646 ST A Tg OF CALl)t~OR~ lA CO~~TY OF ORANGE RS. I. . ORDINANOE'.NO.646 I . 'A.N':ORDIN'ANCE '.GRANTING . A VARIANCE L . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES' OR- I DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That a petition has J been filed with said City Council i and referred to the City Planning I Ld.:mlmis~Lon requesting a variance I from the estabished front yard I aepth as determined by existing I buildings, according to Ordinance r No. 609 of said City, on the fol- '.Jowing described property located i in the City of Anaheim, County of I Orange, State of California; I Lot Foul'teen (14) in Block I " F of New Subdivision of I Vineyard Lot D-5 as shown on a map recorded in Book I' 1 '(, Page. 72, of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles Coun- ty, California, 1 which would permit buildings to be built so -as to provide a front ! yard depth of fifteen (15) feet in- stead of approximately twenty (20) feet as exist~ at P!".~sent; SECTION 2. That said City Council finds from a consideration and investigation of the facts and the' report and recommendation of . t.he City Planning Commission I that: . '. I ]. Special conditions do exist on I Lhe lot described and along all the I lots fronting on the westerly side I lof North Clementine Street lying '[ between West Charb~es Street and \Vest Cypresg Street. I I 2. That a variance is necessary' for the preservation and' enjo)r-I I ment of a substantial 'property ! right of thE: owners of said real I' ! property. 'I S. That the granting of such or- I~inancc will not be materially det- ! I rimentaJ to the public welfare, or I inj urious to the property or im- provements in the district wherein I said prop,rty is located. SECTION 3. That a variance i5 hereby granted whereby a front yard depth of fifteen (15) feet i:i established on all the lots fronting , . on the westerly side of North I Clementine Street between West . Chartres Street and West Cypress Street in said City, irrespective of the present front yard depth es- tablished by existing buildings. SEC1'ION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage Qf this I. ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed and published once in the Orange Coun~y News,. a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated! in said City, and thirty (30) da)9s from aud after its final passage it Sh:'lll take effect and be in full force. The foregoing ordinance was approved, signed and attested this I HJth day of August. 1941. CHAS. A, PEARSON, !tJayor of the City of Anaheim Attest: 'Charles E. Griffith I City Clerk of the City of Anaheim I STATE OF CALIFOR}JIA ) COVN'l'Y OF ORANGE ) S8 CITY OF ANAHEIM ), J I~ 'Charles E. Griffith, City . Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was int~odueed at a I regular meeting of the City Coun- ('it of, th~ Cit~r of. Anaheim, held on the 12th day of August, 1941, and chat tht:' same was passed and a- dopted at an adjourned regular nieetin~ of said City Council, held on the 19th day of August, 1941, I by the following vote: I A Y~:S: COUNCILMEN. Pearson, "~an W,a:on~r" Yungbl1:l~h~ Mal~te- ~ net, Jr.-'d""Sherldaft.. .. , INOES: ~~FN~ f.r~~.. . ABSENTr..AND NOT YOTING. 17COUN~EN~ N~ne~:' ",... '. I ..... . I . And" .i.":. further . ~ertJiy. ::ttlat.r the I"l\~ayor of':"'tiie . .~ity of ";'~ A~~ft~il!l . sIgned' a-'.- approved." :~~ld ';" O~l- nan('e' on<the 19th'.day: of. Aq'ilst, '1941. ".' '':':"..;.-.<.... ". ..... ';i:' . .. · '. '(.r~~ "i. . .. .. . . I.:h.~~~h_~t :_ll!~ ,.t" "fl~ed .t~e:.~.~.f)rP~~at~" '.seal. . .of ,~id .r.ty thIs"18th day,.of August, 1'- ,....'1, .'. . ,,- 1':City cl~~~Jt~'3~:;:eW ! , Q..... AT.. \ . Affidavit Of Publication ......,....... .i_~_._~_t!:_{~: ;i.i;J.~'~..." .._....... ot: said count).. being first duh' ~WQ.l'll. says-that she is a cit. izen of the United State.s. and of the State of C~lifornia. over ,the ng;e of e,ighteen year-s; that she has no interest in. nor is she a pa.l'ty to the matter herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper printed, pubitshed and I circulated in the, sa,id County of Orange. that sa,id ORANGE COUNTY XEWS is a newspaper of general (~irculation with a list of paid sub scribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local a.nd general news and intelligence of a general character; that It is not devoted to the interests or l"uhllshed for the enterta.inment of a particular class, profession. t l'ude, calling, race or denomlna. tion, or of any number thereof; that it has been Jprinted and pub- lished in the City of Ana.heim. COllnt)" of Orange. State of Cali- fornia for more than one year next preceding the first day of thE> publica-tion hereto attached: tha.t the Or.\tt.Xli~n~ ~__.:.;9 ~_. .!_~~_Q ___. -..............-........... ............ ....... ---............ -......... "....-....-.. -..-..-... .... --....... ---. ....... --....... -..... -- --.. --...- "''''-'''- .........--- --........... ..... -- "'............. -...-... ........... -....... -- ............... ............. -..... ...-...-.---.. of which the annexed is a printe'(l ('OPY. wa.s ,published in sa.id ,news- J)aper at least --...u-OllaB........h__. ('ommencing on the ----21_____ day of .--_.At.:~E;lJ..~.3:l___..____. 19__~~_., and ~nding on the u-u___._n.__h...____ day ot' __u. .---__n_h___..__..__. 19_...00.., and t.hat said ..u-.~_~:~..:.~~~~w.g9.~..nu_._. -.....-.~..-.--... was publis,hed on the following days: -. ..~~l& ~~:t~ ...Z.l"...lfl:~l.. _.._ _... _.. Sl?!!:!~~~=~=~~ me this h., _.~._~".__"____... day of ...-..U!--A1--~.~I:~.h... 1~9~<___. .' " . - "..-t1/.' .'- u....;....: __~~._~~~; '~ota 'fronting on the westerly side of North Clementine Street between Webt ~hartres Street and ~est Oypress Street in sald Oity. lrrespect-I LiV(' o~ the present front yard depth established by exlsting buildlngst 2 SECTION 4~ The City Glerk shall certify to the passage of l i ~ 3 -:'.";tl.S ordint::.noe and sha11 oa.use the same to be printed and published 4 5 ':~' ~;.,;'" ,=- 1 n the Ora.n~e Coun t~ E!:!!, a newspaper of general ciroula tion, .;,lti:1-ted.,. plt:llit3hed ;ir.~l cirou:;;.1ted in said City,,I and thirty (30) days :i: rem and after ita final passage 1 't shall take effect and be in full a 7 :force. 8 The foregoi!!g ordlnanoe was app:roved, signed and attested 9 :th: ti 19 th .. C.ftY of Au.gust, 1941. 10 11 ,/1 .r ~~t-;~-r~elm 12 13 :A.t test :~"... /.. ....'- . 14 'ioTf/t~*f~;~: Anaheim ......-. 15 :!STATE OF \JALIFORNIA< 16 ,iCOUNTY OF ORANGE < ';CITY OF ANAHEIM ;. as 17 I, Charles E. Griffith, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, 18 :;do .hereby oert.1fy that the foregoing Ordinanoe was introduoed at a 19 :T.egular meeting of the Ci ty Counci 1. of the 01 ty of Anaheim, held on J 20 th~~ l~.th day (;f AiJ.gus t;; 1941:0 and ths t the same was passed and adopte 21 I 22& tan adjc~ med l'egular meetintl of tlaid Ci ty Counoil, held on the 19t~ i .iic.~:' 'Jf August, 1941. 'by the followl.ng vote; 23 'A'~S: ~OUNCTLMEN,~ P~arson. Van Wagoner; Yungbluth, Martenet, Jr. and Sher1dan.. 24 25 !NOES: GOUNe I LMEN J None. 26 :~BSENT AND NOT VOTING: COUNCILMEN J None ~ 27 And I fur.ther (;ertify that the Mayor of the Oity of Anaheim 28 i$igned and approved said Ordi.nance on the 19th day of August, 1941. I IN ~TNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed I zorp,nate seal "f ~J9.1d City this l';lth day of August, 1941. ! I i , I ,..." · /' / ~-L' ~ .... .1,~~~K.~;ga -..-.. ~ Cl1\ty CVerk of the y of Anaheim. 29 30 thr. 31 32 'dEAL) "",'M" . ) I ORDINANCE NO. 6~ AI ORDIRANCE ORANTING A VARIANCE THE elf! COUNOIL OF THE eI!! or ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SEC~O. 1. That a pet1tion has been tiled w1th saId City CauDeil and referred to the City Planning Commiss1on request- 1ng a variance trom the estab11shed front yard depth as determ1ned 1 _~1.tlng build1ngs, according to Ordinance No. 609 of said C1ty, on the following described property located in the City of Anahe1m, County of Orange, State of California; Lot Fourteen (14) in Block r of New Subdivision of Vlne1ard Lot D-5 as shown on a map recorded in Book 11, Page 72, of Miscellaneous Records ot LOB An~les County, California, which would permit buildings to be built so as to provide a front yard depth of fifteen {l&) teet instead ot approximately twenty (20) teet as exists at present. SECTION 2. That laid City Counoil finds from a oonslder~- tlon and lnveltlgatlon of the faots and the report and reoommen- I I dation of the City Planning Commission that: I 1. Special condit1ons do exist on the lot described and along all the lots fronting on the westerly side ot North Clementine Street lying between West Ohartres Street and West Cypress Street. 2. That a varlance 1s necess,ry for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right ot the owners ot said real property. 3. That the granting of such ordinance will not be mater1ally detrimental to the public welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in the district wherein said property 1s located. SECTION 3. That a variance is hereby granted whereby a front yard depth ot tifteen <i5) teet 1s established on all the 1