Resolution-PC 92-103RESOL TION N0. PC92-10~ A RESOLUTION QF'fHE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTIQN N0. PC~'J-1Q0 ADJPTEO IN CQNNECTION WI7H VARIANCE NO. ~41 WHEREAS, on April 23,1990 the Anaheim City I'lanning Commission granted Varfance No. 40d1 undor Flesolution No. PC90-100 to pormit: '...walvers af the lollnwh~g to esteb!!sh a home lmprovement center wlth outdoor garden center: (Aj Sections 18.Q~050.022 - Minlmum number ot narklna sr~aces. J~,,Q6,050.0222 24 requlred; .~5 proposed) gn~, (8) SecNan - !~lmitANons to nermltted us~~ and s~ctures. (Afl uses requlred to be conducted wltolly wl~jTjn a ~~ ,g~,door aarden center proposod)' WNEREAS, said h..QOlutlon No. PC90-100 also Includes the following condition of approval: "13. That there shall ba no outdoor storage or display of matarlals other ihan those matarlals to be contalned wlthln ihe o~~tdoor seles area shown on Fxhlbit No. 1.' WHEREAS, the patitldner has roquested (f) expanslon of both wafvers (4or a smallor ratio of parkfng spaces to bullding and outdoor display, and f~r groater square foatage of outdoo; storage and d!splay of matorfals) and (11) amendment o~ deletfon of Conditlon No. 13. WHEREAS, the petitioner, The Home Depof, has submitted a letter (dated June 10, 1~J92), t~ site plan (I~beled Revision No. 1 of Exhibit No. 1), and an elevation (iabeled Revisfon No. ! of Exhlbit No. 3) doscribing and showing the proposed o~nside dispfay area end the 535 available parking apacos. WFIEREAS, the City Planning Commfssio~ did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Center In the City of Anaheim on August 24, 1J92, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having beon duly ~lven as required by law and in accordance with lho provisfons of tho Anahelm Municipal Code, Ctiapter 18.03, to hear and co~~sider evidence for and against said proposecf amendments and to investigate and make iindinps and recommondations In connection therewith; and WF~IEREAS, safd Commission, after due fnspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aftor due consfderation of a!I evidence and reports offered at sald hearing, dot~s 41nd and determine the following facts: 1, That ti~e pAtit(oner requests modffication of Wafver (A) to fncrease the required numbor oi parking spaceo from 624 to 654 elthough only 535 spac9s are proposed. The ps.~rking ratio for the s~ntlre subject property wottld bo reducod from 4.7 spaces per 1,OOQ sq.ft. of buildin~ and outdoor merchand(se display (114,594 sq.ft. consisting of 90,000 sq.ft. Home ~epat bullding, 16,15U sq.ft. Hpme Depot autdoor garden center, and 8,444 sq•it• auto servfce/retafi bullding) to 4.4 spaces per 1,000 sq.ft. (121,194 consisting of 90,000 sq.ft. building, 16,150 sq.ft, garden center, 6,6~0 sq.R. proposed Home Depot ou4s(de display, and 8,414 sq.ft. auto ser~ice/retail building); CR t 590MS.wp •1- PG92-103 2. That the petitlonor also requosts maJlficatfon of Walver (B) to add an outdoor display area in front of tho bullding (in additlon to the existing gard~n center) thereby increasing thosquare footage of outdoor merchandise display by 6,600 sq.ft. to a total of 22,'150 sq.ft.; 3. That the expandecl outdoor display area Is proposed to be located along the sidewalk and vehiclo loading ~reas imm~diately adJacent to the front entranae (wast side) of Tho Home ~epot building; 4. That the Ciry Traffic and Transportation Manager ha~ r ~ le5 de he p~ovlously Approved parking demand study and has determined ihat tfie current par{cing supp y quatoto servo the propasec! use; ,. That the proposed outdoor dfsplay are~ is locatad about 200 foet from Lincoln Aver,ue (the closest street), it wlll be vlew-scroenod by a 6-foot high landscaped wall, and none of the dlsplaydd Items wlll face Llncoin Avenuo; and 6. That no one indicated their presence at sald ~ublic hearing in opposftlon;and that no correspondonce was received in opposfti~n to the subjeat patitlon. ~IFORN!A ENVIRONN,ENTAL G1~~TY~CT FIN IN ~: That the Anahefm City Planninp Commission li~a reviewod the proposal to amend Ftasolution No. PC90-100 pertainfng to incraasing the square tootage of outdoor storage and display of materlals (In connecs.ion with waivers af minimum number of parking spaces and Iim~tationa ta permitted uses and atructures) And modliving the COIHIIIIGII6 Of approvat contalned therein, and does hereby tind that the Negatlve Doclaratlon previously approved in connectian with Varlance No. 40~1 is adequate to serve as the requirod environmontal doc:umentatlan In connection with thia requbst. NAW, THEREFOFiE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahoim Ciry Pla~ning Commisalon d~es amend Resolulle~ No. PC90-100 as follows: (a) To modify ftem 1 on page 2 to read; "t. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the following to establlah a home improvemont center with outdoor display and storage: ~q~ ~nrt~0~3 1Q_O_F)_.0;~0,022 - Mjnimum rs~.-~.ber af oarkina sg~~. (¢5~ requtred; ~, proposed) 18.06,08Q en 1 Q.44.U66.050 (B) ,~,ctlon 18.44 c!~5.020 - Limitations to_oE~rmitted ~aQs And gL,ructures, (All usas required 4o be conductad whollv.~NJ 'lhln a II n; ,g~tdaor qarden c9t~i er and o~~tdoor dl~Y ,~rg~ proposed)» (b) 7o dolete Cond(tion No. 13. (~y To maclffy Cond-tion h1o, 25 to read: "25. That subJect property shail be d~veloped substantfaily in eccordance wilh plans and speclfications suhmitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitloner and wh(ch plena are on file with the PlannEng Department marked Revfsion No. 1 of Exhibit Na. 1, Exhibit Na 2, Revislon No. t of Exhibit No. 3, and Exhibft Nos. 4 and 5.' -2- PC92~103 (d) To edd the foitowinq three new conditfons: '2~. 'fhat a minimum tour (4'~ leet ot tho sidswalk fn lront nf The Home Depot bulldinfl shall be maintained Inr Noclestrian walkways. ~0. That the ne~.~ screon wall to the south of tho proposed 'outsida display area" (shown o:~ qevlslon No. t oi Exhibk No. t) shal{ be sbc (8) (eM hiqh arxf Iandacapin~ ahall be installod and malntainod in hont of said wt~l~ (tacing LlnGOln Avenuo) for the purpoae of vlew•screenlnq tho outsMe diaplay area tron~ L(ncdn Avenue. 31. Thst subjeci varlance shall expire one (1) year howevor, that time extensions may be requestud epproved, tho waNera may continue for the edc~ THC FOREGOINCi RESOLUTION was august 2a, 19s2. ATTEST: , -~ S,' E'fARY, ANAN~I CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION _~ 3TATE Or CALIFURNIA ~ COUNTY OF OMN(3E ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ tho date of this rosolutbn; pravWed, ~nnection with a publ~ heartnp artd, N specNicvi time' CITY Commisslon moet(ng of i+G't~vl/~?l , t. I, Janw L. Jensen. Secretary d the Anahetm CNy PlannM~ ~ommisabn, do heruby certlfy that the lorepotny resalWion was passed and adopted at a moeting d the Maheim Gty ?lanr~np Commisoion hefd on Auyust 24. 1992, by the fdtowinp votc d tho membert lhorec~l: AYES: COMM13310NERS: 8i1~STOL, FiENNINt3ER, MESSE, ZEMEL NOES: CCMMI3310NEA3: NONE ABSENT: C7MMiS310NER3: PERA7~. TAIT VACANCY: ONE SEAT ~ IN 1h'RNESS NM1'EREOF, 1 have hAreunto sM my hand lhfa ,(~;G~r dey d ~. ~~`~ t ir92. - r " ~,.~ .~ls°.r.r 8 ETARY. IJ~iNF1EN~PlJ1NNIHCi COMMISSION _; ;% ,3, Ptb7-10.1