Resolution-PC 91-96~ ~ RESOLUTION NC~~pp9],-96 WHCRE~19~ the Anaheim City Planni.ng C~mmisainn did receive a veriried Petition for Conditional Use Permit for certain real property aituat~d in ~:he City of Anahcim, County af U.ranga, State of California. desr.ribecl ae: ~~~ A RESQLUTION OF THb: ANAEiEIM CITY PLANDTINC COMMISS.TON THAT PETTTTC~N FbR CONDTTT()NAL USE PERMI'P NO. 3~26 BE GP.ANTED F'ARCELS 1 'PHRUUGH f3 INCLUSIVE QF pARCEI, MApS, IN TFI~ CI`PY OF AI~AHESM, i;'~UNTY OF ORANGE, STATE U~' CA.LTFOfiNIA, AS PER MAp RECOI'1GED IN BOOK 27 PAGF" 41 OF MISCELLANFOUS M7~PS, TN THE OFFICE OF 'PHE ~COUN'['Y R~CORDER pF SAID COUNTY. WHER~AS, the City Planni.ng CoRUniss.ion d.id hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on ~Tu1y :1, 199'l, at 1:Ja p.m,, notice of said pub.Lic hearing having bePn duly given as r~~qiiired ay law and in acc~rdance with the r~rovteions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chaprer 1$.03, to hear and oonsider evLdence for and againat aaid gropused conditiona]. u~e permit and t~ i.nve~tigatE~ and make fin~ingy and recommendations in conn~,ction ther.ewith; and WHEREAS, said Commioeio!1, after duE inspecti.on, investigation and atudy made by itself and in its behalf, and af.ter due corisideration of all evidence and re~por~~ offer.eri at said hearirig, doss find an3 determine the foll.owing facta: 1• That the proposed t~~e ie prapez•l.y one for which a conciit.tonal u~e permit ie authorized by Anahei:n Muni_c.i.~al Code Secti_on 18.44.U50.1~5 to permit furL-her F>xpanaion of ~in ex.iAl:ing rnnunercial retail center w.ith ttie follow.ing waiver: SLC'i'IONS '18. U6. 050 _022. 18.06._050.022.7. 18.06.~50.0224 18.06.05U.0231 18 . 0 6. 0_ 5 0___~___~ 13 3 and 18_44.066.050 ~ ~ Mi.nimum number nf_~ark~.ncr.~aces. (1,112 requi.red; 11101 pr.•oposed) 2• That the requrated wa.iv~, ;.5 hereby granked ori tne baaia that the parkiny w~~ivez will n~t r.aue~e an iu~.,~n~~ .in L•raffic congestion in the immediate vicinit:y nor a~verRel.y affQCt ar~ adjU... -~ land uses ar.d granting of tne parkinr~ waiver under the conditionc~ imposea, if any, wili n~t ~~ detrimental *_o the pe~zce, hea].th, ~afEty and gener;~l wel;,t~e ui ttie citizen~ pf thQ C~ty of Anahoim, 3• That ttie proposed use will. not ~dvor~ely affect the adjoiriing land usos and the growth an@ developu;~nt of the ar.ea in which it i~ proposed to be ].or.ated. CR1223MY -1- PC91-96 ,; ~i ::~ i~;i~ 4. ThaL• the eize and shape of th° 9LL@ ~ropo~ec~ for the uae is adequate to allow thQ ful.l development af the proposed us~ in a manner not detrimenta.l to thE parti.r,ula~: area nor to th~ peace, health, eafety and general welfa.re of- ttie C.itizene of` the L`.ity of Anak~eim. 5. 'Phat the grariting of th~ C~nditional Uac Fermit under the conditiona impoaed will r.at b~ detrirnental to the peace, health, safety and ~.~eneral wolfare of the Ci.tirE~ns of the ~ity af Anaheim. o. That the tra.ffir g~anerated by the pr~posed use a~ill r.ot impose an undue k,ur.den u~~on the fltreets and highwaya clesigned and improved to carry th~ traffic in the area. 7. Z'hat no o°ie i;idicated their pr.Eaenc~ at baid puk~lic hearing ii1 upposition; and t;hat no correspondence wa~ rer_eived in oppoeition to the subject petition. CA7IFORNTA ~NVIROtJMEPJTAL ~UALITY ACT FIND:ChG: That the Anaheim City Planning ~"ommiasiori tiaa revi~.wed th~ propooal t~ permit further expansiori of an existing commercial retail centc:r with waiver of, min_mum number oF. parking spacesa on a rectanqularly-shaped parcAl of 7.and consist.ing of ,~pproximacely 18.6 acro~ located at the southeae~ carner of Katella Avnnue z~i~d Fsuc.lid Street, havi.ng approxi~nate frontages of .1350 feEt on tlle south aide of Kat~lla Avenue and 600 fec~t on the esst- side af Euc:li a Street, aricl furttier. deseribed as 165U-1696 West Katella P.venue; and does hereby approv~ the Neyative Declaration upon £inding that it has canaidered the Negative Declaration together with any commeni:s received during th~ public review proceas and furthpr finding on the basis that the initi.al atu~y ar.d any cnmrne~ntg rece.ived that there is no sub~t:antial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on tlze environment. P10W, THEREF~RE~ BE IT RESdLVED that tl~e Anaheim City Pl.annir.g Co~runissiun does hereby grant oubj,ct ~etition for Condii:ional Use P~rmit, upon t:he £ollow.ing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prereqttisite tc~ t;he proposed use of the nubject propcrty in order to prc~servE the safety and yenetal welfarp of the Citizena of ~he City of Ana}iei;t~: 1. * That a Lot Lin~ Adju~tm~nt Plat to adjust +:he ~:xi~~ting proF~erty .Lines suc.h that any new building liee c~mpletely wi.t}~in on~ (1) parcel oha11 be aub~iitted to the Subdivision Section £or approval by thc: City Engineer. and then recordecl in the Offic~ of the Oranye Cnunty Recor.c~er. l. T}~at thc: existi.ng "ae is" socond moat norther:y driveway on ~ucli.d Street shall. bp rernoved and replaced with Ftar~darc~ curb, gutter, aidewalk and landacapin~. 3. * T.hat riew cansi:ruction authorized by this resolut.ion shall be served by undex~Jrounc? utilities. 4. * That the legal owner of eubject property eha11 dedicate to the City of Rnsheira ~n easerne;;t five (5) f.eet in wi~th along/acrosa the eouth property line for publi~ utility purposes. Said eaeement shall be dedicated to the City of Anaheim prior to iasuance o.`. building permits. The leg~l o~~rner of subject ~roperty ehall also verify with the Public U~ili.ty Department that all e'le~t•rical EaciliLies cz~oesing over property linea have acceptable public utill.ty easements. -•2- FC92-96 ~~,'.;;,,~ ~ ;,.' ,~.^ 5. * That traoh storay~ areas ahall be ~,rovided and maintained in a locaticn acceptable to the 5treet Idaintenance and Sa;zi~ation Divieion aiid in sccordance witih appraved plane en file with said divisian. Such inf.orma~ion shall be epecifically stiown an the plana submitted for buildiny pexmits. 6. Tha~ ~izior to issuance of a building permit, a aolid waate managemQnt plan including recycling capabilities shall be aubmitte~ to the Street *Saintenance and Sanitation Divi~ion ior review and appr~val. Upqn accup~nry of -~he project, said plan Ahall commence and ehall remain in full ef.t'FCt aa r.equired by said Uivision. 7. ~ That pric to c.om-nencement ot atruc:ttiral framing, i'ire hydrants ohall be installed and charc~ed as z•equired b;~ the Fire Department. 8. * That fi.re nprinklers shal.l be installed an requir.~d by tY~e Fire D~partment. 9. That +~ither (a) all new conatruction shall be served b,y a sep~rate Eire water ~ervicP ox (b) a deed restriction sha:I.Z b~ recorded for each pazcel containing new conetructi~n agreeing ttiat ~~aid parcel~ shall not be sold sepaLately, as required by the Fire: Department. 10. * That ~11 air coriditioning fac.ilitieo ~nd rat.her roof arid qrout~d mounled equipment:. shall be properl.y 3hielded fro~~ view fr.om ~dj~cent resid~ntial propertiee. 11. * That the propoeal oha1Z comply with all fliqning r.ec;uir~m~ntR of the CL "Commercial, Limited" Zone unless a variance allowing aign waivers is approved by the City Council, Planning Cammissiort or Zoni.ng Administrat~r. 12. That 3ny propoged freeetanc~ing sigri on subjecY. p~:operty ohalJ. be a monumerit-typQ I10~ excpeding eight (8) feet in height and shall bF subject to the review and approval ~f the City Traffic and "ransp~r.tatir~:~ :•Sanager ta determine adequate ;.inea-of-si~~ht; p~-ovi.ded, howev~r, that exiFr.inS p~le eigne may be re.locat•ed aub}ect to L-;~e reviaw ~nd approval af the Zoning Di~~i~ion and ~omp.liance wiL-h the Zoning Code. 13. 7'kiat an unsubardinated r~strict~d r.ovenant providinc~ reciprocal access and par.king, approved by t.he City Ts-affic and Tr.aneportation Manager arid the Zoning Diviaion and :~n a for.m eatisfactory to the City Attarney, shall be recor.d~d with the Uff~cc of tl:e Orange County Recorder. R copy of the recorded ccvenant ehall then be submi.tted tn the Zaning Division. In addition, proviaions shall bo roade in the cnvenant to guarantee that the en*ire complex f~hall be managed and maini:ained ae one (1) integral parcel f~r purpoe~e of parking, vehic:alar circul.,tion, siqnac~e, land uaage and archiL-ectural c~~ntrol; that the entire ocl-•sit~: private sewer syetEm ahall be maintained as a aingle entity; and that L•he covenant ahal]. be refer~~nced ?n all leaseR and d~aeda transferring ~~ .~~r any part a: the praperty. -3- PG91-96 ,~ ,+~,; ~ 7 p+•~%F{p 14. That a landecape and irr.ig~tion plan £o.r aubjact properi:y ~ahall be submitteci to the Zoning Divi.sion for revi.ew and approval. 7 iy deaiaion mad~e by ~he Zoning D3.viaion regarding said plan ma,y be a~pealed to the Plannii~g Commigeion ax-d/or City Council.. l5. Z'hat the front J.anciecapecl setLaclc (except i.n front of Building D) sha1.1 be a minimtun of tE~n (10 )~eet in wid~h, ehall incltzde a tliree ( 3) £oot hiyh landecaped earthen berm, ~~nd shell bE planted and ir.rigated with minimum fifteen f3.5) gallon sxzed treea located ~n niaximum tcventy (2C) f.~ot center~s; l,rovided, howevAr, tnat the C:_~y Traff.ic and Trarir~portation Manager may modif-y th.is r~quirempr~t to eneure adequate visibili.ty w.her~ vehiculnr and/or pedeat:rian accea9ways in~er~ect. 16. That aubject propert,y sh~ll be developed eubstanti.aLly in accordance with plans and 9pP.C1£iC3t1U118 submitted L-o the City of Anaheim k~y the petiLi.oner snd which pl~ns are on file with the Planning Department marked P;xtiibit Noa. 1~.:~d 2. 17. That prior. to is~u~nce of a buiI.ding pPrmit, a~lan ahall be submitted to the Publi.c Works-Engineering Aepart.ment de.lineating the Fxi.st;.ng and praposed on-sa_t~: ~rivate aewers in laL-erals to pubii.c sewers. Separate laterals ~tiall bo provided for ear,h parcel ~r a~ other.wise approved by the Ci*y Engineer. 18. T!~at pr•ior to is~suance of a bu.ilc9ing permit cr within a perio~i of one (1) ysar ~r~m th~ date of tt-i~+ res~.lution, wtiichever ucc~.irn firat, Condition Nos. 1, ~}, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14 and 17, above-mentioned, atiall. bQ complied with. ~xte:~siane f~r £urther }.i.m~ to camplete sai~i condition~ may be granL•ed .in accorda:~cE~ with Secti.a~- 18.03.Q9C of. th~ Anahsi-n Municipal Code. 19. 2'hat prior to f'inal building and zo7ing .inspecLinr.~, Conditi~n Nos. 2, 3, 8; i0, 1.'i and 16, above!•-mc3ntione~, sha~l be c~mi lied with. 20. * That approval of thi.a applicat.ian constitutes appra~~al of the prcposed requeflt only to thN extent that it complieE with the Anaheim Munici~al Zoning Code and any other ap~.~licable City, Sta.e ana Federal regulatioi~a. Hpproval c?~~s n~t include any action or findings as to r,omplianc~ ur approval of tlle re~ueat ragarding aiiy o~her applicable ordi•~ance, regulation or requi.remen*_. Condition~s marked with an aeterisk (*) are r.equired hy establir~hed 1~~~~ra, codps, regulations and agreFments and are, ther.ePore, noL- subject i-o neg<7t.i.ation. BE IT FURTH~R R~SOLV~D that C71E! Anaheim City P1ailning Commissi~n does htreby fizd and ~aicermine khat adapti<~n of this Resolution is expressly prec:icatecl ul~on anpi ~cant~ s compliance o~it'h each and all of the conditians hereinabov~~ eet L•orth. .'hould any such condition, or any part i:hereof, be dec~ared invalid or. u.nenfcrceable by the fi.nal judgmeiit of any court of :.ompetent juri3di.c~ion, theii this Re~alution, ard any approvals her.ein cont~lined, ahall be d~:emed n~_ill and voi.d. -4- YC91-96 , .. r ;~,~ 'l`f3E FUREGOTNG RESOLUTION wae adopted at the Flanning Commission meetir.g of ~ul;~ 1, 1991. ~ ., ~ ~J/, ~ ' i7 /~,~~~~.~ ...-' a : t.-(.C•.9 ~.~(-^• •Lic•Q~(.Gl.K4..i ~ EIAIRWO N, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION A'PTEST : ~ ~~~ / - /~ C/13 ARY, ANAHFI~ ITY PLANNING C0-9MISSION r~ L STATE OP' CAL'IrORNIA ) COUNTY OE OFtANC;E ) se. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, E@i.th L. HarriF, Secretary of thE Anaheim City Planning Commir~sion, do herelby certif.y that the foreg~ing resolutiori was paRSed and adoptea a.t a meeti,ng of the Anatieim C.i.ty Planning Commisaion held on July 1, 1991, by the foll~wi.^~g vot~ of the ~.;embers thereof : AYE~: COMM~SSION~RS: BOUAS, &OYDS'TUN, FELDHAUS, H~LLYE}Z, HENNTNGEIt, MESSE, P~Ft}1ZA NUES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ACiSENTt COMMISSIUNERS: NON~: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, :[ have hereunto eet my hand this ,/~~~ day of i~~~, J.991. ~ ' ~,.~, G : --~~." ~ >~ ~'~~~~ e ,;~ .~.~ ,' ~ .,S CREiARY, ANAFiE~'i~TCITY PLANNING .^.QMMISSION . , . ~~/ -5- PC91-96