~ pe~~;e~ 1~g~~lth, •r_afot ar~d ~~, ~oed, if any, wi11 not be the City of Anahein, y ~•neral welfare of the citizend of 3• Thc~ requ~ated wai.vers (B), (C), (D) ~nd E granterl on th~ baaiF3 that- *.heze are apeclal cir.cumEtanae~ d~ ~ a1•e h~reby ti property ~uch aa ei~e, r.~hape, topography, PPlicabin t~ the nor. apF~ly tn other idontically zondd proo~rtyai~~thenaxmervi.cinitge 41hich do gtL•i~r appll.r~tion c~f the 7oninq Codc~ deprives thP Y% and that enjoyerj !~y ~ther propertiecs ir~ the idFnt.i.cal zone anJPcla~aificationVineghe vtainl.ty. 4• Tnat t:he pr.•opoeed use wil.l :~c,t advet•se:ly aff.ect the adjoining lanc9 uoee and thF growth and developmt~nt of the area in .~hi~h it ia proposed t~ be located, adequate to all.owhathFtt~tu11izd~vPlo mente of. the Broe Pr~~~e~ for the uep i~ detrimtnCal to the particular. area nop Co tlin pe~Cep h~~td,ueatet aar~~nnQr nat welfar_e af *he Citizt~no of thQ Cit} oF Anahr~im. Y 9ener+sl F• 4'fiat rhe c~~ar~tinc3 of thf~ Condlt.ional Uee Pormit und~r. the cor~ditionB i.mF,~9ed will no~ be dQtrimenta.]. to the ~eace, tivalth, safety and general welfare oE the Ci.tizcno of thc~ City of Anaheim. 7• That the traf:ic y~neraL~ld by the nrcpoeed uae wj,ll not im~,oBA an undue burden upon ch~ ~troets and hi~hwaya dooiyned and i,mproved to cr~rry the traffic in the atea. ~. Th,~t one pareon in~iir.ated h~r preeencE at gafd public hearing in oppuaition; anc: that nn correHpondence wn~ received in opp~a~.tion to thR eUbject petition. -2- PC~1-52 , ,,: ;,, CALIFpFtNTA ENV~RONM~~AI Uy~,I~'~~~.Cq~ FZND7tJG: Thnt tho Anaheim City Planning C~mmisnian has revi.awed tlln p.ropoaal to pormit expaneion ~f a commercial retail. centar to i.ncludc~ AL1~.0 xepair, a drive-through zantaurant and a mini-etoraye facilil:y with wr~i.ve,ra ~f minimum number of parking epaces, minimum d.isL•ance boi:wQan buildingn, rQquirec~ oite ecre~ning, maximum number of free-et~lnding eigna anc! minimurn diar,anac~ be~we~n fzeeetanding eigne or. an irregularly-shaped parcel of land c;onsi.eting ot approximatQ].y 3.56 acree locatecl nor.th and wer~t of ths n~rthweet carner of Ball Road and Kno~t Strc~et, l~aving approximat~ frc,ntagea of 1'16 feet on the north aide of Ball Road and ~04 fAet cn the west o.i.de of Knott• Street and further deecribed as 919-959 S. Kn~~t Street; and dos~ hereby approve the Neyative Declaration upon finding that it h3s condidered t;ho Negativa Decl.3rat.ton tageth~r wi~h 3ny conunente recei~ed during L•he public: rev.tow procee~ and Furthar f.tnding an ~hQ baeis that the initial atudy .~r~d any comm~nta rec~ivect that ttio~:e ie i~o subetantial evidence Lhat the project wi11 have a aignificanL ef.fect on tk~e ~nvironmant. NOW, TFiEREFORE, BE IT RES~JY~VED that the Anaheim City Flanning Commissi.on d~ea h~sreby gr~3nt aubject Petit.ioc~ fur Condit.ional Uee Pcr~nit, upon the fol.lowl.ng conditiana whlch ar.e hereby f~~und to be a npce~aary prerec;uisite to th~ prapoaeti ~ase of tt~e subjeet property in ordsr to preserve the safety and ganeral. welfare o:f the Citiz~~ne o:f the City of Anahei.m: 1. That prior t:o i~euance ~f a buildi.nq ~~.rmit £or ~uiid.in~ "B", Parcel. Map tJo. 90-421 ahali bc approved Dy the Cit•y of Anshnim and recorded in ihe Office ~f the UL•ange Count:y Recnr.der. 2. That the re.located fireline connoctor ¢,hall bp br~ought in~o compliance with current etanc9ard~ and ahall be aF>praved by th~ Wate~ ~ngineering Divieion. 3. * Tha~ pctur tU teauance of a building permLt, the approprt~te t:uf~ic aigna.i aesesament fee o1~a11 be paid to t1iQ City of Ananeim in an amount ae eetabli.ehed by City Council ~tesolution Nu. SOR-198. 4. * That plane ahall be submit~ed to the C.ity 'Prafric and Traneportatior~ Manager for I~ie rQVi,.ew and approval showing c~:.nformance with khe lateflt z•ovision uf Engina~r.;.ng Standard Plan :Yoe. 436, 602, 60, and 607 per.taining to parking otandarde ar~d drivc~~~ray l~~cat.ion. Subject property ohall tt~er~upon t~Q devel~ped ancl maint,alned in cc~n~'ormance wit:h 9aici plzno. 5. Th~t all driveways eh+~~.l be coriatructe~l wi.tti fifteen (15) Foot radius curb reYurne ~e re~{uired by thE~ ~..tr.y F,ngi.r~rer in c~nformance with EnginQering St3ndardo. 6. 1'hat dight dietance at: the carner of ~rie propuAed driveway an [3a11 Road shall confor;n ta Engi.nQer.ing Staizdard No. 1:i7. 7. Thn~: pri.ur ta the is~uance of. a buildir~g permit for any ~rive-through facLl.itX, the nx.i.ve-f.hrough lang ~ha11 t.o rev~ewQd and approved by the c;ity ~'raf f i.c and Tzannportat i.on Manager. -3- PC91-.r, 2 ~~r~~~ o~~t- A. * That etz~eet liqliting faailitie~ alang Knot~ Street ahall be inetalled ae reguired by I:F1A t7tilitieo Gpneral Manager in accordance with epHCi.f.icationo cn filn i.n the Office of the U~ilitiQa General Manageij nr tY,Rt eocurity i.n th~ form of a b~nci, certa.fieate nf dc~pa~it, latter af crQdit, or cAeh, i.n ar~ amount and f~rm aatir~factory ~o the Cl.ty of Anaheirn, ehall b~ po~r.Fa with the City to guar.antAe the oati.sfac~cory campl~tion of thQ above--mentioned improvomc~ntn. Said secuzity shall be pooted with the City of Anaheim prior to ~ffBU$i1CE] of a bul].ding permit. 'I~ht above-requi.red improvemonte ehal..l be inetalled prior to occupancy. 9. * That prior to ~.onunence-nent of atruacural frami.ng, on-ait~c~ tire hydrante ahall be itietal.led and rhargcd aa required and appro~~ed by the Fira i?epartment . 70. * That f.ire eprinkler.s ehall be inekslled as requir.~~ by Lhe F'ire pepartmenL•. 11. * That ~-n ad~qti~te, unobatzu~ted Ei.re truck turn-around ar~a, ae requlrQd nnd appr.c~vPd by the FirF~ Depa.rtmen~, ~hal.l k~e epecifica;.ly shown on pl~ns ~ubmf.~ted for building permits. Said turn-araund aroa qhall bA permanentl.y marked nnd main~:a:tned to th~ oatiefaction of ~aid Depnrtmc~nt. 12. * That traeh ~~craye sreac~ eha).1 be pravi.~led and maintained .in a location acceptable zo the Str~et M~intenance ~nd S~nitutian Di~visi~~n and in accordance wi.th appravad plane ori file witll eaLd di.vi~-ion. Such inEormation al~all be epQC.ifically ~ahown on t,ie plans submitted for b~~f.l.ding permits. 13. x That trash otoza~~~ ar.eae atial.l bm refurbiahed t:o the satie£acr.ion of the ~tre~3t Maintonanr.e and Saritation uivision ~a comply witti approved plana on file w~i~h sa~d div~.~ic,~n. 14. 'That pr.ior. to i.aeuance oF a building p~rmit, a eo~.id was*e managemAn~ plr~n wi;.h recycling eapabil.ities ahall be appruved by ~he Str~et Maintenance nnd Ean3.tat.ion Division. ~lpon occupanay of the project, sai.d plan ehall commence and ~hall remain iti~ full effect a~s r.~cjuired by said Uivislan. 15. * That due to tt~e change in ue~: ar.d/or. occupancy af the bui].di~ig, plans shull be submitted to the Buiiding Division ahowing compli~nce v~ith the minimum standarcis of the City of Anaheim, inr,luding the Uniform Duilding, Flumbiny, Electrical, Mc~chani.cal and FirQ Codee as adoptec:l l~y the City of Ariaheim. The appro~~riate per.mita shall be obtained f.or attiy neceosary work. 1Fi. * Thut t:he exir~ting atructure ehall comply with th~ minimum etandards of the C.iCy t,f Anat~eim, including the Unifotm Building, P'lumbing, Electric3l, M~ch~nic~l ai,d r'i.re Codes ~s adopted b,y l-.he City ~f Anaheim. 17. That no uutdonz ntor.age of, clieplay of., or work ~n v~hicloe or vehiculor narta ahall b3 permi.tted. -4- PC91-52 {;~,,,:; : 91jr~{~~"l ~ ~~~~~~ 18. *'Phat th~a propo~al. ohall compJ.y with a~l. sig,~ing roguirements af the CL "c'•Ammerci~il, Li~nited°' Zone unleae a vnr.iar.c~~ ~Llo~u.ing elgn waivr~rs is ap,proved by tho Clty Co~a~~cil, ~lanni~ig Commis~ion ~x• Zoning Adminigtrator. 19. That any pro~aaed freeNtancling eign on aubject Proporty eh~'l~. bQ a monu~~ent-t;rpe no~ ex~eed.tng eight (8) #eet i.n height aiid ~hall be subject to the rFVi~w and approva?. a.E the Ci.ty 'CrafEic and Tran6portHtion Managdr tc, de~`.ermine udequate lin~e-•of•-High.t. 10. * Tti~~t ~;he ~~n•-aite landc~capi.n~ and ix:riga~.`~on r~yetem eha~.l ho refurbi.phed ~nd mai.ntained in compl.ianc~e wi; h City standards. 21. That the exie~ing wall ahall be repaired wh~~~ damaqsd and shall be maintr~in~~d aL- all times. 22. That th~ own~:x• af aubject propdrty shr~ll eubmit a l~~ter requeet3.ng terminatic~n of Conditfonal Uee Pormit No. 3220 (expaneion of a commercial, retail ce.ater and a dr i ve-•thr~~ur~h restaurank wi.th waivez~s of parking, minimum di.stance b~twpen ~uildinga and required aitQ ecreenl.ngy, 29;5 (drive-thro:~gh r.~Ataurant in conjuncti.oa with expan~ion af a comnezcial conter and waivera o.f parking, rnini.mum ~.~lr i.ve-througia .Lane dimez~eione, required aite acreenin~ and minirm~m digtsnce berweer. buil3iriga), 2683 (public danc~ ha11 with on-sal~ alcohnlir, teverages), 2642 (on-eale alcohelic beverac~oa in a propoeed reet«urant), 2124 (car waeh), ?.104 (public dance hu111, 1696 tcocktail lnungr~), 16£37 (oii-~alo beer in a propooed biiliard parlor and arcade), 1198 (private educational club a~d day camp for children with outdoor, recreational faciliciea) and 617 (rEataur.ant with on-oale beer and ~~sta~irant with ~n-oale liquur) to the 7.~ning Divi3ian, 23. That oubject proper~y shall be developed subetantiall.y in accordaxtce with plana an~ specificatiana aubmittEd to the Cii:y of Anaheim by the oetitiar~er and which pZana are on fi].e wiL-h tnc Planniny D~partment m=rked Exhibit Nos. 1 4:hrough 16. 24. 'Yhat prior to isHUance of a building permft o~ within a peri.od ~f or.z (1) yenr frarn the dato ot thir~ reoolution, whichF3ver occure firat, Condition Plos. 1, 3; 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15 and 22, above-mentinned, ehall bEa compl ied witt-. Extensi.ana for fiirther ~ime to c~mplotc~ Haid conditi.ons may be yraritPd in accordanco wlth Secti.on 18.03.09(3 ot the Anaheim Mun.icipal Code. 25. That prior. to final bui.lding and 7oning i.nopections, Condition Nos. 2, S, 8, l~, 13, lb, 20, 2.l and 23, above-montioned, ehall t~e complied with. 26. * Thar. apprwal uE this appLication conet.itutes appraval. of thc~ propoaed rc~quest only to the ~xtQnt that i~ compliee witti ~he Anaheim Mun,icipal 2oning Code and any oth~r applicable City, State a~~d Federa.l r~gula~ior~e. Approval doeu not include any actiion or fi.ndingg ae to rompl.tancF or approval of the request regard.tng any otner applicabl.e ordinan~e, regulation ox requir.emQr,~. Cnnditione marked with an astQri.ek (*) are reguired by establfohQd laws, codao, regulationa and agreemeitte and aro, thezefore, riot suUjec~: to negotiatian. -~- PC91-S2 ,.•n,~, . I"'~!` ,~h FiE T~ FURT'FIEFt RESOLVED that the .~naheim City P1r~nni.ng Commi.~eion dces hereby find and determine tha.r adoption of th±a Resclution ie exproRely ~zed~.r.~ated upon xppl.icant'ti compliance with caach and all of th~a conditiong tierei;,nabave eet f.ozth. .~hould any such conditiUn, or a~y part trieroof, be dracls-red tnvalid or unonfC~rceabl.e by th~ £inal judgment of aixy court of cnmpcatant juriedir.ti~n, then tt~ic~ Rea~lution, and any approvale her.ein cont~iinsd, sk~al,l b~~ deemed nu11 ~nd void. THw FOREGOING RESOI,U7'T~)N wae ~~do~tc~d at; the Plxnning Cortuniesios- meeti.ng of Apri.l 22, 1991, , . .~.,.~' _ ~ -~ ,//~ /: ~~c f~/ GC~. ~ • , CHt~TRWO2~AN, ]1NAHhT22 CTT P7~ANNING COMMI5SION ATT~:~T : ,: '~ i~ r,~ --_.~.~~ l r~ - '~ /V /~~~t_, L-t SECRETRI~Y, ANAEIEIM CTTX PLAN~~ZD1G COMMISSIOt7 STRTE OF CALIFGRNT}1 ) COUCITY OF' Ol2P,NGF ) A s. CITY OF ANAFiE'LM ) ' I, Edith L. Harris, :;ocretary oP tFie Anaheim City Planning ~ Commission, da hereby certify that the foregoirig reaoluti~n was passed ~tnd adupt~d at a meeting oi `he pnahoim Citiy Planninor Cornmiesion r~ea.a on April 22, ].991, by the fol.lowing vote of the me;nbero the:•eof: AXES; C:CMMISSIONERS: fiOUAS, BOYDSTUN, HELLXE.R, H~NNI~IGER, DSESSE, PERAZA NOES: COb1MISSION~RS: NONE 11BSEN"~': C,OMMISSIONERS: EELDHAUS ~ IN WTTt1ESS WHEREOF, I have here~inta aat my hand this ~~r~~{ da o E ~~~` ~ 19 91. ~ ' - Y ~ , !J ~ _= 4s`-C-` rt- „r ~ f~~~~t_~,.~ SLCRETARX, ANFIFCL;EM CITY PI,AIVNINC~ CAMMI55ION '6- Pr.91-52