Resolution-PC 92-101RESAI.UTION N0. PC~~1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHkiM CI'fY PWNNING COMMIS510N THAT PETITIUN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEpMIT IVO. 3533 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cummission did recalve a varftied Petition for Conditional llse Permit for certain real property sftuated In the City af Anahelm, County of Orange, State of California, described as: 1'H~ NOR?HWESTERLY 240.00 FECT QF THAT POR710N OF VINEYARD LOT H-1, AS SHOV`/N ON A MAP OF THE LAN~S OF ANAH~IM, IN 7HE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP 7HEREOF RECORDEL~ IN BOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND C~30, ~EEDS, RECORD OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFOFiNIA, DESCRIBED AS F~~LLQWS: Ef:GINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT H-1, SAID SOUTHEAS7 CORNER BCING THE INTF.~iSEC710N OF THE WE57ERLY ~.INE OF EASI' STR~ET, 66.00 FFEf WIDE, AND THF. NORTh1ENLY LINE OF SOUTH STREET, 24.75 FEET WIDE, A3 SFIOWN QN SAID MAP; THENCE NORTH 1b° 30' 00" W~ST ALO~IG SAlD WESTERLY LINE OF EAST S1 RE~'f, 402.99 FEET TO THE SOUTFIEASTERLY CORNER OF THE IAND CANVEYE~ TO KEL•GER, INC, IN PARCEL t OF THE DEED HECORDEQ IN BOnK 3459, PAG~ 4~2 AF OFFICIAL RECORpS, IN THE OFFlCE OF 7HE COUNTY RECORDER OF S.410 COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 74~ 22' 35" WEST ALO~:G THE SOIiTHERLY UNE OF KEL-GER, INC., 931.20 FEEI' TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THF 20.00 FEET WIDE STRIP OF IAND CONVEYtD TO ThIE CI7Y OF ANAHEIM, [3Y DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 2729, PAr,E 208 OF OFFICIAL RECOROS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTN 15° 30' 31" EAST ALONG SAID FJISTERLY LINE, 403.15 FEEf TO SAID NORTHERLY IJNt 0~ SOUt'H STREET; 7HEhCE NOR7H 74~ 21' 04" EASY ALONG ~.AID NOR'I ~-~ERI.Y UNE, 331.14 FEET TO THE POIN'f OF BEGINNINa. EXCEt~TING THEREFROM THAT PORI'IUN INCLUDED WITHIN EAST STREET. WHEREAS, the Cfty f'lanning Commission dki hold a public hearin~ at the Clvic Center tn tho City ot Anaheim on Augu3t 24, 1992 at t:30 p.m., notice o~ sald public hearing having boen duly given as reyu(red by lew and in eccordanca wfth the provisi~ns of the Anahelm Mtinicir+al Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hear and consider avldonce for and against said proposed condftlonal use p~rmh a~d to irngstigate erxl mako tindings and rec~mmendations in cnnnectlon therewfth; And WHEREAS, said Commisslon, atter duo inspection, Inve~tig~tlon and st~~dy made by ftsolf and f~ fts behalf, artd aRor due conslderatfon o( alt ovidenc:e and reports oHered at sald hearinfl, dues find and determine the tollaNin~ fact~: 1. That the proposed uso Is properly one i~r whlch a conditional use permit Is authorized bY Anahelm Munlcipal Cod~ Sectlons and 18.ii1.050.515 to permft an automothre towing and 3torage yard; 2. That the propased uses aro I~ereby donfod on the basl3 that they wfll adversely aHer,t the adJofning land uses arxf the growth aru! development of tho eroa In which they are proposcid to qe located bocauae the traNic, nolse, trash and hours of operatlon of the subject automotlve towinfl nnd storage yarci will adveraely im{~act the nearby residentb3l uses directly to the east ~cross East Streat; 3. Ttwt the size nnd shape ot the sfte for tl~e proposed use is not adeguate to allow tutl development of the proposed use tn a manner not detrimental t~ the partfcular area no~ to the penr.e, health, safety, and gonural wol(aro; CR 158dMS.wp -1- P(~2•1 Ot 4, That the granting of the canditional uso perm~t would bo detrimental to tho peace, health, sa~etY and general walfere of the citizens of the City of Anaheim because th~ traHic, nolse and hours of oporation of the subJoct automotive towing and storage yerd will adversely im~act tha nearby residential uses directly to th9 east across Eaot Street ~. That the traffic generatecl bY the proposed use will impose an undue burden upo~ the streetg and highways dos(gned and improvod to carry the traHic In the area; and g, 7hat three (3) poople indlr,ated thoir pre etit onawit~h 44uslflnatures w~as submtittod that correspondence wo~s recelved in opposltlon; and that a p opposing subject request. q ~~ !A ENVIRONMENTA,~ QUAL~T`~ A~:'-' FINI~ING; Th~t the Anahoirn Ciry Planning Commisslon has rovlewed the proposal to permit an automotive towing and storage Yord on a rectangularly- shaped parce! of land consisting of approximAtely 1.8 acres, neving a frontage of approximately 240 feot on 4he west skfe of East Street, haring a mnximum depth of approximatoly 324 feet, be!ng located approximately 1761eet nonh ot the centerline oi South Strost, and turthor dascribed as ~33-711 South East Street; ~nd does horaby dony the Negative Deciaratlon u~on iinding that the declaration reHecta tho Indepanclont Judgement of the lead agency and th~t ft has cansidered the Negatlva DAClaration together with any comments received during the public revlew process and turther f~nding on the t~asls of the Inftial study and any commenta received that there is substantlal evidonce thet the proJect wfli have a ofgniflcant effect on tho environment. /~ NpW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE~OLVED th~t th ~-n o~m Ciry Planning Commission does hereby deny subjer.t Petitlon for Conditfonal Use Permft, on e sis oF tha romentioned iindings. THE FOP.EGOING RESOLUTION was opt at t PI fny Commission meeting of August 24. 1992. ,,~I;~liti CHAiRMAN, AN/1HEI CITY PIANP~ING MMISSION A (TES7: ~% ~~(~. ~ ~' % S RETARY, ANAH~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSlON r ~/STATE OF C4LIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE I ss• CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) f, Janet L. Jenson, Secrotary ot tho Anahelm Cfry Plsnning Commission, do hereby cArtity that the (oregoing resolution wns pas~ed and edoptoci a.t a meeting of tho /lnaheim Cfty Planning Comm~sslon held on August ~4, 1992, by tho tollowing vote o( the members theraoi: AYES: COMMIBSIQNE•RS: HENNINGER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOES: CQMMI5SIONERS: NO~dE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: PERAZA, BRISTUI ABSTAIf~ED: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT VACANCY; ON~ ~~T _ N WITNESS WHFREOF, I have horeunto so+. mY hand this ~,~ day o(~T, .,,~G~._'~' 1992. ~ • " ,~~i.. ~ . S ETARY~ ANAHEI . CITY PWNNING COMMISSION v~ .2. PC92-101