Resolution-PC 91-62•~ ~ RESOLUTION NO, Y~91-62 A RESOLUTTON OF TIiE ANAHEIM GTTX PLANNTNG COMMI3SION TiIAT P~TITION I'OR CONDITIONAL USF P~RMTT NO. 3408 BE GRANTED WHLR~AS, tt-e A:~xheim City Planning Commies~.on did receic•e a t~er:L:ied Ye~.ition for Candir_i.Qnal Use Permit f~r certa.in real propQZty situated i.n thQ C?.ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stato of Calif~rnia, c3escribE~d as: PARCEL 1: THA'C PORTIUN OF T,OT 1, BLUCZC 6 OF THE GOLDFN STl1'.l'E TRACT, J.N THE CI'PY ~k' ANAHF:IM, COIINTY OF URAPIGE, STATE OF CALIFOF2NxA, AS SHOWN ON A l~i.I1F kECORDFD IN BOOK 4, PACES 66 ANU 67' OF 2KISCELI,ANEOTJS MAPS, RFCURDS dF ORANGE COUNTY, SHOWN AS PARCEL 1 ON A MAP FTLED IN BOOK 1, P~~GE 38 OF PAftCEL MAPS RECORDu~ QF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. WH~'REAS, the City Planni.ng Commiseior, did hald a public :1E~aring at the Civic Canter in th~ Cii:y of Anaheim nn May 6, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said puk~lic he~rinq having been du.ly given ae r.equirad k,y law and in accardancP with the proviafone of the Anaheicn Munic.ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conaicier evidenc:e for and agair.st ~taicl propoasd conditional uae germit and to investigato and make £ind.inga a~id recomir~endations in connectian therewith; and WHERFA5, eai<9 ~'onunis~i<7n, after due ix~r~pection, inyestigaL-ion and atudy ma~e by .itsP~f and i.:i ito behalf, and after due consideration of ~11 evidPnce and r~:ports offcred at said hearing, dneb Find ar.d de~ermi.ne the follo~,~ing `•acta: 1. That the ~rnnos~d uHe in proper.ly ~ne for which a r,or~clittonal uae permit is au}horized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sec~ion lEl.()3.~30.010 tc.> z~etain a 40U Qq.~t. temporary offict~ trailer. 2. `.CI73I: the propoeed uaP is hPreby granted £or a~er:~ocl of tiWO (2) yeare, t~ expire on May 6, 1993. 3. That the proposed use will not adversely atfect the adj~ining land usea and the growtt, and developmznt oti the area in which it ic~ p.ropased to be located. 4. ~'h~t the eize and sha~e of the site propased for the uoe is adequate to allaw the full developmeiyt of the proposed uee in a manner not detriment-al tn the particular ar~a nc~r to the peACe, health, ~afety and goneral w~lfare of ~he Cttizena of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the gra~iting of the Canditional Use Permit under the cor~ditions impoaed, if any, wi11 not be detrimental to the peace, h~alth, r~af.ety and general welfare of the Citizei~s of the City ot Anaheim. CR1171MP -1- PC91-62 ~'ii :~ ~i 6. That thQ traffic gene,ratec? by the propoaed use wi11 not impc~se an undae burdc~n upon ttie atraet~s and hi~t-wayr~ desi.gned and improved to carry the tr.affic .in the area. 7. That nu one indicated their pr.e~ence at said public hearing in oppoeition; an~ that no corregpondence was roceived in opposition to the 3ubjRCt pei:ition. CAI~TFORNIA ENVIkONMENTI~7~ OUAI.TTY ACT FJ1~L~ING: The Planri.ng Diroct:or or hie autharized representative lias de*ermined th~~t t.he propceed project falls wit hin the definition of Catogarical Exemptions, Clase 11, as defined in the Sta~te ~IR GuidelinPa and is, therefore, categoxically sxempt from tho requ.iremont ta prQpare an E;IR. NOW, THEREFORE, EiE TT RESQLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission doea hereby t~rant suUject; PQtition far Conditional. Use l~ermit, upon th~ Following conditi.ons which sre riereb~ found to be a necessary prerec~uigite to ~he pro~~~se~ use of the eubject pxoperty in order to prReerve the eafe~cy and general w~lfare ot the Citizena of tl~o City of Anahaim: 1. * T1~at street lightinc~ facilit:.e4 along Redgum Street shall be inetal.led within ninety (90) claye after the ciate of thi~ r~solution and ae requirod by the Utilities GenF:ral Manager in accordance wi.th specificationo on filc~ in the Office of the ~:Jtilities General Manager. 2. ri That firE aprinklers ehall be inetalled as required by th~ Fire ~epartmeni. if the trailer remair~e on the prop~rty k~eyond .Kay, 1~, ~.9°2. 3. * That the existi.ng s'tructure aha11 comply ~~ith the minimum ~tandardr~ af the City o£ Anaheim, .includinc7 the Uniform Buildirxg, Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical z.nd Fire Codes ae adopted by the City of. Anaheim. 4. That aubject proprrty a?-.a].1 be developed ~ubstantially in accordar-c~ with ~lan~ and specificatfons submitted to the CiL-y af Ariaheim by the petitl.oner and which plane are on fiie with thP Planning Department marised Exhi.bit Noo. 1 and 2. 5. xhat Conditioii Nos. 1, 3 and 4, above-mentioned, shall be complet~d withi.n a period of r~inc:ty (90) daye f.rom the d3te of thie rasolution. 5. 9'hat thiR conditic~nal uae pQrmit i.a grantod for a period o£ two 12} yeara and ehall terminate on May 6, 1993. 7. * That approval of this application conatltutea approval of th~ pioposed requeat only to the extent that it compl.iera with the An~heim Municigal 2oning Cade and any other applicable City, State and I'ederal regulationa. P,pnroval d~er~ not include any ac~ion oz findings ae ta comp.liance or approv~~1 of tho rQquest regarding a:~y other applicable ordinance, regulation or r.equirement. Conditi.uns mazk~d with an aoteriek (*} are r.oc~ui:•ed by estabiishad laws, coder~, r~gulatione •r.nd agre~mente and are, ther~:~fore, not eubject to negotiation. -2- Pr.91-62 ~~'~s ~~ E3E tT F'URTFtFR ALSOLVED that th~ }lnaheim Ci~y P.lanning Commisefon does hereby fLr.c~ ar.d determinQ that adoptiion of Chia Reeoluti.~+n ia expreet~ly pr.edicated upon a~pl.icnnt'e c:omptlai~ce with each and r-11 of the conditians hereinaho~ve oat :orti~. Stsould any ouch condition, or. any ~sr.t thereof, be clQClared invalid ~r unenforcoablo b•! the tinal j:~dgmpnt of any court of competent juriQdiction, thor~ thie Rc~solutiun, an~,~ any appr :~vale herein corttained, nhall be de~mod null tin~ void. ~'HE FOR~GOING RG~OLUTION wae adoptAd at tha Planniny Commiseinn maeting of May ti, 1991. 7~ ~~ _: ~;- ,.,,, ~. • ; ; ~ - () -- . .,~r~ ~ ~,-`" ,~....;~~; ;~ ,Gc,c.~.,. w~.... ' CHAIRWO1dAN, ANAt ~IM GTTY PIS'ANNING COklMT5SION A'_' P E S'l : ~_ l/y(~,e. C ~_ `'~ ~ / 1 •-(.,~\..~,r.~._. .. `~~.~ ~ 3ECRk:'2'ARY, ANAHEIFS CITY PLANNI.:G COMMTSSION 5TA'C~: C?E' CALT.FORNTA ) COU~VTY OF ORANGE } as. CITY' OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Harrifl, Serretarv of t`~s Anaheim Clty Planning Comm:leaion, do hcreby certify L•hat the foregoing ree~lutlon waa passed and adoptQd at a meetic-g of the Anat~eim CiL-y Planning Cortui~ieeion held on May 6, 1991, by thQ following vote oE the membera thereof; AYBSs COMMISSIOt~ERS: DOU11S, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUB, HELLYFR, NENNINGER, MESSE, PERr1ZA NOE4: COMMISSION'r.RS: NONE AEiSENT: COMM.T.SSIO:IGRS: NQN~ of ~- - ~.~ IN WITNES3 WF'F.REO[', I have hereun~o aet my hand thie _~.-= ~d$Y t44t_ . • ;; ~~__._ " ' ~.. ~="~• . ~~ ' '' . SCCRF:TARY, AtJAHE IM CIT`_' T.'LANNING COMMISSION -3-- rC,91-62