Resolution-PC 91-80i~''°w a RESOI,UTTON NO, pr.yl-8p ,4~Y~d A RESOLUTION OF '!'FIE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CLARIFYING "TAK~-QUT FOC)D Sk;RVICE~~ LIMITATTONS WHE;REAS, Section 1ti.02.U41 0: L•he Anaheim Municigul Code npecifies ~hat if an ambiqui.ty arisE;s cc,ncer;~ing the appropria•te cJ.assifica~ion foz a parti.cular use w~.thin the meaning an inkenr o£ th2 Znriing Code, it ehall be the du~y o; the Planning Comm+as.ion ~o ascer.tain al], perti.nAnt fac~s and set forth its fi-idiz~g¢ an~ ~he reaeons ther.efor, and r~uch findinga ehall be rEferred to th~ City Counail ~-nd, i.f approved b•~ CouncL.l, thereafter such interpretations ~hall gove.rn; and WHEREAa^, ori F~bruar.y 11, 19y]., the Planr~ing Commiseion grant~d Condit-ional Uee Permit No. 3055, Revieicn tJo. 1, under Reaulution No. PC91-•22 to p~x'mit a].772 square-foot convenience xnarket in ari e7ciatinc7 10-unit, 19, 504 s~uare foot commerc.ial. retail. center. with waiver of minimum numbcr of required parkir.g r~paces on property ]ocated appr.o:~imakely 29p feet easi: of the cent.er.li.ne af Harbor Boulevard arid furth~~ de9cribed ar~ 513 Weet Chapman Avenue; and WHEREAS, R~oolution No. PC9?.-2?_ i.nc.lur.l~a ~hE follawl.ng r.ondit.ion; " 7. ThaL- ~subject proper.ty ehal.l bea de~~cloped sub~~tant:ial.ly in accordar~ce witt; plan~ ~.ind ~pe~ifzcati.on~ on f.ile wiL-h the City of Anaheim marked R~vir~ion Nc~. 1. of. Exhi.bit Nos. 1 and 2; hawevcr, that no taice--out food ser•~i.ce a}~all be providec~ including na microwave oveR c~}lall be ir~stalled, or. ~ther ty~ea of heating devicE~ shal.l be UESQCj for. heat.ir:g prepared foodr~. •, WHEAEA5, th:a p~titioner haa autxnittEd plan~ which include a soLt dr.ink. dis~~en~ing machine; ar,d WHERrAS, the take-out L-'ood limitati.on defined in Sertion 18.01.040 "Convenience MarkeL, Take-out:, Foo~~ Servir.e" and as apecifi.ed in Condi.tion No. 7, apove-mentioned, ippears to include ~sof't drin)c dispansing marhir.es and coffe~: machi.n~s or pots; and WHEREAS, the petitioner reque~*_s interpLetatiur~ by the Planning CoRUni~:3ion perta?..nxng to limitat-ion of "tal:e-out fc~od ser.vi.ae" as dpplied to a convenience mar!:et. H~W, TyERF:FORF, B~ :iT RESULVLD ttiaL• the anaheim City Planning Comm.io~.ion doeu herpby determine thszt ;:he uy~ ~[ s~~f.t drink dispensing machinec~ atid coffr,e macl~tiraeH ~r c~~ffee pot;~ ~ha11 nc~t be included .in the dcfinition oE "t:ak~-nut., LUOCI service". C:R12G~MP -1-- PC,91-80 ~, ~II!Y, I ~t . i'• . _ . ' ~~~ , . , , ~;'• ,. ~ . . ~ ~ , ~. ~ , y . ~? . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ~ , . . '~.~iJ`+i( r(~NI°~'T' i!~ :If ~'r ~;rt'{~ .~?En";~ ,. . T[~~: E'OIt~GOZNG 1~k:SOLUTION c~ra[~ adoptEd aL• tqe Plai»ting Cc~mmisei.on meeting cf Jun~ 3, 199].. ~ ; ~/~~ , ~ i'' ~..~' • ~ ~ /, _~':~~. ~ `~ ~~ ,, .. ' 9,_„~'~ ~~-_~~~ .~7. ;~.~..~:<.~ CHAI~AN, ANAHEYM CTTY~FLF~NNiTVG CGMMISSION ATT~S'S : .. ,~ ,,, . ~i.~~:~._..L_.t,:y~ : ~:~ ~ ' r~. ~.. c' ~ ;_ _ ~ S~~RETATtY, ANAH'EFM CITY PLA~INING COMMISSION !, , STATL UP CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY UF ORAIdG~. ) so. CZTY OF ANAFiEIM ) T~ Jane~ L. Jei1~Qn, Seczetary of the Analieim City Planning Corimi.sa.ion, do h~.reby certiEy ~hat the foregoing rE~solution was paseed and adQpt;ed ~L a m~etir;g uf Y.tie Anal~eim City Planning Gommisaion held on June 3, .1991, by the ;ollawing votp of the mcambers L-he;-eof: A]ES: (~OMMY:iSIONERS: F30XDSTUN, E~OUAS, F'ELDFIAUS, fiE:.,LY.ER, F1~NIQIIVGER, rt~ss~ NUES: CfJtrMISSIUNEY,S: NrJNL; ABSEi•~T: CUMIdISStONER~: b'ERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREC.~F, I have h~reuato aQt. my harzr3 tt:is 1;'~~~: day ~f /~ r,~~? •--~ :~991. ~'`, %~ ~/ ,_ ~ , ~ , r ,.~ . _ /:", ~;, ~_,.::~~~~' i,_-,1,•~ ,: _ •.... _-; ,' ~ S~. 'RE~~ ANAHETM'" CITX PLANNING COMMTSSJOPI ~, ~: "z'" PC91-80