Resolution-PC 92-126~4 '; ~SRE OLUTI_QfV N~. P -12@ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y f'LANNING COMMISSION THAT PETI710N FOR VARIANCE N0. 4201 BF GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahoim City Planning Commisslon dki roceive a verffled i'etitinn for Variance t~r certain real property situatsd In the City ot Anaheim, County of Orange, State oi Calffomla descriko~d as: PARCEL A: PARCELS t, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ANn A, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP N0. 90-160, FILEQ IN BOOK 255, PAGES 1, 2, 3 AND 4 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY PECORDE~I OF ORANGE COUN7Y, CAUFORMIA. WfIEREAS, the Ciry Planning Comnzission dld hold u public hearing at the Clvic Center in the Ciry oi Anaheirn on October 19, 1992, at ~,30 p.m., notlco of sald pub~tc hearinp huvinfl been duly given as required by law and tn acaordance with the provislons of the Anahelm Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and a~nsider evldenco tor and epainst satd proposed variance and to inveatigate arxJ mAke ilndings +and recommendatlons in connect~on therowith; and WHERFJIS, tt~id Cnmmisston, after due inspeutton, Investigatfon and study made by Itseif and In ita behalf, and aRer due consideration of all evidence And reports oHerecl at sald hsaring, do~s find and detormine the foliowing facte: t. That the petftioner proposes wafver nf tho inllowing to increase the buflding square tooW~o ai Dovolopment Aroa 2 af SpecHfc Plan No. 90-t (fhe Fegtfval) by 4,Ot8 sq.ft. and to redesignate a portlon of sald Developmc~nt Area 2 iro-n 'hnrne turnlshfng' to 'flonornl retail' uses: ,~gq,~~,,74.040.o7u - ~jpi_mum num,'~of oerkina snacss. 18 08.050.0,?~,Q (3.416 scaces required for 173,816 sq.ft. of ~qx040.C7o1a1 commercial uses; ,'},7~ pro~osed) 10 7a,oao.o7o(b1 ~,d i~.ososo 2. That Developmant Aroa 2 ot The Festival was origir~lly dealgned to accommodate retail usss, rostaurantn, financlat servlces, department stores end theaters, and the cha~~e of use irom 'home lurntshing3' to a'hom~ Improvement conter" c~r'generel retail' uso will not have an adverso impact on the 3hupping center or tho surr~unciiny and adJacent uses; 3. Thet the pa~Cing varience wlil not cauao an increese In tr~ilic congestlon m the Immedlate vlcfnky nor adve~ely aHect any adjoininq land uses; and that, basc~cl on the parking atudy submitted by tl~ petftloner, the Cfty Trntiic and Transport3tlon Maru~ger haa determined adequete pa-king will tx3 avallAWe ior the totnl combined uses In Developmem Aroa 2; 4. 7hat the granUng of the parkin4 varfance und9r the condit(ona Imposed wiil not bo detrfm~ntal to the pooce, hoalth, satey a general wel(are of t~e citizens of the Ciry of Anahe(m; arxf 5. That onp !1) p~raon indicated his pressance at safd publlc hoaring tn opposNion; end thsjt na corresporxlence wes roceNed in oppositfan to sub~ect petitfon. CR t f340M S.wp -1- PC92~128 ~ ' Fj+,r:~:A ~Fgn"~~~ CA1~lIROt~ti~N'fAL QllALllY ACT FINDIN~i: That the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon has revlewed the praposal (or wafver af minlmum number ot parking spacea to increase She bulldinq arna of Dovelopment Area 2 of SpecHtc Plan Nr~. 90•1 by 4,016 aq.ft. and to redesigneto a portion of sald Davolopment Area 2 irAm 'home fumiahing" to 'general rfltall" uses on an Irregula~lyshaped p~rcel of larxl consisting of appraximately 85 acres located at the southwest comer of Santa Ana Canyon Rosd and Ftcwsevelt RoAd, havin0 approximate fronts~pos of 2,170 feet on th~ south slde af Santa Ana Canyon Fioad and 850 feot on the west skJe of Roosevelt Ruad and furthor describod as Devetopmant Area 2 of the Anaheim Wills Fdstlval Conter; and ~uos hereby epprove tho Negatl~e Declaration upon ilnding that the dociaration rdtlects the Irxldpendent Judgement of the lead agency and that ft has considered tha Negativo Declaration tngethor with any comments receivod during the public revlew process and turthor flndfng ~n the basla oi the Inlt~l study and eny camments recdived thet there is no substantial evklenco thet the proJect wlll heve a signNicant eifoct on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cornmisslon does hereby grent subjeat Potition for Varianca, upon the following conditions which ~re hereby found to be e necossary prerequlsite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to proserve the safery arxl general welfaro of the Citizens of the C(ty of Anaheim: 1. That subject property shall be developed substarrtially In accordance with plens and apecNicatiu~~s submitted to tho Ciry of Ananeim by the petitfoner and whlch pians are on file with the Planning Department marked ExhlbR Nos. t and 2. 2. That prior to flnal buildiny end zoning inspections, or wlthin a period of one (1) year from the date af this rasolutlon, whichever nccurs flrst, Cun~ttlon No. 1, above-mentloned, shall be complied with, 3. That loadinp and unloading hours shail be Ifmfted to 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturclay end Sunday; provlded, however, B a dHterent or edditlonal loading area (than shown on the approved exhibits) Is selected, the loading and unloading hours ahail be the same as prevlously spocified In the SpecMr. Plan. 4, That approval of this appilcetlon constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that R complies wlth the A~ahelm Munlcipal Zoning Code and any other applicable Clty, State end Federal regulatlons. Approvel does not include any ectlon or 8ndinps as to compllence or •approval of tho request regardlnp Any other epplicabla ~rdinance, regulatlon or requfrement. SE IT FURTNER RESOLVED 4hai the Anahefm Clty Planntng Commission does heruby flnd and determino that adoptfon of thls iiesolutlon Is expressly predicsted upon appticant's campllance with esch and all oi the condltlons t~ereinabovo set loKh. Should any uch condition, or eny paK thareoP, be decinred Irnralbl or uneMcrcoablo by the iinal ~udgmont of any ourt oi competent Jurlsdlction, tlien thla Resr~lution, end any approvas hsreln contalnod, shall be dee ed ~ull and void~ THE FOREGOINa RESOLtl1'ION was~pted t the la ~g Cammisslon meeilnp of Octobev 19, 1992. ~ • ~~~ ~ ~ . ~/ /A~.s~w./I 'V ATf EST: SECREThRY, ANAHEINI CITY PLA~INING COMMISSION ANAHEIM -2- PC92-126 ~,,:w~„, a,tiuy STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) rGUNTY Or OFlANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ja~et L Jenson, Secrstary of the Anahoim Clty Pianning Cummlaslon, do hereby certify that tfie foregaing resolution wea passed and adopte~! ae a mooting of the Anahelm Clry Planning Commi~ston hold on October 10, 1992, by the fdlowing voto nf the m~rt~be-s thereof: AY'ES: COMMISS~ONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COiNMIS510NERS: NONE ABuEN'f: COMMiSSIONERS: NONH VACANCY: ONE SEAT IN Wli'NESS WNEREOF, I have hareunto se: my hand thi~ ;' ~•~ day of _/; <<.',_'~~~~~~.~ _~ 1 ~J92. ~~'^ v:'~' 1 ~. • --' /,' ~ ~ i. ',.._. SECI~ETARY, ANANEIM Ct1Y PLANNINC COMMISSION i ;' ~ i t ~ ~ ,~- PC82-128