Resolution-PC 92-106R~SOL~710N NU. PC92-1Qf A RFSULUTION Q~F ThIE ANAHEIM CIN PLANNINU VOMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 92-93•01 BE GRAN7ED, UNCpNDITIQNAI.I.Y WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verffied petitlon tor Re~:laasi(lcation tor roal properry s!tuated In the (:ity of Anahelm, Counry of Orange, State uf Califnrnia, dsscribeci tas followo: PROPOSED TRACT N0. 14702, BEIiVG A SUBDiVISiON OF A POR710N OF: A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF 7HE SOUTHEAST ~UARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 4 SVUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, 5.B,M. PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 5't PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOFiNIA. WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commfssion did hold a public hearing at the Cfvic Centor In the City o( Anaheim on ~;:Y rAmbor 9, 1992 at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd public hearing having been duly gfven as required by law and In accordHnco with the provislons of the Anahoim Municipal Code, ~hapter 1£f,03, tu hear and conoldor evidence for and against ~Id proposod reclessitication and tu investigate and make findings and recommendations In connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, Invostlgation and study rnede by Itself and in its behalf, and after due considoration of all evidenco ~nd repnrts otfered at sa(d hearing, does find and dotermine the foliowinp facts: 1, That the potitl~ner proposes reclassification of subjoci ~roperty from the RS-A-4a,000 (Residentlal/Agricultural) Zone to tho RS•7200 (Residantial, Single-Famlly) or less ~ntense zone. land uses. That the Anaheim General Plan deslgnatos sutsject property ior Low Density Residential 3. That the proposed reclassiilcation of subJect proporty !s necessAry and/or deslrabis fa~ the orderly and propar development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassHication of subJ9ct property does properly reinte to the zones and thelr permittocl us~s locafly establishacl in close proximity to subJect property and to the zones and thelr pormittsd uses generally establisfied throughout the community. 5. That ono person Indicated hfs presence at s~(d p-ablic hearing in opposition; and that no corr~spondence was recofvod in oppositlon to subJect pstitfon. ~1LIFORNIA ~yVl'riONM~II'AJ,~~UA~,~'fY A„~,T FINDING: That the Anahoim City Plann(ng Commission has reviewod tha proposal to reclessNy subJer,t property from the RS•A-43,000 (Residontfal/Agriculturat) Zone to thu RS•7200 (Residenifal, Sinqle•Family) or a less intense zono to establish a 5•lot, RS-7200, 'aNordable', sin~le-tamiiy residential subdivlslon wfth waivurs of requlred lot irontage, minimum lot area, minimum iront yard sotback and dodlcatlon end improvement of street3 on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land co.~sisting of approxlmataiy 0.8~ acre, having a irontage af approximately 250 feet on the north side of Folsom Stroet, having e maximum depth of spproximatety 100 feut, being locatetl aparox(mately 301 feet north of the centerline of Forest Lssne, and iurthor descrfbed es 2001 West Fc~lsom Street; and doos hareby approvo the Negative Declartttl4n upon t(ndfng that tho declaratlon rellects the (ndependont Judgement of the lead agoncy and that it has constderod the Nogative Dociarat(on together with any comrnonts receWed during the public review procoss and furtl~er tfnding nn the basis uf the initlal study and any comm9nts recefved that there is no substa~tial evklence that the ptoject will have a sfgniticnnt eHect on the envtronment. CR1600MS.wp .1. PC92-106 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Rnahaim Cfty Planning Commission dods horeby approve the aubJect Potition for Fieclassification to authorize an amondment to tha Zoninp M~p of thA Anahelm Municipal Code to exclude the abuve-doscribaci property from the RS••A-a3,000 (Resfdential/Agrlculturai) Zone and to inccrporate sald described property Into the HS-7200 ~Residentlal, 5lnflio-Femily) Zona, unconditionally. BE IT FURTHER RESOWFD that approval oF this applir,ation constitutes approval of the proposa~i requost only to the extont that it complios wfth th~ Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any ather applicable City, State and Federal regulatians. Approval doea not include any action or iindinga as to compllance ur appravat of the request regarding any othor applicablo ordinance, re~ulAtlon or requlrement. BE i7 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this rosolution shall not constitute A rez~ning of, or A commftment by the City to rezono, the subJect properry; any sucFVrezoning shall roqufre an ordlnance of thA City Council whlch shall be a legislative act which may be a,~proved ~r donled by the City Cuuncil at ~ts sole discretl~n. / , ~ 7HE FOREGOINU RESOLUTION was ado ed the ~ lann Commisslon moetfng of September 9, 1992. ' ~ r I !/~iG~jfiGs~c . ~'1,. CHAIRM.4N. ANAM IM CITY PIANNING (~MMISSION ATf EST: S RETAf;Y, A!~ IM CIIY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) rOUMY OF ORANCE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE{M ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the Anahoim Ciry Pianning Commfsslon, do hereby ceRffy that tha fare~oing resolutlen was passed and sdopted at e meeting of the Anahelm City Plannfng Comm)sslan heid on September 9, 1992, by the following vote of the membors thereof: AYES: CQMMiSSlONERS: BFiISTOL, HENPIINGER, MESSE, PEIiAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS510NERS: NONE ABSEhl7': COMMI~510NEHS: NONE ABSTAI~ED: COMMISSIONERS: ZEMEL VACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNESS WHERE~F, I have hereunto RQt my hand this ,~y day of ~~~~ , 1992. G.~~'" .?~F.es.L RErARY, ANA CI'TY PLANN(NG COMMISSION -2. PC92-106