Resolution-PC 91-53ti~?,~~~t P,ESOL~UTION NO. 1'C91-53 ~ A RESO:U~IUN OF Z'HE A~IAHEZM GITY PLANNING COMM7SSIAN TEIAT PE'PI'PIQIV FOR VI~RIANCE NA. 41Z2 E3E GRAN:Fll W1:IEREA5, th~ F~naheim Clt~+ Pl.anni.ng Commioeion did receiv~ a vorifiod Petitian for Vaz~iance for aertatn real praperty eituatnd i.n the Gitiy of AnnhQim, County of Uran~e, State of Call.fornia described aa: THE WEST 200 FEE'T C1F THE NQR'~'B 383 FEF.T Ol~ LpT 1 IN F3L~C:TC "A" OF TRACT NO. 1.3, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED zN ESOOK 9~ PAGE~ li OF MISCFLLANL~'OUS MAPS~ RECORDS OF OR~1N~E COUNTY, GAL:LFbRNIA. WHF~R~AS, the City Planning Commic~ion did hold a public hearincT at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 22, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notice of ~axd public hearing having been duly giv~n a~ required by 1~w ar,d in accordar~ce with the pxovinions c~f the Anah~:im Municipal Cod~, Chap~~r 18.03, to Y-ear and cor~aider evidence for anci againet aaid propceed variance and ta investigate anci make findi.ng~ and r.ecouunenda~iono in c;onnection ther~with; anr~ WHEREAS, eaid Commieaion, aftar due inApection, inve~t~gati~n and etudy made by itaelf and !n its behalf, ~nd aftar ~ue cc~nsideratf.on of all Evidence and r.oporto offeled at said hearing, doe~ fir~-~ and dQtormine the following facta: 1. 'Phat the pet~.tioner propoee~ waivers of the following to ret~3in an outdoor equipment ren*_al facility: (A) SECiIONS i8• U6.05 !02? - t4ini.mum nt~mber of.~arlcinq aapace:s. ~_~i.06.G50.033 (88 r.equirad; 28 ex.isting) ~ '1~3.06.080 and 18.44,066.050 (Bj SECTION 18.44.0?.5.02.0 - Limit~tiqns 1;a ~ermitted LYSea and gtructur.ea. (All usee roguired to be conducfied whollv wi.thin a building; outdoor uaes exl.sting) 2. 7.'hat the above-m~r.tionc~d waiver (A) L~ hereby granted on the baais that ~hp parking w:z'_ver will r~at cause an i~, :re~se in traffic congesti~n 1.r, the immediaL-e vicinity nor advoroely affecY, any adjoining land usea and granting of the parking waiv~r und~ar the conditions I.mpoaed, .if s~ny, will not be detrimental to the p(33Ce3~ health, eafety a~d generaL welfare of the citizens of. the City of. Anahein~. 3. Thai: the abov~-m~...itior~eu ~ver. (B) i.g htreby grar.ted on the basie i:hat there are spECial. ~•ircu-nstance~ ap~-~ i,~abl~ to the propexCy such as size, shape, topogruphy, l~cation and aurro~.~ndinyu which do not apply to othez identically zoned ~ropErt.y i.n the aame vicinity; and that strict appli.catcion of the 7oning c'ode depr.iv~o thQ prc~perty of pr.ivilegee enjoy~d by other properti.er~ in the identical zone :~nd cla~nifica~ion in the yicinity. CR1161MP -1- PC91-53 .~~.~..I."~ .. ~ j,',r.~-.;~V 4. Tti~~ •4hQr~~ are dxce~t:ional ox extraordinary aircumetancQS or condi.~ios~s applir,able i:o ,:hE: propori•.~~~ i:iv~lved or to the intended use ~f t,he prapei•ty° that dn not app7;r ger~arally to the property or c].ase of uae in t:hp 98![S~9 vi.cinity and 'LOT19. 5. That ths r~~~quec3ted ~rar;,anc~ ia nece:~sary for the proservatton and enj~~}-merit of a eubc~tan:~:.al propari.y righ*_ ~oeaASSecI by other property in the same ;~•icinity and zoiie, aracl cle»i.ed to 1:he property i~.n c~ueati~ri. 6. That the i•e~,~u,eoted var.iance wil.l n~t be mater.ially detrimental to tlie public we].f~.r.•~ ~r :Ln~juric~ue ta the p.raperty or improvaments in r~uch ~ic.iriity ,snd zone in whir.h the pr~~per~y is locatect. ']. That no nrie :.n~9i.,.^.ateci their pres~nce at said public hearing iri agp~.~sf.tican; and tha~ n~ corr•esp~~nclPnce was i~eceived in oppoaition ta aub~ect pet~tion. +~ALt~'ORN7A F.NVIRONri~tiTAf~, qCrp[.ITY _J~CT F1'NDING: 'rhat the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission h~o r•evi~z~E+~ tt~e propoaal for. waivers~ of min~mum mimber o£ pax:;hing spacea and 7.imi.t.aL•.Lon;s tc~ pE~rmitteu uses and structuree t~ r~~tain an outcle~or Lquipment rental f,~~ilit}~ c:n a rectang:t].arly-ahaped parcel. of land eaneiatir~g ~f approxima•tely 1.i5 ~ic:r.e~s havi.zg a frontage ~~ appr~ximately ?.00 f.eat ~r~ tlle sauth aide o£ Ltricc~ln ~~~vemie, having a maximum depth of ,3pprouimal:ely 250 feet, beincJ loc3tr~d al~pt•c~xirt~ately 150 feet west of the c~nterli.ne C.f. Empire Street and furthe.r ~~ee~cri.bed as 2116 W'est Lincoln Avenue; and doea her~by ap.prov~ the NegativE+ I~ecl~irat.i.an upon finding that it has cone.idered th~ D1'~gativo Da~larn.tlon tag~stt;ei^ ~,~ith any commants ~:QC~ivQd during thE~ pub],ic re~;riew praceor~ and furi:h~r f ir.~di,r.~g an the baais that the initial etudy and any c:ornments received that ~hQr~ is no eu`.~stantial evidence that the pro~QCt wi.t1 ha~u~e ~~.~ eigniFicant a_ffcr_t on th~ E+.r.ivironmer-t. NUW, 'I'HP.REFORE, BE ii' RESOLV~L~ t'~"iai: the .Anaheim City Planning Commiysi~~n doex ti~ereby grant subjec~ Pet..ition f~~r Variance, upon the fo].lo~aing conditians whir,h ,:are hc~reby faund to be~ a ne~~ee~ary prere~uisite t~ th~ nropoe~zc3 uae of t~,:.t~A ~t~bject property in ~~z~der to preaerv~e the ~afety and g~neral we7_fare o~G i::.he Gitizens of th~ City ~,f t~r.ahc~im~ 1. * That priur t.o i~~uance of a building p~ermi.t, the appr.opriate tra£f~c sir~nal. asaeE3e~mE~nt fesa ahall be paid to the City of Anaheirn in an amount as establiflhed'. by City Council RPSOlutf.oii No. 90R-198. ~. +'i'ha1: pl.~ne E-hall bF submitteci to the City Traffi.c and Transportati.on Manager for hia rev~.ew And approval showing coriformanre with thc~ iatest revi$ion o£ 1~.ngineer.ing Standard P1an Nos. 436 and 602 pertaining ta parki.ng etandarde ~ind driveway location. Subject property ehall thereupon be developed and maintained in conformance with said planr~. 3. That all drive~vayo st~a11 be c~natructed o~ith fifL•een (15) ioot r.adius curb returna as roquired by the City Engineer in conformance with L'ngineeri.ng S~andarc~e. '"2' PC91-53 ~'~ ~~, 4. ~ That tra.eh ~torage areaa sha12 be provi.ded and mai.ntained in a locat:Lon acceptable to tha Street Maintenance and Sanitation Divisi.nn and in acco.rdance with ~pproved pl.ans on file with said division. Siicli information shall be apecifically shown on L-he plan~s ~ubmitted ~or build.i.ng permits. 5. That a solid waste manag~ment plaz with recycling capabilities ehall k~e xubmitted to and approved by the Stre~t Diair~tenance and Sanitation Divieion. Upoii n~cupancy of the pr.oject, saic~ plan ghal.l commenco and shall remain in full efFect as rec~ui,red by said Diviat.on. 6. That the petitioner 9ha11 atore all 1a~rge equipme~nt, includtnq renta~. trucks, within the outdoor ~tora~e area. No otorage shal'1 k~e allowed in the pv*+lic ~~arking ar.e: i. '/. '~hat .he petitic~ner ~hall insYall redwood elate wi~hin thoe9 porti~ns o~ t}:e ckiatn linlc fence which ~xtend beyond thP existing block wa11 ta viaually acreen the equipmen#: f•rum adjacent prop~xL•i~x. 8. xhat the petitionQr shall store aJ.l trash bins S.n trieh enc~oaures. 9. That euUject property shall be developed aubatantially in accordanc~ with plans and specification~ ~ubmi.tted to t.ne City ~f Anaheim by the petitioner and wh?ch plans ar.e on file with the .Planning Dspartment marked Exhibit No. 1. 10. That Conditi,on Noa. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 znd A, above-mentioned, ehall be campla,ted within a period of ninc~~y (90) days fro-n the ciate of thie resolution. 11. * That approval of thie appl.i.cation cnnatitutes approval af the prapoeed ~:oquest only to the extent rhat it compliee with the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any otber app].icable City, State and Fed~ral regulatione. Appruvsl clo~s nnt inc).ude any action or findinga as to complianc~ or approval of the .request L~egaraing any other applicab].e orciinance, regulation or requiroment. Condition~- maxked with an aateriAk (*) ~.re required by established l~wo, codes, regulatione and. agreemente and are, ther.efor.e, not eubject L-o negc~tiation. B~ IT FURTHER ~2ES~LVED t'~at the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion do~es hereby find and determine ttiat adopti~n of thie R~eolution i.a expresaly pr~:dicated upon applicant'~ compliance with each ~nd all of ~hw conditions hereinabove a~~ fcrth. ShQtild any such conditio-is, ~r any par~ ~hereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the Einal judgment of any cnurt o~ competent juriediction, then thio ~tesol~~t~on, and 3ny approvals herein coi-t~ined, ahnll be deemed ni11 and void. -3- PC91-53 ~ R": ~;:~ ~+t:,i;~,$ THE FUREGAING RESOLUTION waa adapted at the P1.ann~ng Commienivn meetir~g of April 22, 1~91. ~; ; -' -G-~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~-~ _ CHAiRF]OM7~N, ANAf~EIM CITY P~ANNING COMMISSrON ATTEaTi(~ ~.,~ ~- ••~ ! ~/~ ~ r_i'~,~~ ,.~ ,~~L. -=,.-, SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL'AIdNTPTG COMMISSiON STATE OP CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OP' QRANGE ) s~. CITY OF ANAIiEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, SecrEi:axy of the Anaheim C3.ty Planning ~ CommiseiAn, do her~by certlfx that the foregoing resolution was pasaed and , adopted at a meeting of the Anahei.m Ctty P~anninq Comm.t~~ion h~ld nn F.pri~ 7.2, 19y1, by th~ fo.llowing vote ot the members therc~of: , AYLS: CQM2aISSIONERS: BaYDSTUN, BOUAS, H~LLYLI2, H~IJNINGER, MESSE, P~?7A7.A NI~~S: COMMITSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: C~M~dISSIONEF.S: FELDEiAUS . I'N WITNESS WHER~OE, i have her~unto get my ~and this ~~"= day nf % ~ , 1991. / ~ ~r-~ ~ F,L~~..~.~.._. _ (~7 (~S~-t-~~v ` /~.~~ , SECRF~AR.Y, ANAHEIM C1TY YLANNIN~ COMMISSIUN -4- Pc9X-53 ~: