Resolution-PC 91-8~ ~r sor~~TTON [a~. Pc91-o~ ~ f~DOPTING A?VD RECUMMENDTNG TU '~HL CITY COU:VC7li A~IOYT~UN OF GFN~RAL PLAN AMENf_1MLNT NO. 316 PERTATNING T4~ Tc~E L~i~ND il..~iF EL~MEN'C WFIEREAS, the C`ity Cour.r.i,], oE the C.ity of A;Znheir.~ di.c1 ac3opt tl~c: Anah~i~n Genera]. Plan by R~~,olui:iail N~.~. 69R-6~34, ehowin~ t.he r,enex•al d~acriptien and extent of passiUl~ future dev~lo,prnent. wittli~~ tkiQ C1.ty; anc, WHI'RFAS,, Plannin~7 Comm.isaic,n direct~d ~taf£ to initia.te sn a~iendment to the Lana Une Element af the Genexal P.lan t~ redeaiynate auk~ject. ~rnpert.y from the Low-bledium Density R~sidential land uae deDirn~tion (Parc~l 8) and ~lood Con~rol Channel (F~rcel t;) deqignation to the Cammerci.al i~rofeor~io~a:l design~tion ar~ property whi.ch totaly apprc~xim~tely 11.2 acres and .ie~ divided into thrFC narcela with tn~ following d~sc.ripti.on~: PARCEL A: AN 2~2REGUT.ARL~Y-SHAPED Pt~RCEL ~~F L7~ND CONSSSTING UF APPR~)XIMATFLY 9.2 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTFi:~7E5T CORNER OF IIEACH BOiJLEVARD '(1ND OItANGE F.VENUF, HAVTNG APPR~)::IM~TE E'RONTAGES OF 9A5 P'Ei~T' UN 'Tf-3L NORTH ~ IbE O:^ ORANGE AVENUE I~ND R FRONTAGE OF 145 FEET ON THE WEST SIDE OE' BEACii BOUL~:VARD, WITH A MAXIty1UM DEf'TIi UF APYRCXTMATEJ Y 620 FEFT AhD E'URTHGR D~SCRTBPU 7~S 3033 WESr ORAN~~ AVENUE; PARCEL B: AN IRP.L:GUI,AItLY SEIAPEL~ PAl2CEL OF LANU CONSIS'1'ING dF .~PPROiCIMATEI,Y 1.47 RCRES LOCA'P~U IDiAlEUIRTELY N022TY. UF THE CARBON CREEK CHEII~TNEI, WHlrfl IS TMMLDIAT~LX ADJAC;ENT TO PAFtCE'L C; PFIRCFL C: AN IRRFGULARLY-SHAPED rARCEL OF I,AND CONSIS'PING ql APPROXIMATEL`1 0.57 ACRE LOCATED TtdM~UTATCLY ADJACENT TO ANI~ NORTH OF PARCEL A AND IS FURTHE~2 DESCRIBED AS THE C11RElJN CREEK CFiANNEL. WHL'REAS, th~: Anaheim City Pl~3tlI1l11fJ Cammisaior dic~ i~old a public hear'n? at the Anahe~m C.ivic Cen`.er, Council L'hamb~r, 200 South Anaheim Doule~~ard, or. January 2f3, 1997., a~ 1:30 p.m., rotice of eaid publ.ic hearing having b~en duly given a3 r.ec~uired by law ar.d in accordance with the prc~viaions of th~ A~iaheim ?~unici.pal ~;o:lp, to he~~r and ~onb9.der P_V,1.CIP :~e for and againet ~aid G~neral Plan Amendment and to inve~tigate and make findings ancl recommPndations in connection thcrewith; and WH~F2EAS, sai.d Cornmi.ssion, af.ter du~ c.on~~_deration, i.n~pection, ir.vesti~ation and ~t:t+dy made by it~~clf, and after due cons.ideration of all evideric~ and r~:port.s off.ered aL- said I~ear.ing, I)O~S 'HEREBY' FIND: 1. ThaL the evidence pre~ented c~ubatuntiates the need for an amendment to rhe Anallpim General Yl an and that, th~~refor~, Exl~ibit A should be ~~doptec~ .ede~ignating subj~ct area icr. Comm~rci.a.l. Pr~fer~sional land u~ea. CR109£iMP -1-• PCS1-08 ~ ,~, ~ , ;,f ...4':~ ~ '.,i: ~1i~1* CALIFORt1IP. L.~JIRONM~NTAL_ OUALITY ACT FIND:. ;,; Plarining Commiasi.on has revi.ewed the prooosal ~:u a.mond the T~nd UaeeElemeutlofctie General Plan to change the c:urr~n~ 1anc1 uoe designatl~ns from tho Low-Medium De:'lsity Tie~iciential (Parcel H) and Flood Control Channel (pa:cr~l C) te +:he Commprcial Profesaional d~signation on pnrt.iona of prope.rty which co;~ei~tr o~ approxima•tel,y 1':.•2 acree c~ompri~ing t:hree parcelr~ with the following d~:sc:r~.ptior,s: Farcel A is an irregularly-shaped narcel oF .land c~n~iQting of approximately 9.2 acrRa located at the nortk~weat corner uf Aeach Boulc~vard and OrangP Aven~ie h..~vin ~ froiitagen o:E 945 feet on the nortl~ si3e of ~~rar.gP Avenua and a frontage ofp145ifee~ on tYee we~t r~ide nf Beach Buulpvard, witi~ a maximum depth ot app,toximately 62U feet an~ fur.ther d~acribed a~ 3Q33 Weat Orang~ Avenue (Humana i•Ioapi~al); .?axcel 8.ie a-~ irregular.ly-shaped F~arcel oi ].and consia~in o~ ~p i.mmedi~tely north cf the r,- ~ a roximately 1.47 acres loca~er! a_bon CNeek Chanr.el ;ohic}~ ia immediately adj3ceni, to Parc~l C; Pareei C ie an irrtgul~rly-~Y~a ed apprc+ximately 0.57 acrC~ locat~d i,nrnediately adjacc~nt~tcc..~~nd north~o£ PazcelgAland is furtlier described ~is the car.b~n Cr.eek Channel; and ctoe~s hereby approve the N~gative Declaration u~on finding that it hao conAid~i•ed the Negative De~l.aration togethez• with any coni-;~ent;z recei.ved during the public review pr~ceae and fur.ther rinciing on the basis of the initial atudy and a.ny comments received that therp is no ovidence that the p:oject will hav~ a significan~ effect a:t the environmeat, t~OCa, THEREFOP.E, EE ZZ' RESO'LVEO, that u.r~uant to ± Anaheim City Planniny C~mmiFSion dues hpreby adopt and recommend L-oUthefCitynCounciZ of the City o~' ~naheim adoptiot~ of Gen~-al. plan Acnenclment No. 316 per~.aining to the Lanc9 Use Rlement, ~'xhibit A, i.o rPdeaign~-te L•ha abave-a~~eci.f.ied parcels from the 'L,ow-Medium D~nsity ReeidenziaL (Parcel B} .Land use and Fl~od Cnntrol Channel (Parcel C) designatir~ns to the C•~mmPrcial ~.rofessional designatic~n. THE F~OREGUTNG R)3SOLUTION was ar]~pted at the P.l~nning Cor.imisaion meeting of Ja;~uary 28, 1991. ' 1' , , ~ ' r ~ i~ ,~ ~, ~. t.. r ~ • ~-~~ ~.~ ~iC f,:[:-~.1~~ t.~ ,. A7'I'iuST: - CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM ~CI PLAtiNING COMMISSJON `i , ~ ~ , ~ . ~ .•~~.. ~ _ ~ ~~- -~~-<-C.~..,c,z, SECFt~T RY, ANAHEIM CI'.PY PI,ANNING COMN,TSSION STATE OF CAI,IFORiIIA ) COUN'1'Y OF' ORp,NGE ) s~, CI'PY OF ANAHF,IM ~ T, Ldith L. Harris, Secretidry oF the Anahe.im City P1a~lning Cornmi.~t~ion, do heLeby cPrtify that the foregoi.ng re,~c~lution w.~s pastted an~ ~~oP~ed at a meetinq ~f th~ Anaheim City ~~lanr~ing Commissi~r. held on January 2g, 1y91~ bY •the ;fo.llowing vote of the memb~rs thereof: AXE:;; COMMISSIONEF2S; NOES: COMMISSIQNER~; ABSENT: CdMt•lISSIONL•'RS: /t IN WITC7E5S WI ot ~~w~A -- ~~ ~ry~ fi0'IDSTUN, BOUAS, FEI,DHAC:>, NE;LLYER, HENNTNG~R, MF~SSE, PERA7A t~ONE NONE ~~~~~~, I have h~:r~untca set my hand ttii~ ,~~~ ~9~~. ._ a?1 ~~~ ,~ ~~~~~ SECRF.TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLI~NNING C(1MMI8SICN -2- , ;;;:. ~ PC91-08