648 Affidavit Of Publication STATE OF CA!.:!fi'OfU,IA ('O{:XTY Or' ORAKGE ~~, .. . _ ::. ~.~ .:~: _~ ~ ~~.~ ~~ Et?~.~ J ... _ . __ _ . . _. _. _ . __ of ~a.id county. being first dul~' sworn, says-.--thar she is a, cit- izen of t.he United State's, and of the State of California, over ,the a~e- of 6-ighteen rear~; that she haK no interest -in, nor is she a party to the matt.el' herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANG}4~ COUNTY XEWS a w-eekly newspap.el' printed. pubUshed and i circulated iu the. sa.id County of Orange that. said ORA~GE COUNTY X KW"S is a newspa.per of general eiJ'('ula tion with a list of paid sub H~l'ibers, and is published for the d i~Kemination of both local a.nd .~t:'neral news and intelligence of a ~ene'ral character; that it is lIot devoted to the intere.sts or Hthlished for the entertainment of a pa.rticula.r dass, profession. trade, ealling, l'acp 01' denomIna- tion, or of auy number thereof: that it. has been JPl'illted and puh- li.~hed in the City of Anaheim, County ()f Orange. St.ate of Cali- fornia for more, than one yeat' Ih~xt preceding the first day of t IH' puhlication hllreto attached' I h:t t HI p,. ' ....:: r.~';, :, _;. .1;'_. .:.~.,:q :~". , . ~ ,'~' ~_ :~:.'!: ("~.. _ _. _ _ _. ... ~."" ~ - ............. ......--.... .........-......................... or whieh the annexet! to; a I.H'inte-d (.OI~Y. was ,published in sa.id 'lleWH- vapeJ' at lea-Rt .--...Q;~~(~n......__m..._ ('i,mmeucing 011 the .---...~}tJ}, day or ...... ~:".~'J'.\~~~:~:I....,.. 19__~1.. and l'nding on 'the day or ..__..______._...____.. 19._.__..., and t It at ~a.id _. _. ~~!l: ~'~_'~...; ~..'.( ~~ ::;.. __. __. _ .. .. -- ...-.P........ wa.s published on the fl'll()will~ da.ys: .......... -... ..\....~~:!i.:..: ~.~'.(:;:_-~~..~--..=-i~!~l................ ............ . . ......... ....---........... ---..... ---- ................-......... -.. ...-.. / ", . f -. .::... ._~--_. ...~~ ~.i.. .u..~:f:::-(,~.::: _.. ~ t1 bscribed and 8worn', to before I .0 nl(\ thf!':\ day of u..(.:'.~i~;~~~;jii~~:!J . - I I , - UGAL NOTICE - i ORIJ'INANCE NO. 648 1 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A I -'. . VARIANCE I THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE I CITY .oF ANAHEIM DOES OR-I DAIN AS F-GLLOWS: . SECTION 1. That a petition, dated September 15, 1!141, ha:il' been filed with said City Council l't;questing a variance fI.om the es- t tablished zoning restrictions of said City permitting the operation I of a 'citrus. b~{-product~ and debY-l dr!lting plant on the .foll~wi~g des-l crlbed property, which IS In the single-family residence I..:one: All that cel.tain real property ~Jituated in thl~ City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia, described as follows: The Easterly 225.25 feet of the Northerly 9.25 acres of Lot 39 of Anaheim Exten- sion, as show~ on a map Inade by William Hamel and filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of LOR An- geles County, California. Section 2. That ~aid City Coun- cil finds fro'm com~ideration and investigation of the facts and the 'report and recommendation of the City Planning Commission that: 1. Special circumstances and exceptional conditions do ex- ist as to said pal'ce I that d () not apply generally to the pro'perty or . classes of uses in the same zone or di~trict. 2. That a variance is nece8~ary for the preservation and en- joyment of a substantial '1))'0- perty right of said petitioner. 3. That the granting of such ordinance witl not be mater- ially detrimental to the puh- lic welfare 01' injurious to thl' property or inipI'ovementg in the district wherein said pro- perty i~ located, provided the Attest: conditions set forth in Sec- tion' 3 hel'eof are complier! Charles E, <'il'iifith I with. City Clerk of the City of I SECTION :1, That a conditional' Anaheim !Vari.ance iR hereby g'l'anted whereby I STATE OF CALIFORNIA) a. CItrus b)'-pl'oducts and dehydr~- COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss 1 tIng- plant may be o'~erated on :,aId . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) parcel of l"e~tl propertJ' descl'lbed I '. ' L in Section 1 hereof fot' a limited "I, Charles ~~. Griffith, City Clel'k I term and subject to the follo,wing I of the City of A naheim~ do her;~b~' conditions: certif~~ that th<<.' foreg-oing- Ol'di a. That subject to a soonet' I ~lancc was inti'o<luced, at an ad- termination as provided for in l.1ourned }'C'g-ulul' meetlng: uf UII' the fol1owin~ subs'ections" b. I City Council of the City of Ana- c and. d, the term 'of ~airl VaJ'- " heirn, held on thl' 16~h .da ,. of ~ep'- iance shall be for a period tember, 1 !l4.1, and that the f;ame. commencing- with the effel:"- was pas~l'd and adopted at a l'eg'- , tive date of this ordinance ulal' adjourned meeting- of ~H~z! I and, ending Septem.b.el' 15, City Council hl'ld on .the 7th day I 1948. ! of Octobt'l', 1941. bv the folJowino b. That in the evtmt a final 'I votes: . .- map of a subdi,:,iRion whic~ i!l- A YES. COUXC'ILMEN, Peal'fion, ~ludes land sItuated. wlthl~ I Van Wag'oner. lungbluth, Ma!'tp- 25,0 fee.t of th~ propel ty de~-. I net, .Jr.. 'and Sheridan. cl'Ibed In Section 1 hereof, IS " . recorded, ~nd i~provements ! NOES: COUNCILMEN, None. su~~ as i~sta~ll!lt~~n of .curb OJ' II ABSENT A~D ~OT VOTI~G : utIlIty' dIstrIbutIon' hnes 01'. COUNCILMEN. Nonl', mains, or street gl'adin~ OJ' I . . . surfa~inA" is '..c:pnlmenced, that I And l!-urther ~el'ttfy that the this va'riance "shall becoml' null Mayor of the CIty of Anaheim. and void 30 days after the City ,sig'ned and approved said Ordi- Council causes a notice there- I nance on the 7th day of Octobe:', of to be served upon the OC('U- HJ41. , l pal!t~ o~ sai4 .pr~p~~y de,- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I sc~bed I.n SectIon' 1 hereof. have hereunto set my hand and af- or If ~o ...occupants c:an. he fixed the corporate seal of the said fo~nd...t.o pos~ .Slich notIce .In,a City thh~ 7th rlav of October 1941. COnsplCIOllS plaee upon saId" . , property: 30 days after t.he CHARLES E. GRIFFtTH servinA' or posting of such no- I . '. tice all uses of Flaid pronertr . City Clel'k of the , descl;ped in Section 1 hereof (SEAL) City of Anaheinl ,I ~-- - - .---.---------.--. ----:::-:-,- -----------.---- -- I I I 1= . shall be in confol'mity with Ordinance No. 609 and a- mendments thereof, of 'said City. c. That in the event that the person:i OCCUPYIng (,)1" having COntrOL of saId propert). de- scribed in Sectl:Jn 1 nereOI, at any tUlle use said property in lSuch manner al:i constItutes a nuisance, that said City Council luay ternullate this vanante, after a hearing, notice of such hearing te be given to the oc- eupant8 of said property 10 (tays befol'e :-Iuch hearing. The finding: an-i 8l'tion 0'[ the City Conneil at sllch hearing shall be final. d. That wa:ite~ resulting from the ownership. ()ccupanc~', use and operation (,f said proper- ty described in Section 1 here- of, shall, prior to enteling the city sewel'S, b~ treated alldior ~cl'eened in such manner . as prescribed by the City Engi- neel. of Anaheim, and for fail- ure so to do, r.;aid City Coun- cil may terminate this vari- ance, after hearing as provid- ed in suh~ection c .of this sec- tion, and the finding and ac- tion of the Cit~. Clluncil at such 'hearing ~hall be final. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify io the passage of thb ordinance and shall cau~e th(~ same to be printed and published once in thl' Orange Count~~ News; a newspape~' of g-eneral circulation, ' printed, published and circulated j in said City, and thirty da~7s from! and aftl\}' it~ final -p,assaste it shall. take effed and be in full force, The fOl'eg:oing ordinance was ap- proved, signed and attested this 7th day of October, 1941. eRAS. A. PEARSON. Mayor of the City of Anaheim, 10 11 12 13 14 i.. ;; J.6 ~..7 l8 ....":1 ' 20 C", -J &::1. 22 ~~~3 24, 2~ -~ ~26 27 28 : 29~ .30 ,31 32 FRIIS & SCHUT? ATTORNEYS AT LAw 41)2.4:)4 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. I ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 ;1 " iI II 1 . .J.. :. ORDINANCE NO. 't.lf J 2: 3 :: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A VARIANCE ThE CrTY COUNCIL OF ThE OI"1'Y OF ANAHElIili DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 4 :: SECTION 1. That a petition, dated September 15, 1941, nas been f1led with said City Council requesting a variance from tile established zoning restrictions of said City permitting the operation of a citrus by-products and dehydrating plant on the following described property, which 1s in the single-family 5 " ".. o 7 8. 9 residence zone: All that certain real property situated in the City of Anahe1m, County of Ors.nge, State of California, desar! bed as tollows: fhe Easterly 225.25 feet of the Northerly 9.25 acres of Lot 39 of Anaheim Extension, as shown on a map made by William Hamel and filed for record in the office of the.County Reoorder of LOB Angeles County, California. I I SECTION 2. That said City Council finds trom considera-I I tion and investigation of the facts and the report and recommen- ! dation of the City Planning Commission that: I 1. Speoial oircumstanoes and exceptional oonditions I I I do exist as to said paroel that do not apply I generally to the property or olasses of uses in I i the same zone or district. ! j 2. Tnat a varianoe is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of s"aid peti t1oner. 3. That the granting of suoh ordinance will not be mater1ally detrimental to the pub11.c welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the district wherein said pronerty 1s located, provided tIle condi tlone set forth in Section 3 hereot are complied with. 1 1 SECTION 3. That a conditional var1ance 1s hereby 2" granted whereby a oitrus by-products and dehydrating plant may ~3' be opera.ted on said paroel of real property descr1bed 1n Section 4 1 hereof for a limited term and BubJect to the follow1ng condition 5 a. That subject to a sooner termination as provided for 1n the following subseotions b, c and d, the ter~ of said var1ance shall be for a per10d com- mencing ~lth the effective date of this ordinance and end1ng September l5, 1943. b. That in the event a final map of a subdivision which includes land s1tuated within 250 feet of the property described in Section 1 hereof, 1s recorded, and improvements such as installation of curb or utility distribut10n lines or mains, or street grading or surfac1ng 1s commenoed, that this variance shall beoome null and vold 30 days after the City Council causes a notice thereof to be served upon the occupants of said property described in Section 1 hereof, or if no occupants can be found to post such notice in a oonspicuous place upon said propertYi30 days after the serving or posting of such notloe all usee of said property desoribed in Section 1 hereof shall be in confor- mity with Ordinanoe No. 609 and amendments thereot, of said City. c. That in the event that the ?ersons oooupying or having control of said pro~erty desoribed in Section 1 hereof, at any time use said pro~erty in suoh manner as constitutes a nuisance, that sa1d City Council may terminate this varianoe, after a hearing notice of such hearing to be given to the ocoupants of said proJerty 10 days before suoh hearing. 6 ? 8 9 .1.0 1 ': ...l. .J... l.~ 1. ~) .14 J. ~.) ~6 , r'1 i. ! l.b ~ ~~~ ~~() ~2.2 e:: ..) ~l4 ~b 26 27 28 29 :j() 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ AnORNEYS AT LAW 1')~'.404 IIANK OF A~ERICA BLOl:.. 2 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 , 1') .1. '-. 1:1. 1 ~:~ ""1 ~ .Lv 1.4 "1 c.., 1. It...' ~6. 17 .le 19 20 22 . ~i:5 : 24 . 25 26: 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW c:.2-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 1. Tl~ find1ng and act10n of the City Counc1l at such near1ng shall be final. d. That wastes resulting from the ownership, occu~ pancy, use and operation of said prope~ty described 1n Section 1 hereof, shall, prior to entering the city sewers, be treated and/or soreened 1n such manner 8S prescr1bed by the City Engineer ot Anaheim, and for failure so to do, said City Council may terminate this variance, atter hearing as provided in subseotion c of this section, and the finding and action of the City Council at suoh hearing shall be final. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause the same to be printed. and pUblished once in the Oran~e County News, a newspaper ot general oirculation, p~1nted, published and circulated in sald City, and thirty days fro~ and after its final passage it shall take effect and be in full foroe. 2: 3: 4.: 5 .. 6 ? 8 9 The foregoing ordinance was approved, signed and attested this PJMl day of ~.~~~~_:~., 1941. ~ ~~~ II or th 1 ty ot Anaheim ATTEST: City Clerk ot the City of Anaheim 1 2 3 4 5 I. II I' I a 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I 32 I I I I I I I II STATE OF CALIFOBNIA) COUlfTY OF ORANGE ) 99 CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1. Charles E. Griffith. C1ty Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do herehT ::;ertify that the foregoinG Ord.inance was introduced at an adjourned regular meetini~ of' the City Council 0:' the City O~: Aneheim, held on the 16th dtV of Septemb#3r, 19~1 t and. that the SA1!le was passed and. adopted at a regular aeLjourned ::ieet i.ne t)f said Ci t:;.# Oounci 1 held on the 7th day of October, 1941, by t hE~ follow- .i. ng VQti~: AYES: COUN'~ILL\{tNt Pea.rson, Van Watb"Oner, Yungbluth, Martenet, Jr. and Sheri.den. NOES: COONe I ~{EN , None. ABSENT AJ:~D NOT VOTIlJG: COlrnCI CMEli, None And I further certify that the !~ayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approvetl said Ordinance on the 7th day of October, 1941. I I I j jl f I I I r~r WITNESS "THEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corp- ::lrate seal of t he said Ci t:r this 7th day of October, 1941. City Clerk of the City cr! Anshefi--- (SEAL)