Resolution-PC 92-141p~Q~,~jION NQ PG9 -~._1~tt A FlESOLUTION OF TN[ ANAfiEIM CITY PIANNINC COMMISSION 7HAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE F'EAMIT NO. 3585 BE OENIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon did rucefve a verHled Potition for Condftional Use Pormit for cortein real property sNuatyd In the City of Anahelm, Counry of Oranpo, Stato of Caiileml~, de3cribed as: PARCEL t: THAY PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST OUAR7ER OF SECY~ON 36, TOWNSkIP 3 SOUTH, RAN(3E 9 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO DASE AND MERIDIAN, OESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNINC3 AT THE SOUTHEAST CO+~NER OF SAID SECTlON 36; THENCE WEST 7Q A POIfVf, 195 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN PARCE~.i~• WND CONV~YED 70 WILBUR E RASEY ANO WIFE EiY DEED RECOROED JANUARY t5, 1944 IN E300K 1230, PAGE 230 OF OFFICIAL. RECOR~S; TFIENCE NORTH 28 DEG. 01' WESY ALONQ THE SUUTHWE5TERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PAFiCEL OF LAND CONVEYED N OOKt 4f)2, PA~GE 88 OF OFFIClAL ECORDS TO A 0 NT f34.83 FEE'~' SOUI'HEASTERLY LI E~OF HF. tI00 F007 STR P OF IAND DE CIR BEDHM DEED 'f0 STATE OF CAUFORNIA, RECORDEQ JUNE 4, 1934 IN 300K 600, PAGE 165 OF O~FICIAL RECORDS, SAID PQINT 9EINf3 IN AN ARC OF A CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHEA~TERLY HAVINQ A RADIUS OF 8454.00 FE~T; THENCE NOIiTHEASTERLY AI.ONG SAID CURVE, FROM A TANGENT 9EARIN(3 NURTH 46 DEG. 29' 11' EI1ST, THROL'CiH AN ANGLE dF 1 DEG. ~11' 55', AN ARC DiSTANCE OF 250.E33 FEET TO THE IM'EFiSECT10N T{-IEREOF WITH TNE SOUTHWESTERLY UNE OF THPT CERTAIN 60 FOOT STRIP OF LAND DFSCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 OF OEED TO F~ENRY F. OEL GIORGIO AND WI~E, RECORDED AU(3U5T 7, t948 IN BOOK 16f32, PAGE 364 OF' OFFICIAL RECOROS; 7NENCE SOU'fHEASTERLY ALatVG SAiD SOUTH1h'ESTERLY UNE OF TNE E30 FOOT STRtP ~ONVEYED TO OEL SOUTHERLY ALONQ SAID EASTE Y UNE OFI SA DESF.~CTION 36 TO TFIE POSN'f OF 9ECiINNIN(3. PARCEL 2: THAT PORTION 0~ THE SOl3THE4ST ~UARTER OF SECTIQN ~e, TOWN5HIP 3 SOUTH, RrWCiE 41 WEST, 3A~J BERNARDINO MERIOIAN, .~C~UIRE~ BY THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA, BY A DEED f1ECORQED !N BOUNOEO NOFI7~HWESTERL~B~ A' UNE 0 SCHIB A5 FOLLOWS• ~~ BEGINNING AT A FOINT IN THE SOUTFi LINE OF SAID SECTION, SAID POINT BEIN4 GI'37MIT ALONCi SAID SOUTH UNE EA.gTERLY 29.t0 FEFI' FROM TNE NORTHEASTEiiLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COUti3E OESCRIBEO AS'NOHTH 44 OFd. 07' 42' EA~37 686.96 fCEI" IN PARCEL t OF A OEEO RECORO~~ IM BQOK tY31, PAC3E 52t OF SAI~ OFFICIAI RECOROS; THENCE NORTHkASTERLY IN A DIHECT UNE TO THE SOIJTHEASTERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN COURSE OE~CRIOED AS •$Ot1TN 25 D~Ci. 55' 2T EAST A D13TANC~ OF &1.83 FEEI~ TO THE ~NT~figECTION THEREOF WI7M A CURVE' IN A DEED RECOiiDED IN BOOK 2i85, PACiE 4d2 OF SAlD OFFICIr1l. RECARDS. ,~ . PC92-141 CR1681MS.wp PARCEI 3: THAT PORT~ON OF THE SOUTHFJIST OUARTEk OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIQ 3 SOUTH, RANGE 9 WEST, 5AN k3ERNARDINO MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOU.OWS: BECINNING A7 THE MOST WESTERLY COfiNER OF TNE LAND DE3CRtBED IN DEED TO FHANK MINIS8ALE AND WIFE RECORDFD MARC~i 13, 1970 IN BOOK 9238, PAGE 828 OF OFFlCIAI. RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFOANIA; THENCE NOR'fHEASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY L1NE OF SAID tAND TO THE MOST SOUTFiEHLY CORNER AF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO TI1E STATE OF CALlFORNIA RECORDED FEBRUARY 13, 1952 IN HOUK 228E,, PAGE ~182 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECOFlDS; THENCE NORTHEA~TE~iLY AL.ONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY UNk OF SAID LAST MENTION~D LAND, BEIiJC3 A CURVE CONCAVE SOU i HEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 8454.00 FEET, (A RADIAL LINE OF SAIQ CIIRVE PASSING THROUGH SAID MOST SOUTHERLY CORNrR BEARS NORTH 43 DEG. 30' 49' WES~ AND ITS NOPTHEASTERLY EX'TENSION TU THE WORTH'JVESTERLY TERMINUS OF THE COURSE SHOWN AS HAVINCi A DISTANCE OF 42.~0 FEET MOHE OF LESS ON TME ti1AP ATfACHED TO EASEMENT DEED RCCORDEO MAY 9, 1977 IN BOOK 12185, PAGE 1245 OF SAID AFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONC NORTHWESTERLY PRdL~NGATION OF SAlD COURBE NORTH 38 Dt(3. 07' 15" WEST 0.82 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A 1'RNGENT CURVE CnNCAVE SOUTHERLY NAVING A FiAD1US OF 18.00 FEET; THENC[ VJESTERLY ALONG ~AID CURVE THROUGH A rENTRAL ANGLE OF a3 DEG. 48' S6` AN ARC DISTANCE OF 29.47 FEET TO A COMPOUND CURVE CONCAVE SOUI'hIEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 8474.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHWES'TERIY ALGNG SA1D CURVE THHOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02 OEG. 4:3' 31' AN ARC DISTANC~ OF 4U3.07 FEET TO THE SOUTH'cRLY LINE OF SAIQ SECTION 36; 7HENCE ALONG SAID SOUI'HERLY UNF hORTH 89 DEG. 54' 12' EAST TO THE POIP(T OF BEGINNIN(i. WNERFI+3, the City Pianning Commis:,lon did hold a public hoArin~ at the Clvfc Center In the City ol Anah~im on December 2, t992, at 1:30 p.m., no~ice of saW public I~earfng haviny been duly gNen es raquired by law and in accordance with the provis(ons of t'~e Anahelm Munlcipal Coc1e, Chapter f 6.0~, to hear and r,onsider avidence fw and egolnst said proposed condftional use po-mft and to frnes:ipate arxl make itndings and recommendatlona In connecilon therewith; arxf WHEREA3, sald Commtssion, aRor dur tnspectfun, Irnc~stigatlon arxi study made by Itself ~nd in Ra bol~all, antl a~tvr due consideraticxi of all evkfence erxf reports o!lered et sald hearing, does Ilrxi An~ dete~mino .he idlowinp facts: 1. That thR propoaed use Is prope~ly onu for wh~h a condltlonal u4e permit fa authorfz~f by Anahelm Mun~ipai Codo Sectbn to pQrmR a{xeschud facNiry for a maxirtwm of 204 children with walvars ot tha idlowinfl: (A1 ~tls~t.].t~.4~.~4.9ZQ ' .1@.9~.4~t S~YL1.@.Z1.~Si.p24 lB) .Ss.`~3ioIl?R~~-Ql~ (~) ~II2~..1@.Q9~~ 1~~l~UIl1~I~il~G;ns-~I rk1n4 ~uacea. ~'l1~1 ~IIL'..^'..,.r°Arklno la landsct~nfn9. .2. PC52-S h t ~p) ~ction 1Q •~,~ a2.o20 - ~pimum I~ndscapod satbar.k. r w e tu11k~.~S.aned sotba~k roquirod adJacent to all residentially zoned propertics; 2 feet proposed along the south property Ilne aburilnp EI Rancho Junior Hfgh School) 2. That the above-mentionod waNers (A), (B) and (C) are hereby denlod on the basls that they wore deloted toliowing public notHlcation. 3. That the abova-mentioned waiver (D) Is hereby clonled on tho basis that sub~ect property Is adequate to ellaw full development of the prapased use whiie stlll con(orming with code requfrements. 4. That the Qroposcd preschool facility would Imp~se gn undue burden upon the streots and hiqhways In the viciniry. 5. That the proposed prsschool facfifty would be detrimental to the peace, health, :,afety and genaral wel(ere of the citizena of the City oi Anaheirn based upon the edverse traffic and circulaticn Irnpacts assoctated with the proJect whtch would be locatad In an alreAdy heavily congastod single•famity residontial nAighborhood adJ~cent to and exist!ng public scl~od site. 8. That ~he proposod u3e would advorsely aHect the adJofninfl fand uses 3nd the ~rowth and dovelopment of the area in wiifcl~ it is proposed to be located. 7, Thal the slze and shape of tho site proposed for the ttso fa not adeauate to allow the full ~Jevc~lopment of th~ proposed use In a mnnner not detrimontal to the particular area r.or to the peace, tiealth, safety arx! general weifare of the Citizens of the Cfty of Annheim. g. That four (4) pooplo fndic~ted thelr presenco at sa~d public hea~ing in oppoaltton; and that co-respondenca wvs recebed in opposftion to the sub~ect petltion. ~ALIFORNIA ENVj~iOhf~"ENTAL QilAUTY AGT FINDING: lhat the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisa(on hc~s reviewed thv proposal to permit a preschool faciliry for a maximum ot 204 chlldren with waivo~ oi minfmum dimensfons of parkiny space~, minfmum landacape requirements, minimurn park(ng tot Iandscaping and minlmum landscapod setback on an ~rregularly shaped percel of land c~nsiatfnq of approximat~ly 1.2 ac-es located et the southwest comer of Sarrta Ana ~:anyon Hoad and Mohler Drivo, having approximate irontages of A06 feet on the south alde of Santa Ana Canyon Road and 300 feet on tho wost sid~ of Mohler Drive arx' tuRher described es 111 Sou!h Mo~iler D!ivo; and does horeby deny the Negative Declaratlon upon Bn Iing that the dec:larat!on rs(lects tho Inriopondent judgement of tha lead agancy and that k has considereJ the Negative Declamtton tnqether with nny commorns receiv~ci during the public roview procesa nnd lurther ifndln~ un the basis ot the Initlal s dy and any cc~mments recnival that thero Is ~ubstnnttal evl~ence that the projoct wtll have a atgniti t~N~ct on tho orn+ironmunt. N~JW, THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVE~ that tha ~helm Cky Pia ing Comrr.isslon does t~ereby dem~ sub~ect Petitfcn for Conditlonal Use Purmtt, on t bfls~ ~~tha Ai~mentionaf flndings. THE FOAE~a01~Ci RESOLU'i'IOM was ad~ed ~the flanr~j(j (:ommlasfon moetfn~ of Docember 2, 19~~2. % ~~.. ~ / ,~ /i~,~,~,ti,N ~ CHRIRM.4N, ANAHEIM CITY PUINNING ATTEST: ~ ; ,, ~ :.~~/.~i /. ~ . ~:. ; ' ; -. , .. , , ~ SkC:RE7ARY, AN~Hf.IM CITY PLANNlNC3 COMMISS{ON ~, PC92-i at G~~4 ~~, STATE 0~ CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) as. CITY OF AN/~HEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary ot the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the toreyoing resolullon was passed end adopted pt a m~etln~ of thA Aneholm Cfty Planning Comm(sslon held on D~camber 2, 1992, by tha iollowin~ vote of the memhere theroof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BRISTOL, HENNINCER, MESSE, PERti7A, TAIT, ZEMEL MOES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VACANCY: ONE SFJ1T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto 9et my hand thls ~~, day ot ,~1~1L[,f ;1..., ,ssz. ~ ~ r~~ ...' ~, l .. ~ , .~ /~ ECRETA Y A~ HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510PJ ,,~. PC92-141