Resolution-PC 91-89~P~^, ~ RESG'L~UTION NU..,PC91-89 A RESOI~UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI'SY PLANfIING COMMTSSION 'i'HA'I' PJs"PITICN FCR I;ANDITZONAL USE YEF2MIT NO. 3421 DE GRANTED WHER~AS, the Anah~i.m City P].anni.ng Commiasicn did receive a v~er~~'ied Petition for. Conditional Use Permit for certazri r~:al situateci in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State r.f C~lPforniaY de~cri.be-d as: L~'1TS 10 & 11 OF 'i'RAC'P NA. ?.903 IN THE CITY OT' ANAFiETM, COUIGTY OL' ORANGL, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAF RECORDED TId BOOK 99, PAGb;S 21r 22 AND Q3, MISCEI.LANEOUS MAPS, TN TH~ OF'FICE OP' ~l'c?E COUNTY RECORDRR OP' SATD COUNTX. `~7HF1tEAS, the City Planning ~ommission did hold a publir hear'tng at thE ~ivic Center .in the Cit:y of Anaheim on Jun~ ].7,, 1991, at 1:3G p.m., notice cf 3aic.i puY~l.ic ileari.ng tiav.in~ been duly given as rec{uired by law and in accordat~ce wi.th the pi•ov;ni.ons of the Anaheim Municipal Coda, Chapter 2£i,03, •to hear and con~ider evic'encf:: for and againc~t sa.id. propUSed condi.tional tise pcrmzt and to inve~~iy;~*~,~ and niake findings and recommenclations in connection therewiL-h; and WHr^,REAS, sa~.d Cor,,rn.ia~ior., af.ter clue it~;~pEr_t.ion, inv~~stigation and ;~Ludy made by ;ts~1P anr] in its behalf, and after due cons.ideration of al]. evi:~ence and repcrtg offe.red at aaid hearir:g, d~es f.ina and deterinine ~he following facts: 1. Tliat the proposed use i~ propeLlp ~n~ for witicY, a conditional '~SP X'~'rmit ie author. ized by Anah~.im Munici.pal Coc,le Sectiar. 18. 44.050.030 to permit a public danc~ ha11 with waiver. cf the foliowing; SECTlp[VS ,1g, 06.050.023? - Min?'_mum r~umber_ ~~_f. gs;-lcincT spa^es, 1£3 . 0 6. 0£i 0 ' --------=- (142 r~quir.ed; 38 c-~x..stiny) and 13_44.066,050 Z. 'i'nat: the r.equ~~~ted ~vai.ver is her~~y g~ ~nL-c~a on th~ bas:.s that the pa..rking wai.ve.r will not czuse an increase in trafL~ic ,^ongestion S.n t}le imrried.i.ate v.ic:init}~ nor a~7ve;•.3ely qf~~ct anf adjo.ining land uses and granting of ~hE p3rking ~iaiver under the coriditic~n,~ imposed, lf ~~l1 detrim~nt~~], to the peace, health, eaf.eL•y and general we1Fare of~thelc.itizens of the CiLy o: Anahc~im. 3. That thP proposed uae i~ hereby granted for a per:.oci of one (1) ,year, to expire on June 17, 1992. 4. That the proposed use wi~, not advE~r~el~; aff~ct the adjoiiling land tises and th~~ growth an~ develnpment af th~ ar~a in whxch .it is pcc.,poQe~3 ~~ be located. 5• 'Ph~t the size and shape oi Llie z~itc. pzopcsed for the ua~ is adequate tc allow thr full dev~~t~pment of the~ proposed use .in a ma~~ner no~ c;etr.imental to the particular area .nor ta iche reac~~, hea~.~h, Qafety and g~neral welf.ar_e of the Citizen3 of the City c,f. Anai~eim. CR121E:MF' -1-- PC91-89 'pr!~i+~1 ~ 6. '.Chat the grantinq or' tk~e Conditiona~. Uae Per.mit uncler the conditions impoaed will not be detr~mental to the peace, health, 3a£ety and general we].fare of. t.he CitizPne of the C i.t:y of Anah~im. 7» 'C1iat tne traf.f.ic generat~d by the prapAeed us~ cvill no~ impose an undue burden ~pon the atrpets and highways deaiqned and improvc~d to carry th~~ traffic in the area. 8. That tl~.ree (3) p~ople indicaLed their preae~~c~ at said public hearing in favor arid no one in oppoEitioa iridicai:ed their presence; and tl;c.t no correspona~~nc~ was recei~:ed .in opposition to the subje~;t petition. CALIFORNIP. LNVIRONMENTAI, QUALITY_ ACT FTNDIt~IG: 'Phat thE Anaheim C~ty Planning Commisaion ha:~ reviewed the prop~eal to permit a pubL.ic dance hal.l with waiver of mi.ni~num number of parking spacea on an irregularly-shaped par.cel of land consint.ing af approximately 1.2 acrea locat•ed at the northeast cor.ner of. AJ.ameda Avenu~ and Brookhurst Street, haviny approxi.mate frontagea of 2'70 feet o;~ the -iorth side of Alameda Avenue, 195 feet on the ea3t. side of Brookyurat Street and ~95 feet on *_he H~est r~ide of Va11ey S~Y'P.E?ti~ and further descrihed as 500 North Braokhurst Str~et; and does her~by approve the 'Nega~:ive Declaratior~ upon finr]ing that it hae considered the NegativQ Declaration together with any c:omments received duriny zhe public r~view procet~e and further find'.ng on the ba3is t1~at the initial study anci any comments received that tliere i~ no substantial evidsnc: that rhe project will have a significant effect on L-he ~nvironment. NGW, THEREFdRE, B~ TT RCSOL~~ED that the Anaheim ~ity ~lanning Commissioit da~a hereby grac~t eubie~t Pet.itinn for Conditianal Use PPrmit, upon the iollowing conditione which a:-e herel~y found to be a nec~ssary prereguiaite t:o the pro~o~ed use o£ tl~e subject property in order ta preservQ the aafety and general welfare of the Citizens of ttie Clty uf Anaheim: 1. *'lhat plane ~Y~all be ~suAmi.tted to khe City Traffic and Tr.ansportation Manager fo.r his review and a1proval showi:~g conformance with thE latec~t revi~ions of ~ngineerinq Standard Plan Nob. 436 and 602 pertaining to parking skanciar.d~ and driveu~~.y locations. Subject praperty shall thereupori be devalopcd anc~ maintai.ned in conturmance with ~aid plans. 2, That prior to isauanee of a bui].dit~g pezmit, a aolid waste manaqement plan with recy~ling capabilities st~a11 !~e approved by the Street Maintenance anc~ Sanitation Diviei~n. Upon occupancy of thE project, said pla~a ahall commence and ahal? Lemain iri full effect as requirPd by ~aid Divisior.. 3. That a parking agreEment for at les~t forty four (~i4) off-~site parking apacea, in a form ~atisfactory ~o tn~ City Attorney, ahall be obtained frnm the adjacenL- property owner to the north. A copy of the a.greemer-t sYiall be suamitted to the Zoninq Divi~ion. 4. Th3t prio.r tc commencemecit of the actinns authori.zed by thi~ resolution, ~ubject property st~a11 be davEloped subetantial.l_y in accordanco with plana and opecifi.Gationa eubmitted to ttie City of Anaheim by the Y~etitioner and whir,h plans are un fi'_e wi.th ths Planning DepartmenL• marked Exhibit N~s. i and 2. -•2- PC91-8'a ~ ~k .~~ ~d `~ ~ 5. ThaL• ~:ri~r to commenae.~~ent af the activity authorixed by thie reaolui:ion, ~ o:- priox i:o iesuance of a building permit, nr wi~~hin a pe:riod of one (;,) ; year from the dato of this rp~solution, whic:hevex occu.rs fi..ret, Condition Nou, 1, 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. F,x~tenDions for fur.her time to cAmplete said conditione may b~ granted in accordance with Seccion 18.Q3.090 of the Anaheim Muniaipa]. C~~de. o. That this cond.itional uae per.mit ix gr.antF+d for a period uf one (1) year and sliall terminate on June 17, 19?2. '7. * That approval of this appl.'cati.on cona~itutes apprava:~ of the proposed zequest only tc ttie extent that it comp2iec~ with the Anaheim Muni.cipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, state and Federal rec~ulations. Approval doe~ not include any act•ion or findings ae to compliance ur approvsl of thE requeet regarding any other appl.icable oxdinance, regulal:ion ur requirement. Conditions r~arked with an asterisk (*) are required by estab].ished 1aw~, codes, regul~ti.on,~ and agreements and are, th~refore, not ~ubj~ct to negotiation. BE IT r^URTHEk RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P].anni.ng C:ommission doep h~rek,y find and determine that adaption of thie x~:solution is expressly ~ pr.edicated upon a.pplicant's compliance wi.th each and all of, the conditions ; hereiriabnve set forth. Shoul.d any Auch condition, o.r any pdre tk~ereaf, be declar~d invalid or unenfercoable by the final judgment of any ~ourt of comp~tent juriadictioit, i:hen th.i.a xesol~:tian, and any approvals herein contained, ahall be deemed null and void. 'fHE FORFGnTNG RESOLUTIO . was aciopted at the Planning Commi:;•3i~ri meeting of ,.7une 17, 1991. ,~~`~ ,~-. ~.~.- -~-- ~ ~-'%~~r ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ CHATRWOMAN, ANAHEIM C TY~~'LANIJING COMMIS~ION A'I'TEST: ,~ .~., ~~' ~ . _ /~~~2 ~ ~ SECRETARY, P.NA~iEIH CITY PL:ANNINC CUMMiSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE 1 sp, CITY QF ANRI3~IM ) I, J~net ~,. Jenaeri, Sc-cretary of the Anah~im City Flanning Commi.ssi.on, do hereby c~rtify that *hc~ foregoi.ng reaoluL-ion was pa~sed and adopted ,t a meeting of t;7e Anahei.m City Planning Cornmi9aian held cn Junp 17, 199i, by the following vote of the membe•r~ thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOUAS, EiOYDSTUN, H~L'LYER, IiENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMiSSIONFRS: NONE ABSENT: COM~TISSICINERS: FELDHRUS IN 4~ITN~SS WHEREOF, I hav~ h~reunto eet my hand this /~ ~ ti day of ~ ~ 1991. + - ~ --- ~~ci~- .,~ -~ _~;~~---- SECRETARY, ANAHEZ,M CITY PLANNIP2G CC.'`fMISSI:Oh ^~- PC91-89