Resolution-PC 91-83~ ~ ~ RFSOLUTION NO. PC91~-f33 A RESOL,LJTIpPd OF xHE AIvAFIGIM CITY PLANI~ING COMMXSSION AMENUING CER'PAZN COIJDI'.CIONS OT AF'PRUVAI~ OI' CONDTTIOD:71L USE PF~RMJT NO. ?.473 WHEREAS, nn Auguat ~, 1983, th~ Pl.acining Commi,s~.ion Use PermiL No. 247~ undQr Renolution No. PC£i9-135 to ~xpand facility by 5,750 square fQ~at wi.th waiver of minimum namber. property located at th~~ IlOK~~1WE'9~ corner of Ora.nge Avenue having appr.aximata fxoni:ages of 9~15 feet on tha north eide 150 feet on the west s.ide uf Bcacli S~ulc-,vard, and fuzz.her d~ c~range Avenii~; and appr.oved Conditional an exi~ting hoepital of parkinq apacea on arid Beac:~ Boulev~rd, of Orange Av~aue and ~scribed as 3093 West WH~R~AS, Cond:i.t:ion No. 2 and Condition lQa. 5 of said Reeolution No. PCfi3-135 read a~s fo.llow~: "2. That Frior to ioeiiance of building pormi.ts, Lhe owner(s) of eubject prop~rty shall aubmiL- evidencP ~~f a recordPd reciprocal parking ayrecmont, in a form approved by the Cii:y Attorney, providing for equal acceas t.o all parking ep~c~•~c on b~th the nc~rtti and soLtti aidea of. Oranc~e Avon~~e for the hoepi.tal and medical offic? uses. ~ 5. That ~r.ic~r to ip~luance of ~iuilding F,er.mits, tkiE uwner uf aubject property shall rec:ord a covenant, in a for.m approved by thr. City Attorney, providing ~hat if in the futurE Lhe C~ty c~f t~nahpim canducts a trafflr, study arid deter~ninps thaL• exiAting aff-stzeet parking is not adequate, the owner of the ~rc,perty slial]. c~netruct a parking structure or provide addit.tonal paxkin~ 3~aces in the ntimber and farm a~ dc~termined ;:.o bc~ necer~aary by the City Traf~i.c ~nyinFer: a~id that a faithful performance bond or a letter of cr~dit os' c~i:her gutir~ntee acceptable l-.~ the r.ity shall be ~c~sted in an amoiint as r.3etermined by tne City Ti-affic Enyineer to guarantee inotallat.ion ~f aaid parking faciliti.es." WF~EFLF.AS, on J-:.nuary 2F~, 1991, the: Planning Commi~aion appr.oved an a~~n~ndment to Cnndition flo. 2 of .tandi.tirnaL U~e ~er.mit PIa. 2473 und~r Resolution No. PC91•-11 pertaini~ig to the reciprocal garking r.eqtiir.e~ment an tho south -~ide ~f Orange Avenue and~ tf1E?YQtUr'P.~ Condition No. 2 curr.ently reads a~ folJ.ows: "2. (a) 'Ctiat prior to i~suar.ce of a buildiny permit, the owner.(s) of subject f~ro~~c~rt~~ shall aubmit E3vidence of a recorded rr~cipr.ocal ~,arkLng ~gree~nent, in ~ farm approved by the City F,tta.rr.ey, prc,viding for equal acces~ to ali pa:king spacefl on 5oth th~~ nortt~ and sauth sidea of Ocange Avenue for the hospit3l ~ind medical ofiice ~flea; or !b) 'I'hat a minimum u£ Ai.x hundrec! aeventy (670) parking ~~pacos ~ttall be ~rovided for the hoflpi.tal. on the north r~ide of Urange Avi.na:~, a~ ep~cified by ~onditS.c~nal Use P~rmit No. 3379. In th~: event that a~id aix hundred aevenky (670) parking spaces are provi_dcd, l•hc recipracal parkiny agreemei~t referred to in p3rayraph (a), precc~ding, rn.y be t~r.minatea." CR1210[4P -1- PC91~83 s: ^\;.~ P'~~;! WH~REAS, t;ho petition~x~ now r.equss~ts further amendmeixta tc, Conditio~i Nas. 'L and 5 of Conditiorial UAe Pern~it No. 2473. WHEREAS, the CiLy Pl.anninr~ Comrni.asion di.~i hold a publ.ic ho~rin,g at. tlie Civic Centcr ir- the City of Anaheim on May 6, 1991, at 1:3Q L~.m. , notic:e of aaid publir, he~•ring havine~ been duly given as r.oquire~l by law and Ln accordance with th~ proviaiona o•f. the Anahcxm Munici~~a]. Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hcar ~ind consider evidence for and agai.iisr aaid propoged amendmenta and to inveatiga~e arid make findinga and recommendatior~e in ronnaction therewith; c3nd that ~aid public hearing was continued to ttie May 20 and J~inQ .1'!, 1991, P.lannin~ Commieaioti me~tingo; attd WHE;REAS, sai.d conunis~sion, after duo lt~apection, invest_gr~,tion and atudy made tr~ itflelf and in itc~ behalf, und after due conaideration af all eviden~e and re~ports of fere~9 at aaid he~3r. ing, doea f ind and detrarmicie the following far.ts: ?.. Thar_ the petitioner proposF:s thaL- Condition Na. 2 of Resoluti~n No. YC83-135 be arr,ended as f~].law~: "2. (a) That prior te iES~iance of a building pexmit~ the owner(s) of 9ubject pr~iperty shall submit evidence ~f a recordcd reciprocal. parking a~7reement, in a for:~. approved by thg City A1:torney, pravidinq for equ~l aaceoe to all parking epaces on botih tha north ~nd south oide~ of ~Trange Avenue for the hospit~l and medical office us~s; or (b) firat pri~r to iseuancc~ of a building pormit, the owner(s) of ~ubject pr.~perty nliall ~ubmit evidance of a rocorded r~cipLOCal parki.ng agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, providing temporary ~ lte~:n~te parking ~paces for at. least onp hund:-ed fort~ two ( lh2 ) vehicl.es at 711 South Beach. H~~ulevard (witt~ provisiona far vanpool operatior. and socurity service) Lo be utilizF:d by all day-shift• hoapital employoe~s; and (c) That in the ~vent that the propooed alternatc~ ~arking plai~ must be u~:i.li~ed after January 31, 1792, the applicant shall submit a requ~et to th~ Planning Co~nmission for an ar.ienai~n of time nat to exceed on~s hundred eighty (180) daya from tne date of expiration of t;ie temporary parking ayreernent (parac~ra,ph (bj above, L•o COC1t~11Ue the ~:ae of the alt.~rnate parking plari. ~~3~ TYeat a bond, i.^ an amount ~nd for.m accep~able to the City Cngin~er, ahali bo poatFd with the City to ~3uarantee t.he cc~netruction of the pazlcing facilitiee approved in coe-junction with Cc+nditi.onal Uae Permi.c No. 3375 Yrithiri a peri~d of one (1) year ~~f paRting the bond or Januazy 31, i992, wluchever occura firet. _2_ PC91-83 ''`~•'~ .~ i'-:~~ :~ That in thc~ everit a m:inimum of 9ix huiidrAd eovonty (G70) parking gpaaes are providc~d in accoxclancQ with Code, tho re,ciprocal parking agreemen~ xeferred to in Parayxaph (a), precedinq, n~ay be termiilatied." 1• That the p~~tit.ianer proposes d~letion of Condltl.c~n No, 5. 3. That ~he propoa~:d amendments wi11 not advQrsPly affect the adjoinin~ land udes and the grow~tti and development oF the ar.ea i-~ which it ie propoa~d to be loca.tF,~9. CALIFORNIa ENVIRONMJ:NTAL_,9~7~~,~~y AC'T r IND2NC: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission lias reviewed the p~•r,poRal to a;nt3nd c~~nditiana of approval pertaining to a reciprocal par}cing requi_rement and recordation of a cover~ant agreeing to provi.do addiL•ional. parking, and d~~s hEreby f:ind that the Negat.ive DecJ.a.rai:ion previouely approv~d in cannection wtth Cnnditional 7s~ Permit Nu. 2473 :~~ adequate to sFrve as ti~p requir~d etivironm~ntal docu~ienta.tion in coilnectioi~ with thi~ request, ~~W, THER~FORE, F3E IT RE50LVED tt~~at i:he Anaheiin Ci.ty Plan;~ing Commis~ior. du~e hereby yrant s~abj~ct amendmente ~o Condit.ioi:31 Use Per.mit No. 2473 as fol.low~: 1j Am~nd Conc:ition No. 2 c~f Ke~ol_ution N~. P~8~-135 ~~ read: "~• (a} That pr.ior t~ i3auance of a building p~rmir, the owner(e) of subj~ct property shall eubmit evidence of 3 recordec; recipror.al parking agreement, in a form appr.ov~d by tt~e City Att~rn~y, provid.ing for equal acceRe to all pazking sgaces on both the north and south aide~s of Orange Avenue for the hospital ar,d m~dical offi.ce u~ee; or (b) 1'h~~t prior to innu~;nce of a buiJ.ding permit, the awner(a~ of aubje~:t p:operty ~thall aubmit evidQnce of a rer.ordc.d reciprocal p3rking agreement, in a for:n approved by F,he City Attorney, providinq temporary alter_nate parlcing epacee for at least nne hundred farty two (142~ vehiclr~s at: 711 Soutli Heach Buulevard (with pYOVisions for vanpoal opsratian and ser,urity eervics) to be utilized by all day-ahift ho~pital empl~yees; and (c) That in thn ever-t that the propoc~o~ alternate parking plan must be uti~ized aftab January 31, 1992, the applicant ohall submit a requ~st tu the Planning Commiaei.or. for an extenaion of time not t~ exceed one h~~nc~red eighty (1t30) days frorn the da.te of expiration af the tem~~orary narking agreement (par.agraph (1~~ abova) t~ cantinue the ua~ of the ali:ernate parki.ng plan. That in the event a minimum ~f ~.i.x r.unc3red soventy (670) pa.rking spaces are pruvided in accordanca ~~ity Coda, tihe reci,Procal p~rking ag;eement referred to in Farayraph (a), pr~ceding, may be terminated.~~ "'3~ PC91-83 a; ~i,~;.1~ 2) Deleto C~ndi.tion Nu. 5 i~~ ite enti.rPty. THE rOREGOING 12FSG~'LUTI:ON was adop4ed at the Planning C~mmisaion meeting of June ;.7, 19g1. , ,~/~! ~~ ~~ /~ f'(:~ ' ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ --~ i Lc_f~ _ : c.,t.i ~ ~" ~~.. .~ 'G;~ll~~Zc.,..UJ CHAIRWO N, ANAHEIM CITY LANN7NG COMMIg,~',ION ATT~S~; ~ ~"-'`= ,:.- ''_ ~:. ~,'r'~-.t1 ~:~~ .._i 5ECF2 ARY, ANAHET.M C~t,ANNTNG COMMTSSTUN l.. ~ ~ STA~E OF CALIFORIVIA } COUN1 Y OF OF2ANGE ) 8~, CITY OF ANAFIETM ~ I~ ~7anet L. J~nc~~n, Secretary ~f the Anaheim City Planning Comrnis~ion, do hereby certif adopted at a m~etinq of th~ An~hei.m ~ lte forego: n5 ie~r;lution was passed and 199:~, by the followin vot~ Y Planning Commisa.i,on herd ori Ju:~e 1•!, 4 o.f the membecd thereof: ~ AY~S: Cf~MMTSSTONEk2S: BOUAS ~ BOYDSTUN, HELAHALtg, Y.ELL'YER, HEPIp7INGER, MESBE, PERAZR NOF.S: r;OMMTSS.i~NERS: NONE ABSENT: I;OMMISSIONFRS: ~pN~ IN WITNE5S WH~REOr, I have her~unto set my hand this -~~ da of ,~/Z ~ 1991. ~, ( _.., . ~.~ ~ _ - _ + ~ ; ~CRETAn'i, ANAIiE` CITY PLANNxNG COhlMISSION i.~! i z i ~ 1 i i ~ t ~4~ PC91-83 +