Resolution-PC 91-91~ RFSOLUTTC)N NO. FC91~91 ~~.~~...' ~~. l A RGSOLU~ION OF THE ANA(-I~IM GI~'Y PLANNINC COMt4ISSIGN .:ERMINATTHG ALI~ PROCEk~DING5 IN CONA'~CTION WITH CONDITTONAL ZJ~E P1:RMIT NO. 2$64 WEIFREf1S, on Uecombor 8, 1906, Conditional Use Permit No. 2864 waa granted undor Resolution P~o. F~CEi6-30t3 by thP Anaheim Planning Commiaei.on to permit a mi.nistorage faci7.ity lJLttl waiver of minirnum number. of parlcing apacas. WHER~AS, Thoma~ P.guirre (i~QpresQntii~g 1 D1~~ Paint and Body Centere) haA aubmittecl a letter requec~ting teriniT~ati.on of Conctition~l Uso Fermit N~. 2854 to comply wii:h thc conditiona of approval of C.or-ditional Uee Permit No. 3312. NOW, 'fEiLRLFORE, FiE 7T RESOI~VED tl~at thQ AnahQim City Planning Commi~aion does heroby tei-m.inate a11 nroc.eecli.rigs 3.n connar.ti~n wit:z Conditional. Use Permit No. 2E~64 on the b^eis of the foregoiny f~ndingR. THF. FOREGOING R~~OLUTTON w~3~j ,adc~pt~d at the Planning Commlasion , meetin~3 of June 17, 1991. /,;`~ /~,'~; /~r~/ ,~, ~' < <--~-~ c. ~r._~~~~~~, % ~ ~ • ~~~- , - . : ~- ------ ~--_-- CHAIRWON,I~N, ANAHEIM CITY ki,ANNING COMMISSION ~,T'PEST : v LC:~= _.~,r.~~ z ~ ' --- ,'~S RETARY, ANAHGk,/ CITY PLAPINING COMMI5SIUN ~ ~~ v STATE OI CALIEORNIA ) CnUtV'fY OE ORANGI: ) oa. CITY Ul~ '~NAIi~7M ) I, .ianet L. Jen~en, Serrel:azy ot the Ana~-eim City Pl.annii~g Commia:~Lon, do h~::eby c~~rti:y thr.r. r, ~ forf:~.~o.ing recolution waa pa~aPd and adopted at a mee~iny o° the Anah~im Ci~y Planni.ng Cc~mmisaion hel.d on June 17, 1991, by it~~ followinq vot~ oL the memberc; thereoE: rlYE:.°,: ::OMMISS.IONF,RS: BOUAS, RCYD:iiUN, F1GLI.YF.R, HENNINGER, MGSSE, YEFtAZA NOGS: COMMISSIOPI`r;RS: NOE~E ABSENT: CO:lMI55IONERS: F'EI,DIiAUS IN WI'tNESS Wfi~:REOF, of ~,~ ' _~ , 1991. i I ~ CR1218MP T. have tiereun`o :~et, my hand thiR _~~~~~ day „ r ;~ ` , . . $ CRL•'TARI, A[JAHEIM ITY PLANt7ZPJC COMMISSION _-- % ,. -1- PL91-91 ..~r