Resolution-PC 92-125r° gE,,~Q~ ~I~ QN N0, PC92-12fi A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIAIJNINt3 C~MMISQION FINDING THE REVISELI PIANS TO BE IN SUBBTAtJTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH SPcCIFIC PIAN N0. ~30-0t WHEREAS, c+n March 27, t990, following Planning Cummfssion approvel, tho City Council, by Ordinance No. 5109, approved Spocitlc Plan No. 90•01 (permitt(ng aparoximatety 533,l~50 square feot of retall specc~, a 4,000-syuare foot aervice s:ation, a 33,OOU-square foot thoater, a 150•room hotel wfth a T,5U0- squaro foot freestanding restau-ant, arui a 240,000-square foot busi~iess commercfal area) wlthln tour Devolopment Areas of the Fastlval Specllic Plan on 85 ecres; ansl WHEREAS, SpecHic Plan No. 90~t (SP 90-01) Includes certaln zoning and development stnndard req~drements pertalning to specf(ic pem'~itted usas and development st~iuiards; and WHEREAS, the petitloner now requests revtew of revlsod site plans to inc~aase the bullding ares~ of D~!velopment Area 2 of S~cNia Plan No. 90-1 by 4,016 sq.h. and to redealgnate a portion of said f~ovAlopment Area 2 from 'home turnishinfl' to "genera! retail° usos wlth walver of minlmum number of parking spaces; and WHEREAS, ihe Clty Planning Commisslon dkJ hald a publlc hearing at the Civlc Centor In the City of Anaheim on October 19, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., nodco ot s~W public hoaring having baen duly gNen as roquirod by law Pnd In accordanco with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 19.03, to hear and conskier evidence tor and aga(nst sald proposed amendment and to inve3tigato and mnke firxlings ~nd recommendations in connaclion thorowfth; and WHEREAS, ssakl Commission, aftor due inspectton, !rsvastlyatlun and atudy made by Itsel( and (n Its behalf, and eRer due consideretlnn of all evidence and rsports otierod st sakl heariny, does tind and determine the tdlowing tacts: 1. 7hat Dovelopment Area 2 of ~hq Festival wes orfginelly deslgned to accommodate rotall uses, restuuriants, Ilnancial serviCes, depeRment staes and theaters, and the chnnpe ol use trom 'home iumishings' to a'home ImprovertteM center' or 'penoral retafl use' wfll have no adver3e Impact on the sfiopping center nor the surrounding and adJacent usos; and 2. That one (1) porson Indicated his presence at safd public hearing in opposRion; and that no conespondence was recaNed in oppoait~on to the aub~ect ~otnion. CAL~FQRNIA E[9yIRONMF~A~ n~a~TM ACT FIND(jy~Q: TFwt the Anahelm Clry Planni~fl Commissi~n has revlewed the Fxopostd to Increnae tha buAdiny srea of DovelopmeM Aron l of Spocmc Plen No. AO•t by ~1,Ot8 sq.R. and to redeslg~ato a portlon of saW Developmc+nt Area 2 hom 'home tumishinq' to 'general retal' uses wlih waw~~ ol minfmum numtser ot parking spacas on an IrrequlA~ly ~haped parcol o( land conststinp 4t approximately 85 acres locr~ted at the southwest comer of Senta Ana Canyon Road and Roasevelt Fioad, havinq epproxlmato Irontages oi 2,1701Ret on the ssouth sfdo of Sante Ane Canyon Road and 850 teat on the went sfde af Roosevalt Roed and fe `-~rN~ ~ O~clare lon up~- Are~ 2 d tha Anahbim HAis Festlval C~mer; and does hereby appmv flrxfinfl th~t the decieration reflecta the U~d~pandent (udQement M!he Icad agancY and that M Iws consfdered the NopatlvA Declarattan tc~other with any commgnts rec~Nod du~in~ the publfa revluw pnocess arxf iuAhAr Ilndinq on the basfs of the InRlal study arn1 any comments receNed that there iA no substaMia! evktonce that the pro~ect wNl havo a~nNicant eNect on the BnvironmeM. ~R 1639A~S.wp •t • PC82•1 ~'i r~~~ NOW, 7HER~FOR~, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does horeby iind the above-descrlbed r~vised site plans and uses to bo In subst r~ll~I .:onformance wkh SpecNic Plen No. JO.Ot. / THE FOREr,01NCi R~80LUTION wes October t ~, 1992. meatinfl oi CHAIHMAN, ANAHEIWI CITY PLANNINC's~NIM15SI0N ATTFST: ~ -%~.:%. ~' ~ ~ y SECRETARY, ANAHCIM CiTY PLANNIN~a COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. , CI1Y OF ANAHEIM ) , I, Ja~et L Jenaen, Secretary nf the Arwhefm Ciry Plannlnq Co-nmisslon, do heraby certify that tho loragolnq rasolution was paesed and adopted at a meeting of the Annholm City Plannlny Commission held on Octobor 19, 1992, by the fdlowiny vote of the membo~s thereoi: AYFS: COMNSISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT, ZEMEL ' NOE8: COMiNISSIONERS: NONE ~~ A68ENT: C~MMISSIONERS: PIONE ~. VACANCY: ONE SFJ~T ; IN WYt'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my Fiand this ,~,;.:~~,-.r day ot ,/ ,'~'. .' ~ 1992. , SECFlETARY, !,NAHEIM CITY PUINNINCi COMMISSION .p. PC92•125