Resolution-PC 92-131. {M ': IJJIt.. A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY F'LANNINa COMhAISSION TIiAT PE7ITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT td0. 3559 BE GFtANTED WHEREAS, the Anahelm Clty Planning Cammisslon dld rece~ve a ve~ifled Petftion far Condittonal Use Permit (or certaln real proporty sftuateci In tho CRy of Anahelm, County of Orange, State oi California, described As: PARCEi. A: PARGEL 1 THAT PORTION OF TWE WEST HALF OF TWF_ WEST HAL.F OF THE SOUI'HWEST ~UARTER OF Tl1E SOIiTHWEST QUAR~'ER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE t t WEST, IN TWE RANCHQ LOS QOYOTES, IN THE ClTY OF ANRHEIM, COUNTY OF OiiANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOQK 51, PA~E 11 OF MISCELLAN~AUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUN7Y RECARDER OF SAIO COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUThlWEST CORNER OF SAI~ SECTION; THENCE NORTH 0 DEG. 12' 15" WEST 765.00 FEET ALONG ThIE WEST LINE THEREOF; TWENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 31' 45` EAST T26.91 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF TWE EAST 105.00 FEET OF SAID ~ST HALF OF THc WEST HALF AND THE TRUE POINT AF BEGINNING; 7HENCE NORTH 0 OEG. 11' S6' W~ST 140.01 FEET A~.ONG SAID WE3T LINE; THENCE NORTH 89 DEG. 31' 45" WEST 188.52 FEET TO A POINT ON A CIIFiVE IN THE EAST I.INE OF BEACH 60ULE1/RRD, AS DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO THE STATE OF CAUF6RNIA, fiECORDED IN BOOK 1093, FAGE 534 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, aAID CURVE BEING CONCAVE WESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 258~.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 83 DEG. 17' 42' EAST; THENCE SOUTHERLY 140.68 FEET ALONC3 SAIp CURVE AND SRID EASTF.RLY LINE TO A POINT WFIICH BEARS NORTH 89 DEG. 3Z' a5' V~iEST FROM THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEC3. 3i' 45' FJ1ST 176.40 FE~? TO SAID TRIJE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHCREAS, the Cfty Plannfng Commission dfd had a public hoaring at the Civic Contor In tho Clty ai Anahuim on November 2, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., natice of sf.~id pubtic hearing hav{ng boen duly givvn as required by law and fn ar,cordance wfth the provisions of the Anahofm ~Aunfclpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evkience tor end agatnst said propused conditional uso permlt and to (nvestigate and make iindings and recommendatlons In co~nectlon thorewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter duo Inspection, investipatlon end study made by Itself and in Its behali, and akor due consideration ot all evidence and re~iorts offered at said ho2ring, does flnd and determine the following facts: t. That the proposed use Is properly one for which a conditlonal use Rermft is a~dhorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectfon to establish nn auto service and tire Instaiiatton tacilky (W(nston Tire). 2. 1'hbt the pmposed use is properly ~ne for which a conditional use permft is authorized by the Zonfn~ Code; CR1649MS.wp .t. PC92•131 3. That the proposed use will not edvArsel~/ affect the adJolning lan-.i uses and tho growth and development of the area in whloh It Is pro~sed to bo located; 4. ?hat tho size and shape of the sfto for the propasod use Is a~equate ta allow the fuli devel~pmant of the proposed uoe in a manner not dotrimontal to tho particular erea nor to tha peace, he~lth, sefery, and general weliare; 5. That the traffic generated by tho proposed use wfll not Impase an undue burden upan the streets and highwmys designed and Improved to carry the traffic in ths area; 6, That the grantfng of tho conditlonal uso permit undor the conditlons Imposod wlll not ba detrlmental to tho peace, hoalth, safety and general welfare of tho cltizeno oi th9 Clty of Anaholm; anci 7'. That no one Indfcatod thelr presence at ;~aid public hearing In oppoeftion; and that no correspondence was received In opposltion to the subJect petltlon. ~A I,jLFORNIA ENVIRONMENTA,j~.gl~ 1~LI_TY AC7 FINDINO: That the Anahelm City Plannfng Commission has revfewod the proposal to 9stabllsh an auto service and tire Instellation facility on an irregularfy-shaped parcel of land conslsting oi approximately 0,56 acra having a frontage of appvoxlmately 145 feet on tho east slde ef Beach BoulevaM, having a m~ximum dopth of approximateiy 188 fest, being iocated approximatoiy 770 feet north of the centarllne of Lincoln Avonue and further desc~lbed as 222 North Beach Boulevard; and does hereby approvo the Nagativo Declaretlon upon iinding that the doclnratlon reflects the Indepondent fudgement ot the lead agency and that it has consldered the Nagative Declaratlon together with any comments rocelved during the publlc revlew process and further flnding on the basis of the inftial study and any comments ~aceived that there is no substantlal evidenco that the proJect wlll havo a signiticant eNect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORC, BE IT RESOLVED thet tho ~nahefm Ciry Planning Commissfon does hereby grant subJect Petitfon (or Cpndittonal tJse Fermit, upon tho following conditiono which ere horoby found to bo a necessary prerequisito to the proposed use of the subject property In order t~ preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. That a fee tor streot Iighting purposes shall be paid to the Cfly of Anaheim based on tho length of street trontago along Beach Boulavard in an amount as established by Cfty Councll resolutton. 2. That plans sht~ll be submitted to the City Tra(ilc and Transportation Manager for his revlew and approval showing coniormance wfth the latest revigl~ns of Engineerinp Stanciard Plan Nos. 436 and f,02 pertainfng to parking standarcls and driveway IocAtions. Subjact property shall thereupon be develo~ed and mafntained in contormance wkh said plans. 3. That no outdoor storage of, display of, or wark on vehlcles or vehicular parts shall be permitted. 4. That no banners or other advert(sing shall be displayed tn the servfce bays facfng the public right-of-wAy. 5. That subject property shall be developed substentially fn eccordanco wfth plans and spacfficat(ons submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitloner s~nd which plans are on iile wlth the Planning Departmer~t marked Exhibft Nos. 1 and 2. 6. That the petftloner shall submi: tandscaping plans to the Planning De~artment tor revfew and approval by the Plannin{~ Commissfon as a'Reports end Rocommendations' kem on a regular Commission meeting agenda. The landscape plan shall show the speciflc !andacaping (plant speclos, numbers, sizes anc~ spacing) Adjacent to Baach Boulevard to screen the parkin4 lot and the proposecl servicing ~ctivitles (as rrtay be visible to pessfng !raHic). Sak! landscaping sht-II thereafter be instal~ed and malntained as shown on the approved plans. .p. PC92-t 31 ~. That prlor to tlnai bullding and zoning Inapoct~ons, the freestending pole algn ahell bo reducsd tp a monument sign not to exceed eigM (9) toat 1~ helght. In the evant that the catenant on the propeRy doea not e4roe to auch reduction, an altemate slgn ~lan agroed•upon by both tenarns shail be nubmftted to the Planning Commisat~n ~rfor to iasuanca of a buNdinp pormlt, for ttieir revlew end epproval as a Report end Recommendatbn Kem. The Planning Commisnlun shall roserve the rlgM to approve tha eltomate ~lan or Impose the elflM (8) toot hlgh monument algn req;~lremerrt. Tlia altemate plan, H spproved by ths Planninfl Commisston, ahall be Inatalled ecc.ordlnq tn approved plans, p~lor to 11nn1 buliding and zonfng Inspe~;tlona. 8. That prla to issuar.ce oi a buUdlnq pormR a wKhin a periad of ona (1) year lrom ~he dato o( thfa rusolution, whlcheve~ occu-s Brst, Condftbn No~. 1, 2. f3 end 7, abovamentlorted, shall ba compliad with. Ext~nsfons (or turther tin~ to compiste sakl condltions may bo granted in eccardance whh Sectlon 18.03.09U af the Anaheim Municipel Code. 9. Thai prlar to Nnal buildfng and loninq Inspections, CondRlon Nos. 5, 8 and 7, abovA-montloned, Ahall be complied wkh. 10. 7hsi appruval of this ap~V~atwn constitutes approva~ ot the proposed requo~t only to the extent that R compltes wlth the Anaholm Municlpel Zonin9 Co~e end eny oth~r appllcable Clty, SWte and Federa! regulatio~a. Approval doea rwt Include any actlon or ftndings as to compllance a epproval d Ihe re!~uost regarding arry othar appllcable ordlnance, reflulatirn or requirem~nt. BE IT FUR7HER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clty Plannfng Commisslon does hereby Md and determina that adoptlon of this Resdu' on !u expressiy predfcated upnn applicarM's comptiance with each and all ot the conditions horeinabwe aet furth. Should any su conditbn, or eny pert thereof, be declered imialid or unordaceable try 4ho Onal Judpment ot any rt ot competeM Jurlsdictlon, then this Resdution. end any approvals herain contefned, shail be dee fWi and vofd/ Novumbor 2 ~gg~~EdOING RESOLUTInN wes edopt~ a~he~enni Commisab~ • meatiny ot ~ ~~ CHAIR~IAAN, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNIN(3 AT~ E3T: ~ • -',~. ,. . 1.~,~ ~ rRETARY, ANAF •!M CITY PLANNIN(i COMA~ISSIO~! ~ .. / STATE VF CIIUFORNIA ) COUMY OF OMNdE ) sn. CITY OF MIAHEIM ) I. •lanat L JK-sen. Secnetary d the Anaheim City Plsnnlnp Canrn7s~la-. do hereby cerlly thet tha ftx~goir~ rosdutfat was possAO and ~doptod at a meetitq t~t ths Anahelm City Ptannir~ Commiselon hekl an Novembsr 2~ 1992, bY the bllowlnr vdo d thu membera IhorROl: AYE8: iAMMIS810NEAS: BRISTOL. HENNIN(3~R, MESSE, PER/17J-, TAI7, ZEMEL NOES: COMMl3SIONEaS: NONE AE3SENT: COMMiS310NER3: NONE VACAWCY: OkE 8EAT IN WITNESS VNiEFiEOF. i hsve henKx~to set my hand thts ~.i'j„~ dsy of ~y~~,,-,_ . , 1Sf92 ' .~Z " .rs~,~ ~' ' ~ BECAE7ApY, API/~/ pT! PLANNIN(3 COMMIS310N a, PU92•131