647 1 ORDINANCE NO. 647 2 AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND LEVYING A. PROPERTY TAX ON ALL PROPERTY ~.VITHIN ~HE CORPORATE LI~:ITS OF !rIE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE FISCAL 3 YEAR 1941-1942. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 5 SECTION 1. That there be and hereby 1s fixed and levied 6.. a oroperty tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of Eleven cents, thre 7 and six thousand nine hundred sixty-four ten thousandths mills 8.. ($00.1136964) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assesa8 9 valuation of Rll real and personal property within the corporate 10 limits of the City of Anaheim, for the ordinary annual expenditure 11 of said city. 12. 13 14 1..:J :.6 : 17 l.8. ~9 ;" 2J . ~:.J. 22 23 SECi}.'I(JN 2. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of one cent, five and s1x thousand ninety ten thousandths mills ($00.0156090) on each One Hundred (~'~100. 00) Dalla..'s of the ass essed valua t10n of all :real find personal .;:Jroyerty wi thin the corporate 11m1 ts of the 01 ty of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territorie1 as described and a~proved b,y ordinances numbers 395, 423. 435, and I 456, for the pur90se of paying the annual interest of the 1ndebted1 I I i i I I ness of Baid city, incurred for the extension and improvement of the city electric light plant, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. SECTI. '.N 3. That there 1:e and hereby 1e fixed and levied 24. a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of three and two 2~j .: thousand six }lundred nineteen ten thousand the mills ($00.0032619) 26 on ea.ch One Hund.red (~~lQO. 00) 'Dollars of the assessed valuation of ~2?: all real and ~)e""sonal "9ro"pe:?'~ty vri thin the corporate 11m1 ts of the 28 Cl ty of .l\.nahe im, exce';:)t only the property wi thin the annexed 29; territories as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 30 423, 435, and 456, for the purpose of pay1n~; the annual interest 31 of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the 32 acqu1s1 tion and constru.ct1on. of add! t10ns to the 01 ty electric FRIiS & SCHUTZ 1. ATTURNEYS AT LAW '-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDO. 11 NAHEIM, CALIFORNIA ! TELEPHONE 3456 :1 ~ 1., light plant, together with one-twentieth (1/20) of said 1ndebted- 3. 2 .; ness. SECTION 4. That there be and hereby is fixed and lev1.d 4; a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of fourteen cents 5 . (100.14) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed 6. valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate ? limite of the City of Anaheim, for the purpose of maintaining the 8 . public library of said city. g. 10.. 11 12 13 14 ., ... .L:J 16 17 18 . 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 2r; . o..J . 26 27 .: 28 . 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATTORN EYS AT LAW I 402-404 BANI< OF AMERICA BLDG. I ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA Ii TELEPHONE 3456 I ! II SECTION 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a property taX for the fiscal year 1941-1942 ot three cents, tour and five thousand four hundred th1rty-five ten thousandths mills (100.0345435) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars ot the assess. valuation or all real and gersonal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territories liS described and approved by ordinanoes numbe+ 395, 423, 435 and 456. for the 0u~pose of paying the annual inter~ I I est of the indebtedness of said City of Anahe1m, incurred for the! purpose of the acquis1tion of a sewer farm and the construction o~ a sewer system, together with one-fortieth (1!40) of said lndebte~ ness. I SEC'l'ICN 6. That there be and hereby is fixed and levie~ a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of three and one \ thousand eight hundred seventy-six ten thousandths mills ($OO.003~?6 on eaoh One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation o~ all real and personal property within the corporate l1m1ts of the l City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri tor1es as described and approved by ordinances numbers 395, 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of oaying the annual interest of the indebtedness of sald city, incurred for the purpose of the acquls1 tlon of fl~e a~paratus for saId city, to;;ether with one-!ortleth (1/40) of said indebtedness. 2. 10 11 12: 13. 14 15 16 I? 18 . 19 20 ("~. 1 .::.- ..L 22. 23 :' 24 .: 25 . 26 : 27 28 : 29 : 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAw 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 1: SECTION 7. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 2~: a property tax tor the fiscal year 1941-1942 of five cents, six and 3; four thousand eight hundred eight ten thousandths mills (800.05648 ) 4: on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of 5 all real and oersonal property within the corporate l1m1ts of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed terri- tories as described and.. app"roved by ordinances numbers 423, 435 an 456 for the purpose of oaylng the annual interest of the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of acquisition and completlo by the City of Anaheim of a public park, together with one-tort1et~ (1/40) of the said indebtedness. I SECTION 8. That there be and herebw is fixed and levied I a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of four oents, one an1 two thousand two hundred one ten thousandths mills (100.0412201) on each One Hundred (~.llOO. 00) Do11a-'s of the assessed valuat10n ot 6 7 8 9 all real and personal 9rooerty within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, e~cept only the nroperty within the annexed terrl~ I tories as described and &"Oproved by ordinanoes numbers 423, 435 an~ I 456 for the ~urpose of oay1ng the annual interest ot the lndebted- I i I ness of said oity, incurred for the purpose of acquisition and ! cOlU::;letlon by the City of Anaheim of a building tor municipal uses, together with one-thirtieth (1/30) of said indebtedness. I SECTION 9. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied I I a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of two cents, six and I seven thousand eight hundred ~hlrty-nlne ten thousandths mills I ($00.0267839) on eaoh One Hundred (~100.00) Dollars of the a8ses8e~ valuation ot all real and. personal p'roperty wi thin the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property within the annexed territoriES as d.escribed and approved by ordinances number 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebtedness of said oity, inourred for the purpose of the acquisition, construction and completion by the City of An~elm 3. 1;; of additions and improvements to the water works of said city, 2:: together Vl'i th one-twenty-f1fth (1/25) of said indebtedness. 3' SEC~ION 10. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied 4< a ~roperty tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of one cent, s1x and 5: four thousand eight hund.red e1p'hty-one ten thousandths mills 6' ($OO.0164BB1) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed 7' valuation of all real and. perso!"'R.l property wlthln the corporate 8.. limits of the City of Anaheim, exceut only the property wi thin the 9: annexed. territories as described. and approved by ordinanoes numbers 10; 423, 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of 11 the indebtedness of sald city incurred for the purpose of the acqu - 12 sition and construction of additions to and extensions of the sewe 13. sy.tem of said city, together with one-thirtieth (1/30) of said 14 1b 16 . 17, 18. 19 ~. 20 . 2.1 22. 23. 24: 25 :. 26 .: 27 :. 28. 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ I ATTORNEYS AT LAW ;1 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. 1'1 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 II II 1ndebtedness. i 1evie~ i and on~ I i I SECTION 11. That there be and hereby is fixed and a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of four cents, thousand five hundreo ninety-three ten thousandths mills ($00.0401693) on each One Hundr7'~d ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate limits of the City of Anaheim, except only the property described and approved by ordinances numbers 435. and 456 for the purpose of paying the annual interest of. the indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of the acquisition, construction I I I ! I (1/40) of said. indebtedness. r S~CTION 12. That the'~e be and hereby is fixed and lev1e a property tax for the fiscal year 1941-1942 of rive cents, and I i and completion by the City of Anaheim, jointly with the City of Santa Ana, of a Jo1~t outfall sewer, together with one-fortieth eight thousand one hundred nineteen ten thous&ndths mills (100.0508119) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Do11ars o~ the assessed valuation of all real and personal property within the corporate llm1ts of the City of Anaheim, except only the property 4. 1:, ~1th1n the annexed territories as described and approved by 2 :. ardine,noes numbers 435 and 456, for the purpose of paying the annu 1 10 11 12 13 . 14 "' ~ ..L ...... 16: I? :. 18: 19 . 20 ~~1 22 23: 24' 25 :. 26: 27 28 29 FRIIS & SCHUTZ :i ATTORNEYS AT LAW 11 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. il ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA I TELEPHONE 3456 II II J 3;' interest of the indebtedness of said c1ty, incurred for the purpos 4:. of park improvement, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said 5" indebtedness. 6 SEC'-~"ION l~. That there be and hereby is fixed and levle a property tax for the fiscal year~41-1942 ot two oents, and thre thousand two hundred forty-seven ten thousandths mills ($OO.020324 ) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the assessed valuation ot 7 8' 9 30 . all real and uersonal property within the corporate limits of the 01 ty of Ans..helm, except onljr the property wi thin the annexed terr1 tor1es as described and. approved by ordina.nce numbers 435 and. 456, for the pur~ose of payin~ the annual interest of the 1ndebtedness of ssld. 01 ty, 1ncurred for the purpose of the 00 mplet10n of the C1ty Hall, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said indebtedness. f\"C':'ION 14. That there be and hereby is fixed and levie1 a property tax for the fisc&l year 1941-1942 of eight cents, one i and two thousand nine hundred ninety ten thousa.ndths JI1lL1s I n~oo. 0::312990) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the aBsesse~ valuation of all real ana. personal property within the corporate I i llnalts of the City of Anaheim, except only the property with1n j I the annexed terr1 tory as deser1 bed. and appr'oved by ordinance 1 No. 456, for the puruose of paying the annual interest of the I I indebtedness of said city, incurred for the purpose of Joint sewer I construction, together with one-fortieth (1/40) of said lndebtedne~s. SECTICN 15. That there be a.nd hereDy is fixed and 1eVle~ a ;;roperty tax for the fiscal y.ear 1941-1942 of five cents, six H.nd one thousand three l1undred thirty-eight ten thousandths mille ($00.0561338) on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of the aseessed valuation of all resl and personal property within the corporate 11~ite of the City of Anaheim, except only the property 31 32 "'''1 thin the annexed terri tory as desert bed and approved by Ord1nanc No. 466, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the In- 5. 1 debtedneas of said city, lncurred for the purpose or extens10ns 2 and improvements to the water works of sald city, together with 3 three one hundred tenths (cIllO) of sald indebtedness. 4 SECTION 16. The City Clerk of the City of Anaheim shall 5; certify to the passage of .this ordinance, and cause the same to be 6 published once in tl'1e "Orange County News, II a newspaper of general 7 c1rcul&tion, printed, ?ubl1Rhed.and circulated in said city, and 8 therefrGn~ and theree.fter the same shall take effect and. be in full 9 force. 10 The foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted Qy the 11 City Councl1 of the City of Anaheim, on the-2-day ot September, 12 1941, and. wa.s signed, a:oproved and. attested by me this-2-day of 13 September, 1941. 14 15. Mayor a! theCn,.- of -- na:Gi; L- 16 17 Aif1rES'l' : 18. 19 /-' --~ '.~ t/ '1 of Anaheim 20.. r"'" ...., 21 :. 22: 23' 24 '. 25 I. 26. 27: 28 ;~ 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ A.TTORNEYS AT LAW "0~-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 1 srrAI~!..'E OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF Al~AHEIM ) I, CHMtLES E. GRIFFITH, C1ty Clerk of the City of 8S. 2 3 :' 4~: Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was 5,. introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City 6 of Anaheim, held on the 26th day of August, 1941, and that the 7 same was passed and adopted at an adjourned regular meeting of said 8. City Counoil he~d on the 2nd day of September, 1941, by the 9 following vote: 12 Councilmen (jJ~~tai~_~#-~ Councilmen t. ~ . .7 AND NO'I' VOnNG: councllmen~ ~~. And I further certify that the Mayor of the City of Anahe1m signed and approved said Ord1~Ance on the 2nd day of NOES: 10 AYES: 11 ib September, 1941. j .1 I I I , I I I .."'1 BSENT 13 14 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF"' I have hereunto set nlY hand and 17: affixed the oorporate seal of the said City this 2nd day of 18 September, 1941. 19 21 : ~o1~elm 2C ' 22 23 ;~ 24 :: 25 .: 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCH UTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 40~'404 BANIC OF "MERIC" BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 Affidavit'7 Of Publication STA T}i~ OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. '. _ _. ..J4.,.~..}~r.~gl~~___.__.______..__ of said county. being first duly sworn. says-tha t she. is a, cit. izen or the United State-s, and of t he State of Ca.lifornia, over the age of &ightee-n yeal's; that she haR no interest 'in. nor is she u party to the ma.tte-I' herein mentioned; that she is the pub- liRher of th~ ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a weekly newspaper printed, J>ublLshed and I circulated in the- sa,id County of Orange, that sa.id ORANGE COUNTY X E'WS is a newspaper of general l'ir(~ula.tion with a list .of paid sub scribe'rs, and is published for the 11 issemination of both loea.l and ~eneral news a.nd intel1igen~e of a general character; that it Is not devoted to the interests or :'ilhlished for the entertainment of a particula.r class, profession. t lade, calling, race or denomlna. lio-n. or of any number thereof: that it has been lprfnted and pub- lished in the City of Anaheim, County of Ora.nge. State of CaU- l'ol'nia for more than one year next preceding the first day of th() publication ,hereto attached; I ha.t the Q:rd.~~~.n~.~_.HQ_~__ .~~1. _... ..... -... ~......... -......... ---.. ....- ..........-. ...-.. --""' ----......--.........---... -..... ~........ -.... ..... ........... .......... ----...... ..-- ----- .--.............-....... .... . .. .. .. ... ... ... .. ... .... ... ....... .. ... .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..... ... .... .. .. .. ....... .. . .... .. .. ...... '". of which the annexed is a printe'ft l'OI;Y, wa.s ,published in 8.3,.1<1 .neW8- fiilp.er at lea,st .---...9X~Q~..........._. ('ummencing on the .--~~.b... day or .....~.epteIJ..ber... 19.4.lu' a.nd PHeling on ,the ....__.._.....__.....___ day nl' .-.....---_.u...__.. 19......00, and that said oo--....Qr_dL"'lang~......... -. '---.'. .-.....-. wa.s published on the following days: .. . ...... ~ .... ........................---.......-....-................ .. S.ept.emb.er...4-J....19.41..____u . ))i;F~:'E;;;;:;J?;t::::: Subscribed and s:~r7::~~~re me- this ..--..-..___........_...00.. day of - _....... - __.. ..__ ____.._00_ __.. 19__....... Notary Public. THURSDAY, SEPT. 4, 19'1 :..:l"~~ ..... ...:~l':'...,;.'~:.~ . -- LEGAL NOnCE - :.' . '-.~. : ~. . . .",IJ..~E ~. 647 AN .ORDINANCE FIXlNG ANI,. LEVYING A PROPERT'i: TA' OM ALL PROPERTY WI.THI TRB CORPO&A.TE LIMITS 0 TBI: CITY OF ANAHEIM FO ~~ '~AL .YEAR 1941-19 :~s~~lo .^ h~~~ci .~:\:~~ :; ..^ ,r; erty tax fo-r the fiscal y-.r 1 .. 1942 of F.;leven cents, three .. six thollsand nine hundred sixty', four ten thousandths mills ($00.- 113696.) .on each o.ne Hundred ($tOO.o.q) DQllars of the assessed val~ation .()f all real and pel'sona] propertJ' within the corporate lim- Its".~~ ~~'..Cit.y of Anaheim, fO'l" the ordInary annual expenditures oi said :.cit;r. "SECTION 2. That .there be and hereby: is. fixed and leyied a prop-' erty tax for the fiscal year 1941- 1942.; " ~ one cent, .five and six thou.and ninety ten. thousandths DJills ('00'~0166090) on' eaeh One . Hundred $100.00) Dollars of the asses..~d'. .valuation of all real and pe~sonal' property withhi' the cor~ tpo~te l~its, 01 the ..Qi" of '~a- h~..,e~"p~. only. tlje';,:.' PrOP8rty withm:.'tke annexed WMtorlas '~'as . deseribed '.aD~ approv.8dl..by. ,ordi... nances D~mbers 395, 428, 43.5~ 'and 456, for the purpose of paying the ann.~.!I i.nterest of the indebted- ness: . o=t'~~d .city, incurred for the exte.on and improvement of the city- '~ijie 'light plant, tOJtether' _ wiUl ....fortieth (1-40-) of said "'- ?..- il\.....ess. . . ~ LEGAL NOTleE _ " : LEGAL NOTICE _ SHCftON 3. That there' be and I he~y hi'fi.ed and levi;d a prop- ,(Continued) (Continued). ertt'~"for the fiscal ~ear' .1941- Ia~eby is fixed and levied a prop- tor~. as described Hnd approved hy I 11~~ of three and . w,Q' thousand eny:: tax for the fiscal yeal' 1941- ord~na.nce No. 456, for the pU'rpo~e ! 8~' ~Il~ nineteen' ten thous- 1942' 'of two cell~, six and seven of paYIng the annual interest of Lhe . an_" :mills ($00.0082tI19) on t.houl:8n~ eight hundred thirty-nine inde:htedness of said city, ineurreJ ~or th~ Ilurpose of joint sewer eQn. ea4h One Hundred ($100J)O) Dol.. ten. thousandths miJls ($60.;0267. 8~ructlon, together with ol1e-f()l~- lara:of the assessed valuation of 8S9- on. each One Hundred $(100.- tietb (1-40) of said ind{'btednes..~. : 'all ........it personal:" property 00.). 'Dollars of. the. assessed val.. ! . ~ :,the corporate ~ts .f the uatlo~ of .~11 . real and perso!lal. SBC~IO~ 15. That tia~t'c be and! . City.' of Anaheim, except only the property wl~hIn the corp.orate Iam- hereby IS fixed a~~l It'vlPd a prop- ; PI"O'Perty within the annexed ter_jlts of the City of AnahellD, except ~rty tax f~H' the fl~("al ~'cat. 'H.t 1. . ritories ai described and approved only the ~ro~erty wii-hin. the an 1942 of fIve cents, l'lix and on.(~ by ordinances numbers 395, 423, nexed terntol~les ~s descrIbed and L~ousand three hundl't..fl thirty-' 43&, and 466, for the purpose of 8!'Pro,:ed by or~ln~nces numbers el2'ht ten tholl~andths mills ($00.- ,JlaJing the annual interest of the 423, 4.~5 and 456, II)}' ~he purpose 0561838) on etl\.'h One Hl1llf.:l!'~cl . indebtedness of said city, incurred of p~Ylng the annual. I!lter~st .of (*100..00) Dolbl':o; of the asses~ed . for the. purpose of' the 'acquisition the .}nd~btedness of saId CIty, 1Il- valuatIon of all t'eal :tnd J)(~rso!lal and construction of additions to ~u~.ed for the purpl~se of the ac- l"'roperty withir. the t'\Jrl)ot'at(' HIll- . the city eleeb'ic light plant, to- qUI~~tion, cons~ctio.n and .com- It~ of the City of Anaheim, exc(~pt .-ether \flth on,~-twentieth (1-2{)) plet.l(~"', IU~ ~bf'( CIty of Anahelnl of only the property within thE~ ~!n. of said indebtedness. ~;ddIhons and ImprovementR to the ncxed tel'riti)t'v c.1.:-: de....el'ihc..d and' . I watm' works -of said city, together appro,:,"ed hy OrdiJlntH't' \'"1). -LiH,' B.ECTION 4. That there be and with one-t\Vcn~y-fifth (1-25) of for th.e purpo~e of p~)yin,~ th~ ~'n- : 'hereby is ~ixed, and levied a ,prop-I said indebtednes8. . nual .1nterest ~lf tht~ inclf.~htedn '.';:S ' ,my tax for the fiscal year. 1941~ ;, :-f :SaId cit~,., in~ul...ed for tJH~ pl1r- ! ,1.942 of fourte-en cents ($00..14) . SEC~IO~ 10. Thclt there be and' pOse of exten.non:; and imprO\'i.?_ f -9n each One Hundred ($100.00) l~ereby IS fIxed aI~~ lev~ed a pro~- n;.flnt-.~ to tIlt' wah~r' work.. Ot :.; dd : .Dollars of the asscosed valuation crty tax for the flStal yeu)' 1!J41- CIty, togethel' with UP't._H. 1J1li.' h" ri- : p~' a~l real aud persona,! property ~94~ of oD.e cent, ~ix ~nd foul' drerl teIlth~ (3-11fl) Ill' Srtid ir"alt.,:;!-; ;w~thln the cOrp!)~'Lte Ihait3 of th\! I thousand ~.Ight hu~dred eIghty-o~e ne~~, ! ~lty of AnaheIm, for the purpose. tell thousandths uulls ($00.01648.. SEe :of maintaining the public library 81) on each One Hundred ($100.-' .' TI~N 16. The City Cl~~'k of Ii nf said city. . '. ()~) Dollat.s of the assessed valu- ~he CIty of Anaht~jm :-;hall cE'J'tifv . · ;! atlOn o.f a.ll real aud personHI prop.. to the passag-e of this orc.linanc~. l "', SEC~IO~ 5. That t~el'e be and erty WIthin t.he corporate limits of and c~u~~ the ~ame to be published I ~~reby IS! fixed an~ levled.8 prop.. the City of Anaheim, except only ,once In Orange County News," a i ...y tax for the fIscal year 11141-. the property within the annexed n~~8paper o~ general CU'Culation.,' lr42 of three cents, four ~nd f~ve' territories ~'\s dC::lcribt.d and ap- p.nnt.~d, pubbs~eQ and. cif'culated. ~ou8and four hun~red thlity-flve proved by ordinances numbel's In saId CIty, and tIV':f~f"l)rn and i .~n tho'usandths nl111~ ($00.0345- 423. 4a5 and 456, for the purpose thereafter the samE' ;:,hall tnk~ ef- I (36) on each One Hundred ($100.- of paying the annual interest of teet and he in full f01"("," 1 00). Dollars of the assessed val.. the indebtedness of said city ill- Th ~atl(m of all l'eal and pel'~ol1al cUITed for the purpose of.,the ac-" e for~oi!\g ordin':i11 t.'(' was Ii : prop.erty within the cOl'porate lirn- quisition' and constrnctfo6': of ad- .P&~sed. B.nd adopted by ':he City i~ of the City of Anaheim, .~xcept clitions to and extens.ions' of the Counel} of the Cir.:v- of . \ naheim. 'f?iily the ~rop,;erty within~ the. an-, sewer sy~tem of :~aid cih., to~:etheI' .o~.the 2nd .da;v of September, 1941, . nexed terrItorIes as descnbed and '\;th rone-thirtieth (l-.aO) of said ~nrl was. Sll'lleti,. a!lprov(~d anti at- approved by ordinances: numbers indebtedne8s. .. ' Wed by me thIs 2nrl day of Sep- ~95, 423, 435, a.hd 456, for the !.cmber, 1941. .@qrpo'se of paying the a~al- in- i ~E(r~IO~ 11. Tha.t t~ere.' be':.&Ild', CI" "" terest of the indebtedness 1>1 said' hereby IS fIxed and leVIed a prop- -I:"'ld. A.. p~~ \ RSON ! City of Anahehn, incurrll4fo.r the erty tax f01' the fiscal year 1941- .>1, ,:,11,. .~~~~f 'tll;:i;:.:m j ..li~i~:~;.i~~::a;,:~9~~;fO]fg~:. '~~ ": ~'~~:., ~~itl . . ,>, . . 1. ,'- . .'WitlilWttt~~ :liDl"" ..^ I'~RNIA) ::: ~... :~. -t;ttJtv~ ~~. 'ex~~.~ .N~._ q.ltfO~'lG~~ ) 88 . o .,' ~ .~~ed and a ': ;'.;".' . - ~. AJli4.lfStl\l J . ... Ii. numbe1~ 49 ' .~M "'.r -'c : -'1. :':'" 6. ..:'.... ~~~pose of PI. .~~ .: BJlES'~, GR'fJ~FJ1'H, I~~_'.o~ the 1 J .:.' ',. · ~~....t~e-_?Ity o~ .-\nab,eirn.. . '> ~~'i*Y, IDC~!~~. '. ~~." .' 'y~.!t~t tne fo~o- __ " .,< ~ 'llcqm.s,t1 - ; . .I~' Intl'~duepd at a '~ ..; -. .;' ~ - '- :~~m!l~!~l!ln ... ~*~,' ~ ;' .the Cjt? Coun-. ~... :~;t {.;~~~~oii;. ~.tj~~~~,~~3::::1 .aa" ~~...." . ~.-.., .~.-9(,sald .t1ldeb.~..:. . . .~e~ a~'-:.__.!n&nce. ( ..;...."'.:... ,,::. Q1i~..r.:... '"'"-_L ... _ };. .. ..:.:J. ~.. .;;:,.._" . - _~IA .........,__ -t!. ~_ l.Jlin~. race 01' denumtna. of any nurnbpt' thereof: .1a~ hee.n ;printetl and l)ub- :1 thf'o City or Ana,heim. 1)1' Or'a.nge. Sta t.t~ of Cali- f(:!, morc- than OllP. year f:>C"E'dinF; thf~ fin;1. day or )Ikation hereto atta('hed: ~.: :~: ~P..-:;~. . ~ ~~ .e ~~t '(~"/ t lu.:. annf-xf'l l~ ,I !1i'inteH it.';;; published in :".1 ill .t1P,w=,,- t. li"' a.s 1. .;~ ~.~.!: ~~.; ,elll~ on tlw .~.~~ :.'. day .1;:l.:!,...er~.~er... l"..'::.~._. and '~ll the .. day I!, and 1 ifi ... ....ur_ct.~.~.i'~;_~C.~i wa.s publi~hed on th~ 112, days: ~l<'i~;;~"l~;.,.En~._:J..J" .J.~._';t;A-. ....... ~..:.:.)i:~z;... ilH~d a.nf! Mworn to hefore ~ rlay of 19 . ~"ll(1ry Public. hc:i~, .e~cept-' -;)~ly-- th~".J p";o;;;~ Wlthm' the annexed territories as . described and approved' by ordi..... nances numbers 395, 423, 436, 'and 456, for the purpose of paying the annual interest of the indebted- ness of said city, incun'ed for the exten~ion and improvement of the city electric light plant, tOA'ether' with one-fortie~h (1-40) of. said '~ indebtedness.' , SBCTION 3. That there be and hereby is fixed and levied a prop- (Continued) (Continued) erty tax 'for the fiscal year 1941-.. h~eby is fixed and levied a prop- tor~. as d~ribed and approved by 1941 of three and two thouand erty.. tax for the fiscal yeal' 1941- ordlna.nce'. N~. 456, for the purpose six · hun~e4 nineteen ten thous- 1942 of two cents, six and seve,n ,!l paYlnr the annual interest of the andths mills <$00.0032619) on thou~nd eight hundred thirty-nin~ lude:htedness of said city, in~urred each One H'undred (4!100.00) Dol.. ten thousandths mills ($eO~0267- '(or th~ ,urpose of joint sewer C'lD. · s~ructlon, together with one-for- lars 'of the assessed valuation of 83~ on each One Hundred $(100.... tieth (1-48) of-~id indebtedne&o\. aU real and p~rsonal property 00-). pollars of: th~. assessed . val.. . ~1\ the corporate limits .f the ~atlon of ~11 . real' and penonal SEC~IO~ 15. That tJ~ere be and City of Anaheim except onl,. the property wIthIn the corporate lim- h;:eby 1.8 fIxed and lev'led a Pl'OJ>- pro'perty within 'the annexed ter- its of the City of Anaheim, except e y tax f~ .the fisca! yeat. 1941- l'itories as described and approved I only the prO'perty whhin the an 1942 of fIve ce.nts, SIX and on(~ by ordinances numbers 395 423 nexed territories as described and .L~ohsand ~hree. hundred thirty- 486, and 456, for the pul'P~se of a!'Proved br ordinances numbers ell' t t~n :~~.ous.and~hs mills ($00.- paying the annual interest of the . 423, 4~5 and. 456, f\)f ~he purpooe ~:~~g~:J): D eac.h. One Hnlldl'~d I indebtedness of said city, incurred of p~Ylng the annual. 1!lterest of 'v I ti'. \)lll~.r_s of the asseSRed . for the purpose of' the acquisition ~he .lnd~btednesa' of. saId ,city, in- ~; ua on o.f ~l l'eal and pcrso!lsl and construction of additions to ",u~'T.e~ for the purp~se of the ac- '~Ro::;r:[ W1~1I~. the. cor~orate lun.-: the city electric light plant, to- qtll~~tlon,. const~etlon and ,com- "o~lv h e CIty of An~h~ln1, except gether 'with on,~-t\37entieth (1-20) plet.~~ll. Ql ~h~ ..PIt}!: of AnahelDl of. .. t e p~operty wlthnl, the ~m- of folaid indebtedness. ~~ddItJons and, Improvements to the .ncx-;d ~.~~orv:.. ~s deSCrIbf.'d and I w~ter works of said city, together .ap~o~ed by OrdInanct; No. 4;i6, SECTION 4. That there be and wlth one-twenty-fifth (1-25) of fo~. th.e PUrpose.," of .paYln~ the ;~n- hert-by is fixed, and ievied a ;prop-I said indebtedness'. ., .nual ..n~rest. of the indebtedn~ss .erty tax for the fiscal year, 1941~ . . ..'.. , . 'of saId .C1o/, In~ui::.red for the pl1r- ,1.942 of fourteen cents ($00.14) . ~EC~IO~ 10. 'rhat t~ere be and PO~f. o! e.xten~nons and improve- on each One Hund.red ($100.00) nete.~r 18 fIxed an~ lev~ed a prop- Il}.pn.f; ,,0 the watp.r workH of said Donar~ of the assc;osed valuation ert~ tax for the fISC~1 year 1941-. CIty; together. v,ith thre~ one h;!r.- ,of all real aud persona,! pr~)perty 194~ of on.e cent, SIX ~nd foul' .:Ired tellth~ .<3-110) of said inde~.lt- within the COl'flO::f\tc lhait.;,; of the thousand e_Ight hun~ed eIghty-one lle~s. City of Anaheim, {or the purpose, ten thousandths mills ($OO~OI648.. SECTIO . ' . . of maintaining the public lihra'ry 81) on .each One Hundred ($100.- the C't lNiti. RT~e C~ty Cl~!'k of of said city. . . O~) DanaI'S of the assessed v~lu- to th I Y 0 na elm. shall .cE~rtify . . .atIon ~.f a,ll real and...personal pr9p.,' e passag~ of thIS ordln~l}ce, . SJ~~C~IO~ 5. That th.ere be and (';rty wIthln t.he corporate limits of .and C:~US,~ the sa~e to ~e pubhshed hareby IS' fIxed an~ leVied a prop-- the C~ty of Anaheiin, except only one~ In. Orange :County News," a I ert~ ta~ for the fIscal year 19~ 1- the property within' the annexed :~~~paper o~ general. cIl'culation, I 1942.0f th.ree cents, fou'~ ~nd f~Vti.. terrItorIes .as de~cribed and apo.. P~t!d~.. Pl!bhsh~~ and. eirclllRte~ thousand four hun~red thIrty-fIVe proved by ordInances numbers $Iud city, and' thd~.ef!"om and'. ten thousandths mIlljo; ($OO.OJi5- 423. 4:.15 and 456, for the '.purpose t),.ereafter the same shall take ef- 436) on each One Hundl.ed ($100.- of paying' the annual interest of f-act and he in full for<,e. 00). Dollars of the a~sessed val- the in~ebtedness of said city iQ- .: .Th' f' ." . . uatum of all l'eal and pel'~ollal curred for the pur.pose of the ac- . e Or~olng O~dln~l1Ce was 1 !>roperty wi~hin the COl'~Ol'ate lirn- q~~sition' and construction' of ad~ '.~~-:eil" :ijan;. thdOb~d by '~he . C,ity Its of the Clty of An~h<<:Im, (~xc~pt (l1tI.ons to and ex~~nsions of the .on'" ',2' ':t de. t gY .of Anahelm, only the ~rop.erty wlthIIl. the an- sewer sy~tem of ~ai4 Cit}~, together ~.nd.:::,e. n . ay 0 eptember, 1941, nexed terrItorIes as descrIbed and with rone-thirtieth (1- 30) of saiCl "te-st~~i: slgne1:,. up'proved a.nd at-. aPP'cove.d by or~in~nces. numbe~_ in_debtedne~s. ' _ tember .~~~ thIS 2nd day o~ Sep'- 395, 428, 435, and 456, for the.... .; .' _.... '.: ., . purpose of paying the annual in- SF.;('~IO~ 11.. That there be and ',- tercst of the indebtedness or said hereby IS f1xed and levied a prop-.., '-.;-~f' CHAS. A. P.h~-\RSON City ol Anaheim, incurred fo.l' the erty' tax for the fiscal year 194'1-..;. . 'fayor of-.th.:! purpose of the acquisition of... a 19.42 ~f four cents, and one tho~:' '. Cit.y of Anuh~';m sewer farm }) nd the conBtruction ::and fIve hundt'eft n'illety-three tijn. A '1'T}4~S'r: of a sewer Ky..,tem, tog-eth.er with thousandths. mills ($00.040159:J")' ~"'''98. E. Grift:.ih, on.e-fortieth (1-40) of said indebt- on each On{.a Hundred ($100.00) fti1y,clerk of th~' edne.is. Dollars' of the agsesse.d valuation.. .tity of Anahem"i. of all real and personal. property J. - . SECTION 6. That there be and w~~hin' the corporate limits of the STAT'E OF CALIFORNIA) hereby is fixed an~ levied a Pl")I)- Cuy o.r AnaheIm, except only the COUNTY OF OR.\NG~~ l ~~ ~~.ty tax for the fIscal yea:..' 1 ()41- property described and anproved CITY OF A~'AH.EIl\-f J .....942 of three and one. thousand by ordinances numbers 4~5, aud ' eIg~t hund~ed seventY-SIX ten thou- 456 for the purpose of payin~ the ~)_ CHARLES !i:. GRfFF'rrH sanilths mIlls (,$OO.003~8!6) on nnrlu:d intere~t of the inch~btf'tl-. mtY~I~ of tht~ ''-~ity of ..\naheim' each One Hunihcd ($100.00) Dol- . nm~s of ~aid city incurred for the do ~~Teby certH~)1' t1rlt t' f ' lars (,f the assessed valuation of all nurpose of the' acqui!o1ition con i.::'Ordininee wa. intl ~e o:frego- (C t. d __________-.r.,-"'" ~eal .a~d per~o~la! prorerty ",itbin .~t.ruction and ~om~l~ti~n b~ th; .r\~!a~ meeting of .th(;"jCjl;'~f'C:: ~ on Inue ) the COl. poraLe lImIts of the CIty of Clty of l\ naheml, JOIntly with the . ....;; l:,,, . '. . . -'-'" · n I . A~a~mrn, except only the. .pi'<<?pert~.. City ~f Santa Ana, ('f a ioint out- . c:JI o~...tlte (,~~y of Atla~.;l11., hdd on i\i And I furthe~ certIfy that t.he ~lthl~ the a~lnex~1 ten'itorles 8;8 fall sewer, together with one-for- t~(: 26th da~. of A,tiflllU, ; !J41. :' nd J;. ayoJ of the CIty of .Anahel~ aescl'tbed ana approved by oJ.'dl-. tieth (1-40) of said indebtedness. td,at the saJV was passed and :'\_, slgne andh approved saId I Ordl.. llanCt~:; numbers 895, 423, 435 and . ~pt~d at an ..Ldje'UI1u:d re u1, n&nce on t e 2nd day of Septem- 456 ,for the purpose of paying the SEC~IO~ 12. That t~~re bt4 a~d lneetul~ of sftkt Cfty 'Coun("ilgh~i\l~ I ber, 1941:. ~..nnual interest of 'the indebteu- hereby IS f~ed a~~ leVIed a prop- ~n the .2nd day ('f 8<~I)tembl'r Hl- IN Wl'rNESS WHEREOF I nC&J of said _city, ill<:u~~ed for the e~ tax ~or the f18Cal y~ar 19"1.. ...1, by the following vote: ,.. hall' ' pUI'p(J~e of tue ItcqUIsltIon of flre 1942 of fIve cents, and eIght thou- 'AYE . . > . e hereunto set m.y hand and af... a..ppal'atus for said city, together ~and one hun~red nineteen te1?'" S. CouncIlmen Peal'sOl'., Yl1ng- fl~ed t~e corporate seal of said with on~-fortieth (1-40) of saId thousandths mIlls ($00.0508119J bluth, Van Wagoner, Martenet J1' CIty thIS 2nd day of September, indebtedness. on e:lch One Hundl'c.d (~1.00.f~(l.\ NOES: COUNC . . 1941. SECrl'ION 7. That there be and ~fonil~ of, the. asses!';ed valua'~~ol~ . .' ILMFN, None. . CHARLES E. GRIFFITH hereby I.a fixed and levied a proll- U 'tha.l ~al and personl.al. property ABSENT, AND. NOT VOTING. CIty Clerk of the . City of Anaheim il'I ~ W! In l:Ile corporate Im1t~ of the . Councilmen .Sh 'd' .. (SEAL)' . .' erty tax for the fiscal year 1941- CIty of AnaheIm, except: only the erl an. 1942 of .five 'cents, six and .four property within the a::nexed ter-, · thousand eight hundred eight len ritories as described and allPI'oved . -thousandths millg ($00.0564808) by ordinanr.es numbers 435 "'~atid" .on each One Hund'red ($100,fH)) 456, f~r t~e 'ptlrpsoe nf -r:.win~ tl1(~ 'Dollars o.f the. assesSed valuation 'innuul 'intere~t . of the . indebted:. of all real and personal 'properLy ness of. ~aid city, incul':'.'ed for the, 'within the corporate limits of the PUfl'o:::e of park im'prmwcrnent, to. City of Anaheim, ex:eept only the ~ether with one-fortieth (1-40) of 'pl'opertY..within the annexed. terri- Kaid indebtedness. -tories as described and aDproved "'by ol.dinances nunlbers 423~ 435, SECTION 13. That there be and .and 456 for the 'purpo~e Qf pavin~ hereby is fixed and levied a prop~.' the annual interest of the indebt- erty tax fOl' the fiscal yea}' "1 !).\ 1- edness of gaid city,. "incuned for 1942 of two cents, ,and three tlwu;.... . the purpose of acquisition and. sand two hundred forty..;seven ten completion by the City of.. Ana- thousandths mills ($O'O.02032~17) heim of a public 'Park, together on each On~ Hundred ($100.(,0) wit1t one-fortieth (1-40) of the' Dollars of the assessed valuation said indebtedneS8. of all real and personal property' within the corporate limits of th~' SECTION 8. That there be and City of Anah{.im, except only the hereby is fixed and leyied a p~oper- propp.l'ty within the annexed tel'- ty taK for the ,fi.seal yea,r'1941-1942 ritories as described and approve!) of four cents, ~ne and two tltouPRTld by ordinance numbers 4B5. 'and two hundred one ten : thousandths 456, .for the purpose of rayin'~ t.hf'. mills ($OO.~0412201) on. each One an~al 'interest of the' incfebted~' llundl'ed ($100.()O) I ~llurl: of th~ nf:'ss cf 'said city, incul'red for fhr. asses~ec1 valuation of all real and ~':Ut"posc of the flom-pletion of t.h". }lel08onal property with.in tbe. ~or- Cit:\r Hall. to~etbe1" with ol1l'-f01'- poratE' limits of the alty of Ana- tieth (1-40.> of ~aid indebtedn(~~~. hehn. exee.pt' onl1 the. ,n.eperty SE CTION' 4 T' within the. annelted t8..iTit$:ries ali..,... . . :..1. hat t~ere be and deseribed and ,approve4. by' ordi.r r-.f>reb~r IS Ilxed and levled a rll'rm na.nces numbers 4~3, 435 and 45~ erty tax for the fiscal.)rear HJ41- for the purpose 'of paying the an~ lH42: ~f eight cents, one and t.wo n';1al )lltl!rest. of the in~ebtedn<.'s9 thousand nir. kundred nin~ty ten ,.., ~aHt Clty, I.n~l!l'!:ed for the pur- tt..ousa~ths mUls. ($OO.0812i';HH)) I pORe of acqu~8ltton and c.om:plet- ?n ;8ch One Hund.~ed ($100,00) lO~ ~v the CIty ~f. A.nahelm of a a tolU\T8 of the as~e~ed' valuatirlli .'11:~:lp!1!' ~':;~ llnll"~,~'~al. ~J~E:'~, tn- vf ~tll }'eal ~nd pe!'~c>nal prnpprty! LECAL NOTICE LECAL _"tICE _