Resolution-PC 91-68~ u~;,~ R~SOLUTION NO. PC91-68 F4t~rGtl A rtl,SOLU7'IbPJ ~E~ THE ANAHcIM CITY I~L~ANNIIQG COMMISSTON TI•IAT PET.l'TION rOR VI~f2IANCE NQ. 41?.7 B~ GRAN`PED WH~REAS, thc Anaheim City Plazniny ~oinmi.ssion did zeceive a veri.ficd PP.t.].t1.011 for Va~:iance far ccrta.i.n real property aii:uatEd in th~ C.ity of Anah~im, County oi Or.~ingc, State of Ca].ifornia described ae: PARCEI~ 1: TF3E WEfi'rEKLY 76.00 FrGT OE' THlT POFTIOtd UF TEiE NQkTi-1FAST QUAkTER OT 'PkiE NORTHEA~T Q[7:ARTGR UI' S~CJ'TON 3, •lUWNSHIP 4 SUUTH, F2ANGE ~0 W.E51', TN 'PI;E FtANCHO SAIV JUAN CAJQt1 D~ SAN'I'A AfIA, CTTY Or ANAH~IM, AS P~R MA1~ RL~URll~L IN I3COK 51, PAGE 7 PT. SF,~. OF' MISCELLAPlEOUS bf11P5, IN THE OFr"TCI: OF TH~ COCINTY RECORDEl2 OF SAID COiJN~Y, DESCRIBED AS FOLI~rWS: E3EGIIVNING A'I' A POINT ON THE NURI'H I~TNE OF' SATD NORTHLAST QUAR7.'~R OF THE NOI2TH~AST QUAR'.CER UISTANT THERb:OAf 346.5 FL.ET WL:ST FROM THF NURTHL;AST CORNrR OF SATU ST~C'PIOIJ AiVD TEiENCE AT •P.IGHT ANCLES SOUT[i 66U.00 F'EL•'T; THENCE AT RIGFT'.P ANGLES WLST 132.OU FEET; Tf~TF;NCE AT RIGHT ANGL~,S NORTH 6b0.00 L'~G'I; TFIF'NCE rAST 132.00 F'i,L:'.r 'CQ I'HE P~INT OI' BF,'GIIQNING. PARCEL 2: THE SOUTHERLY 33U.00 rEET OF THE EASTERLY 27.00 FEET OF 'PHL 4~ESTERL'1 9Ei.00 FF.~T Or 'rHAT PuF.'!'ION OF TFIG NORT[iEAST QUAI2TL:R OF' T'E?P NORTHEAST QUAR2'ER OP SGL'TION 3, TUWNSHTY 4 SOUTH, k~.NGE ]0 WCST, TN TIiE RANCHO SP.IV TUAN CAJON DE SANTR ANA, AS PER `QAP RF:COFtDFU iN BOOh 51, F~AGE 7 L'P. SEQ. OF MISCEI~LF#NEQUS ,~1APS, TN 'iH3~ OEFICE OT' TFlls c;OrJNTY R~CORDFR OF SAIU COUNT]', DESCRTBED AS FOLLUWS: BEGTr]NING AT A POIN'P UN THE NUR1'H I,Ir3E OP' S11ID NORTHLAS'T QUAF2T5'R OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER DISTANT TFiE'_2LOh 346.5 I'ELT WI;ST FkUM THE PIORTHBAST CORN~R OF :'AID SE:CTIOh ANU 1'H~PICE F.T RIGHT ANGLES SOUTH 6fi0.QU FEET; TEIENCE F~'I' RIt~HT ANGLES WEST 1.3i . 00 FF,E'P; THE•f1CE A1' RIGH'i 11NGLES NURTH h60. UO FFET; THENCE EAST ].37_ . C~J FGGT TO '1'HE PUiN:P Or BEGTNNTNG. WFI£RF.AS, the Ci.ty P13n~iiny Comm.i.F~yion did }iol:f ~ publi.c hearir.g ai: th~ Ci~~ic Cent~r in the City oi Anaheim on May 20, 1991, at 1:J0 p.m., notice of said public h~ariny havir.g b~~;i:]uly gi~en as z~~quir.ed ~y law and in ~tccordance with the provision~ of the Anaheim Munic.ipal ~`ode, Ghapter 1F3.Q3, to ti~ar and c~~r:sider rvidence for and agains~t Faid ,,ro~~sed vari.ance and to investir,ate and maY.e finclinc~~ ana recoRUnei~dations in ~annection therewi_~h; and WEIIsRLA5 , vtudy madc; by itself evi~3ence and reports fol.lowing facts: sai:i Coiruni~~i.un, af•ter. due inspection, investigztion and and in its hehalf, and aft-er due coneideration of all offcred ak saic] he<.~ri.ng, d~es find and determine th~ CR118hMP -1- PG91-68 F~~'' ~~r ~A~::~hb 1. That the petitioner pr.opoaeo w~~iver of the foJ.'lowinc,~ to attacli an i7.lumin~zted marque~ (changea~le copy) ~ecti- n to an ex.isting free4tanding ~~gn: (~z ) SFr.~ ToNS 18. 05 . 098 and 18.G1.067 (b) SECTIONS and 18.61_067 - Perrni.tted aiane. (Marc~uee signs prohibited; i maraupe si.c~ne proposec.l) - Maximum ~i.qn area, (100 sc~.ft. permitted; 1,71 sq.f'r.. propa~~d) 2. That the ab~ve-mentioned waivera are hereby granted on the basia that tkies-e az•~ spccial circumstances applicable ~:o ~k-e prt~perty ~uc:h as s•'.T'', ahape, to~aograpY~y, location ancl surroundinga whicYi do not apply t~ otlier ide,itically zoned property :in the same vicinity; and that stri.ct 3~pl.icat-ion of the Zoning Cod~ deprivns the praperty of ~r.ivileg~s enjayed hy other pi•operties in the i~ent:ical zone and claaoifica~ion in th~ vicinity. ~. Th.~t ther~ are exc~i~ti~nal ur extraordinary circumstances or conditions appl.icabl~ to the property inv~lved or to tti~ int~rided uae of tlie Pr°P~L~Y t.hat do not apply genex~al.ly to th~ property or_ c.lasa of use in the samc vicinity and zone. 4• ThaL• +:he ~-ac~uastec~ varinnce is neceseasy for th~ pxeyervation and en;joymeni: or" a~ubatantial property ric~ht po~sesned by othFr prop=_•rty in thr- ;;ame vzcinity and zon~5, and deru.ed to the property in gue~tiori. 5• Th~3t the requsatc: vai-i.ance wi.ll not be materz.,~:].ly dc~trim~ntal tu the public welfarp ~r injuriouc~ to thc property oc improvem~,,,ts in such vi ciniY.y ~ind zone in which t:t-~e properr.Y ia locaL-ed. 6. Th~zt. na onF~ indicated t:!ieir prespnce aL- ~aid public hea.rinrf in oppo~ition; and that rio correaponden;:e waa recpived in opposition to subject• pet.i.tion. CALIFORNIA ENVTRUNt~lENTAL UA7.ITY ACT FINDING: The Planning Director ---Q---- o~- hi:~ suthorized repreaentative has raeterminec, that the propuaec~ proieet falla w~.thin the definition of Categorical E:cemptiona, Clafls 11, as dpfinPd in the Scate F'IFt Guideli.neo and is•, therefr~Le, r.ategorica? ty exempt trom the require:nent to pr.Fpare an L;tR. NOW, TE)LREFOI2L:, E3E IT RGSUL'JEp that t:he Anaheim City Planni.ng C'ommissi.on does hereby grant aut~jecG k~eti;:ion f~r Variance, upan th~ following conditiona o~l•iich are hereby found to be a nece~sary ~r.erequisit~ to i:he prr~posed use c~r the ~ubjPCt proper.ty in order to preserve L-h~ ~afety a.nd q~neral welfare of the C:.tizen~ of L•h~ Ci.ty of Ana;~eim: 1. Th~t ~ubject pr.operty shall ~~e devPl~ped subF~tanti.ally .in accordance with plans and specification~ submi.tted i:o tha Cit-y of A~:aheim by the petitioner anc~ which planr~ are on file with the Yl~~nning Department marked Exhibit Not~. 1 ~icid 2. -2 PC91-68 A 2. 7.'hat prior to final building and zoning inspectione for subject marqu~e section or within a period of one (1) year from th~ clate of thi~ r~~~lution, whict~ever• uccurs fiLat, Candi.tion No. 1, above-ment.ioned, sh211 be complied with. 3. That approva.l of this dpp.licai:ion conatitute~ approval of tha gro~osed requE~t only i:o the extent that it compl.ie~ with th~: Anaheim Municipa.l 'Loninq Code and any other• applica~le City, State and Fed~ra.l regulations. F~pproval does not includ~. ~ny actioiz cr findings ae to ccmpliance or approval af the requeot regardin~ any other app].i.cable ordinance, regulatior~ or r.equirement. BE IT FUR'.i'HER F2LSOI~VED that th~ Anaheim City Planning Commisaiun doeF lie.reby find and det~:rmi.ne that adoption of this Re~olutian i.s expres~sly prediGated upon a~plicant's comj~l.iance wi.th each and all af ~he conditione h~reinabave set forth. Snould any euch conditions, ~r any part thereof, be dPClared invalid or unenforcpable by the fi.~a1 juclgment of any cr~urt af comp~ter~t jurisdicti~n, theri thi.s Resolutian, and any approvals her~in containe~9, ahall be deemed r.u'_1 and void. w~. THE F~REGdiNG RF50LUTI.~N o~as a~iopted at the Planning ComXniasion meeting o~ May 20, i~.~91. ~'"' / / '~ ;1 ~ ~/ Ltt-v~ Cf3ATRW MAN, ANAHFIM CIT FL7INNING COMbSTSS:CON ATTEST: ~~~~~yJ~~~ f-- ~~~ ~ ~~ ..--~;'~~'"`~'..•`=--~'7`-'--'~.L~:~.,oZ.Y'!h%' --~~ SECRETARY, ANAHF.I1~~'C7'fY I~LAfINING :IpMMISSTOC7 i. l L . . S'i'ATE OI' CAL' IFORN.iA. ) COUN'~'Y OF ORAIVGE ) s~. CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Sr_<cretar•y of th~~ Anaheicn City Plan[ting Commiseiuri, do iiereby certif;~ that the faregoing rec~olutic~n war~ passed and adopted at a meet.inh ~f th~ Ana'nc~im City Planning Cornmiesion hel.d on Ma~~ 20, J991, by khe f.ollowinq vote of the cnembers thereof: AYL~: CObiMISSTO[1ERS: t30YDSTUN, E30UAS, FELDHAUS, HELI,YER, ME.r,~E, F~P,11ZA NOES: CnMMISSIONLRS: NONL: ABSErIT: COMMISSIONE;RS: HENNINGEkt IN WITNESS WHL:REOI', T have hereunto ~et n?y h~znd khis r'-~„~-- day ~ of ..t:~_,_~ i991. ~ (i ~~ ~~ _ '~ . " l-~:Z- __~~~'""! --•- ~'~ SE1~tETAFt'l, ANAHF,xi~~ CITX PLANNIPIG COM.tilTSSIpN ._. -.i ~ ` G~' -3- PC91-68