Resolution-PC 92-1A~ S o~1.1~.4.Lit.4~~ ~ A RF.SOLUTION OF 'PfiE ANAHk:IM CITY F'LANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITZON FOR COND.LTIOMAL I1SE PF:hMIT NO. 3476 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim 41ty Planning Commiasion did roceive a v~r+figd Petition for Cunditionr~l Use I~ermiC for esrtain real proporty nituated in the City of An3heim, County of orange, State of Ct~lifc~rnia, doscribed ps: PARCCI. 1, IN THr CI'PY OF ANAHESM, AS PER MAP RECORDGD SN ROOK 111, PAGE; 45 OF PARCEL MAPS, I!! THE Ob'CICE OF TIiE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WtIEREAS, tlie City Planning Commiesion did hold a public henring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Docember 26, 1991, at 1:3U Q.m., notlca of eaid puhllc hearing naving baen duly given ae re~iiired by law and in accordance with the proviflinns of the Anahelm Mu~icipal Code, Chapter 1A.03, to hear and conE;idQr zvide~ce far and against safd propoaed conditional uae permit and to inventigate and make findinga and recomm~sndati.ons in Lonnoction tt~erewith; ~~id that caid public hearing wan conti~iued to .he January 1~, 1992 Planning Corunie~ion meetf.ng; and WHER~AS, eaid Commisaion, after d~ae inspection, inveetigutioh and 4tudy rnade by itaelf and in ita behalf, and aftQr due connideration of all evidance nnd r~sporta offered at said hearing, doea :ind and detecmine the (oll~wing f~ct~: 1. That the proposed uoe is propEriy one for which a condltional uae permir. isa authorized by Anaheim N.unicipal Code Suctione and to pe:mit the eale of motorcyclea in conjunction aith an exloting motorcycle repatr fa:ility, and aith waivrr cf the toliowings ~a~ Sc.CTIOS~s~.8.05.0~.0 Q2~ -~Ll,~um numbNr af ca~~a BpdCn6. ~g,~fi•~50•Q~,,~. (70 reqnired; Q~ Qxintinq) ~8.05.Q~Bf ~~f.~8 L61.Q6~.050 (b~ SEC'rj.Pl..~B•G1.964 - PermiCted.glL~r4.~11~DS~3..X€2~.Ezed yar~fq. (~y,~c~ievle•~ of mo~q~;,g_y,c:ls~ in front ~0-fon~ r~e4ba~ls alonq Dall ~toad nat parmitted; ~?LS~?C~YS~~d ~c~Y Pr~i~oned L~gg~ f rcm Ba 11 Aoac; ) 1. ?ha~ Cho raq~:enteA Nalvcr (A) le~ horeby qranted on Cte baaie tha: :he ~arkisiq waiv~r vlll not eauae a7 inrre~so in trafEic cor.geetioi~ in the iT+chE'd1~tn vi~cini~y i.nr adv~raely affect ~ny act;oininq land uaeo and qr.anClnq ~~f t1~cr ~ai•king wa:ver ur,d~sr the r.onditi~na imt~oce~t, if any, wilT not oe ct~trirr.eh~a'_ ~~~ th~ peaco, hea:tii, safrL~ :+nd ycnoral xel[ara ot the citlxann of ~.t;t~ ~icy of Ar.ahgim. 41i : 2fsS:::i -1- PC92- t 3. Tha*_ the requeetod waiver (B) in hereby grant~d on the baeis that there are ~pocial. circumetances npplicablo to the proparty auch ae e.tae, et~ape, topography, loeation end surroiindingo whicli d~ not apply to other identically zoned property in the same vicinity; and that otrict application of th~ 7.oni.ny Co~ir. deprivae thn ~~roperty of privilegeu onjoyed by otlier pr.opertion in the id~nL..cr :.:o:ie and clasoif.ication in tt~e vicinity. 4. 'hat the propoeed uso will not advereely affect the adjoining land us~:. ~nd tl•: growth anh dovelopm~nt of the area in which it ie propo~sgd to be l.ocat ?u 5. That the aize and shape of tha eite propr~eed fnr the use i~ atdoquate to allou tho full developmant of the propoaed use in a manc~sr not detrimantal. tu the particular area nor to tne pesce, healtli, sa°oty and genera7 welfare oF the Citizenn of the Cit~ of Anaheim. 6. ThaC the ~~rar,tiny of the Gonditional. Use Yetmit nnder the conditions impooc~d will nat bo clQtrimental to the peaco, health, eafety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Clty of Anaheim. 7. That the traffic generated by the propo~iQd uae will not impo3e nn und~~o burden upon the Atreets and high~raya designecl an~i impro~ed to carry the traffic in the arQa. 8. That one person .indicated hi~ preAence at uaid puUlir hear.ing in opposition; and r.hs~t no correapor.denc~ wae recei.ved !n oppogition to th~ nubject petition. CA1,1FQRii~ _~NVIROjJI~~'r:~TA(• OUAL~~ACT FINDItiG: That Che Anahel.m Cit}~ Ylanning Co:nmission han re•~iawed the proposal to parmit Lhe usle uf motorcyc:es tn conjunction with an exieting motorcycle repair faci.tity with waivero of minimum numbor of parking epaces anci permitted encroachmont. into required yarda un a ruc!anc+ularly-shaped parcel of land conaistin~ of approximar~ly 1.1 ac~e-1, havinq a frantaye af approximately 'lOd Eeal• cn ths eouth side nf IIall Roacl, huving a maximum depth af appro~:imately i97 feot, b~lnq lacated approximar.el;~ 22J feeG eaat of th~s aonter line of l~Ylec Str~set and further den~:ribed as GiG Eant 6a11 Road; and dces hereby aFhrove the tiegative Declarstion upun (inding that it hns connid~rred the Negative beclaration toqQthrr with any c~rmmQntn rec~iv~sd durlnq th~ ~+ublic review E~COC3sts and fuither f.in<~ir.~~ c.:~ tha baRla that l•he initial ul•udy and any c~mm~nta rer.eiv~d t)iaz thera La no aubatantial evider.ce that the project will h~ve a aignificant RELRCt nn the envirc~nrnvnt. t:UW, THEKE~OHE, UE I7 RESOI.V.7.D chat the An~~haim ~it.y Ylnrninq Commieoio» dor_n ~ereby grant aubyect Petitlon for Condi.tional Uao Perm1C, upon the follcn+inq co7ditiono whlch ara harohy t~und to be e necenaary proraquloite to the prupor~ed uKe of tha, subSact pruperty in r~rder to prQeerve the nafaty and c~~nerai welfare of the Citizvna nf th4 tity of Anaheimc ;. ~:he: n feo for n:rc-ut lit~hting piirpoean Ntiall b~ paid to thQ City o[ Anahei~n haecr4 on ttur i~enqth o: otr~ot fcnnCage alan~ Ball Road in an amcunt scs entahlinh~d by City Coancil raaolution. -2- Pc:92-i 2. That a:l wASte fluids nhall be handled and diepoaed of in confurmana~ with City Fire Department and/or Oranye Counky Health Depa:tment etandarde, as npplicatile. 3. That the le~al owner of eubject property ehall acquire n. recorded une~abordinatad covenant grantLng an acceae oasement from tlie laga~ prop~rty owner immediately weat o: eubject pr.operty for ingress and ograsa purposes to subject property. Said eaeement ehall be dooigne~ in a manner autisfuctory tu tha City Traffic and Tranaportation Mannger an~ sa~d covenant Ahall be in a form sntisfactory ~o the City Attorney. A anpy of tho record9d cove~iant ehall be eubmitl•ed to the 2oning Divinion. q. * That the drlvewaye atiall be repaired along Dall Road as required by the City Engineer bnd in accordance wlth etandard plans and epeci£icatione on filo iri the Office of tho City En~ineer. 5. * Tt~at plans shall bQ oubniittc~d ~o the c:iCy Traffic And 7ransportatfon 14anagr.r f:or his review ar.d approvnl showing conformance with the latest revLsion o; Engine~ring Standard Plan Noe. 436 and 602 pertaining to par.E:ing atandarda and drive.~ay locationa. Subject property uhall thereupcn ba developc~d and maintained in conformance with ea;d plane. 6. * That no required p~r{;iny arna ehall bn f~nced or otherwiae encloaed for uutdoor etoraqe ar other non-parkinq usQa. 7. ~'fhat tr~sh storage areas ehall bo providad and maintained in a location ar_ceptable to the Department of Maintenance and ii~ acr.ordance with apprnved pl~ne on file with said Depac•tm~nt. Such information shall be a~,ec:ELcal:y el~own on xhe plans submitCed for bui.ldiny permite. 8. That a Plan Sheet fur eolid waete atorage and coller.tion and a plnn for cecyr.ling ~+hall be aubmittad to the Department of Malntenance for raviow and ap~:~roval. .~, That no outdaor dtorage of, di~pl~y of, or work ~n vehicloe or vehicular parts sl~all he permltted. 10. 7hot prior to commencement of thc uctivity authoriz~d undex thia rosolution, oz prlur to tho time that a building pormlt ia iasuad, or withln a period of ninoty (90) dt~yo from the datc~ of th±s roeolution, w~tichovctr occurx fic•at, tho leqal owner(s) of eub~~ct >>:o~erty ehall AXP_C~1ti~3 n~~d record on unoub~rdinntgd covenant in a form apprA~er! by the City Attorn~y'u Office whoro~h such owner(a) agrue not to corttest the formaCion cf any aseQSSm~nt district{a) which may herpafter br~ formQd pureuint ~o the proviniono of DovelopmenL Agredmont No. 83-01 bRtw~~tn tha City oE An:ihef.m and Ar.ahef.n Sladi~m Aseocigtga, which dietrict(rs) could ir~cludo such leyt+l pr~pcrt/ owncer'a proparty. R copy of tF.c r~ac~rdad cov~nant ctir~ll then ba uubmittad to tho ~oning Divioion. 11. ' Tti~t the ~n-eite l~ndncaring and irrigation nyetem ehall be maintaine3 :n complianco with C.ity atanclards. -3- AC92-1 12. That any tra~ planted on-a~te ehall be repl.aced in a ttmely mannar in tho event l•hat it ie removed, damaged, dieoaeed and/nr dead. 13. That oubjpct prcperty shall be developed subfltantially in accordAnco with plann and speciiications submittod to tl~a City of At:aheim by the petitionei and whiah plana are on tile with the Planning Departmsnt marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and '3. 14. That a maximum of ten (10) vehicles And/or jet ekia may be diaplayed outdoore. 15. Z'h~t the existing signage shall be repaired. 16. That th~ petitioner shall obtain building p~rmite for the exietir.g ahe~e on the proparty, aa rEC;uire3 by the Butldiny Division. Such aheae ahnll, ut tha diacretion of the applicant, ba Rither ramoved or brought inta Code compliance within eix (6) months after ob~aining building permita. 17. 'Chat prior to tha commencement of the activity authorized by this reaolutiona or within e pexiod of ninety (90) dayo from the date of thie resolution, whichever occura first, Condition Noa. 1, 3, 4, S, 7, 9, 13, 15 and 16, nbove-mentioned, shall bo complied with. 18.~ That approvnl of ttiie applicatior constitutee approval of the propoeod request only to the extent that it compli~n ~oith the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and ary other agpli~able City, 5tate and Fed~ral rc3gulationa. Approval d~os not include any action or findinga as tv ~umpliance or approval of the rQqueat r.egarding any other applicable ~rdinance, regulstion or requiXement. Conditione marked with an aet9riak (•) are r.E~;uired by eatablinhed laws, codes, regulatlono and agreement9 and are, therefore, not aubjQCt to nQqotiation. BE ZT FURTHER R&30LVED that the Anahoim City Planning Commiseion dnQS hQra~y find and dotermine that adoption of thia Reeolution is exproenly predir.ated upon appli.~nnt'e complianco with ~each and all of tho cnnditiuns hereln~bov~ Hak forth. Should any s~ch conditi~n, or any part ~.hareof, b~ declared invalid or unenforceable by tho final judgment of any cour.t of competent jurindiction, then this Rec+olution, and any approvale horoin contatnod, ahall be deemed null und void. TtiE F'ANEGOING RESOLU2ION was adopted at thc~ Planning Cortuniselun moeting of January ;3, 1992. -• / ~/~ , % ~~i .~,-- tz_l y~ .~ C AIitM.\PT, ANAH£IM Cf Y PL NN2N COMMISSTON AT:GST: %~.e 1.~~ ~ CRG'PARY, AHEIM CITY PLANtiTtiG COHMISSSON -4- 'CS9-. STATG UF CALIF'ORIJ7A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. CITY AF ANAHrIM ) I, Janet L. Jenaen, Secrotary of the Anahei.m City Planning Commi.ssion, dn hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pasoed and ' adapted at a mc~et.tnq of the Anaheim City Planning Commiesion held on ~7anuary ~ 13, 1992, by the fol].owing vote: of the membore thArc~aE: ; AYES: COMMISSION~RS= b',ISTOL„ HELLYER, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, ZGMEL NOES: COMMISSIONERS: rONE ARS'PAINED: COMMISSIONERSs HOUAS AOSENT: CQ~dMISSTUNERS: NONE TfI WITt~GSS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand thl.R :eF~ day ~ -` ~~~y~ ~ 199:: . `~RETARY, ANAN~IM„CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -5- PC92-1