Resolution-PC 91-72RESOLUTTOIV NO_~___`-C91-72 r''.''~;~., A RLSQLUT:CON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY FI~ANNING COMMISSION it,T P~TITION rOR CG'~1DIm~ONAL USF PERMIT NO. 3373 BE DENTED WHERFAS, the Anaheim City Planning CommiFSion did reaeive a z'Eil•fiF Petition for Conditiona.l U~e Fer.mit for cert~~i_ci real property s.itua~.ed in tl•ie ..l:y of Anaheim, County ~f Orange, State of California, dpc~cribe~ as; A POI2T20N qF I~OT 'CHIRTY-'i'WO OF ANAHEIM EXPENSION, AS ~HAWN OPI A IdAP OF SURVEY MALIF., BY WILL:CAM HAMFL AND FiL~D FOR RE:CQRU IN TEIL; Or^FICE OF' TH~ COUNTY RFCORD~~2 OF LGS ANGELS GOUNTY, CALIr~RNIA, MURfi PARTTCULAFtI,Y DESCRIBEb AS FOLLOWS: HEGINNIDTG AT THE INi'ERSECTTp~ Ur Tf?~ EAST L' TNE OF' WALNUT' STREET WITH THE SQUTHERLY LIN~; OF SANTA ANA STki;E'i' AS SATD STREETS AfiE SHOWN CN SAIll MAP; THERE NORTH'r;ASTERLY 83.01 FEET ALONG T:IE NORTHERLY LID1F, qF SAIU LOT 32 TO TfI~ INTERSECTION WITEI THE SOUTHWESl':;ftI.Y LINE OF MANCH~STER BO[JLEVARD F'ORMERLY TEIr 100 FOOT I?IGFI`1' l?F WAY OF TIiE SOUTHERN PACIFI~: RAILWAY; 'PH~NCI: SOII'PHEASTrRLY ALG~II; SHID BOULEVARD 43?,.44 FTs'F?' TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTHWESTERL'! ~76.16 FEET ON ~1 ~,INE PAF2AI.LEL W7TH TFTF. N012TIiERL•Y LINE OF LOT ~% TO A PC1?NT jN ~rH~ WE~T LTNL OF 5AID LO'1' WFITCH IS 404.99 FEE'1' ;~;nUTF~ Or I'HE PpINr pl~ ~~ GINNIDIG; THENCE NORTH ALONG TIiE h'EST LINL OF SAID LOT 32 Z'n T1ir P(iIN'S OF SEGINN:NG. WHERGAS, the: Cit~~ Planning Commz.nsiori did hold a public hearing at the Civic Centez in the C.ity of Anaheim on May 6, 1991 at 1:30 m~ ,, 3~i~ publir_ hear.ing h~:~v.i.ng been dul , ~• ~ otice of with the provisiona of ttie Anaheim Municiaalrr~uized by law anr~ .in Eicp~,rdai,ce cails.i~~er evidence For and aga~nat said pr.pposedacondi'ti~opa118se3~ ta hear and i~lve~ti.gate ar:d ma1c~ findinge ac~d recommendatiolis i.n connection therewithndand that saic: public ~:aaring war~ coi:tinued tc, the Jurie 3, 1~91, Planiiinc~ Com~is~~.on meFt;ing; and ~''~H~%~~AS~ said Coroinis~ion, after due insp~ction, investic~at~,pn and 3tudy madE by iL•self. and in i~s behalf, ~3nd af.teL due considEration nf ~].1 ~t•idence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determi.ne the followiny far_t;~; 1• Ttiat tti~ pr~pcased use is properly one far which a cc>iiditional use permit ic authoriz~d by An~3i~eim Municipal C~de Sectiuns 1~.03.030.010 and 1R• to pe.rmit an auto dismantling ~,nd ~tora e of~ice tt_a~_1er in conjunr_~Y.toti with an exi~ri.nc~ auto repa.irYtacili.ty Withn~waiver. of ttie f.ollow3.nq; tF+) Sections ]8,61.OG:s.011 •- Mi.riimum struc.turai r~e~back. -----___~,. _____ 18 `61.063.12. (I?equired: 50 fpet from Manchester Avenae, and 1fj.5i,063.0.13 25 feet fr.orn Santa Ana Street, and 5 feet from Walmit Street; dnd~Op°~~d: ~ feet between ManrF,es~er Avenu~ ~ Htr~ra e caiiopy, 10 feet between Mancheatez• A~•enue anci a temporazy trailer ~nd ~torage, and n~ aetb~-~ck. betr;ean Satita Ana and. W~ilnut Streets arici :~torag~) CR1196MP -1- PC91-72 (i'~=:`'~ ~''"r""4 (B) Sections 18.06.U3U - Reguired im~rovemeni: of~a~~isi.na and oiitdaor c_~nd 1H.61.066.030 atoraqe area. (Full p&VEmen•t required; compactE~d crushEd rock t.reatm~nt propooed~ 2. That tha proposed us~ i~ here}~y dellled. ~. That t:he reque3tecl waiver~ ~z~ hereby deni~d on baa.is that subj~ct u~~ permit was denied. 4• That 11~e propobed use wil.i adversely affect th~ adjoini.ng land user~ and the gtr~~,~th and d~velo~inen~ af th~ area in whicl~i it ia propoaed to be located. 5. T1iat the r~ize aizd ehape of tt~e eite propot~ad for the u9~ ~.a not adequate to allow the ful.l development of tF1E propoged usc~ in a manner not de~ri.mental to t}~c particular area ricr to tl~e peac.e, health, safety and general wel£ar.n of the Cl~1T.f3X13 of the City of Anaheim. 6. Ttiat the gran~ing of t:he Conciii~ional Use Perm.it wi11 be dEtrimental to the peace, healt}~~ ~afety and genera.l wel.far.e of the Citizena of th~ City ~f Anaheim. 7. That t:he traffia gerier.ated by th~ propospd usn w.ill impo9e an iindu~' burder. upon the streets and highwaye de~iqn~d and improved ta ca.rry the traffic in tl~e area. 8. Thak une ( 1) pF~ ~o;~ ~.~zd_.~a.ted hio presence at said public heariny in oppo~ition; and that no corre£pondence was received in ~pp~~~it.ion to th~ ~ubject petition. ', CALIT~'ORNTA EP7VIRONMI3N'PAL tQ IALITY ACT F'INpZNG: That the Anah~.im City Plannir.r, Cammission har~ z•evi.aWad the praposal Y_c~ permit ar- auto diamantling and storage yard ouith a temporary off.ice trailer in conjuncti~n with an existing a.ul-.o repaiz fac~i.lit.y with w3ivers of m.inimum etructural. netback and required improvemerr~, of par)c.ing and ~utdoor storag~ area on an irregularly-s}~ap,~,d parcel of land con~i_sting uf approxi_mat::.ly 2.1 acre~ ;.ocated at the routhweot ~orner of Mancl~est~:r Avenue and Sa.nta Ana Street, having ap~roximat~ frontages oJ: 420 .feet. r ~:~ the west ~ide of Mancheater Avenue, 90 fnet on the sout:h side or Santa Ana ~ Street and 390 feet on ttie east ~ide uf Walnut S}.reet, and further. r.Qferred ~u as . 521 So~ath Manche~ter Rvenue; and does hereby deny ~ mitigatc~c7 plegative Declaration on the baair~ ~hat the Planning Commiseian haa considered th~ ~,ropoaal ~ w.ith the mitigatad Ilegative Ueclar.ation to ethc:r w.ith durin tne p 9 ' any comment~ rec~ived 9 publi.c review rocec~c~ and f~irlher finding, ~7n the basis af the Initial ~ Study~ that there i.s su~stant:ial evidence that the project will have significant effect on t:he environment. ~~UW, TIiEREFOFtE, BE IT RESO~,VED 1-hat the Anahe.i-r~ City Planninq COIII[111951G11 does h~xeby deny subject Petition ~or Conditional Uae Perrnit, on L-he baais of tlle ~~for.amer.L•i~ned find?c~y3. -7- PC91-72 flA,3~,4r.` . ., . ,_ , .. ..~ . ,.... ..,. •.I~~.~~rry. THE FOREGOTNG RH'SOLUTTON w~s adopL•ed at the Planning Commission meeting of Jun~ 3, 1991. „ / ?~ /' ~ ~' J /) ~. / G~ , iL/_ C~~ /~~' /` ;LC ~::1./~~.t•~t / 7."""~ ~ CHAIR470MAN, ANAI?EIM CIT PLANIvING COMMISSION AT'I'EST : ~ . -~,~~/f~<':/~'~ ` . ; S~C~/I`ARY, I~NA i;~ ~ , „ ., y'~ ~ /,~ ~'~ ~ ,. • ~ . .' `"_', ' , ,.. / - HEIM'CITY PLANNING COI~i.MiSSION ST~Zr OP' CALIFpR.N]:A ) C~~UNTY OF ORAIQGE ) sa, C.T.TY OF ANAHEZM ~ I, ,7anet: L„ ,7en~en, Secretary o£ the Anaheim City Planning C~nm.i.sRion, do hereby r.~rtify that the foregoing raeql.ution was par~sed ancl adppted at a meeting of the Ar,aheim CS.ty P.larining Conuttiasion held an ,Jurle 3~ -~~`~1, by the followii:~ vote ~f the membera Lhereof: ~YFS: COMMISSIONERS: BpU11S, BUYDSTUN, FEI,bEIAUS, HELLYER, HL'NNING~R, MESSL, FERAZA NOES: COM.~frSSIONERS: NONE ~~S~V1': COMMISSIONERS: NONL; IN FIITNESS WHER~OF, I have hereunto set my haiid thia ,~'; 1~~c-~ da.y o f i~.r_ ; ~; ~ 19 91. ---- _~ ; ; .. , _ --.-=~:..~ %-,, .'...~._;: -7' , : / ~;~=~ . , ~ S~CRLTAi~.Y, P,NAFIETM CTTY PLANNING CUMMISSION -3- PC91-72