Resolution-PC 92-145fl~$OL~I ON~IQ~PC~2.14' A RESOLUYION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PL~~NNING COMMIS310N THA7 PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEP.~VIIY NO. 3589 BE GHAN'fED WHEREAS, the Aru~lielm Ciry Planning C~mmission did receive a verHied Petitlon ior ~or+dNiona! U3e PemnR i~r certain real prnpeRy situated In the City of Anaheim, County oi Orange, Stete ol Cnli(omia, d08C~L)9(1 Q3. PARCEL 1 IN THE CfIY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANdE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS 3HOWN ON A MAP FILED IN HOAK 50, PAQE 38 QF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COtJNTY. NOTE: THE SOUTHEJ~STERLY PORTION OF $AID LAND HAS BEEN RE•• SUBDIVIDED ~VD IS ALSO KNOWN A3 PARCEL t IN TH~ CI7Y OF ANAHEIM, CCIUNTY OF dRAN(3E, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 14d, PA(3ES 18 I1ND 19 OF PA~9CEL MAPS, IN THF_ OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OP SAID COUN7Y. WHEREAS, the Cfty P~enning Comrnission did hold a pub~ic henring at tho Civic Canter In tho Clry ol Anaheim on Ce~mber 2, 1~I, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot aaid p~~d~c hearing heving becn duly yNan as requtred by law and in accorcJanco wlth tho provtsl4ns ot the Anaholm Municipal Code, Chaptor 18.03, ta he~. ~nd cansider evldence (or and aQainst sald proposed condltionul use perm~t ond tc investlpate arxl mako Ond~nys and recommerv.fatlonn In cnnnectlon therewith; and WHEREl+3, aakl Commfaslon, alter due Inspection, investignttoR and study made by itsWf nrr~ in Its behalf, arxf aiter due c:onsklerat~on M all e~fdence and repans otlered at sakl hearfny, does find and tle:ormina the fdlowinq facts: 1. Tltiat the proposed use Is properfy one f°it a`seml-en aisle~! res a~rmNith walverzoftho Anahoim Municipel l'.od~s Section t8.44.050.300 to pom ra~owlnp: ,~gctions 18.Q5.Q54~924 - ~mllu~~e~ °-~ ~JII031m~e~• t 8 6 U.A~Q~.Ll (t~ requtred; ~$~ prwklod) 18 ~.054.022 ~ a r~ ntie.0~ t @ 08.050.42~ 1~~ and tA.44.o.05 2, That th6 petkinq varfanca wNl not cauao bn increase in tr~fffc congoatlon In tho Immediatu vidnky nor ~dvarsdY eHect any ad~olninq tand us@s. 3. That the 9raMinp d the perkinp varlanrn under the condhlons Impaaed wfll not bc cfatrirr~antal to the ~ace, heaith, salery a- fleneral welfAre o! Iho cltltar+s d the Cky of Anaheim. 4. That Ihe proposod s~rt-f~ar~clot~d restaurant uw is pr~erlY one lor whk'h ~ conditbr~al uaA pertnk la aWhorlred• CRIBABMS.wp -t • PL'tt~22 •t 45 g, 7hat the proposed seml•enclaaed restaurant use will not adversely aHect the adjoining land USAS, nor bo det~imental to the peace, health, setery or gener~i wo;tare of tho surrounding comrr:~nity, nor will said us~ impose an undue burden on the streets And highways designed to carry traffic within the immediate vicinlry. 6. That a parking de-nand study, reviowod end appruved by the Ciry's TraNi~ and Transportatlon ManaOer, substanttates that the proposecl use will not create u parking dellclency upon the subJect proporty. ~, Thet the slze and shei~e of the site tor the proF,osed use fs adequete to a~low tho tull development oi the proposed use In a mannar not detrimental to the perticular area nor to the pe~cv, health, safoty, and 9eneral weliaro. 8, That no one indf~;ated their prssence at said publfc hearing in oppositlon; and that no correspondenco was recelved In opposltion to the subJect petition. ca_`~IEOHNIA,.E[~,~~ONMENTAL.9~JA Tt ACT FINDING: 'the Planning Director or his aulhorizecl represontatNe has determined that tho proposetf pro)ect falls within the deitnitlon ot Categortc&I Exemptions, Gass 1, os deflned In the State EIR Guidelineu and Is, thoretore, categorlcally exompt irom the requlrement to F-epare an EIFi• Nq~IV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWEO that the q~ahetm Clty Plannin~ Commfsslun does hereby yrant subJer.t Pe~h~on far Condk:onal Use Permft, ~ipon thA tollowlnq condhions which arQ heraby tound to bs a nocossa~Y Pfe~e4uiske to tht~ proposeci use of the subject property ~n order to preservQ tho catety and gAnerat w~llere of tho Citizens of the ~iry of Anaholm: t. Tht~t sttb(oct proporty shall bo devolopaf substantially in accordance with plans and spoci(icaNons submitted to the Ctly ot Anaheim by the petNioner and wt~ich plans are on file with the Plannlnp Departmer~t morked E~chibtt Nos. 1 ar~d 2. 2. that prtor to commencement ot the actlvlty herein approved or wHhin a perlal of ono (1) year from the date ol this rasolutlon, ~~hever xcura itrat, Co7dftion No. 1, above•mentionocl, shall be compllod with. 3. Thet approval of this appticallon conatitutas approv~~ M the proposed request onty to the extent t~~t It cc~mpi(es wfth the Anaholm MunlclpAl Zontng Codo and any other applicade Ciry, SWte and F~derat rqqulatfons. Approval does :~ot ~nclude any action or Iindinps as ta campliance or a~prov~l ~f tho requoat ragarii~~9 any other appltcaWe ordinanco, re~ulbtEon a ~equiremont. BE OT FURTHEN RESOLVE~ fh~ft ttre l+nahelm Ciry Ptanning f:ommission cfoes hareby I(nci end datArm;ne thac adoptbn oi this Resolution Is expreasly prodicated upon aFplf.~nt's cor~ipltnnce wNh each and a11 of the conclh~ons herelnat~ove tet InAh. Should any auc c~ndklon, ~r any part therROi, be declared invatW or unenlorceaWa by the Mel Judpme:it M eny c. of compe:ent jurladictbr~, then this Resdutbn, a~d any approvals hero!n contafnecf, aha~l tw deem nyll and voic~. THE FORECi01NCi FiESOLI. ~~uW waa aclopt e h9 anr ' Cominiaston mootinfl of D~cember 2, 14~2• , ~.. ~ _ /ii~.~.,uv ,1.. CHAIqMAN, ANAH[IM GTY PLANNING ATfE.ST: / %i~ r •i ^~ -~. .. ~~ S~CR~TAqY. ANAH~~M CffY PLANNINa COMMI3S;ON ' PC4i2• t 45 .2. r~ STAT~ OF CALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OF URANGE ) sa. CITY OF A~~AHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensor~, Secretery of tlie Anahelm Clty Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the toregotng resd~rtlon wes pass9d end adopteci at a meetlnp ot the Aneheim Cfty Plenning Commission held on Decemtwr 2, 1992, by the fdlowing vote oi the members therooi: AYE8: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINGER, MESSE, PEFIAZA, TkIT, 2EM~L NOES: COMIWISSIONEFiS: BRISTqI. ABSEM': COMMIS310NEFi8: NONE VACANCY: ONE SEI:T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hnnd this ~ dey of /~ ~;:;~~-i~1~ _ ~,j, 1992. :C~'=''.'~ ::Tv ,,r;'+ _,~1, •.. ,S~CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI~SIUN ~ ~j ,/~ ' , ,~ PC92•145