Resolution-PC 92-100RESQI.UTIOj~I NO. PCy2-1~Q A RESULUTION pF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANPVING COMMISSION THAT PETI710N FOFl VARIANCE NU. 4192 BE CRANTED WHER~IS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon dfd receivo a verNled Petition for Va~lanco ior certain real proparty situatod in the Cfty of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stato o~ Calitoml~ descr(bed as: PARC~L 2 IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE l7F CAUFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 84, PAGES 5 70 8 INCLUSIVE AF PARCEL h1APS, IN'fH~ OFFICE OFThIE CGUN'fY RECOFDER OF ORANQE CDUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, tho Cfty Planning Comm(sston did hold a public hearfng at the Clvic Center in the City of Anaheim on Auguat 24 , t992, et 1:30 p.m., notlce of said publlc hearing I~aving beon duly given as roquired by law a~d in acconiance with the provi~lons oi the Anaholm Municipal Cocfs, Chopter 18.03, to hear a-xl conslder evidenco tar and ogafnst sAid prqpos~ vartance and to investlgato snd make findin{~s and recommer,datfons In connection thorewfth; and WHEREAS, sald Commfssion, af:er due Inspection, investigatton ancJ study made by ftseif and (n its behalf, and aft9r due considorat~nn nf atl evidence and reports oHered at sald hearing, does 8rsd and determinn the following lacts: 1. That tho petittoner proposes waivers o! the tdluwing to construct wall signage at a previo~sly approved rastaurant: SoctJons 18.05.091,020 - ~Aaximum number ot vvtill ~ian,g. and ~4}4.06?..040 u permktod In commerclal zones In tho Scenic Corridor Ovarlay Zone; 4 proposed) 2. That the above-mentloned watver is harqby grented on basis that there ere special circttmstancos appl(cable to thA proporty consiatinq oi the proporty's Ixation and sum~undlnps on Imperial Htghway where access ts Ifmited to La Palma Avenue nnly (Imperlal Nighway Is a atate hiphway with no direct vohiaular access permittod) and, theretore, the proposecl wall slpn ~n the southwost etAVatlon Is necessary to IdentHy tha busfness to vehiclas antorir~p subJect retall center trom La Palma Avenuo end irom the adjeaent thoater property; that, due to the anpled urtentati~n of the building, one wall afyn (generally tacing oast) wotdd not provido adequatA v(slbllity to pedestrlan or vehicular treNic travelfng norih eixf south on Imperial Hf~hway and, t;zerefore, wall siqna on both the northeast and southeast sides ol the bulldfnq are a~~proprtate; orx! that tho fouRh propose~ wall sign on tha northwest elavation Is appropriate becauss the sub~ect restaurant la ~ot visible to surrounding s;reata, and 3. 7hat strict ap~llcation o( the Zoning Codo de~,rfves the prnpRrty oi prlvilegea en~oyed by other propertles undor fdontical zoninQ classificatlon In the vlcinlty. 4. That tha requested warfance fs necessnry tor tho p-eservatton and oniaym9nt of a s~nstAntlal ~xoperty riqht ~wssessed by other prapeRy in tho same vlciniry and zone, erxl denled to the properry In questfon; 5. 7F~a! the reyuRS:ec1 variance will not be ms~to-f~lly dotrimental to tha publl~ welfare or injurlous to ihe property or improvemonts In such vicinfry ond z~na (n wtifch the Qroporty fs locat9d; and B. 7hat no ono indicated tho;r presence at sald publl~ hoarinp In apposition; arx! that no correspondonce was recelved In opposMion to subject petk(on CR 1587M5.wp • 1- PC92•t 00 ,~9~IFORNIA ~NVIRONMEN2A1`QUAUN_AQT FIND IUy;, The P~anninfl Director or hls authorizod represontative has uetermined that the proposed project fall~ within the detinRion of ~:atagorical Exemptions, CIASS 11, as detined in tho State EIH Guidellnos and Is, thoreFore, r.ategoricaily exempt from the requiroment t~ prepare an EIR. NOW, 7MEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahefm CRy Planning Commission does hbreby grant subject Petitlon fnr VoriAnce, upon the foilowing conclftions whlch are hereby lound to be a necessary preroqulsite to the proposed use of the subJect property (n order to preserve ti~e s~aiety and generet w6liare of the Citizens ot the City nf Anaheim: 1. ThAt subJoct property shal{ b~ devoloped substantially fn accordance wfth pians and apeclilcatlons submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitlonor and which plans are on file wfth the Planning Departmont marked Exhib{t yos. 1 and 2. 2. That prior to Issuance of a bulld(ng permit, or wfthin a period of one (1) year irom the datu of this resolution, Condition No. 1, above, shall he compl(ed with. Extencions for further time to completo sxkf conditlons may be grAnted In accordance wtth Section 18.03.090 of the Anahetm Munlclpal Coda. 3. That approval oi thls app~ication constftutes approval of the proposed request oniy to the extent that ft com~lios wlth the Anaheim Munfcfpal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Faderal regulatlon5. Approval does not include any acti~n or findings as to compliance or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance. regulation or reyulroment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ihe Anaheim City PI ning Commlaslon does herdby (ind and detormine that adoption of thls Rosolution Is expressly predic upo~i applicant's compllanr,e wfth e~ch and all ot the conditlons herelnabovo set torth, Should any uch condftlon, or eny part thereof, ba d9clarod Invalid or unentorcea'~lo by the 11na1 Judgment ot any,~o uf comperont Jurisdicli~n, theti this Resolutlan, and eny approvels hereln containod, shall be do eci iull rv.f . THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was a t at t PI ng Commisston meuting of August 24, 1992. ~ ,~ ~, /~~~,u,v1~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY ~LANNIN¢~COMMISSION ATTEST: ~- G~ c.:i~~-;t~s:=..~' ~ CRETARY, AN EIM CITY PLANPIING C~MMISSION ` TATE OF CP. FORNIA S ) c:OUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary o( tlie Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission, do hereby certHy that the foreyoing resoltdion wss passod and adoptod dt a me~tina oi the Arvaheim City Plannin4 Commfss(on hatd on Auflust 24, 1992, by tho idlowfng vote of the rnembers thereo(: AYES: COMMIS510NERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESBE, TAiT, ZEMEI. NOES: COMM{S310NERS: NONF ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: PERA7.A VACANCY: ONE EEI{1' IN WITNESS Wh1ERE0F, I havo heraunto set my hnr.d this~~cay ol ~y~~ t 992. '~ l ...,,i~ -~ RETARY, ANAH~ M CITY PIANNINCi COMMISSION ,/ .2. PC82•100