Resolution-PC 92-117~ A RESOLUTInN OF THE ANAHEIM CITI' PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION TEFIMINATING AU. PROCEi.DINC3S IN CONNECTION WITFI CONVITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3290 WHEREa-S, on July 2, 1990 tha Anaheim Cfty Planning ~ommisslon approved Corw~tional Use Pe~nft No. 3290 under Hesolutlon No. PC90-768 to construct a 10,825 aquare foot commerclnl retall center including 1,59~i square Ieet of iast (ood ama on proporry locaterl south snd wast oi the southwost corner o( Uncdn Avenue and Dale ,4venuo, having appraxlmete trontapea of 121 feat on the south side o! Lincdn Avanue and t t 1 ieet on tha wast side of Daie Avenue, er~d further dsscribed as ~Q04•2Biti West Unc~ln Avenue; WHEREAS, Raymond Taitord, represeMing property owner, has aubmitted a letter roqussting term~natlon of Conditional Use Permit No. 3290 to comply wkh the conditionn of approval of C~nditiunal Use ?ermit No. 3452. NOW, THEREFORE, D~ IT RESUWED that tho A heim Cfty Planning Commisslon does hereby termir-ato all proceedinga !n connoctlon wRh Condttionnl se Permft No. 3290 on the basla oi the toregoing findings. THE FOfiEG01M~ RESOLIliION was ad ~ Pla ng Commisaton meetin~ of September 2t, 1997.. . CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY~ IN(3 OMMISSION A7TEST: . ~ SECR _ AR~ ANAHEIM GTY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION STATE OF CALI~ORNIA ) CAUtJTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANANEIM ) I, MargArlte Solo~lo, S~~cratary of the Anehoim CMy Planninp Commisaf~n, do hereby t:~MNy that the (orego!np read~Afon was pasaed arxl edopted a! a meotfnb d tha Anaheim Ciry Pianning Commi:..b~ h~ld on Septembor 21, 1992, by the idlowinp vote ot tho memba~e tt-~~eol: AYES: COMMISSIONERB: BR13TAL. HENNINC3ER, MESSE, PERAZA, 7AtT, 7EMEL Nf3E3: COMMISSIONER3: NONE AB5ENT: COM~uIIS310NEA3: NONE VACANGY: ONE 3EAT /~ IN WITNE33 WMEREOf, i fu-v~ heruunto se1 my heM ttds ~! deY of c/(,~-u/t~ . 199?. ~ ~ _i~ ,,,,,~• SECR AaY, aHEIM G1Y PLANNCN(3 Ct)MM S.SII ON CR t 617M$.wp •t - Pf:92-11 T