Resolution-PC 92-138RE50LU1'ION N0. P~g2-138 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION CLARIFYING "LANUSCAPI~:G REOUIREMENTu" FOR TFIE SENIOR CITI2E~JS' APARTti1ENT COMPLEX APPROVED UND~R CONDITIQNA~. USE PERMIT N0. 2809 WHEREAS, on July 21, 1986 tho Anaheim Cfty Planning Commissfon npproved Cenditlonal Use Porm(t No. 2809 undor Resolution Nn. PC86-189 to permit a 118-unit, 2• and 3-story sen(or citizens' apartment complox with wafver of the requlred number af gNordable units on property located on the north side of No1d Ranch Road between Hillc~ost Street on the west and Anaheim Hills Rosd on tho east, end turthar deacribed as A35 South Anahefm Hilis Road; and WFI~REAS, the proposal was considored by tho Planning Commission nt three publlc meet(ngs: June 9, June 23, ~nd July 21, 1986; and WFIFREAS, according to the minutes oi the meetings, landscaping ot the approx(mately 1 acre westerly p~rtio~ oF sub~ect propeity was d(scussed at two o( the meetings, as follows: (~) At ths Juno 9, 1986 Planning Commission meetfng, 'Melv(n hlunt, 273 S. Hillcrest, statod he agrees with tlie opposition rogarding the high densfty. He re!erred to the area along Nohi Flanch Road borderecl by Hiilcrust Stroet on the west and Anaheim Wills Road on the east and stated that is a wo~cf-filled, dry, uncared•for ~,'.-ip oi land which is really an ey~ sore and a hazard ta pedestrians ~nith weeds flrowing over the sidc~valks, etc. He asked that i( approvod, the Commlasion should includa a requirome~t to malntafn a I,h~xiscaped groenbelt along tho Nohl Ranch Hoad po-tion, In keeping wit-~ the standarc2s ot Anahelm Nil~s...Mr. Ryan (agc~nt) st~tsd they would bA happy to provlde the greenbelt as suggostecl' (b) At tha Juty 21, 1986 Planning Commission meoting, "Commtssloner Herbst asked if the alope abutting HIIlcrest will be landscaped and maintained permanently. Mr. Schwartze (stated) that ali tho aroo tncludtng ti~e flat plateau will be landscaped. He stated thoro Is t/2-acre landlocked parcel whlch thAy are attempting to acquire whtch wiil atso be landscapod' WHEREAS, Resolution No. F'C86-189 fnadvertontly did ~ contain a condition requlring said aren be IandscHpod as discuss~d durinc~ tho public hearing, and neith~r does tho approved site p~an exhibit sh~w safd ar~a; and VIHEREAS, two nrea rosidonts racwntly contoctod Planning Depaitmnnt staH, ask~ng when tt~e Inndscaping would be installed; end staN, having reviewed tho publfc racord, concluded that it was Cc~mmission's intent tl~at sub}ect c+rea be landscapod and so•fnformed the property ownor. WHERE:.S, Alan Tridar (roprQSentlnq Trider Corporution, tlie propurty owner) has submittod a leeter roquesting Planning Commisslon's ccncurrence .~L to landscape the qub~ect area bec~use his cnmpany i~as boan (mrolved wlth tliQ pruJect only einco January 19U8; and WHEREAS, Plannin~ Departmont sta~f, tased o~y fts review ot the public rocord, has recommQndod that Plnnnirg C~mmission require tlie tdlowing: (a) 7hat prtor ta 8nal buildinp and zonfng inspuctiona, tl~o developer post a borni or other guarantee acc~ptebto to the F'ubllc Warks/cngineorinp pepartmbnt to guarantea the full landsr,aping anct propar irrigation oi the erea fn question; And (b) That prior to lurulscape tnst~tlation, the a;,plicant submk n landscape plnn (or rev~uw and approval by th~1 City. CR t C~64MS.wp - i~ PC92-138 Wh1EREAS, on November 16, 1992, the Anaheim City Planning considered tfze aforementian~d matter as a Reports and Recommendatlons Itnm And after due inspection, invostigattan and study made by itseif and In its behalf, and aiter dua considoration of all ovidonco and reports offored doos heraby fird snd dotermine tho following -acta: 1. That thq proporry owner and interested rosidents were notffiod this ftem was scheduled for docislon by the Planning C~mmisslon. 2. That ths minutes of the Juno and Jui1~ 138Fi pubilc meQtings indicate it was the applicant's stipulatod intontion, as woll as tho Commission's and neighbors' expe~tation, that the area in questlon be landscaped, 3. 7hat two Hillcrest Street homeowners testified at the November 16,1992 public meeting In favor of the 3ubJact area beinp landscAped and malntainad in connoctton with tl~e sonior citizons' apartment complex. 4. Thnt approval of Conditlonal Use Pormit No. 2809, and any stipulatlona made thereto, are associ~ted with the sub(ect property and not with the original ownerfapplicant at the time ot approval; and, there(ore, It Is the currdnt proporty owner's responsibility to install and malntatn the landscaping. NOW THEREFURE, BE IT RESOWED, that the Anaheim Clty Planniny Commisslon doas horeby determino that a commitment was mado during the t986 public heariny, and that full landscaping and proper IrrigAtion ot subJect area were intended to b~ a condltlon when subJect uso perm~t was approved and, thero(ure, ~dds the tollowing new condltion: "~ ~, That prior to issu~nce of occup~ncy permits, a landscape nnd irriflation plan for the entire subJ~ct Frop~rty shall bo submitted to the Zoning Division for review and approval; and that said landscaping And frri~ation faciiitfes shall thereafter be installed and mafrtained; or that suc y, in a torm acceptable to the Public Works/Eng(neering Department, shsll be posttxi with the City Anahaim to guaranteo installation oi sald improvements. Any decision made by the Zoninp Division ~Ogc}Iding said an may be oppealed to tho Plannin~7 Cammisslon and/or City Council.' // ~ THE FOREGUING RESOLUTI~N was November 16, 1992. CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM ATTEST: ~~~~~r.iu~~ '1 ', 1 ".: ~/ 7. ' ~.t~- i ~L`ECRETARY~ AHEIM CI7Y PIANNING COMMISSION ~. ~, STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OAANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHFIM ) CommissiQn meeting ~f PIAfdNING C.iSMMISSION I, Jan~t L. Jensen, Secrotary ot tho Anaheim .^•ity Planning Commission, do hereby certify that tho foregoing resdution was passed and adoptec! at a meeting ot the Anahelm City Planning Commiss(on held on November ~6, t992, by 4he tollowing vota ot tho members thereof: AYES: COMMlSSIONERS: BRISTOL, FiENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, NO~S: COMMISSIONEFiS: tJONE ABSENT: C~MMfSS10NERS: NONE VACANCY: OnE SEAT t ~J92. 7AIT, ZEMFL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i havo horeunio set my hand this ~'; ~~ day of .~';-;; ;,y~~.J ~j•rr ~ /~ ~~ ~ , ~~, ~ ~ = ~ - ° -= - ~CRETARY, ANAN~IM CITf PLANt~ING COMMiSSION . i .• ?C92•138 .2.