Resolution-PC 92-118A RESOWTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITf PLANNItJ(i COMMISSION THAT PETITIQN FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3557 BE GRAfVTED WHFRE4S, tho Anuhefm Cibj Pianning Commis~lon dk1 receNe a veritled Patltlon (or Conditlonal Use PermK for certain roal property sltuatod (n the Cky of Anahetm, CouMy o~ Ornngo, State of Caiifom'a, desc-Ibed us: THE EASTERLY 2726'~ F~;E7 OF THE WESTERLY 1304.60 ~E~ qF THE SOUTH 667.78 FEET OF LOT 3 OF TRACT NO. 71, IN TFiE CITY OF ANAH~IM, COUNTY 0~ OFiANGE, STA1'E OF CAUFQRNIA, A5 PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 10, PAGt 22, OF MISCEUANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CdUM'Y RECORDER OF 8AID COUNTY. (SAID WESTERLY 1304.ti0 FEET 3FINQ MEASURED FRQM THE CENTERLINE OF PLAC~NTIA AVENUE, SHO` N ON SAID MAP AS AN UNNAMED ROAD). WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commisslon did hdd a pubiic hoaring at the Civia Centor in the Ciry of Anah6lm ~n October 5, 1992, at t:30 p.m., notice at sa(d public hearing havinfl been duly glvon as raqulred by law and tn eccorclance wtth the provisions of the Anahelm Munfciptil Cc~de, Chaptor 18,03, to hoar end caiskler evidence fai and apainst satd proposed condkional us~ permit ancl to Irnastipate and make itndings and recomrnendatlons In con-ioctf~n therewith; and WHEFiEAS, sald Commisslon, aRer due fnspoctfo:~, Irnestiqat(on and siudy made by fteylf atxi in its bAhalf, and aiter due consideration of all mridvnce arxl reporte oNered at aald hearing, doea flnd end determine the tollowinq fecta: 1. That th~ pro~sed use Is propo~iy one tor which n cc+ndNbnal uae pem:k is autho~lzed by AnaheEm iUtunicipal Cnde Sectlons 18.03.O:i0.O1Q and to permlt nn Indoor/outdoor vo!leyball club wlth acceasory usea inc~udlnfl a sAmi•enclose~ rc~staurant, niflM~lub with on•sale al~ohd, bllliards, fltness cent~r, p-ashop and indoor/o~ddxr conc9ssion aterxts, erid wlth waNer of the (dlowlnQ: 3~~n 18.81.028 - Parmitt outdoor u~Qg. Q(~ey~j cc,~rts and concos i~n atall~ nc~t a peRnltted outdoor use In the ML 'Indust-lal, Umitad' Zono; 2 cwtdoor vellevbal~~~yJ1h concsssloQ~,$ proposed) 2. That outdoor vdleybel! cotirts are an epp-oprlate outdoor recreaSbnral wu; 3. That there are apecfel dreurtu,lances appllcnhie to the properry con~~ting ot locatlon o-xf suROUrxlings, which do na apply to dher barnicalty zoned prapanles in the vfcinl~r; 4. Thet atricK appllcutton of ttx~ 2or.'n~ Code deprivss the proper~y of p-ivuo9os on~oyarf by other Exopertles ~mder fdeMical zoninp GasaHication in ti~e vkinity; 6. That the propo~J uso la propetly one for which e conditlonal uso pennH la atttho~frAd by tt-c Zonin~ Code; 8. That the proposed uso wA! nw c.dvo~ly eHect 1Re ad~anlnp land uaes and tt~ growth and davelopn~nt d tha ~rea In wh~h It Is propos~V to bo focatad t~cauw~ a recraMk~wf facN~y wi! compllmeM certaM e~cfating recreatfon we~ in tho Anehelm Stadium Businesti Canter (wch er. tho Anahaim 8t~dium and Arx~h~im Atena) and thet the salt d alr,ohd~ beversQes aixl the haus d op~~atlnn w91 ba pmNed In connactfon wkh sub~ect condAlonal u~e pQrmlt: CR:62~1ilS.wp -1 • P~;t~2-t 18 7. That the size and shape of the aite for the Froposod use is a~equsie to alluw the full development of the proposod use In a rnarner not detrimental to the pa-ticuiar ~rea nor to the peace, heplth, safery, and general welFaro; 8. That the tratfic generated by tho proposed use will not Impose an urvJue burd~n on tho s2reets and highways designed and improved to carry the traHic in the area boca~se the petltione~ has egreod to part~cipete In a shared parking arrangement wfth sunounding propertle^ during large scale sporting and othor events; 9. Th~t tho granting u( thls condftional use permit under the conditions impasod wiil not be detrimental to tho peace, h~a~th, ~toty and generai wolf~re of the cRizens of the City of Anehelm; nnd 10. That no one Indicated their presence st safd publia hearinp in opposftion; end that no corre~pondence was receNed In opposition to the subject petitlon. CA IFQRNIN ENVIfiONMENTAL (lUALITY ACT FINDIN~: Thet tho Anahelm City Plonnfng Commissiori has reviewed the proposal to permft an indoor/outdoor volloybali club with accossory uses includ(ng a ae~nl-encloued restaurant, ntghtclu'~ with on-saie alaohd, billf~rds, f(tnesa centor, prauhop and indoor/outdoor concession stands, and wRi+ ~raiver oi permkted o~ddoor uaea on a roctenqutarlyshaped Farc~l ot land cansisting of upproximately 3.82 acres, having a irontage oi approxfmotely 27.~ feet on tho north skJe o( Oran~owood Avenue, having a maximum deptti ol appioximately 810 feet, be(ng located approximately 1300 feet east of the cente-Iine d State College Bo~loverd arxl tuRher describnd es 2211 East Oranflewoad Avenue; end does hereby 3pprove the Negative Oeclara:i~n upon fi~dlnq that tha doclaratlon roflucts the Indopendent Judperr~r-t ot the load aQency and that R has con,~ldered the Ne~ative Decleration toqether with any comments recelv~S during the pudic review process and further 1(ndinp on tho basis of the inkial study end any comments rsce(ved that there Is no subst~ntlal evidence that tho proJect wlll have a slgnNicant elfect on tha amrlronmant. I~OW, THEREFORE, BE {T FlESOWED tP~At ihe Ar~aholm City Plenning ~omr~iissfon tiuo~ hereby yraM subject Petitlon (or Conditionai Use PermR, uper~ the Idlawin~ :ondRbr~s whlch ore horeby (ound to be a necesaary prerequ'site to the ~roponed use of the su~Ject property In ader to preserve the safety ar~d general w~fare ot the Cklzens oi tho C1y of Araholm: t. That sub~ect use Is yranted (or a perlod o1 Nro (2) years to oxpire on October 5, 1994; provided. however, that th~ petNfonor may requott extensbns o( time fn connectbn wHh Plbnning Commfsslon public hea~inge. ?.. 7hat tho reste~rant, ni~hiclub, billkrds facUfry, litneas canter, pro•shop arr~ concesafon ~tands at~a~~ be maintained as accesaory uses to the vdleyb~ll ciub. II the voilc~ybell club ceases to exist, sald ather uses shoft tom-Inate and shall not contlnua on the premir.~a. 3. 'fhat the operator o1 th0 vdieybe~~ club slnl! coordinate all roumament evente ~kh tha Event l',oontlnator for the Anahaim $ta~:ium in o-der to reducu potemlN trafilc end/or perk~r~g coro~estlon In tha area; and that the petitfonar/operata' e-u~~~ obtaln un annuai a~reoment thoreto (rom the Clry, as approved by ~he TraNic and 'frertsportetion Mana~er. 4. That e Plnn Siu:et ior aalid vnastA atorego and coltectlon, and e Pian for recycliny shall bp eub~itta! to the DepArtmnnt o1 Mairstanance for revfew erxl epproval. ,. Thet Iho d~ivewey w+ Oran~ewnod Avenua ahell be c.onstructecl wtlh fikeen (15) fooc radlus curt rotumx, es requkod by the CKy EnVfneer In confom-ence with Enylneerlnp Standard No. 137. g. That An on•sNd traath truck tum around area thnll t~e (xovWed, En confotmence with tnyineoring Standord Detafl No. 61U and ~s r~yulretl by lne Oepnrtrr~ent d Mafntonance. -2• PC~J2-11$ 7. That the legal owner(s) af aubloct property shall exeauto and rocord an unsuborcllneted covenant in ~}a~ approvod by the Clry Attomey's OHlce wherein such owner(s) a~roe not to contest tho f~rmatlon of any assessment di~trlct(s) whlch may hereaRer be i~rmed pursuant to the provislona of Aevolopment A~reemont No. 83-Ot betweon tf~o Cfry of Anahotm and Aruah~ebc Stt~ o~' hegrocordetl whlah dlatrict(s) coutd incl~de such loqal property owner's propsrty PY covenant shall then be aubmltted to the Zoning ONlslon. 8. That subJect property shall be develo{~od suhstenti~lly in accorciance wkh plans and spocNlcatfons p paRrno t mn ked Exhtbit Nos' 1~ hr4 gh 4~~,tuxcrept a otherwise aper,Hiod~n Condftion No~ I11 and 13, horeln, 9. That the propbrty ownor shall submit a letter to the Planning Dopsrtmant requasting tarminatlon o( Condftlonal Use Permft No. 2623 (to Gonstruct a 3-story buslnoss ~nd protesalonal Qillce bulidinp In the CR 'Commercial, Recroatlon" ~one). 10. 7hat, as reyulred by t~tie Anehelm Pdlce Department: (a) There shali bo no sales, service, or consump3fon aF elcohdic beverages In tho enclosstf outd~or srea ben-~aen the hours of mldnlght and 9;00 a,m. (b) The outdow area of tho business ~v~all be eccesslbld through thA intorlor ot the building only, except as o4h~rvvlsa required by ti~e Flre DepartmeM. During apeciat events, accoss to thls stationred et said enha ce to a sure that o al 4 dic tbeveroges a~~t~k o f om said outdoor aret+. (c) Conaumptlan of elcohdic beveragea In the outdaor arsn ahall be restricted to apectatws in the apoctator vlewinq area only. (d) Saies, service and consumption of alcohdic beverapos Insido the buNding shall be restricted to the bar, restauraM end spactator areas only. (e) 51gns shal! be consplcuousiy Waced ~~pon the premises i~onning ail patrons of th~s Above~ mernioned concfitlons (a) thr~ugh (d). t t. That plans shall be submftta! to the Plannlnq DapaRment for review and apprrnal~ ahow~rW acceptable dellvory truck ecceas to the restautaM. It may be necessary that an access easement be obtalnod irom the Clry ot Anahelm. 12. That, in the cvant the City finds that tho on•site parkin~ I~ not suliiclent, the petk4oner shall obtein adoquat• otf•s~te parkinq in e iocation acceptaWe to the Flanning Dep~rtmeM end U a furm and rtuanner acceptaWa to tha Ciqr AttomAy. t3. Thot any ireestand(n9 s~yn ahe~~ ~e ~ImRed to one (t) maxfmum Aipht (8) toot high monument sl~n. 14. Yhet prior to cammerremeM r~t the actNky heroin npproved, cr prfor to ~ssua--c~e ot 8 bu~~dlnq permM, whichever occurs Itnt, Conditfon or wRhln a per~od o( ane (~l Y~r Irom the date of th:s resdutbn, Nua. d~ 7~ 9 nnd 11. abov0•mentioned, shail be complied with. Exten~lans tor iuRher tlme to complote said condittons may be granted In accordance with Sectbn 18.03.0410 d the Aneholm Municipel Code. ~. PC92-1 t8 15. That prior to commencement of the activity heroin approvod ur prlor to flnai bullding and xontng inspectlons, whlchevor occurs (irst, Condition N~s. 5, 6 and e, etsove-mentioned, ahall be complle~ with. 18, Thot appruval of thls appilcation constkutoa approval ot the propcssed req~.iest anly to tho extent that R complles wfti- the Anahoim Muntcipal Zoning Code enc e,ny other appllcaWe City, Steto and Federal re~ulatlons. Apprcyval dc~s nut includo any accfon or Mdin~s As to uam~lfanco or appr~val of tho ~equest ~ogard(ng eny other app~icable ord(nance, regulatlon or requirAment. BE iT FURTHER R~SOLVED that the Anahei~r Ciry Planning Commla~lon does heroby flnd and dotermino thaE adoptlon of thia Re,wlution Is expressly preciicated upon appllcanYs compllence witf~ each end all of the aondftlons hArelnabave sot torth. Should any such condftion, or any pan thdreof, be declared Irnralld or unonforceabie by the flnal ~udgment of any co ot competont Jurisdictlon, then thla Resotutlon, qnd any approvals herein contalneci, shall be deem n li and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION wfas adop at;the an g Cemmissinn maet(ng of October 5, 1992. ,~ r ~ . ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAWEIM ATTEST~ i _ ~' ,, _ « . , `. SF~ CTARY, ANAHEIM ITY f~LANNING COMMISSION i ~ STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, JenAt L Jenson, Secretery of the Anaholm City Planning Cammission, do herety ceKMyr that the lorepolnp readution was passed nnd adopted at e meetiny oi the Anahelm Cfhl Planninp Commisslon held on October 5, 1992, by the talowing vote o( the members tharaoi: AYES: COMMISSIAhERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGER, ME8SE, PERAZA, ZEMEL. NOES: CnMMIS310NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS310NER5: TAI7 VACANCY: ANE SEAT ~- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve he!bunto set my hand this .~1~.~-.,1~ day o( l ~_.li~~i ;__ , tfa92. ~.1i;;,, /..,/- :~'. , ; : -~ - SE~ETARY, ANAHFI l:l'fY PIANNING GQMMISSION ; ; ,~- PC92-i 18