Resolution-PC 91-60~ ~?.~ Miti ,~'r;t;~y x~soLV~rzocr r~o._~~c~t-6o A RLSOLUTION OF Tt~~ ANF,HL'IM CITY PLAI~N.iNG COMMISSICIN TEiAT PF'PlTTON FOR COND:[TION~L USE PERMIT NO. 3403 Dh; DEIJT~D WHEFtFAS, thc~ A~~ahei.m City Planning Commi.odion did receive a verii•iQd P~tition for Condi~iona~. Use PQrmit. £or c9r.~tiin real. ~rop~rty aituatad ici the C.i.~y of Anahoim, ~ounty -,f o~-ange, Stt~ttQ of Califarnin, dt+~crib~d ao: PnF.CEL 1: 7.HAT P~RTION OF' THE SO(JI'HEAST QUARTFR OF SF,C:TION 36, TOWNSEI.CP 3 SOUTFi, F2ANGE 9 WES'P, SAN E3E`~2NARDINQ EiASE AND ME22TDIAN, UESCRIBED AS FULLOWS: BYGINNING AT THE SOiI'P~.IEAST CURNE2t OF SAID SECTIUN 36; TI~~i1CE WEST TO A POItiT, 195 ~E~T EAST OF THE aOUTFiWEST CLt2NElt UF' THAT CERTAIN PARCEr~ OF C,AND CANVEYED TO WTLBUR E. RASEX AND kIFG BY DEGD R~CORDED JANUARY 15, 194•4 iN E300X 1230, PAGC 230 nF OFFICIW.. RECCIPDS; THEPICE N012TEi 2G D~:G. Ol' WEST ALO:JG THF. SQUTHWEST~I2LY LINE OF THAT CER'PAIN PARCEL OF LAND CUNVEYED TO MICFiEIEL C. BINDr.R AND WIFG SY DGF.D RECOFtDEll MARCN 1, 1947 IN BOOK 1492, PAGE 8G QF UFFICIAL R~,CORDS TO A POINT 64.83 FEET S4U'PHEA~TERL`1 F'P"..M AN INTERSECTION TE~EREOP' WITH THE SOp:CHEASTERL'1 INL; OF THE 100 FOOT STFtIP UI' LAND D~GCIZIBED YN JEED TO STATE OF' CALT.FOP.NIA, RECORDEB J~~NE 4, 1934 TN BOOK 6F30, PAGE 165 7F OHFICIAL RECOP:S, SAIll POINT REiNG AN ARC OF A CURVE, C.ONC}1VG SOUTFiEASTRRLY HAVING A RAD'!Uu OF F,454.00 FLET; TFIENC~ NOltTEiEA~TTFtLY ALON~ SAID CURVE, F'ROM A TANG~:NT E3EARIIdG NORTF{ 46 DEr,, 29' 11" EAST, 7'HRGU~H AN ANG~,~ OF 1 DEG. 41' S5" AN ARCFI DISTANCE OF .n,50.6:; FFET TO :iiE IN'rFRSECTION THEREOF WITH TFIE SUUTHW4STERLX LINE OF TiiA'T CF,RTAIN 60 rOOT STRIP UF LAND L+E5CRIB~D IN PARCEL 1. OF DEED 9:0 HENRY F. DCL CIORGIO AND WIFF., RECORLGD AUGUST 7, 1948 IN BWK 1682, PAGE 364 OF OPFICTP.L RFCORDG; THENCF. SU(iTHEA~IERI.Y ALONC 5AID SOU'.CHWFSTERZ.Y LINF OF THE 60 FOOT STRI'_' CONVEYED '1'O DEL GIORGIO, TO THF EASTERLY LINE OF SA'ID SP:C'PION 36 J'Pf1ENGE SOUTI~FRLY ALONG SAID EASTFs1?LY LTNE UF SAIG SECTIUN 36 TO !'tiE PO;NT OF BEGINN?NG. PARCEL 2: THAT YOR' ~GC;Z4N ~6, TOWNSHIP EiERNARD I NO 1~lE R 1 u Z nt: , r,ALIF'ORNIA, BY 11 DERD OF OFF]'CIAL RF:CORDS NpRTRWES:L~RI,Y CY A I.lla:' CION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF 3 SUUTH, KRNGE 9 WEST, SAN ACQUIRED BY THE STATE OF R~CORD~:D .ttr ~~Ok 2079, PAGE 160 OF OP.ANG~ COUNTY. , ~iuu~.DFn nF~SCAIFiF:U AS I'GI.Lpi~S: CR 1159MP -.l - ~C9 7.-60 p~4'<~1 ~ ~~ BEGINNZNG AT A POTNT TN TFI~ SAUTH I, SnID POTNT HEINC pIiTANT ALUNG SA7DNSOUTH I~1NE EASTERLY 29.10 FEET FROM CERTAIIV TI~F NORxHEAST~~,y ~~k~yINUS OF THAT COURSE DrSCRIBEp ?~S "NORTH 4~ D~G. 07' 42" EAS'1` G$6.96 F'F;E'I~" IN PARCFL 1 OF A DEED RECURDED TN BOOIC 1731, PAGF 521 UF SAID OFFTCIAL REC0~2DS; THL~,'NCE NORTHEA5TERI,y IN A pxRECT LiNI: TO THE SOUTHEASTEkLY TEAFIINUS OF THpT CGR'."AYN COURSk. DCSCRI$L;D AS "SOt1TH 25 D~G. 55 ~ 27° EAST A DI5TANCE UF 64.83 FEET 7~0 'fFJE INTERSECTION TEIEREO~ WI'rH A CURVE" IN :q DEED F..,C:ORDED IN 80pK 2?.85, PAGE 4$7. C)F uAIp OFFICIAL RECORllS. F'ARCFL 3: THAT 1HB SECTIOIJ 36, q'QWNSH~pTON3 OF ' SOUTFiEAST QUAR'fER QF B13RNARAINb MERIDIAN DESCRIACD ~~~rrl;~ KANGE 9 WrST, SAN AS FOI.~,~WS ; EFGINI~ING AT THL MUST IJESTERLY COkNER DFSC:tIpgp IN DEED T() FRANK MINSSSRLE AIJD WIFF',TRECORDED MARCFi 13. 1970 IN BOOK 9238. PAGE RECORDS QF ORANCE 8~8 OFF OFFICIAL NORTH~AaT~RLY Aj,p~ COUNTY~ C1~T.I~ORtvIA; THFNCE JG THE NpRTHWESTFRLy LINF, O.F SAID LAND T~ T~~ MOST SOUTFfrRLY CORNER OF THE F'I,AND DESCRTBFD J'N llEEb TO THE STATE 1952 OF CALIFORNIp }2ECORDED FEEF.UARY 13, xN BOOK ~~35~ pAGE 482 pF SpTD nFFyCIAL RECORDS; 1'HENCF, NORTHc;ASTERLY A7,ONG TI1~ UOUTHFASTERLY LINE OF SAID LAST MF,NTION~,D ~,AIJD, pEINC+ A f:tJRVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 8454.00 F'EE'C, (A Kpplhr LIN~ OF SAID CURV~ P?~SSING TKF.OUGH SAID MOST SQUTHERT,y CpRI~JER iiEARS N~kTH 43 UF,C. 30' ~~ EXTE~ISZ~tl ., 49 WE~T) AND ITS NUR?HEA~Z'~RLY Tp 1H~ NpRTHWESTERLy TF,RMTNUS OF THF COUkSE SHOWIV AS HAVINC A DISTANCE OF 42.00 FEET MORE OR LESS ON T'HE MAp pTT]~rHrC TO 9~~ EASEMENT D~Ep h~~O~DED MAy g~ 19'77 IN 12185, ppG~ 1245 UF SAID prFIGIAL RECURiaS; THENCE AI.OIrG NORTHWCSTERLY PROLONGATICN OF SAIJ COURSE l~ORTH 7g DEG, 07' 15" WES7' 0.82 FG~T TO THC BF.GJ,NNTNG OF CURVr^, CUNCAVE SOUTHEFtLY HAVING ~ T'~~~NT TEIENCE WESTERl.Y ALONG SAIp ~•7g A~DIUS OF Ig,pp ~'~E:; OF , 5~ .: PHROUGH A CENTRAI, Ai7GLF. 93 DEl;, qa " Ai7 ARC D.CSTANCE OF 29.47 FEET TO A COMPOUC7D CURVE rONCAVF; SOUTNEASTc;RI,Y HAVING A}2ACI~s ~r ~3474.00 FEET; THEtiCE SOUTHiJESTERLy ALONC THROUGH A CEWTRAI, ANGLE pg SAZb C(~RVi; DISTANCI: pF 02 pE~• a3' 31" AN 1~~ 4~'~' ~~ ~E~T TQ THE SOUTHF.RLY LINE ^k' SAID SECTIpN 36; TlIEpICE ALONG SAIC SOUTHRRLY LTNE IVORTH f39 DEG. 54' 12" EAST TO TF(S POiNT AP BECINNING. WHERL'AS. tne CiL•~ at tta~ C_vic Center f~'lannLng Commiaeion did h~ld a n~tfc~ ,~f in t1~Q Ci.ty of Anaheim on March 25, 1991p~t ~l t 3~B8~ iny ~a~~ P~hlic h~ar.in accor~9ance with the 9 havin~ bec~n duly given a9 require~ n P•m., h~ar and roneider evfdenceifor andtagaL~atQOl.id4~roaoo~c~`cond Chaprer~18.03a to and to inve~tigate ar.d makQ f~ndinr g L•herewith itfori,:l uee pormit t and that public H~id ' u~~3 recammendtttione in connection Plar,ning Conmte~ion meetin hcc~r.ing wua cor~ti~uo~ ~o thQ May 6, 1991 g; and , -2- PC9I-60 ~(~ ' ~)~~k~ P~'~~~~ W[iE}2EAS, eaid Cammienion, aftRr due ina,pection, inveP*1c~a~ian and atudy made by iteolf and in lts bc~half, and after dua ceneid~ration of all evi,dence anc~ r.eporce nffer.ed at ~ai~ h~aring, doea find ancl determine the fol'luwing L•acts: 1, That the praposed uae ie proper.ly one ior which a conditional uae parmit t~ authorizeci by Anal~r~im M-xnicLpal Cnde Sectic~n4 1£i.21.050.105 t~nd ~ t~ parmi.t a pre-ect~oo'_ for up to 240 childr~:~ with wa.iver of tha foLl~wing: SEC'rIONS~..~f!1~0A2.020 - ~nim?~m~andeaape e~tk,nck. and 16.?1.053 (15 feet roquirc~u; 6 teet propo:~ed) 'l. That r_he propoae~ ue~ is herQby d~n.iecl. 3. That thc~ r.:.~:.,~ucn; ed wa.iver f u herGby dQnied becauee sub ject uxe par.mit wao de~iied. 4. Tha•t the pr•oponed use wt.ll. sdvPrealy r~ffe~t the ar~joining rRaidential ).~nd ua~e ~~nr~ thc: growth and develUpment of t.h~ ar~a i.n which it ie pr~posed to be located. 5. ~'har_ ~h~ eize and ~hape c~f ttie e~ite propased for Che uAQ ia not ad~q~iate t~ allow the Eull d~ve~?.op:nent of the propo~e~ use in a manner not detrimental to thc~ •~:~rticulnr. ,: ~.t n~.~: •.~ the peace, h~alth, safety and generzl wRlfare ~~t ttie Citizena of the Ci.ty oi Rnat~aim. r~. ThaL• the grantir.g of the c~,nditi~n.zl iTsd Permit wi.ll be detrf.mental to thQ peace, hea.ith, safety and general welfare of the Cit•~zens af. the City of Anaheim. 7. That the ~raLfic generat~d by the progosed usa orill impo:~~ an undue burden upvn the ~tzeet~ and highways deeigned and impr.oved to carry the traffir. in thF area. 8. Th~t: thren (3) pecple ir, oppoaitio;- and one pc~rson in favor indicatod their p:e~sence at said public hearing; anrl that no corrospondQnce was recQived in opposition ta rns subject petitior.. CAI,TFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAT~_~QUAL,ITY ACT ~'INllING: That: the ~lnahei~n City Planning Cortunieei,rn tiaH reviewed tl~e propoeal to psrm.i.t a pre-er.hool f~r ~, up t~ 240 childr.en with waiver mir~}.mum landecape setback on an ir.zegularly- ~- ehaped par.cel of lund c~neinting of appxoximutely 1.2 aares located at thA southwAdt carner of S~nta Ana Canyon Road and Mot~ler Drivo, having approximate frontages uf ~106 fe,~r. on the south oido cf Santa Ana Canyon Road and 300 feet on the weet eide of Mohler Drive and furth~r deecribo@ se 1].1 South Mahler Drive; and d~es hereb~ deny the N~qativo Declaration upon finding that it has considered the tiegativ~: De:laration toqether with any cormnenGe received dur.tng tho public rQ«iew p['o~,`esa and further findii~~~ on the bAeie that the initial etudy and any c~r.~m~nf:e roceived that Y.here in s~abet~ntfal e~idenca that the project will. r-ave a aiynificant effect on ~he ~nv!ronment. -3- PC92-60 ~~ ~ NOW, 'PHEkEFORE, BE IT RESALVED that the Anaheim City Planning Comrni~elon doeH hereby dony eubject Petiti~n for Cor~di~ional Use P~rmit, an the baeis of the aforementioned findinga. THE FAREGOING ttESOLUTYON wa~ adopted at tho PlAnning Commiseioa moatiny of May 6, 1991. ~ i ,. ~~ , .~ ' ~ ~.,~.~.:~..~ CHAIRWO iV; ANA1rI~IM CIxY 1~LANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~r% ~ <.~l .,.Q: ~ ~/ ~~~~.. i- ~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHL~IM CiTY PLANNTNG CO~iMISSTON STATL; OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. CIiY OF 71NAHETM ) I, Eciith 7~. Harris, SecreCary of the Anahs.tm City Planning Commis~ion, do h~reby ceL•tifx that the for9going resolution wae ~ase4d and ; adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hald an May 6, '1991, by tha following vote of tho membs.rs tharoof: AYES: COMMT.SSIONERS: BOUAS, 80YDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLYER, HENNINGEFt, MEuSF;, PERAZA NOLS: COMMISSIONE125: NONE ABSED:T: COMMISSIONERS: NONE of ~ C'~~, i991. ' • . ~ ~ ~. ,.~:,v, /L" Ct--,~. . ~ ~ ~-~G~-- _1 ~ c..,. r SECRETAkY, ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION IN W7TNESS WHEREOF, I h~vo hereunto ec~t my hand this ~C~~ day -4- PC91~60