Resolution-PC 91-77~ FtT'SOLU~'ION „~f0 _.F'~91~~ ~ A R~:SOLUTION OF THE ANAlIEIM CTTY PLANN'I.N~ COMMxSSION '1FIA7' PGTI'CION FOI2 VAT2IANCE; NO. 4131 8E DENTFD WHEREAS, tk~e AnahHim City Plann.tng Commisnion df~l r.aceiva a veri~i.~d Pel..ition £or Vari.ance f.or .:ex~taln real proporty aituate~? ir~ the C.ity nf Anzhc~im, Count:y of Orange, Stat::-. of Calif.orni.a de~cribeu a~: f,C'1' 9 O~ TRACI 445~7 AS SH~P]N ON A MAP THGREOF R~CC~RDEI; TN EiQUK 17, PAGL 3f3 nF MISCrLLANE:OUS t4APS, RECORDS Uk' ORANGE COfINTY, CAI,TrOF2NIlA. WIiEREe1S, ttie City 'Planntng Cammi~soion ~9.id hcil.d a public hearing at ttiQ Civic C~nter in the Ci.ty of Anaheim on June 3, 1991, 2991, at 1:30 p.m. , notice of aaid public tic~aring having bc:en duly given ae~ requi.r.ed by law ~;nc] in accordunce with 4he proviaiona of th~ Anaheim htunici~al Cude, Chapter 1II.03, tu h~ar. and conaider evidencF~ fox and aqafn~t gaid propo~sed varianca: atld t~ invec;tiyate and rr,~~e f.L!idings a~id rE~c:ommendatior.s in connection th~_~rewith; and w«ra~3AS, :a~i~.l Comnzi~FSion, after d~.~~ inspectiun, inveatigation an~l study made by it~elC znd in ita behalf, and after due considerut•ion of all E?V1Cif.?RCC: ~nd r.eporL-s cEftrc~d aL c~.3id heariny, doF~s find and determine the `ollowing fejct:i: 1. Tha~ t:he pEti.~io~ei- pr.opoees wai.vers of the following to c~~n~c':ruct a aecond dwcll.ing unit in con',t:nction with an exi~ting pingle-•family recid~nce under authority oi Cod~> Section 1£3.01.02Q.02G: (,~) S[?C'CIC~N 1f3.34.o63.C1~ - M~nimum ~rruct~~ral setbac;c. (15__te~t fr.om Claudina Street rectu.ir.ed; l_3 fect_ exi~sting) (h) S.I•:C^'ZOff _1_H_ 3~:,OF~;s_.U?7 - Min.imum ,yarcl rr_quir~rcent.s (5 fee~ r.e.quirc~d from blank hu.ildiny w._il l to north c1lltl we~C property .li nas ~ 0 Eeet proposed) ~c) Si;c:mION__18_34,OG3.03~ - Mi.r~im~m rF~rreatir~-ial-lei?ur~ area. (20U_ES~f¢. per unit requii•ed; 27_9 ~c~.ft. pro~og~d for Fropoeed unit .1nd nane propo~sed for exi~ting un.i.t_; (d) :,F_C'P~[c~N 13_.34.~6!l. - Per}_it~ed ~nr.roachm~site. (g~-rki,~_are_in not ~ermitted to encroach .neo ..~nt ~etbackj !~ne_ ~en parkfncL~-~ace proponed Ln F:ll.awortli AvenuQ ~t~th~ck) (c~~ ;~E:(°PIQN_ 19_.:14..Or~~i. ~G7 ~ R~g!_~.ired vehiclc~ arceafl~ ( veh i~lg back~n~ o~to_ ~s ubl_ic HL~CEt~: prnh:.t~iterl; 1~~~~rki,2g ~3Daee pruposed ca back Un~c~ F.11.f~wo-~t'ti Rvn-1u9) c:R2201MP -1- P(:91° 1'1 ~~~~~' ~-~'.n ;?. :J'haG ttie ahove-mentioned waivere~ ~Zre h~reby der~ied on tha baR3i~ thlt thE~rc are no ~xcept:ional or. oxtraordinary circumatancoe or c~nclil;fone applicabla to tt~e pro~erty involved or. to thG intondod uoe ot thc~ praper.ty th.~~ da not apply yeneeal.ly to th~ property Qr clase of ur~e .in tho saine v.icini.ty and zorie. 3. 'fhat L•he r~quastEd variance is not nQCesaary foz th~ pr~oervation and en joyment oC a~ubo~ani:ia]. property right pc~naesc~Qd by ol•hc~r prnperty in the r~arne vic.inity at~d zc~ne, zc~d denied t~ th~ property in qu~etiot~. 4. That ttie c-cque~r.ed vari.anco ;~ill be mater.ial.ly deLrimental t:~ ;:he publ.ic welfare or injurio~ie tu the property or improvementa in auch vicinity and zone in wh.ich ~he property i:a located. 5. Ttist no onc3 xnciicated thc~i.r preaence at eaid public hearing in oF~~~ocition; znd Y.h~it nu c.~rrespondence wa~i recelvad in oppositi~n to subject petitir~tt. CALiF'OF2NIA ~NVIRUNMLPITAL___Sz_UALITY ACT FINDTNG: ~1'hat t:h~ Anaheim City Planning C~mmis»ion naQ reviewrd the propor~al for woivQra of minimum structural rzer_bar.k, minimum y~ rd 1sCjui~Cr'ir_ii~s~ mini~num recreational-leisure ar.t~a, permittc~~i ~r.c:-:,aulimF~nr.r~ ar~d r~qtiired v~hicle accesa i:o constrtict a ser~r..I dwell inc~ ~;nir.. i n co~~ :n.r,r9.r~~~ ~.,ir.l: . n exi~ ~_ .~: ~~in~le•-family rec~id~nee on a rectangularly-sh.~p~~~.i par.ce.l of lan~i conE.iEtinc~ of ap~~r.•oximate.ly 0.13 acre located at the norrPiw~~t COL'I1F3I' OP 1;11swortli Avenue and Claudina Straat., havir.g apprc~xi.mate :~ontages of 51 teet on th~ north si~:le of E1].aworth Avenue and 1?0 feeL- on thc~ wc~st sidr~~ of Claudina Strac~l and further d~scribad aA 125 Ear~t 'r'.llsworth Avenu~; and :,'cr,d hereby apprave the Nee7aeive Decl~ration up~n f i ~•-?:;,y ~nat ir haF cc iai.dered ttie Pleyativ~ Dec:laration L•cgeth~r witf~ any :.~~mment~ r~caived du: i.ng r_l~e piiblic review procec~~ and further finding ~n t-he bzsis l:hat the initi.al :~tudy and ~ny commente received that there is no ~ubstantial E~vidence that tt±E~ pcoj~ct-. will have a si.gnifica~:t~ eff:eet on thP envir.onment. NOW, 7'HERI:F()R~:, BL•' IT R~SOLVEll that the Anaheim City Planning ~om:,~isc~i.on do~s }:ereby deny ea~~bject Petit.ion fur Vari~nce ~n the basia of thc~ aforemznti.onF~d findinrn. TE1E FUREGOING RESOLUTION wa~ ~dop~ed at the Plarining Commieaion n~peL-ing ot .7ui~e 3, 199.1. , , . ~,, , ,r ,; ~~ ~~~; / ~i , ' ~ ~'.-~< --,(-~f.r-.•;~!~ /-,.~.~ ; -.L'Lfi ~ ~-Li _ CFiATRW MFO 1N, Al1AH~:TM CI~ANNING CnMr.ISSZC~N A1'T. E5T : i 1,~., ~ ' }~'~ ~_...!.~:' ~ ~ ",: _.",ti.~--•'.~..1~:.,._ __..^ . ~ 5~C'~tETARY, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNIN, C~7M:^lISSIc~N -2- nC91-77 A,'rt'Y~ STATL; OF CAL~II'ORNIA ) COUN7'X nE' ORANGE ) as. CI'fY U,: ANAEiEIM ) ~~~ I, Jan~t L. JenAni;, Secr~tary uf thc~ Anaheim City Planniny Commin~i.oii, do her~by cexti.fy t.hat the forogoing re~talution waa paonecf and adoptc~d at a rr~eE~ting uf tho An~-h~~im City Planning Commiesion held r~n Jur~e 3, 1991, by thQ folluwing voLe of. thF~ rr~pmb~rn thereof : AYFS: COtdMISSTONFRS: HUUAS, B'ELDIiAUS, IIEL~,Y~R, HGNI~7INGL'Z, MESSE NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOIDSTIJN ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: f.'EFIA'I.A IN WITNESS WHLR~OF, I have her~unto r~eL- my hand thi o~,~,~,._ day ~ f---~•'..1...r_..-____•-' l 9 91 . '/ r 1 !..~~ f:~r~ •''" , ~ ',/ ~ Y~~ S?:CP.ETARY, .'~V?1F~ LE" M FLANPIING COMMISSION . , . ...:: ':':"111 -3- PC91-77