Resolution-PC 91-84t`i~',v~
P.ESC~LU'I'ION I30. PC91.-S~3
Wx-iEREAS, the ~~ndheim Ci•ty Commiaeion did a
ve.rit•ied Petition for 4ociditionaL Uae Permit tor c~rtain real property
situated in the City of Rnaheim, Couni:y af Uranye, St~.itc~ ~f California,
de~cribed a~:
4'HEREA5, the C.ity Plaririing C~inmission I~ol~ a puk,lic hearing
at the Civi.r. CPnter in the Ci~y of Anaheim ox- Juna 17, 1991, at 1:30 p.m.,
notic~ of eai_d public hearing haviny been duly given as required by and in
acc~=dance with the pravinions of the Anaheim Munici~~ai Code, ChaptF~r 1£i.03, to
liear and canEider. evide:ice for and agains~ eaid propc~becl. ~ondi.ti.on~l use
and to investigate and :nake findinga and recomm~nd<~eions in connection
th~rewitll; ar~d
~•~HGREAS, aaid Conunis~ion, atter due inspection, ir.featigation and
stud,y made ~Y i~eelf and in its behalf, and aft•er due consid~raticn of all
evide~ce and reportc~ offered at c~aid hearing, does find and dete.rmine Lhe
followin,y facta:
~.. 7'hat th~ propoesed use is properly one for whicn a condi~:ional
use permit is authoL•ized by Anahe.icn Municipal Code Sectione,
19.44.U50.300,, 18.44.06"..~')i0 and 18.84.OEi2.031 to permit a
commerciaL reLail c~nter with building h~;ights in ~xcesg of. 35 feet, a service
:~tation, a freestnndin~7 drive--through reataur.~ant, and waiver of' tl~e following:
(F+~ S~cCions 18.44.0G3.0~10 - Minimum landar.aPed aetback.
~nd 18.8~1.06'1.0142 {].0 .feet e::re~ri landscapin~,~ required adjacent
~ to west RS-5000fSC) Zone botindary;
none to 5 feer ~ropo~ed)
(II) Sectione 18_84.062_.011 - i~i~~imum struc•=3r.a1 se~back.
an~1 _1K.84. 06? . 01?. ! 100_ feet required al~ng Caayon Road;
25, 40 and_ 87_ feet proposed; ac-d
50 feet required along La Palma .-.venue;
25f 43 ~nd 45 ,feet, proposed)
2. That the r~auested waiver (R) is herehy granted, ir. p.irt,
requi~-ing a minimuni 60-foot :.tructural sekba~k al~ny Weir Canyon Road.
FC91- il4 -1- f~C91-II4
r.. '~'~ y~4~:ly
3. That thp roqueeted waivero are Pior~by aranred on the baeis
thaL• ther.e ara epecial cir.cunietaneee applicab'!~ to the property ouch ae size,
~hapc~, topo~~.raphy, locatic~n and surr~un:9ingn do nat aFply to otheY~ zoned prop~rty in the c~am~ vicinity; and thut ~l-rict applicatlon of
the 'l,on.iny ~ode d~priven tha property of privileges enjoyeci by other propertiQs
i.n *~:e iclQntlcal zone and claat~ifi~~atinn in the
4. That t•.he prapnned uee will no(. adversE-ly affecr tha adjoining
land un~o and L•he growt•h and developm~nt of thQ area in which it ia proposed t~
be locatod.
5. Tnat L•h~ f71ZP_ and ahape of the eiL•e propo~sod £or the use i~
e:dequatF to al.low the full development of the propoaed use i~ a manner not
detri.merital to the particular area nor tu th~ peace, health, ~~fety and gen~ral
welfarQ of the Citizenr~ of the Ciry ot ~nahei.m.
G. Thnt; the granting of tho ~_c•~dit.tonal Use PermiC ~.inGor the
c~inditions imposed will not be detrimer-tal to tt~e pea~;,s, heal~h, safe~y and
gcneral welfare of the :,iti.zFn3 of the City of l,nahrim.
%. ':'haY thE~ traffic generated r~r the proposed use •.,ill r.ot
impo~ac: an unciue bur.den upon the ctiEP4;~1 anci high~aay~ de~igni3d aad imprc~vad to
c,~rry the L•r•affi~ in ti~e ~~i~ea.
8. 7'hat one ~.l ) peroon indicated his pr~c~~nce at: ~aid publ ic
hearing in ~ppo~ztian and one {1) concerned peroon wad pres~~nt; and Chat no
correspCRdc~~~rC+ w~3 received in o~positi.~n to tn~ aubjact. petitxr~n.
CAL7FORNIA 'r;~+VIR~~P7Mt:NTAL~ UALITY (~CT FINDING: That pureunnt to
tne Californi:i 8nv~rorir~en*_a.l Qual~ty 1ct (~•^cQA) Cuid~linea, and aftor
conaidering G.ail Enr.ironmental Impact t2<~porL- Nu. 305 {EIR Nc. 305) f~r thH
I7r~posed Anaheim Ter.race 5~opping ~roject ana evide~c~
pre~enled, b~lh written and aral, to o~~plement Draf~ E;IFt No. 305 the Plsnnin~
Com:n.isc~ion Cinda that• :
(:iy Uraft EIR No. 305 ie in compliance with the Calif.ornia Envir.onmental
Quality t~:.t and the Stat:e and :;Lty CLQ~~ GuidelirtrA;
(b} 'The~ ptujec:t :~n parcel A ie con~as~tent with the intent of the City'e
Gen~ral Plan f~~r• the site an~ will bt~ comp~tibl~ aurroundiny Iand
(c) Draft EIR No. 305 Ldentifies the foll~win~.~ im~;acte whlch are
conoidered to bFy bath unavoidable and ad:~~r~e ir, nature and na*, fully
miti.gar.E.d Lo 3 level of i.naignificance;
~eot ti~es - Development. of tt~e site will re~ult in a vacant 2ot befng
replacQd ur.tsan structurea aaeuci.ated with a commerc~ial :.~enter.
'I't~e ~Lte plan ehowN st:uctur~o b~ing place~., in cloee pruxi~,:it.y to a
number of hor;~ea. "Majc~r S" [iuildirig ic~ ident•ifiQd on ti,n ciitQ plan na
being located 35' from nevecal homea. Thi.~s wi.ll interrupt
view~ ea~r.war~i up the Santa An.~ Canyon for Home reoi.dencc~~. Thla ir~
r.on~;idQre~ ar, unavqid~blo adversr~ impact of develoFxn~nl of tho uite.
-2- PC9 l-•F34
A~,r 4uality - Th~ pr~~as~d pro~mcr. will aontribut:o ta an tncremental
in~ruar~e ln air quality impactca, however, tt will not exceod tho
threoti~.lcl for. :+t:ationriry and mobil.e eo~irae emiedi.ona for an-eite
usee. While tho impact~ of the project can t~~ mStigated on a local
bcioie, it will incr.emc~ntally add to pollutant em.i.daione in the County
and tt~e South Coa~t Air Basin, whiah ir~ currently a fe~oral
non-attainmont arc~a f.or sQVera1 gollutant ~-peciee. Any incroaer~ in
emieaS.~ne io c~~n~idared eignificant and an un3voidabls adv~rsg impact
of thc~ pro.jecL.
(~) Section 15091 of the CEQ~I Guidel.ine~ requtrea that on9 or r~orp
f" be made for each eignificant environmental effECt. Three
finding categories are puesiblP. Sec'tions A, B and C below state Pach
finding, and tt~en idantify ti~e impact c;ategori.Q~- for tlisfle aze appropriaGe.
A. "Ctiangf>s or. alter:iti~~no have bran reuuired in, or incorporated
into, ttie project which uvoid or subatantially l.e~een the
eig~ificunt ~nviror.mental efPecL• as identified ir. the Draft
GxR." Thin fin~3ing appliea tu the folLowing environm~3nta1
effecta of tihe pio;ect:
. Landforcn Alteration anci G~ol~gy
. Tran~portation/C.irculati.on
. Reaources
. ~ultuxal/Scientif.LC Kesourcea
. ctydrologf/Drai.nage
. iand Uoe/Rele~ent Planniny PragramF
. Population, Ho~f~Lng and Employmtnt
. NoiHe
. Public ^aervic~e and Faci:liti~o
. Ut.tlirieo
Refer L-o the llraft: EIR Eor a ful.l diecusaion of the rsbove
impacta, tht~ mitic~atiun mea~uree ~reacribed and a dic~cu~si.on of'
impzcL signi£icance after r~itigation.
El. "Such ch~ingen or alterat:;_c~n~- are within thE~ ra~ponoibilLty and
;uriediccion oE anc~Cher public agency and nat the ayency
t:he finding. 5uch changec~ have been adopt~d by Auch other agency
or- can and ~shoulcf b~~ adopte,d by auch other agency."
Thore are no oY.tior ag~nr_iea t:hat hav~ b~en identifi.Qd thrc~uyh the
~I~t pr.oceae whfch have j-,riadlcti.or~ over thi~ si.te. Zt eho~ld be
noted th~t thQ County of. Or.angQ currenL•ly o:~na Parc~l S. Parcel
B io conoidored r~e a parr of this project only if it ie ucquirea
by the ~tppli~~t~t.
C. "Sp~cifi.c ~conc~mic, sor_i_a1, ~r othe.r coneideraticne make
infaasible the project alternaCi.vee idEnt?.fied in rhe Draft ETR•'
°3- PC97 -f!4
;,yL!yt!» a ~ .. , .
u~,scu ~i
7.'he di~cu~snion ident~fieg the varioue alternativos
conFiderod in the Dr~ft ETR, fc~lluwed by an expJ.anation of ~t~e
rationale fn~. findirig L-heee ~xJ.t~rnativee infeagible and/or
r.~je~tinq eame.
Thig alternative ae~ume~ the conti.nuati~n of exioting
conditions. The oi.te wo~ild cc+e~tinue ae an undavolupad parcel.
Thl~ ~lternative wc~ald not real.ize economic bzn~fits to the
community nor achie~~e L•he objAct;ive~ of the ~eneral Plan.
Tt~ie a1L•ernative do~a r~ot, howe~ec, pr~clude future devel~pment
in acccrdance with plann.iny and zcnLng Atandar.dx in exiatQnce at
the of permit iyau;~nce.
Adoption of khe No Pr~:jPCt Alter-lative would not imprnve the
ETX~fltlilCj impacka ta air quality nor wo41d lt
el.iminate the di~turbed ntate thc~ aite i~ in (tr•aah). Projer,t
objoctiva~ upecifieo zn the Draft ErR would not k~e accomplished.
The No Prv;je~~t alternative would, however, ~].icninate the adverse
aeathetic ao idenL-ified in the Draft EIit.
The No Project A1L•ernative is not environmentally superior
cam~,ared to the propoQed project, therefore, L-he Nv Praject
A1Lernative is r~~ected.
This altc~r.nat'va would a range of r.esident•.iai uses from 5
unies por acre (F[ill.eldP Low-Medium dP:~aity) to 25 unite per ar_re
(hiqhest number of unite deemed feaei.ble for thifl eit~) 'Phis
a1t.Qrnative would necessitate a Gene•_al ?Lan Amendment. Thig
alternative wo~lci ~,rovide a range of re~ider~tial units betweNn y6
singla-family ur.ite and 40Q multi-family uni.ts for thP 16 acre
eite. The potential impacte to Landform artd gQOlogy,
hydrolo,y/drainage, biolc~gical and cultural recsour.cee, and no!_ee
would be similar to the proposed pro~ect. Aue to the traffic
noise on La Palma Av~nue and weir Canyon Road/Yorba ~inda
fioulevard, a wal.l would need to be coilstz~ucted along these
roadway fro:~taye~ to mi.tigate thP noiee im~acte on L•he
residential uaea. 'ihe adverae aesthetic impacts ~ac::ld r4maf.n
with thi.a alternatio•e. Since th:ls site ia located in ~z job-ricli
~ubregion, =1io addition of realdenti~l unita is L•o be
ber,aficial to the air qual.ity.
7he impact ~n the circula~ion system would be woraQ s~inc~ trip~ raeidential unit4 tend ;:o ba mor.e during the pc~ak h~ur.
wherr~ar~ thE tripc~ are ~pread thrc»ghoue the day.
-4- PC91-84
r ;~~:~
Thc Single-Fairiily/Mu.lti-Fami:ly Roaidential. U~se Alternative io not
c~nvironr,~entally r~uperior campared to the ~ropo~sed pro jF3cx,
therefore, the Singl~-T'amily/Mu:lti-Family Redidential L*so
A1tez•na~iva is r^jected. [n additiun, thie a1~Qrnative would no~
~ccompliah the objoctivos Qet.abZiehed for t1i~ project and wru]d
not mQ~t lhe obj~ctivcs of tha Genezal.
'rhe Reduccd Commercial Davelo~.~ment H1tRrnative w~ul~ conQiot of
dev~loping ~arcel A only for a total of 12~,703 Hquare fe~t o£
cornmerc:ial dev~lopmpnt. Thie altErnative wou.:d h~va all of the
same impacta as the pr.oposed project wi.tli ttie exception that it
wil.l renult i.n a oli~ht reduc:tiun in quantifiablo impacte of the
}?roject. Tn~r~ would be a necond Aet of ahort-term con~truction
imp~ct~ on the surLOUnding uoee with tt~in allerr~ative iF Parcel fi
w~:re ~evelopad at a later da*o. Thia project is considered
environmentally ~uperiar ta the pr~posed projack except, tk~at f.t
d~e~ not meet tk1P objectives of the project. Thid alternati~e
wi.? 1~e pursued if Parcel H ici not acr,~zired.
The A.Lternat.ive Si.~.e Locati.r,n aaaumea the same pro ject at ~'1. ~5 site l.ocar_ed at 2i4~; W. Avenue at the interFe~tion
ot Bro~khura~ ~treet. 'i'he site ie au.rrently bein~ used by
Buildere Empozium and .te zoned CL, Corrunercial, Limi+-d:i and PD-C,
Parkit~g DiatricL- C~~mmeccial. The ~wr-er of •th~ parcel recently
Feouyht ar~preval fram the City to allow r.c~~;.uential develoomont
~n thi.p s.i.te but the r.equF,at wao denied.
:mp].enientatiori of thie wou1~3 reo~ilt in eimilaz
iirpacte ac~ the pr.opoac.i project, the d3VF'15P_ impact on would he elim~naced but air quality impar.r~ woui~
remair. and tranaportation impaote o~c~ul.d k,e greaCer. The squ~rA
footage of the bui:lding would be ap~roximatc~ly 81,000 eauare
f~~.t whic}~ would reauLt in lesa economir b~'i1P_tlt t~ the City.
Hecauea the Alternative Sitr Locat3.on ie n~t env.ironmentally
au~erior compared to the propoeed gro~ect, the Alternative Site
Location ia rejected.
(e) Sr~ould the Planning Com~r.ission furthEr dettrmin~ ttiat ttie berefit~ of
the ~roject outwefgh the unavoidable Environmental impacta, th~
pro~isi.ons af Section 15093 ~f Y.he State CCQA :;uidelines require that
a StatemF~nt of Ovorriding Coneidr~rations be adop~ed. Slaff would
recommend t;he :ollowiny:
The benefit~ ~f the project have been w~fghed againat the i~navoidable
~dvercae environinantal impr~ctc~ and pursuant to Sect ion '150.93 of tho
StatQ CEQA Guidelines, lh~ occurrence of the aig~iificant
environmant:al impactg ident.ifiod in Draf.t ~;IR Na. 305, as set forth
above, may be permitted without turther mi.tigation due to the
f.oll~wing overriding conaicl~r.ations:
-~- PC91-84
The exten~. ttiat any impacta ( including, with~i;t littiitation,
cum~lativa impacte) attribut:ibl.e to the Anaheim TerrACQ Shoppirig
Center remain unmitic~a~ed, o~:ich imt~~cks ax~e accoptable in light of
the overridtno ~conomic, aocial and o~her cont~ideratione set forth
herein, The arojpct alternati_ves r~et forth in the k;YR are
infeae.ible fer theae reaoona and lsse deoirable than Y.he proposPd
project, Additional mitigati.on m~aour.eA ~and th~ alteinatives would
imp~~e limitation~ and ree~ri.ctione on t}ie dQValopmerit of tha
Anahe.tcn Terracc~ Sl~o~~ing r~Enter which would prohi.bit obtt~ining the
r~pecific nocial, ~cai~omic and other of tha project which
ouCweigh the unmitigated impacl•K, and ~ustify approval o£ pr,~jecc.
The ~ocial, oconomic and other conoideratianr~ warrant
approval ~f thie praject notwithstand5_ng any unavoidablca or
tinmitigatecl impac•ts resulting from the Anahcjim Terrar,e 5n~ppi;~g
A• Populati~n, Hou~inc~ and Fmp:loym~nt
The propoi,ed project ia a neiqhborhood ehop~ing center whzch is
iocated i~i clo~e praximit:y to ~urroundiTic; residential areas. It
w3.?.1. jol~H, titinpF~ing arad entart~inment opportunities for
the n!~arby residerite.
B. Air ~uala.t:y
'!'he pro}ect ie locat~d in an area ~,: nan-attatnment ~~r sume of
the I'~deral ai.r qunlity o•L-andarde. In or~er to addresn thit~
conr,er.n~ variou~, p,lblic agencies have c3e~~eloped regi~nal planh
auch ae the Air Quality Management Plan t~ develr,p goals and
polir,ies to r~duce air polluti,on. One of the gr~als iy to i.ocate
jobs near h~_~uaing and to eetabli~h netghborhood corr;mercial
centere in os-~9er tco reduce~ •u~hicle miles trav~led and roduce the
r~umber of ve,lzicle tripa talce-i. Although thir~ pro ect is
reque~tinq ;~ Statement oE Ov~rri.dir.~ conEtiiderat:rono jf.or Air
Quality ba~-ed on the cumulatiwe anaJ.ysi.c~ (due to the fact that
~.he site is l.ocated in ar. axea that currer~tly doAs not meet the quality etandarde of the Federal EPA), the project itaelf i3
achieving one of the goala uf, tne Air Man~gement Plan t:o
hc~lp reduce ;ii~ pallutioi~ by locaring jraba near houoee and neigk-b~rhood commercial centera.
C. Negotiutian Agr~ement
Dcve.lopmQnt: of the pr.~~poned projoct will aez•ve to lmplemc~nt a
Negotiation Agreement (dat~d October 17, 1.90j betweer~ the
app).icant and the City of An~heim Rc~dQVaLopmenL Ag~~ncy for other
propcr.ty owned by the applican•;: i.n Anaheim. The proper.ty ie
needed by the City for ttie relocation of thQ Phuenix Club, which
ie in turn being mov~d from ite preser.t location to accommodate
ronetruction of tlie prupc.,sed Anahef~ Arena.
~6 PGyl-84
p• °' ~,,~ ~~~c~,1
(E) Secl-ion 21U8'l.6 of the Public Reeaurces Code requires that. when a
public agency is making the findings required by Sect.i~~n 21081(a1 oF
the P~iblic Reeour.ces C.odQ, ~he Agency ehnll adopt a or
monito.ring program f~r the changes to the pr~7ect it has
adapt•ed or mad~ a condition of project approval, in <~rd~r to mi.tigate
or avoid significant offecto on the en~vironroont.
The City her~k~y fi.nds that the mitigai:ion meadures (lieted in Section
III - Ttecomm6nded Conditi.on3 0£ Approval af tl^? ataff report) havEa
been incorp~rated into a Mitigatia.i Monitoring Fr~gram tkiat meeta t•h~~
requirements ot Section 21.061.6 af the l~ublir. Resources CodE c'iil(~
~ubstantially reducea the ~rojeci:'a environmontal e£fecta t~ aY~
accepta~le leve:l.
(gj :Cherefore, the Planning Commioeio~~ nereby recommpndE certificatiun of
FIR f[o. 305 l~a~ed or~ th~ Finclings herein and adapta thia Statem~nt oL-
Overriding Cona:.cler.a~:iane and Diitigatian Monitoring Program.
NOW, 'THFR~FORE; Hy IT RESULVED thak the Anaheim City ~l.anning Comrr~i4aior.
does hereby grant auk~~jec:t Petiti~n for Conditional Ufa~e Permit, in part, upoii
th~ followiny conditiir,na which arE~ hereby found to be a nHCess~try prerequisite
to the prnpoe~ed ueP of thv subj~ct propert:y in or~.~er to preaerve the nafety and wel.£are of the Citizens of the City of An~sheim:
Concliti.~~n~ marY.ed with an ar.e recxuired by eatabliahed laws, codes,
re ua lations and aareeinent~ arid are not auaiect to neaotiatior,. Conditic~ns that.
are italicized haveybeen i.dentified as mi.tiQati.on measurea whici: must be
complie~ with in cannection with and in ac~ordance with the timina ~f the
condition wt~ich thev fullow. A~ a~ach all mi.tigation me3sures are inc].uded as
p~~rt of the mi.tiaation_ monitcrinc~Frogram__fur this ura-iect (as reauired bv
Section 21081. fi of the Pualic „R~sourcea_Code ~,
1. * That unlees prc~of ~f ex~~mption is submitted ~.n complianc4 with City
Council Reeo.luti~n N~. 89F-A40 prior to iaeuance of a building permi~,
t;he ~.p~ropriate maj~r thorouqhfare ai~cl bri.dgo fF:e sha11 bQ paid to the
City af Anaheim in an amount as ~ner_ified in the Majoz•'Phorough£are and
Bridge r^~e Prograrn for. the Foothill/Eastern Tr.ansportation Corridor, as
entabliehed by Ci.ty r.eeolution.
?. *'Phcit prior ro iosuance of a building permi*, Lh,o appropriate traffic
~ignal asoeaament fee sh3.i1 be pald to the City oE Anaheirn i.n an amount
as estab.liahed by City 1?et~olutiori No. 90R-19A.
3. * That the appro~riate fr~e ~ha17. be paid to the City ~~f Anaheim for Santa
nna Canyon RSad widenirig purposes, in an amount aa ostablished by City
Counci.l Reoo Litian Na. 89R-371.
~. Tl~at pri.or to appraval of a grading pl:~n, a detailed "viaibility" plan
for the drivaway3 an La Palma rlvenue shall. be aubcnii:ted to ti~e City
Traffic and 'Praneportation Manager for his review and approval. Th~
qradiny at the veh.icular acce9a poinhr~ to the project shall be ~ maximum
of five percent (5~) for the fiz~t aixty (60) feet from tha public atreet
right-of -a~ay.
-7- PC91-84
y M1,. _..y
5. * That plan~s shaLl be ~tibmittod to th~ City Tr~ffic and Transpurtation
2danag~r for hi.a review and approval ~showir~g cc~nLormance with L-he latest
revisions~ of Engineeririg Stanc]ard Plan Nos, f,36, 602 and 605 pe.rta~.ning
to parking standarde and driveway locations. Subject pro~erty shall
thereupon be developed and maintained in conformanr.e with said plans.
6. That all drivewaya c~hall be cnnstructerl with twerlty fivP (25) f•o~t radiua
curb return~ ae required I~y the Ci~y Enyineer in conformance with
Fng.inesring Standa~~de .
7• 'l'hat a~ r.equired by the Orange County Tra^eit Diatrict, an~ f.f determined
te be necesAary by the City Traffic E;ngine~r, a pus turnou~ shaZl be
conatruc~Hd adjacent to Aubject prop~rty on La Yalma Avenue wQSt of th~ project vahicular accese weat c~F Wei.r Canyan R~3d. Said turnout
ehal~ include a paved par~~enger waiting ar.ea with bus ahelter and bench,
and a cc,ncrete bua p~d sufficient to auppor~ the weight of a bue.
Additionally, a paved, lighted h~ndicRppeci acc~~c~ible p~deatri~n
ac:ceseway ohall. be providr~d connecting the turnout with ~he residential
units n~rth ai the turnout.
8. That the oubmit~ted plane ~hall ehow the L•tuck loading epace(s) as
require~~ by Code Sect:ion 18.06.060, Sai:3 plan, including truck routing,
shal.l b~ submit~ed ro the Ci.,ty TrafFic and Tr~n~portation Manager for hie
reviec,~ and appraval. No i7-turnn ahall be perm.itted for truck~ on-~ite.
9• That all necea~sary trarfic nii_ti.gatic~n m~asu.res, aa required by the Cf.t,y
Traf~ic and T.rans~portation Manager i.n connecti~n the submittEad
Traffic Tmpact Study, ~hall be inatal].ed pr.ior to oceupancy of the firE~t
10. 'Thar. prioi- to the i.seuan~e of a building psrmtt for any dr.ivo-through
facili~y~ the drive•-throuyh lan~ ahall bE reviewed and appraved by tha
City Traffic and 'Pransportatian Man~qer.
11. That plari~ aubmitted Poz builairiy permit~ ehall shuw confarmance with
Elzgin~erinq Stanciar.d Plan ir'o. 13? pertaining to sight distance
12. That the property awner•/developer construat La Ps1ma f~venue to
its u.Itimate 1:a1f-section width as a Modified Primury with deceleration
lanes adj~cent to t.hp pr.ojer:t houndary. The P1an-desiynated C1sss
I'I.I bikeway sha11 also be si,qned alony thi4 segment of La ,Pa1ma Avenue.
Priar to issuance of a bu.ildzng permit, street improvQment plana s1~a11 be
submitt~d to the Subdiv.zs:_-~ SecL•ion and bonds shall. be posted, in an
amount as determined by -'~c~ ~~. ~'nqineer and a form as appa~oved by the
City AL•torney, t~ guarantee complet~~„ -~f said improvements.
~8' PC91-84
13, That the proper~y owner./~levelr~E~er. sha11 construct La Pa1ma Avenue to
its ultsrnate ha1~°-wiclth secti~n width as a Mvdified Primary wit.h one
contic~u~u~ twe.Lve (~~) f~ot wide accelerAtion/decaler.ation lane from Weir
Canyon Road to west of the propas~d bus stop adljscent to the pro,ject
bounda.ry (appro.ximatel3• anQ thausand ~1,000J feet). 'lhe Mast~r.
Plan-designated C1asr.; ITI b:Ekewsy sha11 a1s~ be s.iqned along this segmant
af L~1 Palma Avenu~. Pr..ior to issuance of a bniZding poxmit, stroet
im~r~voment p3ans ,ha11 be :subm.ztted to the Subdicrision Section and bond~
~h~331 be po~te~i, in an amounL as determined by the City EnginA~r and a
form as approved h}~ Che City Attorney, to yuara!ntee comp, of sai.d
14. T1~at a tcuo hc:ndred (20U) faot .Zong 1ei`t-tuz-n px~ket with A.n eleven (11)
foot w.idtri, a fnur (4) foat ra.zsed median dividex• and a ninety (90) foot
transit.ion sha11 be pravided for trdffic on La F~alrn~z Avanut desiring to
turn left into the contral pr.oject entrance. The other tsrc project
entries on La F~1ma A~~enr~e shaZ1 be limited to ;ri,qht turns on1y. Prior
to i.~suance ot a permit, stroet improvE~nent plans sha1Z be
submitted to t.hs SPr~,L071 and bonds sha1Z b~ posted, .in an
amoailt as determined by the City Enqineer and a in form ~pp.r~ved by the
City Attor.ney, to ~ur~rantee c.ompletion of said improveme~its.
15. 7'hat firaffic szgr~als sha.11 be installed at the .intei-sections of the
Yorba Linda Boulevard/Route 91 Freeway raestbound ramps ar~d Yorb~a L.inda
Boulevard/Route 9.1 Freewdy eas~bo4:~d ramps, and Lznda l~oulevard
~hould be widenad as determined to be necassary, hased upon t.raffic for t1~e SAVZ Ranch dev~elopment.
7.Fi. The pr.~perty owner/deve.Zoper shaZ3 contribute their proportional share
(one ~~nd eighteen hundredths percent [1.18~)) of the Fu11 cost to widen
and s.ign~lize tt~e eastbound ~2nute 91 ransp intersection wzth Weir Canyon
Xoad/Yvrha Linda Boulevard. 5aid widening sha11 provide for an eastbound
offramp :aecond Zeft turn pocket and t.ree r.ighc-turn-only .1ane, and WPir
Canyon Fo~d/3'orba Lindn Boulevntd widening to three (3) »orthbound and
southbound thr~ugh 1~3nes plus C?ass II bikeways (six ('GJ foot w.idths on
~ach plus a tr.ansit•ion foz- yhe above-ntentioned Qastbnund offramp
frce rigl~t turn 1ane, and onramp traresition for a northbound
free right turn lanc~.
17. That; t;he pro~ez•ty owner/developer. sha11. cr~nts-ibute their propor•tional
share (eleven and s~venty si~: une hundradths percent [11.76aJ) of tbe
fu11 cosc to widen and signa.lize ttie westbound Route 91 rrlmp
with Weir Caaynn Road/Yorba Lind~ BouZevard. Said ~.idening aha11 provide
for a southbound free ri.ght tu±-n Iane. and a tFaird so~rthb~und through
.1ane, ~~nd a wFStbound ot:rnmp secon~ left t.urn pocket. This project
sha11 be pe~rt of the Weir Canyon xo.s~i/Yorb~ Linda .eoulevard widen.fnq ta
th:~ee (3) noz•thl~ound and ;,outhbound through lunes plus CZass II bikeways
(six [6] ;.`:: ot wic9ths on 9ach side) .
18. Theet. the NropE~rt•v owner/r?eve.loper sha1..I contxibute their proportiona2
share (fift•~een pe,rcent [15~j) of the fu11 cost to ;~iden Woir Canyon
RoadjYorba Linda Boulevard betws~n the Route 91 eastbound o~framp and La
Palma Avan!~e tc thr~e (3) northbound and sauthbound thrnugh laries plus
CZH~:~ .iI bikeWays (~ix ~6) fooi: widtha on each side) .
-9- PC9~-84
i1;.~~;:r ~~~;.~i~
19. That tha p.raperty owner/develop9..• sha11 contribute their prcporti412a1
sharP of 1oca1 funds requi.r.•ed for improvements to the Za Pa1ma
Avenua/Weir Canyon Road (Yorb~ Linda 9ou.levard) Yntersection to provide a
Zeft-tu.rn 1.Ane on the nozthbound approach and ~ s~uthbor~nd through Iane
.in a manner meet:i.i~g tho approval of the City Tz~aff.ic and 2'ranspUr~atJ.on
20. Thzt th3 property uwner/deve.Zop~r sha11 contz•ihnte their proportior~al
share (n.iiieteer, r~nd two hundrelrha [19.02~s]} of the tu11 co~t to widen
and modify tha signal at the La Pa1ma Hvenue/Yorba Linda Boulevard/Weir
Can~•-?n Road intc•:.c_ction. Said wir?anin,q shaZ.Z provide a northbound
, •~d Zef.t turn pocket, and a svutnbound aecond left turn p~cket, and a
th. ~9 Chrougli lane (by, ~the existir.g rigtzt tu.rn only 1nn~) .
21. That the property owncr/developei- sha.Il provide bus turnouts as
z-equ.ired by the Orange ~ounty Transit District and the C~ty Traffic and
2'ransportation Manager.
~2. That the property owner./deveZaper shall provide ~ bus turriout and/or
concrete pad and sheltEr, wnich shali be instalZed west of the centrA.L
project access on the far side rt Weir Ca1iyon Road on westborand La Paima
Avenue, as required by the City Engineer.
'l3. ~'hat t.he pz-oper~y owner/devQlopor .sha11 install a traffic signal at tlae
central prvject ancess, ancY st.op ~~gns and zight turn only s.igns sfaall be
in~tallPd within the szte at th~ w~~tQi•nmast and easternmost exi~ points
to r.ontrol tra.ffic. Internal tz'A.PF.ZC signinq~ stripir,g sha11 be
.irnplernel~ted .in r.onjunction with detailPd colastruction plans for the
24. That at th~ tirne of ~reparation of fi.nal. gzading, Z~1~dscr~pe and street
imprnvement plnns, Q.igtit di3tances at each axit point shn11 be reviewad
and approved by the City EnginePr H• respoct to Cit-y of An~zheim sight
distance standards.
25. Tliat twenty f.ive (25) fovt radius curb-return type dri.voways eha11 be
constr.ucted at each of the ~•-~e~s poznts on La P~1m~ Avcnue to facil.itate
ingrass/egr.•e~s to tl:e site.
26. 7'hat prior to approval of c~-
s~`~a11 sub~nit d borrow site
Caltrans a^cl the review ar~d
stteJl specifical.iy identify Cl~e
the additional f.i11 maL•er.isl
sha11 specify that no tr.cacks
the hour.s and days of trans~ort
yrading p1a:~, the ~ropQrty owner/developer
and route ~f hHU1 plan for the review of
approvul of the City Enyineer. Said p1a~
Zncation of the borr~w s:ite(s} frorn whic~
Wi.11 be tran~port_Nd. The haul route plan
wi11 be aZlowPd on residentisl streets zsnd
to cortt~.letion of the grading operation.
27. Tt~at prior t.o approval of a Permi t.for construction artiv.ities
r-~ithzn the La <~alma Aven~~e right-of-way, incZrading but not ZznritPd to
r.oad improv~ments and relucat.i~n of .intra3truct~rz•e, the applicant ~ha11 appraval :rom the City Engineer of a plan far rero~L-ir~~ traffic
around t:~e construct .n azea in such n mar.ner that disruption of traffic
flnw is kept to a min~murn ancl p~b.Zic health and sefety is ntaintained.
-10- PC91-84
;~~"'~ ''~''`~'~~'~
. p
2~3. T'haC the p.roperty ow~ner/developer shall be responsible for the
znstallation of undergro~•nd condu.its, and relat~d
faci.Z.ities to p.rovicle for underqrounci 1~KV cables, pad mountod 3witohes,
eapacitors and which wi1Z .be installed ~.n •si.t;e i.n pubZic
irt.ility essemcnts in acco.rcinnce wit.h City o.f Anaheim Rates, Ru1e~ and
29. * That si:reet ligtiting £'~cilitiee along La Pal:na Avenue and Wc~ir ~;ai~ayon
Road o:~al.l be .ineCalled as requir.•~d by the i'3L-ili.tiee General Manager in
accord~nce with epecificatione on file in i:he Office of the Utilitiee
veneral bianager; or, that security i~i the form of a bond, cortificate of
deposit, letter of credit, or caah; i.n an amnunt and form satis£actory ~o
the City of Anaheim, shn11 be poated r~ith the City t~ guarani;ee the
sati~f~ctor; compleL-i.on of the above-manti~~ned improvcmenta. S~id
s~r.uri.ty ~hal.l. be poeted wii.h the ~ity of Anaheim prior to iasuance af a
building permit. The above-reguir.ed i;nprovem~nts shdll be installed
prior to
30. * That ~ubject propoaal. author.ized by thia r•esolut;ion shall be se.rved by
undergrotind ut;ilities.
31. That new underground aerved street ligrts and conduit s,ystem she.1.1 b~
instaXZed along La ~a1ma Av~nue and Yor;ba Linda Bouleva.r.d.
32. That the 1and:;cape irrigat.ion system(s) sl~oc~ld be contralled
automat.icall.y ta ensure wataring during early morning or ever~iny hours t~
reduce evaparation losses.
33. That drought-tolerant plan~s ~ha.Z1 be .i.ncorpozated into project
Iandscap~ plsns wherever possibl.e and water-conserving _irxiqation syscems
(e.g., dx•ip .irrigat.{on~ sha11 .~e utiZtzQd. So.i1 moi.sture sensoz•s ~xe
recommend~d in ~ommun area Zandscaping.
3A. That plumb.inq fixtures to redsce waL•ez• usage and 1o:~s shocrl.d he
utiJ.ized fe.g., Zow vo~ume toilet tanks, flow control. davices for.
faur_et.s, etc.) in accvrdance with T.it1e 2; of the California
Adnrinistrative Corie. In ddditio.n, eir conditioni7g w~ter consumption
should he reduced thro~gh tha use of rocycling.
35. That prior to thA issuanr.e of each buildinq, ?andscaping arad
irrigation plans sha11 be submi.tted to Ghe City P1an.r~ing Departmant and
Utilities Departnre~ts for ~•eview a~~d approv~l.
36. :Chat the on-cite .Lande~apicig and irrigation system shall be maintained in
compliance wit~ti City atandard~i.
37. _That prior to the issuance of each ~t~uilding pe-•mit, t1~e appropziate
fees due for primary water rnains and fire pr.otection ~er•vzce sha11 be
paid to the rlater F,ngineerz»g Diviszon of t.he ~Itilities Department in
accordanc2 with Ru.Ies 15A and 2U of ~he Wat,er Util.ity Rates, and
PC91-'' '
~-_ ~: . ;
' • ' .,; a;cr,,
38. 'lhat prior to approval of a grad.i.nq p.Zan or pr.r.or i:o epp1•oval of a
ti.nal pa•rcel map, whichev~r occurs fixst, the twelve inch (12") water
line s1~a.11 ba "~ot-h~1ed'~ to voxity exact lacation and depth, and
appzopriate clearancas sha11 be provided from buslding footage, A twenty
(20) fuot minimum pul~lic e~sement sha1Z ~zlsc, bs dedicaL•ed L•a t_he
C,ity of Ansheim.
39. That tla~ abandonment of. any watPr w~1Zs and assoc.i.ated f~icilitYes sht~Z1
be in accordanc~o with the pracedures established .by the City of ?lnaheim
Water Enqineering viv::aic~n.
40. That the water backflow equipment and any other large wator system
Equi.pment shall be ~nstall.ed ~o the satiafaction of tYie Water Utility
Divi~ion i.n eithNr (a) underground vauits or (b) behind the atreet
setback area i.n a m3nner fu11y scr~ened from alJ. public streeta and
41. * That all lockable pedestrian and/or veh.icular access gates sha11 be
equipped with "kitox box" de•rices a9 required and appruved by the Fire
Depari-ment .
42. *'Phat fire sprinklere shal.l be ineta~lled as r.equired by the F'ire
D~par. tttien ~ .
43. That p.rior. to iseuance of huilding permite, a plan ehowing satisfaci:ory
vehir.ula.r accese through tha ~ite shall be c~ubmittQd to th~ Fize
Department foi• review ~nd approv~l, E,aid plan shall include i!^formation
showing turr~ing radii, accessway widthe (possibly neceasitating the
po3ting of "no parkinc~~~ signH) ar,d whether lo~ding docks encroach into
any accee~ways, A minimam twenty (2d) foot ar.ceaeway shall be maintained
in the re~~ of th~ cnmplEx ae requir.ed by the F' Department.
~4. * That, as iequired by the Uniform F~re Code, the following mini.mum
etarldarcie sha11 app~y:
~. ?uel c~evices shall be located a minimum discance of ~en
(ln) feet any property ;.ine and ahall b~ so located that all
p~.rts of a vehicle being serviceci are on priv3te nroparty.
b. Fuel diyp~nriing devic~s ~+hall be located not..iess than ten (.l0) £eet
from any~ o~h,ich ie not fire resiative r;ons+~ructiori. Such
devices sha'l1 alao oe located eo tha`c the nozzle, w}:en the hoee is
fully extended, ~hall not reach closer than five (.5) feet to any
buildirig openi_~g.
c. Fue1 dispeneing devices ahall be protect~d againc~t physical damage
~ from vehic].ea by mounting on a concrete island a minimum of six (6)
inchEC~ in height. Alternat~ me~hvds of providing equivalent
protec~ion may bP pPrmitte~] when approved by tnR FirP Department.
d. Dispznaing of gaeoline into fuel tanka or containero ahall at all
timsa be under the eupervision of a qualified attendani;.
-12- PC91-84
rt,'' ~i`p~ "~y~~
e. The attendarit' s primary function Dhal l be to a~~perviae, obr~er~~e and
control the of gasolif~e.
f. Dispensing of gaaol.ine sha11 not be into pnr~able containers Lcnlec~e
such containera are of approved mater.tal and conatructinn, hav~ing a
tight clooure wit.h a acrewec] or apring cova_1, and so designed that
the c:ontents can be dispF~nsed without ~pilling.
g. It ehall be the attendant's responsibility to control sourc~s of
igni.tian and immedi.ately h.andle accidenL-al spills and fire
extinguic~herE if necec~eary.
h. Emerg~ncy contrals ehal). be instzll~d at a Zocatiorz accp~table ~o th~
Fire Departrnent, but controls sha.ll not be m~re than nne hundred
( 100 ) f eet f rorn diepenser. ~t ,
i. ]Cn~truatione for the aperation of diApensere shall be cona~icu~ualy
j. Remote preset -type device~ ehall be in the "off" po~ition while
in u~e so the f:u~al diopenser Cr31711~)~ be activated withou~ the
knowledge of t}i~ attendant..
k. Fue1 disp~:tz:zing d~vicea sha11 k~e ir~ clear. view of the attendant at
a11 times ~ind no oboteicles sh~1.l be placed bctween the di.spen~sing
devic:es anci the attendant. Use caf camer~e~ may be utilized as
approved by the Fir~ Gepartment.
1. 2'he attencant ~r,ai~. ~t all timea be able tc cr>mmunicate with persons
in the i'uel dispeneing arEa via a two-way speaker aystem.
45. That thPre ahall be no aale of beer, wine ur other alcoholic beverages of
any ki.nd on the premisEae, unZ~;as a conditional. uoe permit is approvod
authorizing such u~se.
40.. That during hours of. ~ubject faci.Lit,y, separate men's and
women'b restrooms sha.ll be available tc. the public, and ~hall be praperly
su~plied and mai.ntained. Said facilitiies shaLl be specifically ehown on
the plane gubmiYL-ed for bui).ding permitr~.
47. * Z'hat, in canformance wii:h Anaheim Mutiicipal Cod~ Section 1£3.44.05C.070
per.tair~ing to removal of closed servire ~tati~~ne, an unsubardinat~d
agreemeii~ ~hall be racorded with the Office of the c~rang~ County Recarde.r
agreeing to remo~a the servico etation structures in the eveX,t that the
station i~ clos~d for a peziod ~f (12~ conc~ecutive mo~nths. A
servicE station shall be considered c:Lasea any month in which .it
is oper. for less than f.ifteen (15) days. ti copy of tho reco.rded
agreement ~hall be aubmit~ted to the Zoning Diviei.on.
48. * That in compliance with Anaheixn Municipal Code Section, the
~a~~ of beer and wine fai• off -premis~ consum~kion shall be subject to the
•-13-• PC91.--84
rn'~•~ ,t~;;.;~
a. A minimum enclosed retail ~alAe arett of hundred (1~00) 3quara
feet stinll be p~-uvidt~d;
b. An i.nvent~ry c~f r.etai.l aal~s iteme (not inc.luding beer, wine, fuel or
autumotlvo pro~ucto) exceeclina t~n thou~and dollar ($10,U00.00) ahall
bo maintained on the ci1Ge±;
r., Rf.ceipta from ttie Aalc~ of bca~r ~nr.l wine shall not oxceod thir.ty
percent: ( 35~ ) c,f ~~11 r. t~tail ~a.lea during any twelv~ (12 ) month
d. N~ display of bEaer or Eihal.l t~e lacated outaido ~ ar
within Eive (5} feet of any public ontra~ce to a b~ilding;
~. Ttie arear~ of bzer or w.tne cii.aplay~ dhall not oxcec~d tw~nty f.ive
percent (7.5g) o[ the t~~tal display ac•~ .~ in s buildinra;
f. Cold beQr or winP having a L•emperature bel.ow aixty five deyreQS (65°)
Fzhr~~nheit r,hall only be E~ald from ~r dieplayod tn permanently
affixed coolere for the coolinq an@ storay~ of all refrigort~ted
:a, No ac]vertiESing nf be~z ~: wine shall be iocaY,gd, pla~ed or attached
L•o any location uutaide ttia~ interior of a building and tttat any such
advar.tising ahall not tin viaible to anyon~ otiteide th~ building;
h. No vic9eo, ~lect~-onic or ott~er amusement devices or gamea tshalZ be
i. ~ale af alcoh~~ic bever~gea c~hall he made to customers only wheit the
cufltomer i.~s inoide the;
j. No per~on uncler twpnty one (21) yearo o~ age ~ha~l eell or be
F~~rmitted t.a o•ail any beer or wine;
k. Ar_ least ona (1) aign to dincouragc~ driving a vehlcle while ~~nder Chc~
influenc~ of druge or a.lcoholic beveraqe9 ehall ba promi7antly
dioplayed inoiaQ t~ie buildLng for ~very L•hr~!e (3) eigns Advortfainq
bec~r. or w.Lne; pr.ovide4, however, th~t at leaat two (2) such eigns to
diacouragQ drivinq a v~hicle whi:E:~andQr khe influene:e of drugn or
alcoholic bevcara~~?n ahall be prominently clieplaye~3 insicie tha
buildicig; an~
1. ThQ operator of. the aervice station ehvll participake in, aid znd
eupport e~~vr_at;onal and other proyrama intended *_o re;luce drivinq
while und~r the influence of druya or alcaholic bevorage~.
49. • ThaL• :~o farat-foo~f eervice facilitie~ e}iall be permitted in eubje~ct
r.ommerc:al retail center u:~1QOe a variance is ~~pproved by the Ciry
Council, Planni.nq rcmmi~eion or Zoning Adm;.niatra~:or, ur unlesa
c;uEfici~nt Cocie parking ie provid~d.
•-td- PC91-84
~•. ,
50. 'rh~t; r.he ordor speaker. for. tl~e drivo-t}~rough reataurant ahA].1 bn equipped
w14h an operable volum~~ contrn~.
`•'1• 7'haL in the event a parcel map to Aubdivide eub;~~cL• prop~rty is recozd9d,
an unaubordin~ited rQet•rictod c~venant praviding reciprncal acc~ee and
parking, nppr~~v~,~ bY t~yP City 7'zaffic and :ranAportahion Man~tger and Div.toiun and in a Form ~atic~factor.y to tlie City Aitornay, ehal.l bo
r~cordc~d with th~ OfEice~ of tht Orange County Ftecorder. A copy of tha
recordc~d covenant a11a11 then be uubmitted to tl~e 7,oning Uivision. In
addition, x~rcvieior,s ehall be made in the r.ovenar-t to guaranCee thAt the
ent.ire complex ~iiall k~e managed and maintained ae ona (].) parcel
for purposes of parking, veliiculaz circulation, c~ignacfe, land ~aage and
architer,tura). c:~r~trol, and thar. the covenant eh~l.l be re£erenced in all
deeds tranAfei-rSng all or any par~ oE the pr.opert~
5j. Ttiat all roof rnounted equ.ipment eh~ill comply with the fol.l~win~ standardc~
and that e~uch inf~rmation ehall be a;~~ecifically e,h~wn on pJ.ana submitt~d
tor permita:
~~. Screening c~f equ;.pment shal.l be rrov.L~~~~ t~Y acceptable permanont
bi:ilc3lr.g materiale th~ aam~ na oc simil~r to thoae are uaed in
ths con~truction of tha underlying buiiding or. ~hal.l be ecr~enQd Prom
viow by ~r~;PF;t3blt~ arctiitectural f.eatur~s of che buflcling iteelf.
Said 3crer~ning c,hall not exceed the he1_ght lim! ts eatablt.shed by
Section 18.Aa.062.UJJ. of. t}~e ;1nah~im MuniciYal Cade.
b• Roof mounted equiprt~ent snall be located ot enclofled in Duch a munner
F~o 1s not to be v? oi.ble .from any piiblir. street, public or pri.vste
pzu~erty at fininl~ed grade level, or from any f.luor levQl of any
reoidF~ntial strucr_urc.
~. In crd~r. to min.tmiz~ L•he vieibility of _,.~-eening methoda and/~r
materiale, all eq~~ipment eha11 be pai.nL-ed to ,matct~ the r~of on which
it i:- locat•ed, a» well a~s painted to match any material[~ uer_d for
equipm~nt flcreeninq.
d. The methad anc3/or sr.rHenir.~~ material whirh is ueEd ehail nat be
rea~~ily recognir,ahl3 acs a screening c~evice, but al~all be deAi,qnad aa
an i~iteqral deoign component of th~ buildiny deaign.
~• All r;q~i~menL ~rreeninq eh311 be retaAne~ and •. intained in good
53. *'1'hat trayh ~t:or.age areas shall bz provLCied and maint2inecl in a locati~n
ac-cepr.ablQ to *_he 5treet Maint~n~~nce and ~anitation Diviaion and in
accord.nce wih.h approv~d plana on file with said divieion. Such
infor~iation eha11 be H~ecifi.cally nti~wn on thQ piana aubmitted for
n~~i.lding p~rmLte.
a4. Thet pZ-•'nr to .inr~uan~•e of a building ~ermit, et xo,i,td WA$[P¢~ment
pl~n wzth recyclinq cr~pAb.ilities 3ha11 b~ apprnvc+d by the Stree[
Mainten<~nce and Snnl.tatlon Division. Upc.~ o~c~ipAncy UF the prajRCt, sa~d
p.Inn sh~11 commonce and sha.11 remain in fu11 effecC a~ rvquired by ae~d
-15- PC91-84
55• Thnt pri.or to i~~uunco of tho ttrs~ hutld.tng perm.i.t, p,.ans
ar,c~ss to nnd C0J79tXlIG~t~on o~ trn~h ancln~ure~ sha11 bR subniitted to the
Me~YntenAne~e DopArtment 1.'or .review and etppz•ovA1.
56. .That tht~ propei-ty owne.r/dei~elo,~er. shaX1 comply with a11 edopted C~ty
rogule~tions to tr•a~h cc~ll~ction, such a~ d~•op-off b.{ns, proqrams and uther.~ m4e~nv of ro~uc~ng th~ amount of waytr~
requizin,q d.isposal, dui-ing r.onstruction and when the project .i~ .tn
57. * Th~.~~ an Qighr. (8) foot high mAS~~nry ulock wa~l ~hall be conatructed along
the wset property line wherE~ eubject property abute eingle-family
RS-50U0(aC) zonQd reEidential lote.
5E3• That lightin~ fixturea in any pr~posQd parkiny srea loca~ed adjacent to
any res.idential praperty ehall be down-ligl~ted with a max.fmum height cf (12) fee~. Said li.c~hting ~1XtUJ.'2H sha.ll be dirECted away fram
adjac~~nt r~ei.~lential pro~~eit;y line~ to pro~ect the reoidential ihtegrity
of !.he az•~a and shall be c'SO-8~1P.C.{.~ied ~n the plans Eubmi.tted fcr
~'3• * That the prop~aal aha.ll. co~nply w~th al)_ r~igning requirements of the
CL(SC) "Cammezcial, Limitc~d - Scenic Corridor Overlay" 2ar~Q, unlasa a
vari.~rice allowing gign waiver~ io approvad by the City Council, P.Lanni~tg
rommiesion or Zoning Adminietra~ar.
~~. * That ligt~ting of eigr,aqe for subjec~ ~roperty shall be prohibitc~d between
rh~e houre c~f rnidnigt~t and 6:30 a.m. ae epecified by Z~ning Co~3e S~ction
1fi.p5.091.~52, unleea a var.ianc:e ie applied for and grant~ci.
61. ~'haC any proposed freeatanding sign on nubject proper~y ohall be a
monum~nt-type nat ~xceeding ei.ght (8) f~ec in height and ~hall be eubjQCt
co the rev.{.ew and approval of: the City 'L'raffic and Transportation Manager
to dete~roine ad~quate lines-oz'-~ig}it.
G2. Thar_ pr.tor to inetallatiun of any bueinees c~igne for oubject comm~rcial
rFtail c~nter, plan~ for a. diyn program ahall bo submittea
r_o khe 7.oning [)ivieion for review ared approval by the Ylanning Commieeian
afs a"Iteport and Recammendat3.on" aqenda item.
6J• That 1 lnndscape and ir.riyalion pla» for aubject property ohall be
~ubm.tttecl lo thA 7,onir~q Givision f~r. review ~nd approval. Any deci.sion
mad~ by the 7.on.{.ng Divieian regarding ~aid plan m~~y be appealed to the
Planninq Co~nmi~aion and/or CiLy Council.
54. That mi.nimum f!f.teen (1~} gallon nized treea, planted on twent•y
(20) foot centera with ap~roprial:e irrLgation facilit:~s, ahall be
in~~t-.allt~d ancl maintained alc~ng tF~e aouth property line adjacent to La
Palma Avenue,
65. *'rhr.t tha on-eiL•e I.andacapinq and tr.rigatiun nyatem ahall. b~ mai.ntained .in
c~~mpli~nc~ with City a~anaarda.
~ ~
66. * That tho parking are~i acljac;ent to T.,a Pa1ma Avnnue ehal'1 bo ~creened f.rom
viow :.n c~nformance with 2oning Code Secti.on 18.44.Q64.U1~. 5uch
c~creen`.ng shall be shown nn planR submittod far builr~ing permite.
67. * That ~t~t rQquirgd by Code 5~ctioti 18.84.Ob2.02U (pertaining to commercial
develo~ment in Y.h~± 5cPnJ-c Corridar), i.ri additi~n to the requized setbaclc
and slope landecapinc~, a).1 parking areae and vehi.cular acceaswayo ehall
be perm~nentty landc~capar3 wilh at loast one (1) treo par L~lYC~3C' thouoand
(3,000) equarr~ feet ut parkir.g areaa and/or vehicular. acceseway avonly
dtetributed throughout auch ~~reaa~ TF~~re shall be an average of fort:y
sigh~ (4A) flquare feet of planter area prov.ided pQr tree. Said planter
32:Q3f3 at-all. have rr~inimum di.mension~s af six (6) feet. Plana submi.tted fcr
building permit:s ahall show c~mpliance with theoH r~quiremente.
GE3. That prior to approvnl of. a gr.~dinq permit, the Property
owner/dev~Zoper ~ravide evidencr to thQ Ci.ty Eng:ine~r showing ~that
thAy t~ave entored into an ~~greernent with the Orange Cour.ty
Dis~rict (OCSD) to relocate the fifty ane inch (51") sewer line xnd ta
provicl~a a sufticient sewes• utility easnrnent as deter,:~ined to be
approF~riate by OCSU. Relocat.ion of the Iine and easemer:t sha11 bo
completed in a manl~er meeting the apE~roval. of OCSU and GhE~ City ~'ngineer
Nrior to the issuance of a 1}uildiny permi.C,
69. That all grt~din~ actxvit.ic~~~ st~a11 be conducCc~d in c~nfo.:mdnca witi:
Cha,~t~r. 17.06 "Gradin,,^, Cxcavation and Fi11s .in Ni.I.iside Aree~s" of t~iH
Anaheim Muniripa.l ~'ode.
'70. 2'hat the pr.operty owner/developer shall subrnit a gz'xdinq p1an, prepAred
h;~ a registei'ed civil ergine~r at~d gtotechnical ~r.;Tir~~er, fo.r revi,ew and
a~p.roval by r.he City Eny.~neer. The g.tadiny p1.~n shal.l include an
erosion, silteti~n And dust .:ontz-o1 plan fo.r review ar~;~ e:pgroval by the
City Engineez•. Th~ plan ::ha11 also incl.ude prov.iaions f~: mitigation
meas;urc~s such as temporary irrigation flnd imm~diate plYnt.:ng on aJi
Axposed pnd , and :~.iopos, temparary ~adir;ientat.ion L~as.:n~ and sand .i:ag~ing,
and >ha1.1 inc.ludP ~i waL•~ring and cornpuction prograr~.
71. 1'hat ir, order to control fugitive dust dur~nq cleaz.iny, gradin~, esr*.h
moving oz• e::~'avaLior~, ir: conlormance AQt~'.o Ku1e 4C3 requiremeni:s, the
property owne:,'dE~~elc~per sha.Z1 in.~titute a~Qgular w~ltsring program of
r~ffer.Led nz•ea, or sur.h. other dust p~lliat_ive me.9sur.~s as raquired by the
nirectoz o.~ PuL~1ic Works/Ci.ty Engineer.. Afttr claar.i~~a end qz'ading
activi.ties ara completed, the .^ite shal.I be watore.i ~uffic.ia!:t1y to form
d crus' on the surfac~• through repeat~ad ~n.~king, sF•rnad af bindors
and/o.r r_he introducr..i~n of ~r.oundcover.
72. That barriers, warr,ing siq,?s andjor flagmc-n sha11 bt e,~ploye~±, as
nppropri.~te, to maintain tzdit~.ic e~nd pedesL•ri~zn s3fc~~y duz-ing flZ.I gru~i:~g
~ictivi~.ies. A11 Lrucks haulir:g export ~r imporr_ z'rom the 5.: L•e
sha~1 br_ covered or spz-inklad prior to ent~ring gublzc sti:=Fts to
mi.~~i~ni.ze pot~ntial fu~~ir.ive dust.
i3. T):r~t ~I~,ns shoNina drRinage of auL,ject_ propc~rty sh~l1 be submxt~ed *.o
the C:.ty Enyzneer end thQ Ornnge Count;~ Flood Canr_zol Uistrict, tor chei:
revlew nnd epprovt~l.
_ 1•~_ PC91-64
~~r'~ ~
1 p,~ r
74• That, excavatinn and a11 othex constr~ct.ton ~ctiviti.ea sha11 bo
conducted in s~rch a mAnnex s~ as to rntnimize the possi.b~lity of any s.{Zt
oza.ginatYny froln this projoct be~t~g r.Arr.i.od .zn~v th~ Santa ~lna R.tye~ by
stoi•m w~ter originatir,g from or flowing throuqh this pro,ject.
75. Z'hat the devolop:~ient sha11 confornr to Ch~pter 1'l.2y "p~~od Hazard
Reduct.ion~• nf the Municipel Codn,
7b• That pr.ior to thb i.ysuence of an
,, ownc~r/~e~~lopez• she1Z .identify the yfinishedn9floormeleveL•ion(s~rofethe
1°w~sG 1~abital~le room(s) L•o demon,~trate that sazd eZevation s
minimurr ot o~~P ~1~ t'UOt abov~ the correspr~nding aElood~lain eYavation(s)a
zn a ma~~l~er meetinq t.he ~ppr~val of t.t~e Ch.ief lJu~,ldinn
~~• That prlor to L•he issuance of r~ builc~Yn4 permit for the c;orstructiAn of
any f.a~ility which wi.11 st_ore oi• u~e h~zdi•dnus materials, tha preper~y
ownez/developer shaZ1 pz-epare a mon..toring progz~am far the .t'eview snd
~nPrOti'~.1 of. th~+ City Fire Department And the prange Couraty ~xter. DiytrYC:t
to en~.rure t.hx~ contaminant:~ ~.r .1~axardovs materials ~~ti.lized on the site
d~~ not leak the yroundwater basi.ns undex.lyinq the site.
'~ • T1~~ t pr_or to approval of a
owner~-devel<~~o.r sha11 vbtain NPDES pecm:it~~dJng D~i~~ri+, thr~ Property
~`~• z'.haL• p1-io..r to the approvsl nf grading p,ian4 and prior tn the iasusnce
of .bui.Iriin~ permits, the ~roperty owner/dev~?1opPr sh~Z1 damonstrate to
the Di,z-octor. of Pu~1ic Wozks compl iance w}.th the Souf:h Cnast Air
Dfana;~~rnent Uzstrict Ru1e 4C3, ;~hich req~siz•es regular L•o aontrol
fug.itive dust constrc~ction.
B~• 7'hat tt!e property owncyr/deve~opez. sha11 aqree to ntaintain construct.ton
E'9112Pn'ent ~~ngines :n propar tune and discantznuo constructzon actzvit.z~+s sec•on~' s~age or w~rse smoy alerts, M~nitoring sha11 bp t~ p~rt of
yradinq ~•ite ir,spnoCinn,,
al. That tl~e t,rcperty oti~ner/developer s1~a1Z com 1~
1~ requ.iring r.ida s,'~arin p./ With SCAQMD Regulation
r~lte:r~a~~,~~ rn~~e~ ~f ~,.i~~9Pnrtation. (P~9~' cal p°° and utilyr.ation ~f
~?• That ~ha ProJe4t design sha11 l~e .fn ac-oozdance with con~ervation
me~3ures establ_'shed by r.he Celifornin E'nez•qY Commission for commer.c.ia1
r,truct_•irres dn-9 sha.I.1 cUnfnr•m with 24 of the California
Admin~.4tzative C,o~e,
83. That L•he Fr.vporty oti,nQr/cteve.l~per sha11 ,S~hAdUZP. construr,tion and
yr~~dirq tc avoia Santr~ Ana wind co~ditions.
orf-~;ite when on-site wind v:~loci.ty QX~ePds fif.teen (15)grnales9per~houoccur
84. That excavatior~, and othoL condtruction activitieA related t;o tho
propoaed projoct ehall bc~ rc~atricted to the hours between 7:U0 a,m. and
6:OU p.m. Mon~lay through ~ziday, and between F3:00 a.m, and 6:00
''~*Ur~~~Y• Thia reotricL•ion will. reduce potentLal nr~to~ impacts onpn4arby
ree~clencea during the night and e~rly mGrning hnure ~-~nd on Sundaye whc~n
ambipn~ noise level.e are tt~e lowent,
P` 'i~
' v'~'vi.;l~t
a5. That vonstructic~n and ntaintenar~ce activit.zes, incZudi.r~q the repa,i.r snd
mair~L•e:iance of equipment, sha.~1 conform to and camnly with appli.cable
provisiuns ot' th~ City o~' AnahFim Na.i:~e Ordinanc~e.
a6• ~'hat when ~er~siblo, r.~nstruction equipmenL• shr~11 Le stored nn-xite t~
elinrin,~to and/or r.eciuc.e heavy--Qg•cripment ti-ack trips.
87• That where feasibls, -~oo.f-mountrad mochanical equipment shs11 bs
titL•c~nuated .from residential receptors ta rRdcrce potontial noise impact~
upon those areas.
88• i!~at a noise barz•ier shail be constructed along ths north boundary ot
the prcject to attenuat.e noise associated raearby tz-ein operations.
~'he noise barrier shn11 be an extension of the existing ,~axrior behind
'lracz No. 9169. An add.itinnr~l, ;oaz-risr ~ha1Z be conatructed aZong
the we~t border of the ptoject separatinq the project from the i.rr~~t
home~s. This barrier sh~1Z attenuat:e reflected noise and noise
1eve~1:~ 33SOC.lAtP_CI with d~Ziveries to "Majox A" Building.
~9 • That prior to removal of any spe~c-~.imen trr~os j Eur.d1yptus with trunk
dianieters e.iqht (t3) inches or. ~reater), tJ~e ~2-operty owner/developer
sha•:1 o~tai» a permit a~Zowing removal of such trees pursuant. to Secticn
Z8.84.038 n# the City oF Anah~i.m Municipal Code per• to trae
pr~servat~on ii~ the Sr.en.ic Corricior.
°-~• That pz•.ioz- to approval of ~ gradinq p.1an, a Iandscape and ir.rigation
p•1an foY the project shal.l be pr.eper.ed b,y a I.icensed ~andscape. architect
and submitted to the Zoning Uivision for revzew and approva.I. 2'he plan
sha11 place heavy emphasis on U.S'2::~ drought-roaistant and fire zetarda.~t
native r.eget,at•ion and 3ha11 be zrriqated via a system desiqned to avnid
~urface runoff and overwatering. ~sid plan sha'1 a.Iso inalude a
si,qn.ificant landscape buffer alonq the Western snd narthern property Iino
or Parcel B to scr~en adjacent z-esidential uses. T'he landscape plan
sh~11 also inoluc~e a maintenance program r~hich control3 tne use of
fertilizers and pesticidps. Prior to final building and zon.znq
inspect.icns, the licerased landscape archite:;t ~ha11 cert.ify to the Zoniny
Uivisiun that th~ .Zandsca~ing h~s been ~n.~talled in accordance with the
91. That a11 mechanical or•uipn~eni• and tra~h areas shaZ1 be screened from street and adjoininq properties,
92. ThFt pr.ic.~r tn .issuanG~e of each bui..Zdinq permit, buildiny plans
.in~~luding exterior elevationS, landscape plans and lighting plans ~ha11
be submitted to thc- Zuning Division for rev.ier~ and approva,l.
°3. 4'hat a11 ouCdoor ~ixtvres, including p~rkinq 1c* ZighGing,
~hca11 be shieldPd nr construcred sn thac; lic~ht rays omiti:ed by ~hs
fixtuaes are pzojected b~1ow thc~ hc~z-izontal plane passiny t_hrough the
lowe~ t point on the fixture fxom whic•h 1igl~t is orni.ttod.
~; ~;y
That pr~or to i:l~a
comprehensive qi n issuen~e ~f ;;h~ f.irsC buildin
g Prpgrern sha11 be submitted to g, $
review ~nd apprQVa1, Un-pre;nise advexti~• the zoninq niv,~sion for
to display the name of the ,- 1ng '~i9na. othor ~hen those used
Pioject, sha11 ~' °.7ect or~ the busineas~es op~zdting tne
ba illurn.inated only those hout•s when the bu~iness
facili•ty is open to t1~~ public.
95 • That gz•our~d-mounted
landsca e 1i~h~'~f~y flXtUres utilized to accent , or
P elernents, or to _t11,.nlynate pedestrian a.reas
to direct Iighting towa.rd ~h~ az~,~ ~~ . shall be shiF~
m~inta:,ned be illwclinated jaed
~to minima.ze the encroac.'~ment of 1.ight emanr~ting therefromlonto
adjoining residential areds.
96. That ~nnrior L•o
owner/dE~velo ~1 ~•is~3uanca of an occupaacy permit
P .,ha11 u!ider. talce ar.d ' ~h~ Froperty
::mprovf~ments «long i'oz•ba ~.inda Boule~~ard. P
completa arkway Z~indacapinr,
97. That prioz• to ~
owner/develo er ~"'suance o.~f ~ach build.inq ~ermit, t.he
P sh~.11 consult wit,'~ the SoiJtherr, P~T'~[~~rty
~8v1.PTr energ.y c~;nse.rviny systems and ~e~,c n fcCalifornia Gas CrmPany t~
or the pruj~ct, J atv.z•c whi~h ara r~quired
9~. ='h~~t tl~e c9evelop~L :~hall b~
monitorinr hi1c' iesponoible roi cc~;nplying with thg
, and reportiru; ~•~:uo:arn est~}~l;~~h~~, b
with Section 21UF31. ; of t}~e Public y~ne "~~ty in complianet~
devel~f;,eY sha11 be , ~e~ourcea Cod~, Furt~llermore, ;h~ and
r~$p•=>neible for any di.rect ~oste aES~ciated wyth the
rc~,orting r.equir~c~ ta eneure implem~ntation of.
mi•cigatlon meaeurc~s
305 lhat identified i.;~ Final Erivirunmental I-npact Repor~t,NOe
h~ve been incorpor;,ted .into t.he Mitig~ti.on pxogram
label~d Attachment ~~~~~,
`~y• 'Phat prior to .i~~uancA which ~f b~~i~•dir.g ~~Lm,~tfl, a rQviaed vehicle c±z•culatio^
eliminatee throuqh vc>;Zicu1a1_ aC~~ag
Prope.rt.Y' ~ western baundar ~ along t}:e s:lbject
'1'r~naportation g for Yhieha J be suY~m.itted to tha Cit
r~hall be Man er y Z'r3ffic and
rcview anc~ approval. Said reviaed plan
p~~'P~rEd in cone;~ltar_ion wiYn the neighborhood re
fror,i tl~e residEnL-i~1 tract lccated to che weet of
the project.
100. That Frior to
iasuance of build~ng pe~mite, a plan to pr~vide a minimum
te~ (101 foot
landaca it~ geE~ buffer, inrluding oound
P~ g~ alon th~ reaidential properties 1~catedeonaWoods~borolAvenue
ahall be aubmitted ta
Said the D1.anning llepazrm~nt for revi~w and a
~ plana ehall describe all propoc~ed ronveyancea and ehow detailed
~mpruvement planc~ for wa11s and iandecaping, The cost of said ~ieaiynr~
and imprc~vemcnte aha).1 be borne ?~y ~hE develuper.
1U1. That deliver
Y houia r~t~all be limiL•ed to Monday through Frida
to 6:UQ p.n~. and ~
deliverie~ ~aturday and S~~nday, 9;pp d,n~, to 6:00 Y~ 8'00 a.m.
aha~.l be permitted f~r th~: n,arket onl F•m• ~unda~+
contrull~d gate ecjuipp~d i,,ith a~~knox Y• An
eli-ninate vet~icular entry except box~~ shall be
g ~h~ a inst~illed to
pproved delivery houro.
~-02• AlI lozdi-~g area~ ~hall. be acr~ened and acouetically sound attenuat
--- , ~,~.?Sjy
~ ' -'~.,
103. That priar to ieQUa~ice of the firet buzlding permi.t, a Lot Line
Adjustment Flat eh1'1]. be eubmittc~d to the Subdivlsion Section for review
arad approv~l by t.tie City Engiiieer, and then be recorded in th6 Office of
the Or.ange Coun~.}• Recorder. The 1ot li.r~e adjur~tment shall mavo the c;ec~t
pzoperty line to give adjacent reaidontia]. 1otc~ an additiona]. ten (10)
~ feet plue anethor three (3) feet from the top ~f the c~lop~ to camply with
, Chapter ].7.06 "Grading, Exca.vati~ns and Fills in Hillside Areas" of the
; ~; Andh.eim Mur.icipal Code.
~ 104. That aubject property sh311 be dovelopecl ~ubetantially in accordance with
plans and speciFications eubmit:ted to th~e City of Anaheim ~iy the
petitior~er ana whic}i p:~ane are on fi'!e with the Planning Department
marl~ed E:~hi.bit Nos. 1, 2 and 3; provided, I'1pWPy@i ~~}lai:;
, (a} A minimum eixty (60} foo~ etr.uctu.ral eQtback ahall be maintainecl
alonq Weir ~:anyon Road; ancl
ih) A'l1 ttie wall, l.andscapitiy and eound bufferinr r.equirementa speci.fied
in Condi_i:ion Nos. 57, 6? ar.d 100 ~t this rPSOlution, shall be
, r.omplied. with.
~ 105. That prior ko al,provaL ~f a grtidiny p1an, Conditiotx Nos. 26, 27, 38, 68,
7~, 78, 79 and 90, above-mentinned, ahall be c~inp.lied with. Extensians
for further time to comAlet~ eaid cond.itions may be ~ranted in accordar.ce Sect:ion 18.03.09p of the Anaheim M~~nicipal Code.
106. That p.rior tu is~uance of a~uilding p~~rriit, or within a~eriod. of one
(1) y~ar ~lie dake of this renolution, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3~ q~ a~
8~ lOr 1].~ 12~ 13~ 14~ 1Ei~ 17~ 18~ ].9~ 20~ 24~ 29~ 35~ :37~ 43~ 47~ 53~
54, 55, 58, 63, 76, ?7, 79, 90, 92, 94, 97, ~39, 1d0 and 103,
above-mentianed, ehall be complied with. Extendions =or further time tn
complete said conditi~iis may be grarited it~ acoordance with Section
18,G3.090 of ttie Anaheim Municipal Code.
107, Tt,~t priox to final }~uilding ~nd z~ning inspecti~ns, Conditi.on Nos. 6~ 7,
9, 1?., 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 25, 2f3, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 4U, 41,
42, 44, 50, 52, 5?, ,A, 64, 66, 67, 88, 91, 93, 95, 96, 102 and 104,
above-me~itioned, ~t~a11 be complied with.
108•'k Thzt approva2 nf khis application conetitutea approval ~~f. the proposed
requeat o~lly to the nx~ent that it complies with t.he Anahpim Municipal
zon.i_ng C~de and any othe.r applicab.le City, State and Federal
reyulationa. Approv~l does nat include any actior. ar find3,nga aa to
cumpliance or anpx~oval a£ the raque3L• regarding any othar applicabl.e
ordinance, regulation or requirement. Canditions marked with an aeteriak
(~) are r.equired by eotablished laws, codas, reguZatioiie and agreements
and are, rherefore, nol subjoc;t to negotiation.
BE IT k'URTEIER RESOLVED that th~ Anah~im CiL-y Planning Com:a±ssion
doe~ hereby find and dQtermine thnt ado~tion of. thie Resolution is expr.eAely
predicat~d upon applicant'~ compliance with each and all of t:~e conditions
her~inabove eet forth. Should any euch condi•tian, ~r any part th~reof, be
declared invalid or unen~forceablH by the final judgmen~ of any court of.
competent jurisdictinn, then this Res~olution, ar.d any appz~val~ harein
contained, shall be deemed null and void.
-21- PC91-8q
~ ,,.;'~a,~~
meet :. June ].7, 1991.
~ ~ ,,
RESOLUTTON waa ad~p~od at the Planning Cc~mmisAion
_~-/ ;' J (' ~t~Z. /~"~~ ~L (~LrX..-CGc.4 ~,>
A' ST :
7 > ,
~ ~~ c~ ~ f.P yCk>>~..--
( ~..~ r %
I, Janet L. Jenesn, Secxet~ry of tl~e Anaheim City Planning
Gommission, d~ hereby certify that ttie f~regoing ~~esolution was p~saed and
ado~ted at a mee~irig of i:rie ~,naheim Cit:y Planning Conunission held an June 17,
1991, by the f.ollowing voL-e o.f the membar~ the•-c>~£:
Itd WITNESS WH::REOI', I have hn_zeunto set my hand this ,~~'~ day
of ~,_, .1991.
~ `
~~~ ~
--~t-„(~ ~~~Y( e ~.,.--~
I` -22- PC91-84