Resolution-PC 92-139M~'^ RESOLUTION f~¢L°C92-139 A RESOLUTION OF TI•IE ANANEIPA CITY PLANNIyG COMil01SSI0N 7HA1' PEl'ITIAN FOR VARIANCE tJO. 4188 EE GHAPJ7E~, IN PART WHEREA5, the Anaheim City Planning Commissian dld receive a verltied Pc~titlon for Varlance for certain real property situated In the City of Anaheim, County ot Oranpe, State of CailFornia doscribed as: B~GIN~!ING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF TWE SANTA ANA CANYnN ROAD (NOW STATE HIGFiWAY), A9.13 FEET NORTH 44 DEG. UU' 30" ~AST FHOM '~HE ~ND OF A CURVE ON SAID CENT~R LINE, SAID CURVE BEING APPROXIMATELY 13A8,00 FEET SOUTH 44 D~G. 00' 30' WEST FFlQM 7HE lNTERuECTiON OF SAID CEN7ER I.INE, BY NORTN LINE OF TOWNSHIP 4 SnU7H, RANGE y WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, RUNfVING FPOM SAID POINT OF BEGINNIfVG, SOUTH 42 DEG. 59' 40" EAST 453.34 FEET; 7HENCE NOR7H 47 OEGREES 08' 2Q" EAST 28~.62 FEE7'; THENCE NORTH 42 DEG. 59' 40" WEST 468.fi8 FEFT TO A POINT IN THE CEfJTER LlNE OF SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD; THENCE SOUThI 44 DEG. ~0' 30" WE~T 28t.00 FE~T ALaNG SAID CENTER LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND QESCRIBED AS FOLLO~/S: BEGINNING A7 THE MOST NORTHERLY CORMER OF TN.AT CERTAIN REAL PROPEFl r1f DEBCFiIBEd IN D~ED 70 LOUIS BRn~Y, DATED JUPJE 26,1947, ANG RECO~tQEU IN THE OFFICE OF THE CQUN'fY RFCORD~R OF SAIL~ ORANGE COUNN, WHICH CORNEA IS DISTAN7 AL4NG THE CENTER LINE OF SANTA ANA CANYON RO/ID, AS PER OEED T~ SAID COUNTY RECORDEO IN BUOK 171, PAGE 144 OF OFPICIAL RECQFiOS iN THE A~FICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER 9F SAID ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH 44 DE~REES 07' 42" EAST 33U.13 FEET FROM A B01_1' ON SAIO CEN7ER LINE, MARKING THE SOUTHWFS i TERMINUS OFTHAT CERTAIN COURS~ DESCRIBED IN SAlD IASY MENTIOPJEU DEED AS HAVING A BEARIPICi ~fOR7H 43 DEGRE~S 51' 05" EAST, AND A LENGTH OF 1488.q2 F~ET; THEhCE ALONG SAID CENTER LINE, SOUTH A4 U~GREES 07' 42" WEST 223.97 FEET; 'fHENCE NORTH E30 DEGRE~5 3~' Q2" EAST 93.87 FEET; "i HENCE NORTHEASTERLY AND iANGENT TO TWE lA5T DESCFlIBEO COURSC, ALONG A CURVE Ct~NCAVE NOR i HWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2110 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 135.'19 FEET ~0 A POINT IN THE NORTHEASTERLY UNE OF SAID PROPER'fY OF LOU~S BRODY, DISTRNT THEREON SOUTH 42 DEGRECS 52' 28" EAST 60.57 FEET FqOM SAID POIN7 OF BEGINNING; THENCE NpRTH 42 DEG. 52' 2H' WE.°? 60,57 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINtvING, WHICN HAS B~F_M GRANTED TU THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY DFED RECORDEl~ FEBfiUAFlY 25, 1948 IN C':~C3K 1621, PAGE 447 OF OFFICIAL RECOROS fN THE OFFICE QF TFiE COUNTY RECOf1DEFi ~F SAID ORANGE COUN7Y. ALSO EXCEPTING THEFtEFRO~i, TI~AT PORTION D~SCRIBED AS PARCEL NO. 2.Ot IN DEED T~ THE ORANGE COUNTY HARBORS, BEACHE.~, AIJD PARKS DISTP.ICT, RECORDEO MAY 4, 1977 IN BOOK S21Tl, PAGE 15F32 OF OFFICIAL REGOFiDS OF ~AID ORANGE CQUNTY. CR 1579MS.wp .1. PC92-139 aWM., WHERFJ~S, the Ciry Planning Commission did hold a publlc hearing at the Civlc Cent9r in tho City of Anahelm on Auaust 10, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notico of sald publ(c hearinp having been duly given ss requirod by lav~ snd In accordance with tho provislone a! the Anahaim Municipal Code, ~hapter 18.03, to hear and conskJer evidonce for end a~aln34 seid proposod varianco and to Investlgate and mako findin~s and recnmmendations In connection therewith; and that said public hearing was continued to ihe October 5, Novembar 2 and December 2, 1~J~J2 Planning Commissian meet(ngs; and WHEREAS, st~k1 Commission, after due ~nspection, InvFStlgatinn and study mado by itself anc! In Its behalf, and e!tor due conslderatlon of all avidenoo and reports oHered at said hoar(ng, does tind and determina thc~ fdlcwing facts: 1. That tho ~Setltloner proposes waNers of tha following to construct two ireestanding shopping center identlflcatlon aigns: (a) Soctions 18 0~.09y,010 - Permitted tvoe oLShooolna cent_er iderit(ficatlon slan. g~d tg•8~1,062•040 (One sh qgn_ac~ntor iduntffication sia mQU.U~.~~ ,~.,30•inch hiah de~ot~tN~.~T19S~LW~1~. Permitted in the Scenic CaRidor; `-~ -4LLah~.l.I:f4S~L1SlS manument sians proposedj (b) Sc~ctions t.f~05•091.014 . M~xim~m slan area. end 1,g,~4.062t040 (~gS~,ft, slan permitted; ;~a•it, sIQ.R Proposed) (c) ~ectlone 19.U5.oA,'i.023 - .P~rm~ttod ~ocation of freest.~ndina sians. ~i $,.~4,.082,0~10 2. That the above-msntloned wafver (A} Is hereby apprcvod, in parc, permittt~~g ~~:aximum 4 foot hlgh signs; And 4hat waNer (B) is approved, In part, allowfng a maximum area of 44 squarA teet per sign on th~ bASls that subject property has lung streot front~ges which w~rrants twa signs, end wlilch circumstance devrwas tt d~u ~perty ol~prlvile~os enjo ed by~other Fropertles In he dentic~ai zolno ar d classif catio9 n~ho vicfn'ity. 3. That the above•mentlonRd waiver (C) is herehy denied on the basis that it Is not epplicabla to sipns in the Sconic Corr(dor a-ul was inadvertently advertlsed. 4. That the signs shail be mounted on solid basos. 5. 7hat the colored ploxiglass shall be more consistent wtth the earth tones utilfzed withfn this center and others in thd vicinity. 6. That the a~gns ahal~ consfst of oRhor an opaque sign surface with bnck IK letteriny consistent witli thA subduacf slgn fllumfnation of ather centers within the Scenic Cnrcidor Overlay Zone or the signs shall be Indirectly Iighted. 7. Tt-at there are exceptlar~al or extrpordinary circumstances or conditions applicablo to the property Irnolvecl or to ihe Intendod uco of the praporty that do not apply genorally to tho propo-ty ~r cla~s o( u3e fn the same vlclnfry arxi zone. 8. That the requested variance fs necessary tor tho preservation and enjoymont of a subst~ntial proporty right poss~ssed by oth:-~ property in the same vicinity eruJ zone, And d~nied to the pro~erty in quostfon. 9. Tt~at the req~uef p o 0 e~tgen such~vic ~ilry and zona~in h ch the propertyes loclated Nare or in~urious to the properry ,2. PC92-139 10. That no one Indicated thelr prosenco at said publlc hearirig in opposi!lon; and that no corro3pondence was roceived in opposition to subJect potition. CALIFORNIA ENJV,Rt~NMENTAL ~UALITY ACT FlNDING: The Planning L~iractnr or hls authorized represontativo has deterrnined that the proposeci proJect falls within the definition of Categoricel Exoniptlons, Class t 1, as defined In the StAte EIR Gutdellnes flnd i;i, therefore, categorically exempt irom the requiremont to prepare an EIR. NOW, 7HEI~EFORE, BE 17 RESOWED ttiat tho Anaheim City Planning Commission does horeby grant subisct Petftion for \~arianco, upon the folluwinp conditions wh(ch are h~reby found to be a necossary prerequlsite to the prapased ase of the subJect property In order to preservo tho sa(ery and general welfare of the Cft(zans nf tha City ~t Anaheim: 1. That prior to Issunnco of a buliding permit or withln ~ period of one (1) year from the dHte of this resolutlon, whfchever occurs t(rst, sign plans shall bo submittecl to the Buflding D(vlslon sf~owing conformance with En~inooring Stendard Plan No. 137 portafning to slght distance vlsibilfty. Extonsions for further time t~ cumpleto this condition may bo granted in accordenca witl~ Soction 18,n3.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 2. That prior to final building ancl zoninp inspections, subject property shell be developod substantiafly fn accardanco wlih pl~ns and specifications submitted to the City of Anahoim by the potltinner end which plans aro on file wfth the Plannin~ Department marked Exhibit No. 1 and Revislon No. 1 af E:chibit No. 2; provid~d, however, that: (a) Both slgns shall be mounced on sol(d bases; (b) 1'tie maximum sign helghts shall be (our (4) foot; (cj Thd msiximum area por sign shall be forty tiour (44) square feot; (d) The color of the ple:ciglass shall be earthon-toned aonststent witli nnd co-ordinAted with the c~lors ot ihe bullding materials oi this shopping center; and (e) The sl{~n illumination shall bo suhdued and shall consist of either: indiroot Ilghting or the lettering on the signs may be back lit and the background suKaces shall be opaque. 3. That approval of thls appllcatfon constltutes approval of ti.^ proposod request oniy to the extant that it complfes with the Anaheim AMunicipal Zonfng Code and a~iy other anplicable City, State end Fedoral regulations. Approval does not include a~iy actfon or Nndings as to compl(ance or epprovai of the roquost regardfng any other applicablo ord(nance, regulat(An or requiremant. BE 17 FURTHER RESOWED thac the Anati~fm Ciry Planning Commission does hereby ffnd and determine that adoptiun of this Resalutton fs expressly predicated upun applicanYs compllance wlth each and all oi the conditions hereinabnve s~t forth. Shauld any such conditio , ur any part thero~f, ba decfAred InvallJ ~r uneniorcoeble by the iinAl judgment af any caun o( compete urfsdictfon, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cantained, shall be deemeci null and void. ~ THE FOREGOING RESOLUT'ION was ad ted -t thq~Pl~qing CommissiQn meot(np of December 2, 1992. /~ ~~ i,/jl,~L,,,,.,,., A1T~ST: ~ ~ • ~~ ~-': ~ l'- ' -', ' ^ ~~ CRETARY, A~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION I ~ , ANAHEIM CIIY PLAhNING .3- ~ ~92•139 ~•• S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNT'Y OF ORANGE ) sa, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Searotary of the An~heim Cky Planning Commissfon, do hereby certif.y that tho foregoln~ resolutlon was passecf and adopted at a mooting of the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon heid on December ?., 1992, by the following vote of the membors therEjof: AYES: COMMISSIGNERS: BRIS'~ OL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT, ZEMEL NOES: COMMISSIOr1ENS: NONE ABSENT: C~Jt~1MISSIONERS: NONE b'ACANCY: ONE SEA7 IN WiTNESS'vVhiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~~day of .~ f.~~~,~rJ.992• i i , ...~ ~ ~ ~7. ..J_ _-.~:~~ .~~:~.„~~,e,.~~~ S@CHE7ARY, A jANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~_.~% ` ~. Pcs2-~as