Resolution-PC 92-112ncSO 1 TIJ UN NQ F~?.~,J3 A FlESOLUTIQN OF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(i COMMISSION AMENG{NCa CERTAIN CONDI710NS OF APPROVAL OF CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2029 WHEREAS, on iVovembt~r 5, 1979, the.lnahelm City Fianning Commfssion ~ranted Conditlonal Use Permft No. 202fl undor Resdutlon No. PC79-218 to permft a~i ~utomobile salc~s agency for a period of 5 years to expire on hovember 5, 1P84 on propeRy Ic~cated at the oouthwest corner ot Wilhelmfna ~treot and Analieim Boutevard, having approximnte froititages of 115 feet on th3 south side of Wilhelmtna Street and 200 taet on the west side of Anahoim l3oulovard, arxf funher described as 819~631 NoRh Anaheim Boulevard; WHEREAS, on May 1~t, 1984, the Anahefm City Planning Commission yrented a one (1) year time extenslon fo~ l:ondftlonal Use PvrmN No. 2029 (to uxpire on Nwember 5, 1985- with a condition that no tuAhar time oxt~.~siona would be allowed; WHEREAS, on June 26, 1984 the Ciry Cuuncfl, fdlowing an appeal, modiffed :he lirr~ et:tensfon to expiro on Navember 5, 1937 wilhnut condNions; WHER[AS, on October 27, 1986, tho Anaheim Cky Planning Commisslon gramad e six (8) month timo extension for ~orxliflonaf Usa ParmR No. 2029, to expire on April 27, 1987; WHEREAS, on AprN 27, 1987, the Plann!ng Commisalon (urther amended the prevlous time Ilmitatian (in connoctlon wfth RoaduNon No. PC87-97~ by granting an addfHonal 5-year ext9nsion ta c~~ra on AprU 27, 1992; and WHEREA3, safd Readutbn No. PCtl7-97 Indudes the Idlc~wing condRion of apprwel: 14. 'That tl~e uso fa permilted for a period ot live (5) years, to tarminate or- Apr~127, 1992, at whtch time thR appitcarri muat Apply tor e new conditional use E,e-mh.' WHEREr13, the petNloner I~as roquestc-d to delete safd Condition of arnmv~l peRe!~Ing to e tirt-e limnatfon d a cxe+rloustyapProved automobae aalea aQency. WHEREAS. the Ciry Pianniny Corrmiaaion did hokl a pubi~ twarinq at the Civic Center tn the CNy d Anehelm un June 29. 1992, et 1:30 p.m.. natk;o ol sald public ?tearlny hwvlnQ been duly gNen as required by law and in accoNance with the provlsiona ol th0 Anahelm Municipal Code, Chep.ar tA.0.1, to hear and conskler ovidance ta and upelnst sakl propoeed Amenclment and to kNestiflate and maka tN~dfny~ and re~~omrrwrxlo:bns ~~ co~Rx~ ~h~^ewlth; end that said pudfc hvorinp waa continued to ihe July 27 end 9oplAmber 21. 1992 Ptanning ComrrWssbn meetings: and WHEaEAS. saW Commfs~ion. a(ter duo Mapectfon, investf~albr~ end stucly made by Kt~eM and in hs behaN, arrl eRer due con~kferation d all oviderxe and reports d(ensd at sak! hearing. doas Nntl and detom~lra tr~o tatowing 1ac+s: t. Thet roc.~~ C.ode £nforcoment infspectbns indiCate th8t there ere no exl~ting Cat1e violatkxu ~n sub~oct ~ro~wry• 2. ThM snid Cocxlitlonal tnR pArmit ig belt~ exorCised in mAruter not dAtrimonfol te thA pertkdar aren and u~moundi:~ ~snd u~aa, nc~r to the put~uc pesce, health, saf~ty aM pene~i woNnro. CR16t0!~Afj.v-'P -1 • PC92-112 3. TFiat no one Indlcated thelr pr~+sence at said public hearing in oppositlon; and ihat no correspondence was receNod in opposltlon to the suCject petftlon. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMEN~Q~ALIT,' ACT FINDIIJG: Thnt the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to delote CondBlon No. 14 of Resolutlon tVo. PC87-97 pertaininp to a timy Iimftatlnn of a ~reviously-approved autom~bile seles egency s~nd ciuea heroby (ind that tho Negative De~laratlon prevlously approved in connoction with Conditlonel Use Pomift No. 2029 is odequate to serve a3 the roquired environrneMa! d~cumentation In connectlan with this requost. NOW, THEREFOF,E, BE IT RESOLVED thet tho Anahaim CRy Plannin~ Cnmmission dooa horeby amerKs Conditlun No. 14 oi Resoiutfon No. PC87•9T to read as tollows: '1a. That subject use is permitted for a perlod ut five (5) years, to oxp!-e on April t7, 1997; provided, however, that t(me extenslons may bo requested in c~nnactlon wlth a public hearing. if time extensions Ere approved, the uae may cuntinue !or tho addklonal specHied time." and, further, that the Planning Commission adds the fdlowinp now condRion: "75. 1'hat the petitlonor shail const-uct mir ndJacent to tl~e north and oast prope~h~ THE FORECiOING RES()l.U710N was SeptAmber 2t, 1992. ATTEST: /' /~,. ,~, , ._.~~ .. , ~~,S REfAHY, ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISuION ~" -' 3TATE OF CAIIFORNIA ) COUNN OF ORAN(3E ) ss. CITY ~JF ANAHEIM ) MIS"'ON I, Maryarlta Solorfo, Secretary ol the Anel~etm Ctty Planning Commisala~, do hereby cerlMy that Iha lorEyoing rasalutfon was passed and adoptad at a meettr~ o( the Anahoim Cfry Plann(ng Commissfon held on September 2t, 1892, by the fdiowing vote d the rr-~mbera thernd: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRI5TOL. HENNINC3ER, ME33E, PERA7A, TAIT, ZEMEL NOE8: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereuMO eut my hend thfa ~ 1', ' d~Y ~ ~~ab~ ,~. .~ ~~:~~~- SECA AR ~ ANAF~EIM CITY PLANNINti COMMfS.SION -2• POD2•112 Ehree (3) toot wkie lanclscaped piarrcers ;t/ntalning a !mum oi (Iva (G) treos.' at t~a Pla g Commisaton meoting ol . i'1 J.~w:f./.l.Gs~f ti.