Resolution-PC 91-90~ I~T:SOI~U ~QN,_ NO~~C_91~9.(1, ~ A RF:SALUTION OF TEiE ANnt1L:[M LITY PLANNING COMMISSION 'L'IiA'P PF.TITZON FUR RTSCLAS5TFICAT70:i NO. 90-91-28 EtE GkAN'.CF.D, UNCONDITIONALLY WHGFt~AS, the Ana}ieim C.ity Planning Commfa~ion did ' ni.tiata Recla~efficatlon pruc~r~9ii~go far real. property nitua~od in thc~ CiL-y of Anaheim, County of or.ange, 5tat~ oi CaJ.ixornla, deACribQd ar3 folluwfl: APPROXTMATF'.T~Y 0.15 ACRE LUCATED AT THE NC~RTHEAST CQRtIEk OF ANAHEIM RO[1L~VAP.D AND CYPP.ESS 5'TR~;E'f, HAVING l1PPROXIMA'fGL~Y FRON'PAGES Ok' G'7 F~E'f ON TH~ FiAST SSDE; OF ANAHCIM BdULEVARD, AP7D 111 :~'EET O~ THE NUR'I'Fi SI~E OF CYPRGSS STI?ECT AN-) FURTHER DF:3CRTBED AS 3Q0 NORTH ANAFiF.IM fi0(1L~VaRD . wEiI:REA5, the City F~lanning Cornmieoi.on di.d hold a. pu~,lic: hQazinc7 at the Civic Ce7ter in the Ci+.y of Anahei.m oi~ June 17, 1991 at ]:30 p.m., nr~tire cf :~aid publi.c hc~t=r.iny having been ~lul.y gi.ven an r~quired by iaw ar.d in accordancc with the provi~sion~ ~~f t:he An.zheim Municipal CodQ, Chapt•er 18.03, ':o h~ar anc~ conoider evid~~nce for and ac~ain~st eaid pr~poned reclasr~if.ication and to inve~tiqate and make find.inge ar.d recommc~ndatians in connacti.on tttierewith; an~a WHER;:AS, ~a.td Cc~mmiseion, after. due ..nopection, inveatigation and ntudy made by itself and iil ite behalf, and after due Gon~iderat±.un of all evidence ~lll~~ r.eporte offerad at ~ai.d hearing, doeg find 3S1C~ CI@CQL~I1lIlE tho fc11~~~:incJ f.ar.t;a: 1, That the Planiiing Conix~iaoion Firooo~es~ rectaa~ifir.ation of :3ubject pr~~perty Err,m the CG (CommerciaL, Genera.l) Zane to tt~e CL (Commercial, I.in:ited) Zone. 2, 7'ha~ tt~e Anaheirn General. P.Lan dealgnates atibject property for. General Cc~mm~ai'cial .land une~+. 3. That th~ pr-oposed reclassification of ~subject property ±s necEa3~ry an~1/ar de~irable for tt-e orderly and pruFc~r devElopro~nt of the cumm~~nity. 4, .~t~at tho prc~osed reclar~~ific~~ion of. aub~~?rr ~,rop~rty does properl5• relate to the ZOR(33 an~! their permitted uses luc.-~lly eaCablished ir. cloae proximity to subject ~~roperty a~~J +:a the zonF~n and ttteir permltted udea r~en~r~lly ec~tabli~hed tr,rc~ugh~ut the commt~nity. 5. Thst nr, c~ne indicated thQir preaec.ce at aaid puUlic hearing in o~po~,ition; and that i~o corregpondQnce wa~ rer_eived fn oppo~ition to c:ubject peLieion. CAT~I,E'ORttIA_ ErJVIRON~~tT~L ~iiA~,ITY AC~~;I~.D~ J~: That l:h~: Anaheim C:ty Plansiing Commic~eion has rr~v±ewc~d th~ propoc~al tc re~la~c~i.fy subject ~,r~perty f.om t:}ie CG (Cr>mmercial, General) Zc~rtie to tt~e CL (Commerr.ial, t,imit:ed) 'l.one on 3 rc~ctanqularly-nhapec3 p~rrel of l~nd connigting uf ~, r'°"f' ;~;;'.. -1- PC~31-90 CR;217MA ~~~ ~~~ n~,proxircatoly 0.15 acrc~ lar.ated at 'che nart•k~eaet corner a~E Anahaim eoulovard and Cypr~ea Straet, tiaving a~~p.roximately fr~ntaq~a of 6'I f~et o~i the eaet eide of Anaheim Boulevard nnd 111 foet on the riorth oide of Cyprooe Strset, and further dQpcribed a~ 300 North AnahF:im Douievarcl1 and doae ltereby approve the NQgativ~ Doclazation upon findl.nc~ that it hac~ eoneidered the Negative Decl.ar~~tion tog~ther with any ~;~mmEnt~ rocQived dur.t:~g the public raview pror.eaH and further f.indi.ng on the basis that the initihl atudy and any r,ammentc~ rec~ived that there ia no 3ur~ot~zntidl oviderice thlt the project k~ill have a,i.gnificant effecL an thQ env.ironment. NOW, 'fHFREFORE, ~!E IT f;F'SC~LVb;U that t:he Aitiaheim City P~_s~nning CocruniHdion doea hereby ~pprove ~hQ subjoct Petita.on fur 22eclas~liication to autherize ~.in a~nHndmen~ to the Zoning Ma~, of the Anaheim ~2unic:ipal Gode tA ~xclude the abc~ve-•de~cribed prope•rty from tho GG (COnun~rcial, General) Zar.Q and to incorporate JLiLU deacribed proporty into ttiE CL (Comrnercial, r.imited) Lone, uncor~~itionally. RG IT FURTFiER RESOL'VED that this r.eaalu~ion ohall not cnnstitute a r~zoning of, or commitment by the City to rezone the eubject property; any auct~ rezoning ahall requir.e an ordinance of thF: City Council which :•hall bQ a leg.inlat.ive act whicl~ may ba approved or danied by the Cit.y Council at ita ~ole discret9.c~n. THE FORECO.NG RESOLUTTON waa adopL-ed at the F~lannLng Comminsion me~ting af June 17, 1991. ~~'ll' •, ,.. '~ ~1~.., F."lcz.~ ~'~.%`~ ~~' ~J_ ~..~ ~, ~ , ; .. ~..,~.. ~~.~_:.. C~tAIFiWbMAN, ANA.:ETM CIPY PLANNI:+C C:OMMISSION AT'I'E:iT: ~ '' 7 ~-~•~;1~_ '~1G1.e_:,-~.... , ~~ ~6~GTARa', ANAHCIM C,~~TX F'L11NflINC CUM:d7SSION ~' STATE OF CAI~tI•'ORNZA ) CC`UN'PY OF ORANGC j ns. CITY OF' ANAtiEIM ) I, ,Tanc~t L. Jeneen, 5ecret.iry of the Anaheim City Planning !'ommi.ssion, cl~~ hereby certify that ~h~ for.egotng resol.utinn was p~n~ed and ado~~ted at a meeting ~f. the F+nahei.m Ciky Planning Corr.~iisefon held on June 17, t99.1, by th~ fallowing votc~ nf L•he membere thereof: A'lF. ~: COMMISSZO~trRS: E30YDSTUN, BOUAS, HCL~L'tER, FiENNZNCER, MESSF~ PERAZN PlOES: C()MMISSIONGRS: NOA'E ABSEPJT: COMMISSIONEf2S: FELDFiAUS Iti ~IiTt7ESS WEiFR~OF', _T have hereunto ner. my hand this ~y:..t~%~ ~ay a f ..._-~.~~s.~~._._-.r , l 9 9~. ~ •- , l ~.-. ~--r ~' -.~'~ ~~'.s: ~~~.~:~y. ' 5,P. EtBl'~ANAF{EIM yfTY PLAN:IING ~;OMMISSIO"t / -`- YC91-9~