Resolution-PC 91-87~ ~ ~~~~.w RESOLtJTION NO,~,~PC9J.-87 A F2~:SOLUT:LUN OF THE AN1~HrIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION TFI}1,T P~T:[TTON FOF2 CONDT'PTONAL U5~ P~RMIT NO. 3420 BE GF2ANTED WH~FtEA~S, the Anaheim City Planning Cc~~nmi.~sai.~n d.Ld receive a verified Petit.iun far Conditiona~_ U9e Permit for ce.rtain real property si.tuatod in ~he City of Anaheim, County of Orznc~e, Stai:e of California, dr~r~cribed a~: LO'TS 10 & 11 OF TRAC'1' NO. 2903 IIJ TEi~ CIT'1 OF ANAl3EIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, 3TATF OP' CALIFnRNTA, }1S PER M11P RECURllED TN BOOR 99, PAGES 21, 22 AND 2J, MISCELLr1NE0US MAPS, II1 THF.' OB'FICF. OI' 'PFI~ COUNTY RECOR.llER OF' SAID COUNTY. WHFR~AS, th~ City Planning Commisoi.on did hold a publia hearing at the Civic Center iri the City ot Ailaheim on June .17, 1991, at X:30 p.m., notice of ~aid public hear.i.ng havinq bePn duly yiven as required by law and in accordance with the provieiona aE the Anaheim Municipul Cade, Chapter 1£i.03, to hear and consider evidenc;~ f~r and agai.net said proposed cnnditiona~ use per.mit ~nd +;o inve~L•igate anci ma1~c find.ings and rec~mmendations in connection tt-ercwith; and WHEREAS, :,aid Cnnunis~.i~~n, after due in3pection, invescigation and etudy made by itrself and in ite behal.f, anU atter ciue cunsideration af all. evidence and tepoz't;s offered at said Yiearing, doey iind and dPtermine ~he folluwing fa4ta: 1. ThaL• t11e ~roposed uoe ia prop~rly one for whic~h a condi~ional u~e pe~:rmit is authorized by Anr.iheim M~nicipal Code Section to permit a convenienr.e mzrket. 2. 'Phai: th~ propuoeci uae will nnt aclveraeJ.y ~tffeet the adjoining land use~ and the growth and development of the area i.:i wtiir.h it is proposed to be locaL•c~d. 3. That the size znci s~hape oE r_!ie site pr~posed for the use io adequate t~ a].low the full devel~pmEnt of the propoHed ~.ioe in a manner not detr.i.mental to thc~ pari:icular are~, nor ~o L•he pearo, h~ulth, aafe~y and genezal welfarF3 of ch~ ~itizena of the City of Anatieim. a. That the ~ranting of the Conditional Use Permit under thQ conditionA impoeed will not be ~etrimental. to the pc~~ce, health, eafety and general welEare of the ~it.izens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That thF traffic gen~rated by the propo3ed use wi11 not imposQ an undue burden upon the BtYPE:t3 and highwaye deoiyned and improvod to carry the traff.i~ in the area. 6. That t~earing in appoeLtion; the aub~tct petitior,, CR1214M~ ~ » . ~~ -1- PC91-8i ttir~e (3) p~ople indicate.d thc~.ir ~resence a!: said pubLic and tha~ no correapond~nce waa; r~ceived in oppor~i*ion to ~~~ ~ CAI,IFORNIA ENVlRONMENTAI,_QTJALI'PY ACT FINDING: That tho Anaheirn City Planning Commisaio~i hae roviewed tt~a propoeal to pormit a convenience ~narket on a rectangularly•-ehapecl parcel ~f ~.and coneisting of approximately Q.57 acre looa~ed at tl~e northeaet carner of Kate.lla Avenue and Bayleae Stroot, having ~pproximate ir.ontages of 190 feet on the north eidQ of Katella Avc~+nue and 139 feet on the eagt eide o£ Bnyless SLreet and further described as 1~23 Weet ~Catella Avenue; and does hereby a~Z~rUVe t.hc Negative Declaratian upon finding that iY, has conaide~red t:he ~t:ive Declarati.oii togett~~r with any commenta receivpd ~iur.ing the publi.c r~ proce:3s and f.urrher finding on the baais L•hat the in±.tia1 study and an; :c~mments received that there ica na eubbtantial evi.dence that the nroject wi.ll have a~signiftcant effect on the envir~~nn.~ent . NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~T RESOLVI:D thzt th~ Anaheim City Planning Conunission daes hareby c~ra.r~t subject Petit.ion for Conditional U+~e Permit, upon the fc~l.lowir~g conditions which are t-~ereby found to be a neceseary prer~quieite to thc prupoaed uoe ~f the subject proparty in order to pr.~eerve the safety and general welfare of the Citizena of the Gity af P.naheim: 1. * That traah gtora~7c, ar~as ~hall Ue rcfurbi:~lied to the eati.sfaction of the S~reet Maintenance a~d S~nitati~n Bivision to comp3.y with epproved pl.ano or- £ile with eaic3 divit~ion. 2. That prior t~ tsauance of a bui~ding permi~:, a so].id waate mtinagement plan wi.th recycli.r~g capabili~iee Ynal]. na approved by the Straet Maintenance and Sani.tation Divi.si.o:i. Upor, accupancy of the pro ject, said plan ehall commance and ~hall rema.in in full eff.~ct a~ requirEd by eaid Divi~i.on. 3.* That no ~aet-food eervi.ce faci.litiea :~hall bF~ permitted in subjact convenience market ur:leba a variance for parking ia approved by the City Council, Planni;ig Commi.e~ion ar ~oriing Adminiatrator or unl~se suff.i.cietlt Code parking i.a prUVided. 4. The nn al.coholic bevec~zgea c~hall be sol•~ on the ~ubject property. 5." Tt~at the propogal eh:zll comply with al.l si.gning reoiiirement.s of the CL "Commercial, L:lmited" 1.one, unlese n variance all~wing eign waivera is approved by tt~e City Cuuncil, P:~anriing Commisaiori or Zoning Administrator. 6.~ Tha*_ the un-eitc~ landecap.ing and irr.igat:ion eyatem ahall be refurbished and maini:ained icl compliance with City s~andarda. 7. That aubject praperty ~ha?1 be developed substantially in accardance with plans anci epecificaL-ions ~ubmitted tc the City of Anahelm by th~ pEtition~r and whic.h plana ar~~ on fi.J.e with the Planning Departm~nt marked Exhibit Noa. 1 and 2; pravi.cied, howaver, that the damaged fence etlall ha r.~paired. t3. '3'hat prior tu commencement of. the activity authorized by thiv resolutic~n or wLthin a pexiod of one (1) year from i:hQ d3te of this zesolution, whichever occure f.i.rat, Canclition N~e. 1, 2, b and 7, abave-mentioned, ahall b~ conipli~d with. Ex~enaiona for furtit~er time to complete sa.td c~ndifii.ona may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Codc:. -2_ PC91-£17 :'r y C ~•k }~ M?s' !•1 r~ 9. That the houre of oper.r~tion eha11 be 7:00 a.m, to 9:00 p.m. pli~s one 1 additional hour (until 10:00 p.m,~ ~or ~~~ploy~~$ ~r~ clrase-up and loave the premiess. 10.* That ap~roval of th:~a a pp.lication constitutea approval of the request ~n],y to ~}l~ Q,;tQ~~.~ t,hat: it compl.ies with the Anaheim Municipal Zaning Code and any oChr~r applicable City, State and Fedc~ral regulations. ~lpproval does not include any acl:tori or finding~ as t~ compli~nce or approval o: the requec~t regarding any uther applicable ardinance, regulation or. requirement. Gonditiona m~zrlced with an asterisk (*) aro requ.ir~d by ~stablishad laws, codee, regulatior~~ and agre~mentA and are, tharefore, not eubject to nego~tiaki~n. BE IT FURTHFR R:ES07VEJ that the Anaheim ~ity Planning Gommiasion does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resoluzion is ex pisdicatpd upon a,pplicanL•'s c~mpliance with Pach and al.l cf tho conditione hereinabove aet fort}~. Should ariy such condition, or any pazt th~xeof, be der,lared inval.id or unenforceabi~ by the f.inal competAnt iuriedi.ctian judgment of any court of , then thi» Fteaolution, and ~ny approvaln herei.n cuntaj.ned, bha21 be deemed null and ~void. THE FQREGniNG RESOI,L'1~ION war~ adonted at the Planniny Comrnissior, meeting of June 1'7, 1991. .~' ~~~ ~' ' .I ~' ~ ..,,%' ~ `~~ ' . tCl.t:! ; --- 7tx: ~.(Il.~~,.C.~-.,t,; _~~ CFIAIRW biAN, ANAHEiM CI'l~ PLANNING COMMTSSION ATTEST: ~ ~ - e E J ~~~ "~ _-~=~.~2:.r:~-~-.;--' _ ."'ARY, ANAH~I2~,'~~TY PLIINNING COMMTSS70N i, (_i ~ ~ ST}1TE C1F CAL~IrORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGL ~ ~&, CITY OE' AIJAHc^,~M ) I. J~ne~ L. Jensen, Sec.r~tar~, oF tho Anaheim Ci.ty Planni.ng Commise.i.on, do hereby cextify ~hat th.? ~c,regoing res~lution wa~ paaeed aYid a~o~ted at a meecinq ~f the F,nahF~im C~ty 21ar.-ai.nq C;ommisr~for; hcld on June 17, 1991, by tt:e fc2lowiny voto c~f the memb~ra thereoi: AYP•.S: CUMt~1ISS:ONERS: ROUAS, 1~'ELDHAUS; HrLl:.YL~R, H.F:NNINt~ER, MrSSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSTONERS; BOYOSTUN Af3SENT: COMDSTSSIqNF,RS: NOtJE ~~ (/ ,? --'~~.~.-~ _._.~:''L.:_.._~~:~:.Y..9.y:'~ _______-._. s~ ETARY, ANAHEl~i 4?'ITY P:,ANNINr, COMMi55TON , : ,i~ ItJ WIZ'N~SS WFiER~OF, 7 hav~ herE~~:,~;~~ $,;t my yand this ,L~1~ day of ,~~~ . 1991. ~_.___ -3- PC91-87