Resolution-PC 91-88~~''~'±~~:~ ~:.i ~ RESGL'UTION NO. PG91-$8 m ~~ l~ FtE50LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMMISSIOI3 AMENI)I~iC CEF27.'1~IN CONDITIONS OF APPRnVAL OI' CON~TTTONA:, USE PERMIT NO. 30$1 , CortditionalERUee, Perni~ oNoob~308110undEr~BRe~olut.'PionnnlVog PC88-3031to erm.i~~a '~ 6-unit, 7,160 equare-foot commercia'1 ratail center with waiver ofpma.ximum ~ at~ructural height an propert;y located at Lhe northeast roLner ot Katella Avenue and Baylesr~ Street, havinq approx.imate frontages of 190 fEet o:i the north aide of Katella Rvenue and 139 feet r~n the east s~ide cf Baylese Street, anci fu.rthEr describ~d as I523 We3t Kat~11a Avenue; and ~ WFIEREAS, ltesoluti.c~n No. PC88-•303 includts the following conditioii: , "13. That th? hours of aperati~-i ahall be limited frorn 9:p0 a.m. to 7:OG p..m.'~ WIi~REAS, t!;e petitioner ha~ requested ~mc~ndment ro aaid Condi~tion No. 13. WHF.T2E~1S, tl~e CS.ty Pl~nning CommisFion did hc~lci a pub.lic hearing at the Civic Cer.ter in the City ~F Anaheim on J,ine 17, 1991, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice of qaid public heari~g having bQen duly given aF required by 1.aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for aiid againat Qaid pr~~~Q~c~ conditional use per.mit aiid t~ inveatigaC~ and make findinga and recernm~ndations in connection thcrewith; and WHEREAS, sai~~ Coinmissian, after. due in~pection, i.nv~ytigation and etudy ~nade by iL•self anu in ite behaif, and aft-er ~ue coneideration of a11 Qvidence aaid reporta vffel-ed aL• aaid hearing, cloea find and determine the fol~owing facts: 1. That the pctir_ioner has requoa~ed amendment to Cendir.ion No. 13 of R~solution No. PCAB-303 ui Conditional Us~ Perm.it No. 3Q81 so that tiours of operat;ion wuuld be lirtiited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:U0 p.m. for the entire retail center wi~h ~ne (1) additional }~.,~~, (u~; ~ 1 10:00 p.m, y for employE~es tc leave the pi-pmiaes. 2. That thr~r~ (~t ~ peoo.le indicated theis- preaence at said publ.ic h~arir~g in or~poeition; and that no corresponcience w~~ rec~ived in oppQSition to the aubj~ct pc~tition. CALIFpRNIA ENVTROND!FNTnL QLIALT~Y _ACT F'TNDING,: Tha~ Lhe An~~hetm City ~l.anriing Commisa:.on has r.e•riew~c? the ~roposal to amend r,onditiano ~g appr~val pertaining tu hourc~ of operation~ ~o extend them to 7:00 a.m. to 10:G0 ~.m. and does hereby fincl that the NFgative Declaratian previously approvecl ip connectton witl: C~nditional Us~ Permit No. 3081 is adequate to servo an ~he requirec~ envlronr~ental ducumentation in connection with thi.a iequeat. CR1215riF -1- PC91-88 . ~, ' . ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~;~=~ ~'~. ~~~;i`:I'~~G s'. ~ ~qW, 'I'HEREF~RS, t3E IT RESOi~VED that the Anahc~im Ci#~y Plann ~ng Commiseton does h~reby amend Condition No. 13 to r~:ad aa folluws: "13. That t:he Y~ours of operation ahzll be li.mited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. plus one (1) additianal hour (until 10:00 p.m.) for employoee to close~up and Ieavo the premiges." THE I'UREGO.LtJG RESOY~U'P.'tON was adopted at the P].anning Cornmi~sion meetir.g of June 17, 1991. w~ i= ,~., ~l(,c.- r > i.~~>/..'~ G ~[..~~w~ _ C,;'HAIRW MAN~ 11NA2iEIM CTTY . LANNING COM1dISaTON ATTE~T: j /-' .~~i~.~~~ _ ~E .lr~(G~r.:1 :-Jyi~% .; p ~-~%' ~. /%SE~ ~TARY, ANAH~~i~ ITY PLANNTNG C~JMMISSION (._ ~ ~ ~~/ STATE Ol CALIFORDIIA ) COUNTY OF URANGE ) es• C?`P'Y OF ?1rTAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of th~ Anaheim City Planning Commiaei.on, do hereby certify that the fnregoing reaolution was pasaed and aclopted 3t a meotir~g of the An3heim City ~ianning Commisai.on he.ld on :tune 17, 1991, by the follawing vote of the mernber.s thereof: AXES: CONiMIS~IONER5. E30UP,S, f3nYDS'IUN, H~LLYER, [iENNTNGER, MESSF, PrRAZA NO~S: COMMISSInNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMbSISSIANERS: FCLDHAUS IN W='TN?;SS WEIEItLOF, I have tiereunto ~et my hand ':h? s„L~?~'~' daY of ~ ~1~~----~ 1991 . i ~ , ~ ~ ~, . _ - ~ ~ -_~, ~CRE~ARY, A ~'IM CITY QLANNING COh',.*SISSION ,! j ~ -2- PCyl-88 . . :,~