Resolution-PC 92-111,~~SOLUTION N0. PC92-111 A RESOLUTIQN OF TWE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(a COMMISSION THAT PET{'fION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMI7 N0, 3535 BE GRANTED WNEREAS, the An~heim City Planning Commisslon did recoive a verifled Petitfon for Conditional Uso Permft for certaln real propsrty situated In the City of Anehoim, County of Orange, Stafo of California, descrfbed as; PARCEL N0. 2, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 177, PAGE 47 O~ PARGEI. MAPS, !N THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGG COUNTY, CALIPQRNIA. WHERE/aS, the Cfty Plannfng Commisslon Uid hold a pubilc hosaring at the Civlc Center in the Ciry of Anahaim on September 9, 1992, At 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as raquired by law and in ~ac~i~danco with the provisions of the AnahAim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and considor evidence tor and agalnst said proposed conditional use ~ennit and to Invastlgate and mako findings and recommondations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, aker dua inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in Its behalf, and after due considoration of all evidence and reports otfered at said hoaring, does find and determine the following far.ts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one (or which e conditfonai use permit is a~~thorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.61.0~0.601 to permit auto rapa(r in a 3,132 sq,it. unit (n an oxisting industrial building and with waiver of the foflowing under the authorlty of Code Sdction 18.Of.080: Sections 18.0~„Q50.0212 - Min[mum number of q~rkin sQ oaces. i e,~~Q,O?,22 (~. requirecl; ,~.t axisting) 18,06.050.0 1 and 10•Gi.ons.oso 2. 7hat the parking varlAnce will not cause an increase in traHic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversoly affect any adjofning land uses; 3. That the granting of the parking varfance undor tho conditions imposed wlli nAt be detrimentaf to the poacQ, hoalth, saTety or genoral wolf~re of the citizens of the Cfty oi Anaheim; 4. That the City 7raitic and Transportation Manager has determined that adequate parking will be avaliable for the propos3d combined uses; 5. That the ~roposod automotive repair businoss is compatible wfth the existing manufacturing And storage uso3 at subJect location; 6, That the proposFxi use wiil not adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the growth and developmer.t of the araa in which R is proposod to be la:ated; 7. That the size and shape oF the site (or tho proposed use is adequate to allow the full development ot the proposed use in a manner not detrfinental to the particular aroa nor to the peace, health, satery, and genoral welfare; 8. That the traftic generated by the proposed use wlll not Impose an undue burden upon the streets and htghways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area; CR1605MS.wp -1. PC92-111 9. 7hat the granting of tho conditional use permit under tha canditlons imposod will not be detrimental to tho peace, health, saFoty and ganaral welfaro of the citizens ~f the City of Anahelm; 10. That tha Redevelopmont Commission det9rtnfned subject uso to bo oonsietent with the Redevelopment Plan; arid 11. That one porson Indicated his prosenr.e at sald public h9aring in tavor; end that no correspondence was recelved !n opposition to tho subJect petition. CALIFqpN~A FNVIRONMENTAI. ~LIA~~1Tf ~T FINOIf~: That tho AnahAim City Planning Commisslon has roviewed the proposal to permit auto re~alr In a 3,132 sy.ft. unlt in an oxisting industrial bullding and with waiver of tnlnimum number of parking spnces on an Irregulatlyshaped parcel of land corssisting of epproximately 0.78 acre located at the southwest camer oF Miraloma Avenue and Jeiferson Streot, having spproximate lrontages of 109 teet on the south sido of Miraloma Avenue and t85 feet on the wost slde oi Jefferson Stroe4 and further described es 1287 "C" North Jeffersuri Stroet; and does haroby approve the Negative Declaratlon upon finding that the declaration reflects the independent Judgerrent of the lead Agoncy and that it has cansidered the Negative Declaratlon to~ether with any comments receh~ed during the public review process and further finding on the basis of the initial atudy and any comments received that there is no substantlal evidence that the proJoct wlll have a sl~nlticant effect nn the em~ironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ that the Anaheim City Planning Ct~mmission does hereby grant subJect Petitlon for Conditlonal Use Permit, upon the following conditlons whlch ere hereby found to be a necossary prerequlsfte to the proposeci use of tho subJect proporty in order to proserve the safary and general weitare of the Citizens of the Ciry ~f Anaheim: 1. That prlor to issuanco of a buAding permit or wfthin a period of ninery (9(~) dnys from the date of this resolutiori, a traHic slgnal esseasmont foe equaling the dlNeronce batween 4he industrial ~nd aommercial as,aessment fees shall be pald to the City of Anaheim, in an amount as establlahod by City Cauncll. 2. Thpt plar~s shall be s~ibmittsd to th9 Cfty TraN(c and Transportatlon Manager for his revfew ~nd approval showing contormance with tha current verslons of Engineering StancJard Plen Nos. 436 and 602 pertaining to parking stanciards and driveway location. Subject property shall thereupon bo devoloped and malntained in conformance with sald plans. 3. That witTdn a periai of six (B) months from the ciate Af this resolutlon, all driveways shall be rec~onstructed to accommodate ten (10) foot radius curb roturns in contormance with En~ineering Standard No. t57. 4. That prior to h~andling any hazerdous ilulds, the petitionar shall obtatn all necessary permits f~om tho Fire Department. 5, Tha4 a Plan Sheet for sol(d waste storage and colloction, and a Plan for recyclfng shall be submitted to the Department of Maintenance for review and approval. 6. That no bannors or other advortising shall be displayed wfthin the automotive service bays iecing the public right-oF-way. 7. That tho owner of subJect properry shall submit a letter requestfng terminatian of Conditional Use Permft No. 2585 (permitting a recreational vehiclo upholstory shop in Unit A wfth waiver of minlmum numbor of parkinp spaces) to the Zoning Division. -2- PC92-111 e. '!h~t subject pmpert~r shall he develnped substantially in accurdanco with plnns and speciiications submitted to the Cfty of Anahe(m by tho potitioner ond wliic:~ plana are on lile with tho Planning DepaRment marlcvd Exhiblt Nos. 1 and 2; provkiecl, however, that the asslgnment of parking spaces shall be eliminated. J. 7hat prior to comme~cement of the activfty herefn approved, or prlor to Issuance of a bttflding permft, or whhfn a period of one (t) year from the date o( this r~solutlon, whichever occurs tirst, Condition Nos. 2, S arxJ 7, above-mentioned, shatl be cum~lled wfth. Extonslons tor turther time to compiete sakf r,onditions may be 9rantecl fn accordanco wfth 3ectlon 18.03.Oy0 of the Anatielm Munlcipal Code. 10. That prlor io Onal building ancf zoning inspectlocis, Conditlon Na. 8, ebove•mentfonod, shall be comMled wfth. •I t. ; hat approva ol this ap~lication constftutes appraval of the proposed request only to the extent that R compl!es with the Anahe:m Munlcipnl Zoning Code and arry other appllcr~Wo City, Stote anc! Fvdmral regulations. Approval dces noi Include any actlon or findings es to c4mpli~nco or approval 01 thA request rogsrdinp any ocher appl~able ordin~nce, rogutatlon or requfroment. BE IT FURTHER RESOWED that the Anahelm City Pl~nning Co!nmisslon does hereby Md and deterrt~ine that adoptlon of thls Resdinlon Is expressly pre~~cat¢d upon epplicant's c~mplience wRh each ard ell of the corxlMiona horolnabove aet forth. Should any s~u:h cotxiition, or any part thereoi, be decl:ired Imralid or unentorceable by the linal ~udgmont of any c rt of compotent ~urisd(ctfon, then this Resolutfon, and erry approvals hereM contalnEd, shall be deem~pld~ aixi void` THE FOREGOING F3ESOLU7I~N was ado the lann Commfaston meeting of Septemb9r 9, 1992. . ~i(,{if~~ . ~ 1-• CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIFA CITY PLAt`INING MMIS5~OP1 A1TE31': i - " ~/ ~ ECRE7qpY, IM CITY PLANNIh!(3 COMMISS~UN 5TAY~ OF CAUFOP.NIA ) COUNTY OF 4RANCiE ) ss- CiTY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janet L J~nyen. Sec~olary ol lhe Anohaim CitY F'lanning Curnmfsslon. du'-ereby ccrtNq that tho foregdnq reaalution waa pesswd e~ ~~~ v~lo d tho memrErs thoraM: I~y ~nMnti COrtlrttlSSiW1 hOk1 W1 3AptSfibOr 9. 1992, bY AYES: COMNSI$.°,IONEA3~ Bi:iSfOL. HENNIN3~R, MESSE, PERAIA, 7111'f, ZEMEL NOE3: COMMISSION~RS~ NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER3: NONE VACANCY: ONE SFJ1T ~~~ ~IN WITNES~ WHEREOF, I have h~unto s~t mY hand thts ,~,t-l. ~Y ~ ~~GLf~=~ ~~' ~~ ~ • ~ J , ETAfiY. Af~! F.I PUNNINC3 CdIdMISS10tr / ~, P(~2•111