645 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. - - .. - -- --~.! .~.~ ~~!~ - .-- -.. -. -. --.. - . -. of said county, being first duh' sworn. says-that sile is a cit. izen of the United States, and of the State of California, over the a.ge of &ighteen yea.rs; that she has no Interest 'in, nor Is she a party to the matter herein mentioned: that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper printed, published aud' circulated in the said County of Orange that sa.id ORANGE COUNTY XEWS is a. newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid sub Rcrlbers, and is published for the dissemina.tion of both local auo general news and Intelligence of a general character; tha t it is not devoted to the interests or l'ubUshed for the enterta.inment of a particula.r class, profession. trade, calling, race or denomIna- tion, or of any number thereof: that it has been Iprinted and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim. County of Ora.nge, State of Cali- fornia fa I" more than one year next preceding the first day of thE> publica.tlon .hereto attached: that the .. .-__Qr~~.~~1c;.~._.H9.~~~~..._. of which the annexed is a printe.{t C'OPY. W'SS ,published in s.l.id 'lleWH- J}aper at least __..__._.9}Jg~_....u___. ('omme-Dcing on the ___1:th... day of .___Ayg~_t.......__.. 19...41., and ('nding on 1:he __..........______..____ day of ___..h..........._...__.... 19.___..... and that said ..u.__Q.~9.J_D~J.lQ.~......._. ..........__.u.... wa.s pubUs.hed on the tollowing da..ye: __ .~~~~~:~_ __'!.-'___~~_~!m. __uou___ ~-"':'~.----. .._~~_;.:...--nn~...:..._u:..-- _........ ~~-~~TZ; on .. u......u.... Subscribed a.nd sw rn to be.fore m~..~:~~m:.~:~::'-~;~7 or -~~4r l .......,.,....1.... I ORDINANCE NO. flU .o\X ORDINANCE OF T'8E CITY 01' ANABElM" .~~.TlNG MO~EY FOB ADvatt81NG P1JBP08lIS . TH.E . CITY COUNCIL OF ,.HE. CXTY' OJ' AN4HEIK DOE$ ORDAIN AS..POl-LOWS: SECTION 1. That there b~ and herebs.' 'iII ap>>propriate4 fQr the fiscal year eDd.. . t... ".,.... ". :1..... . _Iii:. t,. ~ Fund of the City of AnaheIm, the *um of Four. ThoulI&lId <"',000.00) D<>>llarli. which 8U~ Bhail' be UBEKf for' the'., >>UT'-.. pose of ad.v.ed:isin. the' City of Anaheim:' and' providing for music and IJ)rolliotlon within the ,aid city, ald. money to be. pal... by direction of th~ City COUDoll Of'~ the City of Anallelm fot Baid pilrpo~. . SECTI-ON 2. The City Cle;rk Bhall cauBe. . this ordinance' to be !tUbU8hed ODce lir.: . the "'Orallte Count")" New.;" a weekly ~ ne.wlipape;r publ16bed and circulated 1D .' . the' CIl, ior Anaheim. and. 8hall talie' ef- fect thh=-y (3~) . days after its Unal pauage. Tile f9rttlgolng .ordlnance was slenad a.nd appl'oved by me thlll 6th day of. AUgU9~: Uf!. CRAS. A. PEARfJON Mayor of the City of ""nahelm. A'tteat: , CHARLES 'E. GRIIlI'FITR, City Cleric: of the City of Anaheim ST ATE OF CALII'OBNJA, COU}ilTY OF OBANGB, ... CITY o~ A,N4-HBIM I, CharleB Eo Oriffltll. C1t7. Qlerk of . the City . of' Anaheim; do hereby eel.tity that the .foNcolnl' Ord1nallc8 .&111 latro- duced at an adjourned l-el'alar meetiq of .the City CounoU of the City of Aua- . heim, held on the 29th'day of J~ly, U41.' and that the ....ame was paBIIed' .and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said City. CouDcll held on the 5th day. of AUgU80t, 1841, by the following. v,ote of the members thereof: A YES: COtrNCILM:~N. Pearson, Van W&go~er, Yunl'~luth, )lar~eDet Jr.~ "and' Sheridan. .- . . NOES: COUN~ILME;N. None. . ABSENT: COUNCILKBN, NOD~ . . And I further certlf7 .that the Mayor: of tile City of Anaheim' :algned and ap- proved s..id OmiaanC'e on the 6th. day. of AU8UBt, Uti. . . IN WITNESS WHEn.or, I haY. here... unto _t 111)" hand ~nd . aftlx:ed the' ..~al' of _id Clli' 'of Anahelll...tflls' 6th d&J" of. August, -l'U~ .' . 'Of CHARLES. E. GRIFFITH Clt:t . Clerk "of the- City Qf Ailabebil (SEAL) 1 ORDINANCE NO. ~~.5". 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI~ APPROPRIATING MONEY rOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES 3 4 '!'HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEI.l DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 SICTION 1. '!'hat there be and hereby 18 appropriated 6 to.r the flsaal year end1ng June 30. 1942, trom the General Fund 7 ot the C1ty ot Anaheim, the sum ot Four Thou.and ($4,000.00) 8 Dollars, "hio}l sum Ihall be used tor the purpose ot advertising 9 ihe City of Anaheim, and providing tor mus10 and promot1on w1thin 10 the sald o1ty, said money to be paid by direot1on ot the Qlty 11. Council of the City of Anaheim tor said purposes. 12 :: SECTIOR 2. The C1ty Clerk shall oause this ordinance 13 i" to be published once in the -Orange Oounty News, - a weekl7 newspape 14!~ published and oirculated in the 01 ty ot Anahelm, and shall take 15 etfect th1rty (30) days atter 1ta tinal passage. 16i! The foregoing ordinance was signed and approved by me 18 !; 17!! th1s 3th day ot August, 1941. !: 19 : 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27' 28: 29 Att..t: /c / "y , ;(~ (' //,. . ~ ~ 'Ta:ror ot t- e - 1;:r ot~nahefm "k~~~/~~"" ~rk ot the ---- - o-t n&he1m ....'1 or CALIFORNIA.) CIDUJrn or .ORAIICIE ) 88. otn or ANAHEIM ) I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk ot the City ot Anahelm, do hereby oertify that the forego1ng Ordinanoe wae introduced at an adjourned regular meeting ot the Clt7 Counoil ot the C1ty at Anaheim, held on the 29th dAJ ot July, 1941, and that the same was passed and adopted at an adJourn,d regular meeting of sa1d C1ty Council held on the 5th 4a, of August, 1941, by the follow1ng vote of the members thereot: . AYES: COUNCILJJlEN, Pearson, Van Wagoner, Yungbluth, Martenet. Jr. J and Sheridan NOES: COUNCILMEN, None ABSENT: COUNCILMEN t None 30:; A.nd I further oertify that the Kayor of the City of Anahe m signed and approved said Ordinanoe on the 5th day of August, 1941. 311: IN WITNESS WJIEREOF, I ha ve hereunto set my hand and 32 affixed the seal ot said C1 ty of Anaheim th1e 4th da ot Auguet.. 19 1. ..../ . .. .... . ~ . FRIIS & SCHUTZ ,i ;. ATTORNEYS AT LAW !i ':~.~~~~:. o~:~~;~~~~:c.. II TELEPHONE 3456 [I iI i! tl (SEAL ) /.