Resolution-PC 91-59~ •fw'~ RESOLUTION NO. PC91-59 E~IY~i~ A FtESOLUTiON OF TEx~ ANAHEIM CITY PI,ANNIIVG COMFiISSIU;v TFIAZ' PETITTON FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3405 BE GR'e~NT~D WHERE}1S, the Anaheim Cf.ty Planning CammiASion did receive a verified Petition f~r c:onditior,ai Uae Permit for cerL•ain re~:. property eituatgd in the City df Anaheim, County r~f Orange, StatQ ~f California, describod aa: PARCEL 3: THAT POI2TION OF THE SOUTFiWES~` QUARTER OF 'tHE ~SOUTH~AST QUF.RTER OF S~C'!'ION 34, TOWNSH7P 3 SOUTEi, Ft21NGE I'J WEST, TN THE RANCHO SAN ~7UATV CAJON DE SANTP. ANA, CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY' QF ORANGE, S'~`ATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP ~~~~tD~A IN HOOK 51, PAGE 7 OF MTSCET,LANEOUS MAPS, IN TFiE OF'FiCE OF THE VOUNT't RECORDER pP' SAIU COUNTY, UF,SCRTB~'D AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNTNG 10 CH~IZNS LAST OF TF1E SOUTHWES'P CORNER OF TFIE SOUTHEAST (~UARTER UP' SAID SECTION ; THENC:E ~AST 9 CHAIN, MORE OR LESS, TO THE WEST LINP; OI' THE RIGHT OF' W}~Y' OF TFIF CALTF012NIA CFNTRAL RF17I,WAY COMPANY, AS DESCRIB~.D IN A DEED 22ECORDED IN BOOK 327 PAGE 224 OF D~EDS, RECURDS O~' LOS ANGEL~S f:OUNTY, CAL'IFORNIA; T~iENCE NORTH 20 CHAINS ALO~IG THE WEST LINE OF THE SAIU RTGHT OP'91AY TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHW1sST QUARTER OF THE ~OUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTIOfJ; THE;DICE 47EST 9 CEiAINS, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT' 10 CHAINS EAST ON TH~ NORTHWF.ST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QIJARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SF:CTI~JN; THENCE SOU2'H 20 CHAZNS MORE OR LESS, :'rJ THE POINT OF BEGIIQNING. EXCL:~T TIiE SOUTH :L5U.00 FFFT OF TH~ WF,ST 150.(10 FEET THEREOF' , ALSQ ~XCEPT THERGFROM THAT ~ JRTION OF' THE SOUTHWE;ST QUAR'I'ER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUP.RTER dr SAID SECTION LYYNG WESTrRLX OF ANn ADJACENT TO 'PFiE RIGIIT OF WAY OF THE CALIFORNIA CEDTTF2AL RAILWAY WAY COMPANY, }lS DFSCRTflED IN DEFI) FtECORDED IN B~TC 32i PAGL 224 OF DEEDS, REGORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORlYIA, ANU LYING EAST^nRLY GF A LINE PARALLEL WITFI THE DIF,Z'ANT W~S'PEFtLY 25.00 F~ET MEAS'URBO AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM TH~; FOLLdWING D~SCRTFlEn CENTER LTNE OF THE LO5 ANUELES AND SALT I.A~t~ R11J.LROP~J. BEGINNING AT A POINT UN TH~ SOpTF1 LINE OF SAID SECTION, UISTANT W~ST 35.00 FF.ET FROM TFiE WEST LINE UF SAID RIGHT OE' WA't dF THE CALIFOFtNIA CENTRAL RAII~WAY; TFiENCE liOP.`SH 0° 45' WEST 947.$ FEET PAF2ALLLL WITH SAIC WE5T LINI: OF RIGHT OF WAY TO THF POZNT OF BEr,INNTNG OF A TRANSITION CURVE CONCAVE WESTERLY AhD INCR~ASLNG IN DCGR~E OF CURVATUF.E AT THE RATE OI' 0.2 MTNUT~S PER 0.1 FOOT OF CURVE; THFNCE NORTiiERLY ALONG SAIA TRANSITION CURVE '1$0.00 F~ET TO TFiE POINT OF BEGTNNING OF A CURV~ L()TICAVE WESTEftI,Y AND HAVING A RADtUS OF 955.37 FEET; THLNCR NOF2TH~RLY 196.78 FEET ON SAID CLiRVE. CR1168MP -1- PC91-59 ~(e~~ ~;~;,r~ ~ . ~Y I PARCEL 9. THE SOU~PH 350.00 L'EET OF 7.'Fi~ WEST 150.00 E~'EET OF 'rHAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 3 SOU'['H, RANGE 10 4 WF,ST, IN THE RANCHn SAN JUAN CAJON DE SA~]TA ANA, IpJ THE CITY OF ,ANAHEIM, COUIVTY OF OFii~NGE, STATE OF CALTFORIJIA~ AS :;A:LD SECTTUTi IS SI~IOWN ODT A MAP RECORAED IN HOOK 5.1 PAGb7 7 dF DiISC~:T~I~ANF:0U5 MAPS, IN THE OFFICE dF THE COUhITY RECORDER UF SAID GOUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEtsI1VNING AT A FOIf7T T;l#uZ' 660.00 FEN;T rROM THE FII;ST CORN^cR OF THE SOUTHEASx QU'ARTE.R OF SAID ~EC:TIAN 34; Ti-IENC~ EABT 594. UO FE~T TO THE WEST LTNF OF THE RIGfiT OF WAY OF TIiE CALIFORNIA C;EtVTRAL' Ft.AI]:~WP,Y COMPANY, AS DESCRTBED It7 A DEED FtECORpEA IN BOOK 327 PAG~ 22~1, q~' DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGEI~ES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE NOR'PFi 1320.00 k'EGT AI,ONG 'PIrIE WEST LINE aF SAID RIGHT OE' WAY TG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SQUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE Sqr]TI-IN AST ~UARTEFt UF SAID SEC'!'IGN 34; ~HENCE WEST 594., 00 FEET TO A POINT WI-IICti IS EAST 660.00 FEET ZROM THE NORTHWEST CORIVER OF THE SOUTEIWEST QUAE2TF.R OF THE SOUTHEA.ST Q(iARTEF2 C1F SAID S~CTION 34; THENCE SOU'1'H 1320.U0 I'EET TO THE POINT QF BEGINNIN~. EkCEPT TC3AT POTTON THEREO~' INCLUDED WI'PIiIN THE EAST HA.LF OP' TFiE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF TEIE SOUTHWEST QUAR'PER Or TrtE SUU'PFiEASZ QiJARTE:R OF' SAID SECTION 34. SAID LANU IS IN(;LUD~D WZTFiIN 'TH~ AREA SHOWN ON A M11p FILED IN B06K 25 FAGE 15 QF' RE(:OF.D ~k' SUR~IEYS, AND ON A MRF~ FILED IN BOUK 3!3 PP.GF 3 RCCOP.D UF SUkVEY5, BOTH IN THL OFFICE OF' THL COUNTY RE.;ORDER UF SAIC O.RANGE COUNTY. F'rHEREAS, the City Pl.anning Commi.dsion dfd hold a~uL].ic hearing a~ i:he Civic Center in tY:e Cit~~ of. Rnaheim on Apri1 22, 1991, st 1:30 p.m., noLice of sai.d public hearing h~ving been duly given a~ raqutrEd by law and in accordance wi.th the provinione uf. the Anaheim Municxp~l Code, Chapter 18.d3, to hQar and con~ider evidence for. and aqainst. esid pz~opoeed conditi.~inal usQ oermit and to inv~sta.gate and make findings and recommendationa ir- connecti.on therewith; and that aubject petition was readvertiaed for a public hearing at the May 6, 1~91, Planning Commission moeting; and WH~REAS, said Commie.sion, after due inspection, i.nvestigaticn and study macle by itself and in ite behalf, und after due consideration of all svidence and reports offered at ~aid h~.~~r.ing, doe~ find and determine the foll~wing facto: _2. P~91-59 s';;`~;~:~~:; :? ~^~}"i'e' . F:ri~i ~l ~~~~ 1. That the p.ropoaed use is properly one for whiah a c~ndi~ional usem~psrait9~i~e 8quft°r1ad~i.ti~n ~tohQan Mex3sting r~a~surantQwith.waiveo,ofQthe pQr foll~wing: (A) SECtion 18.p6•0232 ~ rlinimum number of parkinQ ~nace . 18.Q6,090 (118 spacee .requ.irod; 103 epaces exieti.nq) and Y8.61,066.050 (I3) Sections - Reauired dedic3tiori. and 18.61_.,100 (Dedication of right-of-wav required; none proposed~ 2, ~hd~ thQ requested waivex (A) is hereby granted ~n the basin that the parkin9 Waiver will n~t cause an incr.eaee in traffic co:;geetion in the immediate vicinity nc.tir adver~saly affect any aciioini.ng land usas ar.d grant~ng oE i:he parking waiver under the canditions i.mpo~~d, if any, will. not be detrimental to the pgace, health, eafety and c~neral wRlfare of ~he citizens of the City of Anaheim. 3. ThaL• ttle raquQr~ted walver (B) is hereby granted on the baeis that the coot of the required dedication and improvemQnte unreagonak~ly exceede the burden or imp~~ct cr.eated by the development pr~ject. 4. That the ~roposed uee urill n~t ~dversely affect the adjoining iand uses and the gr~wth and devolopment of the ar~a in which i* is proposed to be locatPd. 5. That the size and shape of the eite }?ropoo~d for tho uee ia adEquate to allow the fiill development of tlle propoedd u~se .in a manner not dQ•t:rimcntal to the pari.icula.r area nor to thn peace, healttl, safPty and geiYeral w~lfare of the Citizene of the C.ity of Anal~eim. 6. Tha~ ttlti granting of tlle Conditiona~. U~e Permit under the conditions i•mpo~sed. if any, wi11 not bP detrimetital to thP peace, haalth, s~fei:y and general welfare uf ~he C.itizens of the City of Anaheirt~. 'l. That the traffic generated by the propoeQd use will ,:ot impose an undue burden upon the st~ee~e and highw~ye de~signed and imJ~roved to carry thc~ tr.affic in the area. 8. That na one indicated their presence at eaid pubi?.c hearing in op~~aeition; and tha~ ne corre~+pondence v~as receivecl in op~o~iti~n to th~ subjeot petition. -3- PC91•-59 . ~ `:~, M- ~~a~ 4~ CALIF~RNLA ENVIRONMEi1Z~~}~~~q~y~ ACx rINnZNG. q'hat the Annheim City Planning Commission has rev:.owed the proposa], to pe,rmit a 900 sq.ft. addi.tion to an exi.eting reatauz•an•~. with walvors nf minimum num~ier of parking apacea nnd required dedication or, a rect~ngularly-ohaped parcel of land r.oneiating of appraxirnately 0.8 acrE having a frontacp of approximat•ely 31G Eeet on the no:~th sid~ of. ArangaL•horpe Avenue, having a maximum d~pth of ap~roximat~ly 17~1 feet, being lacated approximately 1435 feet: west of ttte centerline of Rayniond Avenue and fur.thor deacribed ae b01 East qrange~horpe Av~nue; and does hereby approve tkie Nc~gative Daalaration upon f inding that it has conoid~red the Iv*egative Declaration together with any commPnts received during thQ public zeview pr.oceas and further .finding nr1. tl•,e baeie t~hat the initial atudy and any cc~nm~ents zoceived that there ie no auk~stantial evidence that thQ _~ojeci: wi1l have a significant affect on ~he c~nvironmenL. NUW, TI3~RE;FORE, BE IZ' R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Co-nmi.saion does her.ebX grant aubject Peticion ior Conditional Use Permit, upon the fo~.lowinq cnnditiuno which are heieby found to be a n~ceesary pr~requisit~ tc~ tho propo~~d uae af t;~~ subject pxoperty in orc~er to preseive the safety and yancral welfare of the Citizsno of the City of Anuheim: 1• * That prior to iasuanc~ of a k~uilding pErmit, the appropriate traffic oigr,a', aesessment fee sha.ll be pai.d •to ~he City of F~naheim in an amount ae esr_ablished by Ciry Councii Resolution No. 90R-198. 2. * 7'hat ~lane ehall be submitted to the City Traffic Enga.neer for his re~•iew and approva'1 r~howing ccnformance with the latest z•evieian of E~ngineering Standarc~ Plan No~. ~36 and 602 pEr~aining to parkiny standardP and driv~way ].ocatione. Subject pr.operty ahal..i thereupon bo developed and rr~aintained in conformanr.e wi.th oaid plar-s. 3. Th3t all dri•vewaye ehall be reconstructed to acrommodate ten (10) foot radius cur.b returne in confc~rrnance with Englne~ring Departme:zt Standarda. ~. That all driyeway~3 ehall be a minimuin of twNn~y four (24) feAt wi~F fur adeguate ingre&s and ec~roae. 5,. * Tha~: trash atorage areae shall be pro•~ided and maiiitain~d in a location acceptable to the Street Maiiiteriance 3nd Sanitation Division and in accordance with approved plsno or~ file with Raid divini~n. Such information nh~ll be opecifically eh~wn ~~n t•he plana aubmitted for building pQrmi.ts. 6. Tnat pzior to isauar.c.e of a bv.ildinq permit, a soZid waete managemenC pl.an with recyc;ling capahilities ehall be apgroved by the StreRt Main~enanca and Sanitatioti Divioion. Upbn occupancy of the projr~ct, aaid plan ~hall comm~nce and eha.l.l rem~3in ~.n ful.l eEfect ae r~quired by eaid Divteion. 7. * 2'h1t the c~n-sit.e landecapinq and irrigation syatem shall be maintainod ln compliance with City standarda. -4~ PC~1-59 ~~br~q ~ i3. That eub;}ect nroperty sha11 lio developod c~ubetantiAlly in accordance with ~lana a~~d epecificatians eubmttted to ~he City of AnahQim by the petitioner and which plans arc~ or. file with the Planning Depttrtment rr,aiked Exhibi.t Noa. 1, 2 and 3, 9. 'fhai•. prior. to iaeuance of a buildittg permi.t or. wi.t:hin a gerind of cne (1) y~ar. from the dai:e of ~hio resolutir~n, whichever accure firc~t, C:ondition Nas. 1, 2, 5 and 6, aUove-ment~.ioned, ehall be complied with. ~xtenaiona for. £urther •~ime tio comp7.dt~ naid canditione may be granked in accordance with ::ection 18.03.090 ~f the Anaheim Municip~l Codo. 1Q. That prior to final btiil~ling and zoning inepPCtions, Condition Noe. 3, 4, 5 and 8, above-menki~ned, ahall be cocnplied with. 11. * That approval of this appli.c:ation con~ti~utea F•pproval of +.h~ propos~d r_equest ~nly to +.he extent that. it compliea with the Anaheim Municipal 2oni~~ Code and any other applicable City, Stat~e and L'ederal regulati~na. Approval does nat incl.ude any ~c~ion or f~.nding~+ ae ta c4mpliance ~r appr.oval of th~ request reqarding any otP:er applicabl.e ordin~nce, r~gulatiori or requirement. Conditions marked with an aster.iak (*) are rec~uired by established 1awa, c~c~Pa, regulations and agreementa and arP, therefore, not aubj~ct to negotiation. BE IT FUR`rH~R RESULV~D that the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion do~s hereby find and c~etermine that adoption af. thi~ R~~olution 1.e expresaly prediaated upon ap~licant' s ~:.~mplianco with each and 31.1 oF •the condj.tions hereinabove ~et forth. 5hould any such condition, ur any part thereof, be doclar~d invalid or ui:~nforceable by the f~nal judga~ent of an~ court of cc:mpetent juz•iadiction, thon thie R~eolution, ana ~ny approvals herein contairied, c~hall be deemed null and void. THE FOk'r.GOING RESOLUTION waa adopted at tY-e Pl.anning Cammisaion meet.i.ng of May 6, :1991. ~ ~~, /Ft~- ~-~~~~`-~"`~ -~ ~~°-.. / CTTY LAN?~ING CbM~TI~SION CHHIE2WOMAN, ANAHE7M ATTEST: ~ ~ •~'~J ' • _/ `~' ~ r~% i L~ 4.,~iL~ ,~ ~~ , t.t_: r_. ._... SE~CRETARY, AI~Ti1HEIM CIT YL'f~1NNIN~ COMMISSION -5- pC.91-59 .: ~~f'd'~ ~ini` ~ ~ ':. ~, ' ~f~ ~" F STATE OF CALtI'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF OI211P7GI. ) s e. CITY OF ANAHE'.CM ) I, .7Ane~ t.. ,Tenoen, SeciotHry of the Anahetm City Plannlnq Commieeion, do h~reby cE~rtify that the for~yoing resolurian wae paeeed and adr~ptAd ~k a meotinq of the Anah~im Ci.t.y T~lanning Comr,~ieefon he~d on May 6, 1991, by the fnllowing vote of tha membQre ttlareof: AYE;Ss COM2~tS9TUNERS: BOLIAS, HOYUS'PUN, ?'EL~HAUS, iiELLYrR, FiENNINGER, MGSSE, PEFtAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NON~ ABS~NT: CUDtMISSIUNERS: NONE Itt WITNESS WHER7COF~ I have t19Y(9U1ltU eet my hand this~ ,~~?'.L.. da,y O f ,.,_~'Y._~Cl~, r 1~ 91. 1,~~ , i'' ' 1 ` / i il ,...w. -------- -~-~=.~=~-. __-~`~'~.:, SrCRETARY, ANAHEII+. CITY PI.ANNIMG COMMISSION '6' PC91-59