Resolution-PC 92-115,.~.. ,gES~.~SZT..LQN N~.C.~?-. ~?~ A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FQR VARIANCE N0, 4197 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Plannin~ Commfssien dfd recalve a verifled Petitlon for Variance for certaln real praperty sftuated in the Cfry ot Anahelm, County of Orange, Sxata oi Californla desaribod as: 1.07 45 OF TRACT 3812, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN F300K 146 PAGES 1, 2 AND 3 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, h~ECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commissi~n dki hold a public hearing at the Cfvic Cent~r in the Cfty of anahelm oi~ Sopternber 9, 1992, a4 1:30 p.m„ notlce of seid public hearing having beon cJuly given as requlred by law and in accordance with tha provisions of tho Anahelm Municipal Code, Chepter 18.U3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance end to investlgate and make findings and recommendatlons in connectioii therewfth; and WFIER~AS, safd Commission, attar duo lnspection, investlgation and study made by ftsolf and In Ito behalf, end afte-• duo considoratlon of all avidence and re~-orts oHered at said hearing, does find ar~d determina the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers o( the following to permit the addlNun of 1 bedroom to each of four 2-bodroom units; (A) ~$EGTIONS 1~•O6.o=~00~ ~ }~nd 18.06.080 end 18,34.Of~¢,010 (B) ~'cTIONS 18.04.060,013 and 18.34.q63.0,'~,~ fvlUimum number af tzarkin~,.@pacas. (1~ requlred; ,~ existing) Minimum Inndsceoe recy~irements• 2. That the above•mantionecl waiver (A) Is horeby dpnied on the basis that the parking waiver w{II cause an increase in trattic conflestion In the immediete vicinity and advorsely atfect edJofning I~nd uses, and that granting ot tho ptarking walver wfll be detrimental ta tt ~a peace, health, safery and general welfare oi the citfzens af the Gity of Anahefm and could establlsh an undesirable preceden!. 3. That subject propeRy is doveloped in a loga~ nonconforming manner in torms of parking and is deilcient in terms of the current C~do requirc~nent, and that the pruposed 1,540 square foot additio~i consisting ot four budrooms would create e tuKher deBciency thoreby advoraely aNecting ad;ofning land ~isos; 4. That the above•mentionod waivAr (E3) is heroby denlod on the basis thet it was dole:ed totlowing public no~Hication; 5. That the atrict appiication oi the Zoning Code does not deprfve the subJact proporty of prNileges enJoyed by other {denticAlly zoned properties in tho victnity; 6. That there ara no exceptional or extmordfnAry cfrcumstances or conditlnn3 applfcable to the propenry Involved or to the (r~tendeci use of the property that do not apply general~y to ths property ~r class of use In the same vicinfty and zone; CR 1615MS.wp -1- PC92-115 .. . ,~~,, ~ ~ 7. That tho requostad variance la not necessary for the precervation and enJoyment of a substantial praperty right possessr~ql by other property in the same vicinity and zono, and denlecl to the propeity In questlon; 8. That the requested varlance would he matorlally detrimFntal to t~e public welfaro or in~urious to tho property nr improvoments In such viciniry and zone in whir,h tha property is located; and 9. That no ~ne Indicated thofr presence at sald public f~earing In oppositlon; and that no carrespandence was r~ceived In opposltlon to subJect petitlon, ~„ALIFORNIA ENVIRQNMENTAL QUALI,TY AQT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviawai the proposal for waivers of minimum number of parking spacos and minimum IAndscape require-~onts to permlt the addition af 1 bedroom to each of four 2-bedroarn unfts on a reatan~uiarly- shaped parcel of lend conaist~ng of apnroximat4ly 0.1a acre, having an approximate front~ge of 73 taet on the north side of Glen Avonue, having a maximum depth of approxlmsiely 105 ieet, being iocated approxfmately 790 feet west of the centerline of Euclid Scroet, and furthor described as 1705 ~~est Gien Avenue; and does hareby deny the ~legAtive Declaration upon find!ng that tho declaration retlects the indepsndont jud4ement of the lead agoncy and that It iias constdered the Negative Daclarailon together with any comments recelvec! during the publtc re~low process and turther finding on the basis of the inftial study and any cammentn receivod thnt there Is substantfa~ ovfdence that tho proJoct will have a significant effoct on the environmont. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ana ~~im Ciry Planning Comrnisslon doas hereby deny subJect Petftf~n (or Vari~nce on tho basis of the aforeme U findfngs THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was a pt at o P ning Commission meoting of September 21, i9J2. % _ , _ ` CFiAIRMAM, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING~GOIJIMISSION ATTF_ST: ~ ~~~B~lo~ ~r SFCR AR ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMiSSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY C~F ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commission, du heroby certify that tl~e foregoing resolutfon ~vas passod and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commlasion held on September 21, 1992, by the fallowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGEFi, MESSE, P~RAZA, TAlT, YEMEL NOES: COMMISSIONER3: NONE ABSEM': COMMISSIONERS: NONE 1~ACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNESS WHEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand tliis .~ day of ~~1LJCJ . 1992. ~„ /.~ ~ Q/'L(i1~LLJ SECRE'TA Y, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .2_ PC92-115