WHEREAS, the Ci.ty Council nf the City of Anaheim, by
Resolution No. 92R-238 on November 17, 1992, designated a
Redevelopment Survey Ar.ea for redevelopment st udy ~urposes; an6
WHEREAS, the Califarnia Community Redevelo~ment Law (Health
and Saf2~y Code Section 3:3000 et seq. ) provides that the Platming
Commi.ssion may select a redevplopment project area from within the
boundaries of a survey area, and then to fvrmulate a preliminary
plan for the redeve3.opment of the selected proposed project ~Zrea;
WHF.REA3, the Commur~ity Redeve~upment Cpmmission of ttie City of
Anaheim received and approved the Preliminary P].an for the proposed
Brookhurst Commc~rc:ial Corridor Redev~:opment o n November 25, 1992.
&ection 1: `Phe Plant~ing Commission h~reby selects and
designates as the pro~csed Project Area for the Broo3churst
Commercial Corrir]or. Redevelopment Project the area withln the
Redevelopment Survey Area shown c+n tlie "Project Area hiap", attached
hereto as Exhibit A and it~corparated by reference l~erein, and as
m~re parti.cularly dpscribed in th~ "Legal De scription of Projeot
Area", ~-ttached hereto as Exhibit B and incorpor.ated by referenoe
herein. In the event tha~ it is necessar y Cor clariffcation
purposes to maY.e minor, changes to the
described in Exhibit E3, th~ Pl~~nning Commissian hereby finds ~r~d
detQrmines that any such minor, technical chanq~ for cl~riricatfon
purposes does nat materi~lly affect ths boundaries sele~:ted and
designated hereby.
A~ection 2: The Planning Commiss.ior- hereby approve~ the
"Prelimir~ary Plan for the Brookhu.rst Commercial Corridor
Redevelopment I~roject" in the form attached hereto as Exhi.bit C and
in~orporated by reference herein.
~eEtion 3: The Chairman of the P nning Commission is hereby
authurized and directed to submit e Preliminary Nlan to the
Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. r
P1188ED~ APPROVED AND ADOPT j~hf day of Uccembcr~,
1992. '
-l- I'CJ2-!d7
~ayc~y~ ~ran~~
~ ~ '~ c7 ..s..~'~ y 1~1
c_.. ~ !r
I, JAnet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City
Planning Commission, do hereby certlfy that the foragoing
re3olu~ion was passed and a3~pted at a meeting of ~he Anaheim City
Planning Commission held on December 2, 1992, by the fo'llowing voto
of the me~rbers thereof:
IN WI NESS WHEREOF, T ha~-e hereunto set my h~nd this
?/~ day "~f ~ >>r; ~'izJ ~ 1992. ~
~7. ., ~~ ~z, ~~ i
~-~' .~~ ~
CR167'7MS.wp -2- PC92-147
l 1-23-92
That portion of Sections S, E, 7, 8, 17, 18, l9 and 20, Township 4 South, Range lU West
in the Rancho [~os Coyores and Rancho San Juan Cc:jon cie Santa Ana as shown on the
map recorded i~ Book 51, Page lU of Miscellaneous Maps in cf~e office of the Councy
Recorder of Oran6e County, C.~lifornia, described as follows:
Be~;inning at the centerline intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Muller Stre~:t as shown on
the map filed in Dook 128, Pages 42 and 43 of P;~rcel Maps in thc: office of said County
Recorder; thcnr:e Noreh 89°31'UU" West 30.00 feet along said centerline of Lincoln
Avenue ro the Northerly prolongutiun ~f the Easterly line of Purcel 1 as shown on the
map filed in Book 12g, Pages 42 and 43 uf P:trcel Maps in the office of said County
Recorder; thence Sou~h UU°U2'S3" Ectst 66.UU t'eet along said Nortt~erly prolongation to
the Northwesterl~~ corner of said Parcel l, snid corner being the TRUE POINT OF
BEGINNING; thence atong the boundary of said Parcel 1, the following courses: South
00°02'S3" Easc 134.95 fe;:t, North 89°31'UO" West 122.00 feet an~ North UU°U2'S3" West
134.95 feet to the Northeasterly corner of Lot 17 of 'Cract No. 2299 as shown on the map
recorcied in Book 7G, P;~ges 44 through 49 of Miscell:ineous Maps in the office of said
County Recorde~; thence North R9°3!'00" West 53b.83 feet :-long the Northerly lin~ of
said Lot 17 and the Westerly prolongution thereof t~ the Northeasterly corner of 8 of
said Tract No. 2299; thence South UU°O1'43" West 150.24 feet along the Westerly line of
said L,ot 8 and che Southerly prolongntion thereof to the Casterly prolongacion of the
Northerly line of Lo~ 5 of s;iid Tract No. 2?99; thence N~rth 89°31'UO" West 541.22 feet
alon; said Eascerly prolong;-cion, said l:ist mcntioned Northerly line and the Westerly
prolong:jtion cher~of to the,Norcheasterly corner of Lot 2 of said Tracc No. 2299; ~hence
along the b~undary of said Lot 2, the following cuurses, North (W°08'06" East 20.00 feet,
North 89°31'UO" West 67.00 feet and South UU°U8'Q6" Wesc 151.59 feec to thc Easterly
pcolongation of the Northerly lina of Pnrcel 1 as shown on the map filed in Book 12, Page
30 of Parcel M~ps in the office of said County Recorder; thence No~th 89°3l'00" West
i6~.00 feet along said last mentioned Easterly prolongation and saicl last mentioned
Northerly line to the Westerly lir~e of said laat ment~oned Parcel 1; thence South
00°07'3U" West 320.01 feet along said last mentionec! Westerly line and the Sou[hcrly
prolongation thereof to the Northerly tine of Lot 228 of said Trac~ No. 2799; chsnce
Nonh 89°32'00" Wesc 1179.2d feet nlong said last mentioned Northerly line and the
Westerly prolon~ation thereof to ehe V!'ascerly line of Lot 24G of said Tract No. 2299;
ther~ce Suuth 00 10'OU" West 91.75 feec alon~ s~~id I:ut menti~ned Westerly line to the
beginnii~Q of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having :i rudius uf 15.U0 feet; thtnct
Southerty and Easterly 18.39 feet along said curve chrough a cen[ral angle af 70°14'46" to
a Iinc parallel with and Easterly 1U.00 feet fro~tt the Westeriy line of Lot 247 of said Tract
No. 2299; tlience 5outh OC°lQ'00" West 162.8G feet along said lZSt mentioned parallel
line to the Northerly line of Lot 254 of said Tract No. 2299; thence Norch 89°33'OZ" !~1'cst
10.Q0 feet along said last mentioned Northerly line to the Westerly line of said Lot 254;
thence South 00°10'00" West 343.Q7 feec ulong said last mencioned Westerly line and the
Southerly pr~longation thereof to the beginning of a canaent c:urve concavc Norclieascerly
CXI-i1BlT B ~~1 lti;~.l~(A}
having a radius of 15.U0 fee~; thence Southerl,y and E,isterly 23.49 feet along said curve
through a central angle of 89°43'02" to thc; Southerly line of Lo[ 268 of said Tract No.
2299; thence South 89°33'02" East 267.92 fcet along said last mentioned Suu[herly line
and the Easterly prolongation thereo!' to the Northerly prolangltion of the Westcrly line
of 1'ract PJo. 36U8 as shown on che map recorded in Book 13U, Pages 17 and 18 of
'!iscellaneous Maps in the office ot said Counry I2ecorder; thence South OU°09'14" West
1-~10.88 feet along said Northerly prulongaci~~n, s~-id lasc mencioned ~Vesterly line and the
Westerly line of Tract No. l~)88 as shown on the map recorded in Book 125, Pages 7 and
8 of Miscellaneous Maps in the affic~ of said County Record~r co the Southerly line of
[.ot 18 nf said Tract Nu. 1988; thenc~ North R9°29'36" Cast 50.55 feet to the Northerly
prolongatiun of ~he Westerly line of Tr:tct No. 2786 as shown on the msp recorded in
Book 83, Pages 33 and 34 of Miscc:lluneous M.tps in ~he uftic~ of said County Recorder;
thence South 00°35'08" West 6y2.55 feet along sa~d Northerly prolongation and said last
mentioned Westerly line co the Northerly line of Tract Nu. 2537 as shown on ttie map
recorded in Book 7~, F;~ges 38 and 39 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said C:ouncy
Recorder, thence alonb saici last mentioned Nor~herly line, tiie following courses: South
89°55'S1" Wes[ 166.69 feet, Sauth QO°4U'U6" West 7Q.QU feet and South 89°55'Sl" West
85.00 feet to the VNesterly line of Lo~ 3S of said Trac[ No. 2537; thence South 00°4Q'06"
V1~'est 106.07 feet aleng said last mentioned Westerly line to the Southerly linc oC said Lot.
35; thence North 89°55'S1" East 59.22 feet along said last men~ioned Southe~ly line to the
Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line c~f Lot 31 of said Tract No. 2537; thence
South 00°4U'06" West 160.09 feet along saiJ Nurtherly prolongution and said last
mentioneci Westerly line to the Southerly line of said Trac:t ~Jo. 2537; thence Narth
89°S$'l l" Easc 1U5.0U fee[ al~ng said last mer~tioned Southerly line to the Westerly line
of Trzct [Vo. '2713 as showr- on the map recorded in 13ook I t l, Page 42 of Miscellaneous
Maps in the office of snid County Recorder; thence ~outh UO°4Q'Q6" Wesc 324.31 feet
along said last me'ntioned Wcstcrly lins ro the Northerly line of Tract hu. 5162 as shown
on the map recorded in Book 302, Pages 24 chrough 29 of Miscellaneous Maps in che
office of said County Recorder; thence along che boundacy of said Tract No. 516Z, the
fullowing courses: South 89"58'1 l" West 19.98 feet, South 00°a0'Q6" West 642.R3 fcet,
Narth 89°19'S4" West 4.S.Q0 feet, South UU°40'U6" West 36&.62 Feet, Nurth 89°S7'Q9"
West 35.00 feet and South QU°40'06" ~Yest 257.(~ teet to che Southerly line of Lot 112 of
said 1'rtct No. 5162; thcnce South 39°57'09" East 473.99 feet along said ~.ast mcntioned
Suutherly line and the Easterly Frolongation thereof to the Northerly prol~~gation of the
Easterly line of Lot 3 of Tract No. 162 ;~s shown on che m~~p r~corded in Esook 12, Page 6
of Miscellaneous Maps in the office ox' said County Recorder; ctience South W°30'00"
Wesc 532.80 feet along said Northcrly prolongation and said last mentioned Easterly line
to the Northerly line of Lot 1 of Tract No. t0694 as shown on chc mup recordcd 'sn ~iook
496, Pages 4~3, 45 and 46 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said (:ounty Recorder;
thence South 89°04'32" West 613.50 fect to the Westeriy line of said Lot l; thence South
00°28'23" East 628.54 feet along ~aid {ast mentioned Westerly linc and che Soucherly
prolongation thereof to the Easterly prolongatien of the Northeriy lincs of Lots 30 and 31
of Tract No. 2273 as sF,own on the rn:-p rccorded in Bouk 63, P:ige 27 of Niiscellaneous
Maps in the office of said Cuun~y Recorder; thence South 89°47'27" West 9U.W feet
atong said Easterfy prolongation to th~ bound:try of the AnahFim City LiR~i~s; thence
E:GH1f3(T E3 ~~11G;~.I~IA)
along said Anaheim City Limit bou~dary, the following courses: cor,tinuing South
89°47'27" West 150.OU feet alon~ said Easterly prolongation :~nd said lasc mentioned
IJortherly line to the Southerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Tract No. 2473 as
shown on the map recorded in E3ook 72, Pa~;es 27 and 28 of M~scellaneous htaps in the
affice of said Counry Itecorder; thence along said Southerly prolonga[ian, said last
mentioned Easterly line and [he Northerly prolongation thereof, ~I~e following courses:
North UU°1'L'33" Wesc 105.00 feet, North 89°47'27" Eas~ 5.01 feet and North QO°12'33"
West 971.69 feet to a line parallel with und Southeriy 30.U0 feet fro~r the centerline of
Rall [toad; thence South 89°17'00" West 1143.S1 fee~ along said last mentioned parallel
line to the Southerly prolongacion of the Wescerly line of P.u•cel l as shown on the map
recorded in Boo;. 42. Page 46 of Parcel Maps in ~he office of said County P.ecorder;
thence Nortii 00°G1'34" Wesc 504.73 eP~r :~iong suid Soutfierly prol~ngation and said last
mentioned Westerly line to the Southerly line of Lot l of Tract No. IU734 as shown on
the map recorded in F3oak 473, Pabes 33 :~nd 3~t of Miscellaneous Maps in the oftice of
said County Recorder; thence lec~vin~ the boundary nf said Anaheim City Limits and
alung the buundary of said I~ist mentionecl Lot l, the following co~~cses: 5outh ~9°59'42"
East 778.78 feec, North 00°00'l2" West 36Q.33 fee~, South K9°17'SG" West 8.73 feet to
the beginning of a non-tungenc curve Northwesterly having a radius of 73.UU fect, a radial
line to said curve bears South 33°li'S9" East, Westerly 41.53 feet along said curve
through a central angle of 32°35'S5" und South 89° 17'S6" West 1.98 feec; thence North
00°02'12" West 60.00 fee~ to a point on the Southeriy line uf L.ot 27 of Tr;tct No. 2701 as
showr. on the map recorded in Book I l S, Pages 5 and 6 of Miscellaneous Maps in the
office of suid County Recorder, said point be~ng the beginning of a nun-tangent curve
concave N~rthwesterly having a radius of 15.00 feet, a radial line to said point bears
South 00°02'12" Easr thence Easterly and Nonherly 2~.56 fect ~slong s;tid curve thraugh
a central angle of 90°00'00" to the Eastzrly line of said Lot 27; thence North OU°02'12"
West 3'10.12 fcet'ulong said last mentioned Easterly line and the Northerly prolongation
thereof to the Sautherly line of Loc 7 of said Tract No. 2701; thence North 89°57'48" East
16U.00 feet along said last mentioned Southerly linc and the Euste~ly prolongation thereof
to the Easterly line of Lot 5 of said Tracc No. 27Ul; chence Norch 00°02'12" West 121.77
feet along said last rnentioned Easterly line ;-nd the Northerly pralongacio~ thereof to said
tx~undaiy of tf~e Anahcim City Limics, suid bound;try bcing also the Southerly line of
Tract No. 2295 as shown on the m;tp recorded in Book 62~ Pages '1 and 8 oF
Miscellaneous Maps in the office of s~id County Recorder; thence alnng said Anaheim
Lity Limit boundary, thc following courscs: North 89°57'G8" East 391.3U fect along said
last mentioned Southerly line und the Easterly prolongation thercof to a linc parallai with
and Westerly 30.Q0 feet from the cencerline of Brookhursc Stnec; chence North 00°40'OG"
East 255.41 fcet along said last mcntioned pc+rullel line ~o the Northerly line of said Tract
1Vo. 2295; thence South 89°57'48" W~st 410.00 feet along s:tid last mentioned Northeriy
line to thc Easterly line of said Tract No. 2295; thence Narch 00°~0'Q6" Easc t98.00 feet
along said lasc mentioned Easterly line to the Southcrly line of 'Cract No. 4523 as shown
on the map recorded in Book 62, Pttges 7 and 8 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of
said County Recorder; thence along the boundary of said Tract No. 4523, the fullowing
courses: North 89°Sy'lU" Eas[ 9.b3 feet, North UU°40'06" East 207.5'1 fe~t and North
$9°~1'S5" West 231.90 feet to the Southerly prolung;ttion ~t' the Easterly line of Lot 11 of
EXHIBI'1' l3 y I 168.151A)
LEGAL UL"SCkt1PTlON, CIT~' Of~ ANAt-i~lM I I-23-y2
Tract Nu, 2~13 as shown on che map recurded in Book 68, Pages 33 and 34 of
MisceU,uieous Nlaps in the office of said County Recorder; thence North UU°38'33" East
219.15 fect along said S~utherly prolong:ition and said l;ist mentioned Easterly linc ta the
Northsrly line of P;ucel 1 of Parcel Map No. 7~)-?31 as shown on the map filed in Fsuok
141, Pages 32 and 33 of Purcel M;ips in the office c,f said County Recorder; thence
le;aving the boundary of said Anaheim Citv Limits South 89°46'S9" E,ts[ 263.6U feet
along said last mertioned Northerly line to the Wescerly line oF suid last mentioned Parcel
t; thence North UO°40'31" East 482,74 feet ;tlong said last mencioned Westerl,y line and
the Northerly prolongation chereoF ro a line parallel with and Northerly 40.U0 feet from
the centerline of Orunge Avenue ~-s shown on Tr:~ct No. 2928 recorded in Buok 95, Pages
13, 14 and 15 of i~tiscc;l!aneous Map; i~i chc uttice uF,uid Cuuncy kecorder; thenc~e North
89°51'US" East 196.23 feet along s;-id last mentioned parallel line to a line parallel wish
and Wes~erly 200.00 feet from the centerline of Brookhurst Street as shown on said Tract
No. 2928; thence Nor~h OU°06'US" Eust 224.07 feet along said I;-st mentioned parallcl line
to the Eas~erly prolongation of the Soutlierly line of Lo[ 3U of s:-id Tract Nu. 2928; thence
Su~:ch S9°51'OS" West 190.8? feet along said C.iscerly prolongucion eo said boundary of
the Anah~im City Limits, said bound:try beind ulso ~he Easterly line of said Tract No.
2928; thence along said Anaheim City Limit boundury, the following courses: Nurth
GO°06'OS" East 536.U9 feet al~ng said last mentioned Eas~erly line; thence South
89°51'OS" W~s[ 2U.U0 feet along s~tid last men[ioned Et~sterly line; thance Narth
UO°06'US" Easc 133.14 feet along s~id l;tst mencioned Easterly line tn a line parallel wich
and Southerly 70.06 feet from the Southerly line of th~ic certain U.6R9 ~cre parcel as
stln~vn on che map recorded in Book 34, Page l l of Record oF Sur~:,y, in che office of
said Councy Recorder; thence Norch 89°55'25" East 380.82 feec along said pazallel line to
~ line p~uallel with nnd Westerly 30.U0 f4et from the centerline of said Brookhurst Stteet;
thence North 00°U6'OS" East 488,56 feet to a line pcirullel with and Northerly 20.00 feet
from the centerline of Broadway as shown on said 'Cract No. 2928; thence South
88°58'15" West 30.00 feet ulong said l~~s[ mentioned parallel line to a line paraUel with
and Westerly 60.00 feec from che centerline of said Brookhursc Street; ~hence leaving the
bound;uy of said Anaheim City Limits North OU'U7'30" West 646.87 feet along said last
mPntioned parallet line to the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of Parcel 3 as
shown on the cnap recorded in Book 71, Page 13 ot Recurd of Sucveys in the office of
said Cuunty Recorder; thence Sou~h 88°58'20" West 27Q.07 feet along said Easterly
prolongation to the Southeasterly corner of s;~id last mentioned Parcel 3; thence 1long the
bounduy of said fast mentior.ed Parcel 3, the fullowing courses: North UU°U7'36" West
600.R~ feec, South 88°58'00" West 19a.00 fee~, Sauth 00°07'S4" West 278.G0 feet, South
88°58'UO" Wesc 292,00 feec and North OU°U7'S4" West 278,00 fee< <o the Norcherly licse
of said last rnentioned Parcel 3; thenc:e South 88°58'UU" West SU4.27 feet along said last
mentioned Northerly line and the Wes[erly prolongacioi~ thereof to said boundary af the
Anahcim City Limits; thence al~ng s:tid Anaheim City Limit boundary, the following
courses: cuntinuing Sou~h 88°58'UU" West 49.QU fee~ ro the Northerly prolongation of the
Westerly line uf said last mentioned Parcel 3, and South QU°Q7'S5" East 17U.U2 feet along
said Northerly prolongation to the Northwrstecly corner of suid last mentioned Parcel 3;
thence leaving the boundary of s:tid Anaheim City l.imits South QO°07'5S" East 430.70
feet along saic! last mentioned Westerly line co the Easterly prolongation of the Northerly
EXf 11131'I' B !~ I I6K.1 Sir\?
LEGAL DkSCRIf'"1'IUti. Cl~'l~' OF AtiAHE:I~i I I•?3-92
P~~GE ,5
line of Lot 26 uf Tra,c tio. ?0Ol as shown on the m:-p recurci~d in Book 8"t. Pa~es 3 and 4
uf ~tiscelianeou~~ ~1.-ps !n the uftice of s~id County Recurder; thence Suu~h 89°U1'25"
Wes~ 66U.U0 feec along said Easreriy prolong~tion, said f;~st -nen~ioned (r'ortherly line and
the Westerly prol~m~ation thereof ro che Ea~~erly line ot th;-t cer[ain 8.95 acrc parcel as
shown on the map recorded in Book 4, P:~gr ~y ot Rerord of Surveys in the oftice of said
Cour,ry Krcorder; thencc tior[i1 Iw"UK'35" West 7U6.4ls feec along s~id last mentioned
Easterly line a~~d thc Northerly prolongation thercof to a line paraflel with and Northerly
a0.00 feet from the renterline of Linroln Avcnue :-s shown on'I'cact tio. ZG25 recorded in
Rook 94, Pages 9, lU ana l l of ~iiscel!aneous ~1aps in the office of said County
Recurdcr: then~e :~urth Ky'Ol'59" c:ast GGO.1Q feet along.aid last mentioned parallel line
ta the Southcrly prolongation ot thc Westerly line of Lot SK of said Tract Na 2625;
thencc tiorth (x?° 16'S7" ~tiest 2Z6.O0 feet along said Southcr~y prolon6ation ro the
Southerly line of said Lot S~i; tfience ~orth 89~Oi'S9" East 24~.4U feet along said lasc
ment:oned Southerly line and the Easterly prolongation thereoF to the Easterly linc of Lot
55 of said "fract tio. 2625; tlience tiortli O()°16'S7" West 20.67 feet :+long said last
mentiuneJ Easterl~ I-nc to the Westcrly proion~a~iun uf ths Southerly {ine of Lot 54 nf
said Trar.t No. 2625; thencc North K9°Ul 59" E:~,i 41?.S~) feet along said Westerly
prolongation, said last mentioned Southerly line and the Easterly prolongation ~hereof to
thc Westerly line of Tract IVo. 1633 as shown or the map rccorded in Book 47, Page SU
of ~tiscellaneous tilaps in tl~e office of said County Recorder: thence Suuth W 16'20"
E:ast 166.U0 fect along said last mentioned Westerly line to the Southerly line of Lot 1 of
said 1'ract \o. 1633; theace tiorth 89'36'2U" East 1U4.27 feet along said last mentioned
Southcrly line :o the E:asterly line of sa~d Lot I: thence North ~~°16'10~' West 227.43 feet
along said tast mentioned East~rly line :+ncf ~tu :~ortherly prolongation thereof to the
Westerly prol~n6:+tion of ihe Soucherly line ol' Loc 34 ot said Tract No. 1b3:~; thenc~
\orth 89`36'20" Cast 283.()0 feet along said Westerly prolongation, s,iid last mentioned
Souther!y line and :he Easterly prolung:~tion thereot to the centerline of Ranchitn Street
as shown on said Tract No. 1633, thence ~outh 72°SO'45" EJSI 51.38 feet ro tbe
Sc,uthwesterly corner of Loc 44 0~ ,aid Tract tio. I(~33: ~h~nce `unh 78°38'32" East
8' ~ ~t along the Southerly line of sai~1 Lot 44 ro the Easterly line of said l.ot 44;
the~ice avorth 00°16'10" West 84U.00 feet along said last mentioncd F.astcrly line and the
i~orthtrly prolongation thereof to the i~orcherly line of Lot f9 ~>E Tract {~o. 1569 a~
shown on the map recorded in Boc~k 47, Page 17 of Miscellaneous Maps in ehe o(fict of
sai~f County Recorder; :hence Narth 89°36'2(~" We-t 3U.lXl feec :~idng said last mentioned
tionherly fine ta the Shueherly prolongation oF che E:uterly line ot' Lot 3 of said Tracc Nu.
15G9; thence Narth 00°16'lU" Wcst 158.00 feet alon~ sa~d Sou~hcriy proSongation and
sa~d la~e mcr-tioned Easterly line to the Norihcrly line of sa~d ~'ract No. 1569; then~e
tiorth 89°35'20" Wesc 156.33 fecc along s~id ~ast menciored hortherly line to the rtwst
Easterly line of Wt 21 of said 7ract No. 1631: efunce honh ll(J°2Q'4i" West 943.8U ftet
alung said last meneioned Ea~cerly line and che `ortheriy prolongation thereof, said
prolungatian b:inK ehe nu>>t Ea~cerly lu~~ u! t!~c Orrnge Cuuncy fload Con:rol E2etarding
E3asin a~ shown on tt~c map rrrorded in Bouk SU, E'ages 43 :+nd 44 of Reeord nf Surve~ s
in the ott'ice of said County Kecordet to a lire p~rallel wi~h and Soutt.crly 3G5.40 feci
fcom the cemerlinc o: Cresrem Avenue: chence 5outh 88°57'S7" W~:~t 259.34 feet along
said last mcnti~ontd p. rallel linc to ~ li7c p:+r.+llel with and ~/erterl~~ ~~0.(l~1 fctt fmrn thc
1`c'~-. - t ~~"
f~XFill3ff' 13 ~>1 Ici;~.ISIr~)
LEGA1. DESCRI~''1'IUti, Cl"I'Y Of' A\r\HE.ItI I 1-~3•y2
ccnteriine of i3rookhurst Street; thence North Oi)°2O'~ll" ~Vest 3?5AU fer_; along said last
mentioned parallel line to a line parallel with ~nd Southerly 40.(~ feet from said
centerline of Crescent Avenue: th~nre Suuth ;i8°.i7'S7" West 70.66 feet along said last
mentioned parallel lint [o the Southerly prolong:~l~or~ ot' ehr Eascerly linr. of che 26.936
acre ~arcel as shown on the -n:ip recordeJ in ~3aok 73, Page 13 of Record of Surveys in
the offir.e of said Councy Reeorder; thence along said la,t mentiuned Easterly ~ine, the
followine courses: Nunh QU'=44'44" 1Vest 1tIU.~)5 fe~t, South 88°3R'40" West 12U.U1 fe~t
and Norih OU°~l~l'-~4" West 5~38.U3 feet to the 5outherly iin~ ut "frac~ No. 12U2 as shown
on thc map recordcd in E3cok 37, P:sge. 27 and :'.~ ~f yliscelianeous Maps in thc office of
said Cuunty Recorder; ttience North ~K'3~t'4Q" E:~st 249.83 t'eet along s;+id last mentioned
Southerly line ro ehe Eas~erly line uf said Tr;~ct tio. 120'~; thcnce North QU°43'36" West
687.39 fcet a~ong saiJ last ~nentiuned Easierly linz tu ~he Southwe~terly line of Srquoia
Avcnue as shown on said Tr;~rt No. 13112: ~hence along saiA lasc mentioned
Southwesterly line and the ;~orthwetiterly prolong~tion thereof, ttu following courscs:
tiorth 57' 12'3l~" West 543.25 feet :~nd Norch RS°S4'lx)" West K22.;~3 fcet to the Northerly
prolon~ation of che We~terly line ot Lot 3~ ot Tract l~~~. 1l61 as shown un tht map
recorded in Book 3G, Pages 45 and 46 of ~tiscellaneous ~taps in the office of said County
Recorder; thence yorch 78°I 1'31" Wesc 63.75 feec ro the Sou~heasterly c~rner of Lot 32
of said Tracc ~o. I IG1; thenre 5oucli 89'13'10" We,t i 17.RU t'ret alon~ the Southerly line
of said Lot 32 to ~he Westerly line of ~aid Trac~ ~o. 1161; ~hence 5outh U(1°46'S0" East
4fi(1.93 feet along said last mentioned Wescerly line to che Narthr,riy line of said Tract No.
1161; tlience ~outh 89°22'(w" West 690.1y feet ;-long said last mentioned n`orthcrly line
and the Westerly prolongatiun thcreof to tl-~e Westerly line of Gilhert Street as shown on
the map filcd in Book 5, Page 1 of Parccl h1:~ps in the o:tice of said County Rezorder,
thencc North (i0°23'35" N'est 712.81 teet :tlong ,aisf la~t rnentioned Wecterly line and tt~e
Northerly prolongation chereof to a iine parallel wi~h and lVorthcrly 53.OQ feet from the
centerline of La Palma A~~enue as shuwn on '1'ract tio. 22111 re~:orded in Dook E3, Pages
47 throu~h 5~ of Miscellaneous 11aps in the office ot ssid Couaty Fte~order; thence
North $9 21'40" East 1351.95 feet along said lasc mentioned paraliel line to the Sautherly
prolongation of ti~e Easterly line ot Lot 158 of 1:l1(I TiJII No. 2201: chence horth
00°46'40" Wesc 561.00 feet along .aid 5outl-rrly ptolangs~tion. said ~ast rr.entioned
Eascerly line and the Nortlierly protongacion thereof eo ehe Soucherly lin~ of said Tract
No. 22Q1; thence Norch 89°21'4U" East 1281.K5 fcct along said last mentioned Southe:ly
line eo che Easterly lin~ of Lot 13~ of said Tr:sct tio. 22Ul; chencc tvorth ()0°A7'IS" Vlcst
134.59 f~ct alona said last mentioned Easterty tinc :+nd ehe ~ortherly prulongation thercof
to the Westerly prolohgation of the Southcrly I~ne of "('nct {vo. 2~'~3 as ~hown on ~he map
recorded in dook 76. Fages 45 throu~h 48 of ~1i~cellanenus !~. : in the office of said
County Rrcorxier; ther~ce alnng s;~id Wrsterly prolnn~?:+eion and said last mensioned
Snutherly line, the foU~~wing couru:~: ~cr:h ~y'~iO'Ib" East 3OI.l~ feet and 5outh
60`3G'30" East 2?U.68 fset to the tior~hwe.tcrly corner of 'Tract tio. 4233 a~ shown on
che map recorded in Elook 150. Pa~e 22 of `tisccllanc~us ~laps in the office of said
CQUnry Itec:~rder, thr.nre alonK the Wcsterly :,nd South:rly lir.r of said 'i'r.+~t iVo. 4233.
tht follawing courses: 5outh OQ`21'15" L:,t.t 35').~N) tcet and tiur~h K9°a6'2U" Ea~c
255.~3 f'ect tn thc Westerly lsne of s;~-d iratt ~o. 2U93; tl;ence Sou:h l~'21'35" East
331.00 feec rlong snid i:~st mentiened Wexterly linc and the Snutherly ptolon~ation
I'c:11. .1,3 ~
t:~tllt3t'r E3 ~>--c,x.~i,A~
LFGA:. UESCRIN'tIUN. CI'I'Y 01= ANAHEI`t ~ 1.1~.`;~
thereof ro the Northerly line of l.ot 107 ot 'I'ract No. 1721 as shown un die map recorded
in I3ook SC, Pages 37, 38 c~nd 39 uf ~lisrelLincou; '~l:tps in the ofFicr_ oF said County
Recorder; thenre South 8~)°46'2Q" :Vesc 162.4~ feet along said last mentioned I~ortherly
linc and the Wescerly prolong::~ior, thereof ~o ~he Easterly line ot the 5anta Ana Fre~way
(lncerstate No. 5); thencc along said I~st mentioned E~sterly Itne, the f~llowing courses:
South UU°2~'18" Wes; IU0.00 feet, Suuth n9°35'42" Easc 2.17 feec, South UO°24'U7" West
179.42 t'eet eo the beginnin~ of a tangent curve conc;tv~ Northeas~erly havin~ a radius of
t0UU.0U f~et, Soucheasterly G77.3A teet :ilung said curve through a central angle ot'
38`48'32", and South 3~S°24'25" Easc 97.65 feet to tlie Westerly c:orner of Lot 20 of said
'I'rac; No. i721; thence South 47`06'32" East IKU.UO fece along the Southwesterly line of
Lnts 2U, 21 a:~d 22 of said Tra~:t No. 1721; thence South 13°I(i 57" West 308.R8 feet to a
point, said poin[ being the b.ginning of a non-tanbent curve. cancave Westerly having a
rad:us of SOAII t'cet, a cadi;sl linc to said point bean North 32°47'24" E~sc, said poiut
being also the ~`~ortherly c:orner uf P:trcel C as shown on the map t'iled in Eiook 4~1, Page
l5 of Parc~l Maps in the office of said C:o~m;y Recorder; ~hence along the Wcsterly line
of sa~d Parcel C, tne followinv, cuune;: Southerly 79.7G f~et alon~ s:-id curve through a
central ot 91°?.3'S5" ro the beginning of a reverse curve concave Eusterly having a
radius of SO.UU feet, Southerfy 3U.47 teet along ~~id cuivr tl~rough a central angle of
34°54'S5". South 0O°43'3G" East 4h6.91 trec to the btginning uf ;i t:~ngen~ rurve concave
Easterly h:-ving ~ r~dius of 268.(~ feet, 5outherly 62.03 feet along said curvc throu~ti a
central angle oi' 13°15'dU" to tlie beginning of a reverse curvc concave Westerly having a
radius of 332.OU feet, Southerly 7G.~d feet along s;isd curve through a central angle of
13°15'4Q" and South W°43'36" East 542.51 Feec ~o the E:+sterly proiongation of the
Northerly line of Panc~i 1 as shown ~n ~he map filed in [3ook 85, P;tges 4 and 5 of Parcel
Maps in the office uf said Counry Recorder; thence North 89°~l3'22" West 453.93 feet
along said Easterly prolongation <<~ the tiorihcrly prolongatiun uf tt-e E:+sterly line of
Valley Street as show7 on said la~c mentioned Parcel Ni;ip; thKnce South (x3°16'U3" East
663.62 feet along sai~i horcherly ~~-'olongxtiun, said last mentioned Easterly lint and the
Southerly prolongation thereof t~ the (~ortherly line of Lot 7 of Tract ~o. SA53 as shown
on the map recorded in Bool: 1~:3, Pages ~4 through 38 of Nliscellaneous Maps in the
offic~ of said Councy Kecorde~, ihence ~onh :S~)°aU'U9" W~;- 330AS feet ~long said
Nonhtrly line and the Westerly prolongation thereot' to the Northerfy prolongation of the
Westerly line oE Lot 3 of said Tracc ~Io. 5053; trence South OU°16'lU" ~a~t 539.55 feet
alo~g said Norttierly prol~ngation, xaid I:-ct men~ioned Wcstc:ly line and th~ Southetly
prolongation chereof co che Wcsterly prolon~ation of ihe So~therly line of Lot 3 of said
Tract No. SOS3; thcnce South 851°31'S()" Ea.~ 116.OU ~eet :ilong ~aid Westerly
proloizgacion and said lasc mentioned Southerly line ro the ticmhcrly pmlon~ati~m of the
E~sterly line of Parcel I~s shown on the m;+n rerordeJ in f3aok 1{2. P;+ge 6 ~f Recurd of
Surveys in thc office of said Coumy Recordcr, ihenre Sou~h ~IC)°Iti IU" Eas~ 13y.1A fcce
along said lorcherly prolongatirn and .aid I:i~t mentinned Eastcrly line to the Sou~herl,y
line of said last mcnnoned Parcel I: thcn~e lurch K~)°31'(?l)" We~t 29.OA feet along said
last mcnnor.cci Souiherly line to thc tionhtrly prolong~tion of chc Wc~tcrly line of ~.oc 9
uf Trart tio. 1 t351 a~ ~hown on the ~~iap rc~urdrJ i~~ l3~wk SG• Pagc ?6 u- `fi~c:eilaneous
~1aps in chc otfire of said County Rerorder; thcnce South Ur~°lli 10" Ea~c 9U2.9() fac
al~ng caid 1~raherly prolonkation and said last mentio~ud We~terly tin~ to the Southaly
t't:~l:-1 ~-
CXlIIBt'C fS ~) l ;t~`i.l il:~)
LEGAL DESCRlPTION, Cl'I'Y UP ;1tiA{-IC:1~1 ~~.,3.y-,
!'AGE 8
line of said Lut 9: th~n~c South ~i~I' i 1'UU" E:i,c 1~7.UU fc:rt :~lun~ ;:u~f Lrst mentioned
Southerly line and ~he Easteriy proloi:gation thereot to the Westerly line of Lut 32 ot'said
Tr~ct No. 1851; thence South UO°I(ilU° East'2.21 fcet along s,iid last mentioned
Westerly line and the Southerly prolunga~ion thereof tu ehc Westerly prulongation ot thc
Southerly line of Lot 33 of said "fract No. 1~51: chence Souch n9°31'UU" East ?89.33 feet
alonb said Westerly prolungation, said I.tst mentie~ned Southcrly line :~nd the Easterly
~+rolongation thereof to a point on the ~Vesterly iine of L~t 66 uf said Tract No. 1851, said
Westerly line being a curve concave ~Vesterly having a radius oi' ~U.Of) teet, a radial line
to said point bears South 89°31'UU" Easr, thrnce Suuthwesterly 7;5.54 feet ~long said
curve throu~h a central angie of 9Q°UO'OU" tu the Southerly line ot said L~t GG; thence
South 89°31'(H;" East 131.76 feec ulon~ said L•~sc mentioned Southerly line to the Easterly
line of said Tract Nu. 18S1; thence tiorth (xl°16'IU" West 562.Q3 feet along said lact
mentioned Easterly line ro~hC Nortltierly line uf ParcCl l as ,hown on che map filed in
IIook 129, Pages 26 and 27 of Par~el M:-ps in the office o;' said County P.ecorder; t{ience
South 89°3l 00" East 9190 fNet ;ilong said la.t mentioned Nortl.erly line to the Nonherly
prolongation of the E;-srerly line of Parccl 2 of said las~ mentioned Parcel Map; thence
South UO°09'22" Fast 118.U0 feet along said Northerly prolong;;cion ~o the Southerly line
of said last mentioned Parcel 1; thence along the boundary of s;ud last rr~entioned Parcel
1, the fullowing coucses: Sauth S9°31'00" E:-st 172.54 f~et, South (X)°1 1'U9" East 302.13
feet, Souch 89°32'S3" Casc 96.QU feec, Souch 3! 1.93 fzct, South 8~)°31'0O" Ec~st 295.79
fect, North 98.U1 feet and East 152.(x) feet to che Weste:ly line of Loc 32 of Tract Na
1G42 as shown on the m:+p recordr.d in Buok 49, Page 4 of Mliscellaneous Maps in the
office of said County Recorder; thence Suuth 7g.Ui) feet .-long said last mentioned
Westerly line and the Southcrly prolon-~ation ihercof to :! lin~: par~llel wit~~ and Northerly
6Q.OU feet t'rom the cenrerli~ie ul Lincoln A~-~~~iue a, ;hu•.~~n un said 'fr;ict No. ~642;
ctic~ice Sou~h 8'~°31'UU" East ~(rt.9U feet :-long s;tid last mentione~ parstllel line co the
Easterly lir~e of Tract No. 1775 as stiown on the map rccorded in Sook 50, Page 15 of
Mi~cellaneuus Maps in the offi~e of said County Recorder; thence rorth l°l4'14" Vb'est
775.16 fect along said last mentioned Eascerly line tu etic Northerly linc ot' the land
descr.bed in the deed to lames T. Tso and Rita C. Tso recorde~ Dtcembcr 16, 19R8 as
Instrument No. 88-b57987 of O[ficial Records in the oitice ot s;iid County Recnrder;
thence Suuth 89°39'04" East 319.77 f'eet along s;iid I;~st mentioned `orthcrly line to a line
paral~el wi~h and Westerly 32.IX) fece from t~ie ccn~~rline of s~id M~~Iler S[reet; thence
~outh W°15'00" Ea~t 9n1.16 fr,st alon$ said I~st mcnti~r.ed par;illel line to a line parallel
with and Southtrly 66.OU feet from s:~id centerlint of l.incoln Avenut; thence South
b9°31'OU" Cast 2.(~ feet along said I:+st menuoned parallel lint to the true point of
EXCEPTING cherefrom that puruon deseribed ~s tollaw;: E3cginning a~ thc
tiorthwcscerly eornc: of Parcel I;,s sho~n on ~he map filed in Book 57. Pa.gc l0 of
Parcel ~1aps in thc office of sa~d County Rcce~rder; thence alonb the bc~undary of said
Par~el 1, che following courses: Nonh 8y'ti7'aK" E:~,c 12A.)3 feec and South 0()°4d'U(~"
Wcst II~.~JO feCt ro the Nucthwesterly corner of Parcel 2 of ~~id last mencioned Parcel
;vtap; thence alonb the t,c~undary uf said last mcntiosied 1'arcel 2, the folloN~ing courses:
tioi~th R9`57'4S" Fast ?IS.I~ fecr and Sauth l}Il°~tQ'l)b" West 2(?2 l)2 fcCt ro~he tiarthcrly
Pt:'J~ -1-1;
EX:iIBIT i3 ~)I 16~i.151A)
line of Parcel 2 ns shown on the map fited in Book Iti, Page 30 of Purcel Maps in the
uftice uf said Coun;y ~2rcorder: thence South ;i~~° 17'2'3" ~Vrst 335.20 fert along said last
mentianed Northerly line t~ the Southerly proiongation of ~he Westcrly line of said last
mentioned Parcel l; thence Nu-•tli UU°U2'12" Wesc 3U9.(i3 feet ;~IonY said 5outherly
prolongation and said I;tst ~~entioned We~terly lir,e to the point of beginning.
Contains an are;~ ot' 3l8 acres, more or less.
g~~~,(V~ $~p`F
~.~J~ ~ ~~ ~
AMES B. DU~ILAP, LS 8~) ~ ~p~,`~P `~
~p' fr3a96 •~
* _ ~. 4189 ~~
1'CJ2-l~l i
ExD~ibit C
or~~ ~
cicy ~r ~bz~
fur the
Prcpared by thc
p~anning Commissioa oE the City of Andheim
in cnopcration with t6e
Aneheim Rcdevclopment Agency
1 i 1991J[c
tor Uac
I. IN'f'RODUCI'ION ...................................................................................................................................1 '
II. DF.SCRI'PTiON OF THE BOUNDAitI'ES OF THE PRQJECf AREA ................................•.....1 i
ANl~ STANDA.RDS ............................................................................,.,................................................. l
A. Land Us~.s ..................................................................................... ...............................................1
B. Z.uyout of Piincipal Strects ........................................................................................................1 ~.
C. Popuiation Dens.ities ...................................................................................................................1 ~
...................,................................................... ,
D. Buildiag Intensities and Staodards ..................... '
REDEVEI..OYNLENT LA.W .............................................................,,...................................................2
V. CONFORMANCE TO THE GENERAL PLAN OF'I'fiE L'TI'Y ..................................................3
~hibit A: Project Arca Map
F.~bbit B: Legal Descriptian of Project Arca
SO l8.anN5 P~ ~ 2- i~17
1l t9921sc
for the ~
This Preliminary Pian has bee:n prepared to tulfill the requirements of Sectioa 33322 to 33325
inclusive of the Health and Safety Code of the State of C.~lifornia co~ceraiawg the selsetion of a project area
and the formulation ~f a preliminary plan. This Preliminary Plan consists of text, a map and a legai
The boundaries of the Project Area are as showa on th;: Project Area Map which is attached as .
Fxhibit A to this F'reliminary Plan, and as dcscribed in the Legal Description of Pcoject Area, which is
attached as Exhibit B to tbis Preliminary Plan.
tp~ty~ION DF ~~'['~s A[vn A~.rtI,p1N~.~_~E~~~ sr,~rm~Rns
The foilowiag general statemcnts rcg~rding land uscs, layout of principal streats, population
dcnsities aad building intansities and standards are proposed as the basis for thc redevc~opment of the
Project Arca.
A Ia Use~
It is ~ropused that, in general, the land uses for the various properties in tk~c Prajcct P,rra
sball be as described and defined in the policies, goals and laad uses of the Genernl Plan. Such us~ may
• Commcrcial .
• Industrial
• Residcatial
• Public/Rccreatioaal
Such uses mny, in cettain azeas, be impiemented and further defiaed in specific plans
approved and adoptcd by the Planning Commission. Within aay arr.s~, alternative uxs may be establiahrd to
the extent and ia the menn~r provided by thc Gcn=ral Plan and local cc~des aad ordinanccs.
B. Ia~~ut„~, of Princi,~l Strecss •
Ic i~ propar.ed that, in gane~ai, the layout of the principal streets for the Pcoject Area be as
shown on tbe Project Area Map. In accord with the General Ptan ~ad Iocal codcs and ordiaances, a~sting
streets withia the Pcoject A,res may be cloecci, wideaed, realigned or ot6ar~vise modified, and adJit9onal
strec:u may be created as necesaary Eor proper pedzsuian or vehicu{ar c.~irculation.
C„ ~,~ti~n Densities
It is propc~scd that, in gcocral, the pc~pulation dcnsiry for any ruidential uses permittcd
within t6e Project Area, if any, shall bc a~ d~cdbed and de6ned in tha General Piau as it is ac as it mny bc ~
amcnded. or as othenvise providcd in (ocai codas and ~rdinances.
SO18.aahlS f'Ct) 2- 2 n 7
l 1199?Js:
p. Buildin~ I~tcnsitics s~nd Standards
It is proposed that, i~i general, building iateositia5 be controlled by procedures and critcria
established in thc Gencral Plan, speciG~ plans, ~nd local c;odes and ordinanccs. Such criteria may includc
limits on: (1) the pcrcc:ntage of ground ar~:a covered by buildings (I~nd coverage); (2) the ratio of total
tloor arca for all stories of thc builclings to arcas of the bui:ding sitcs (Eloor area ratio); (3) the si•re and
lcx:ation of buildable areas on building sites; and (A) tl~e heights of buildings. Land coverage, sizes and
locations of l~uild~ble areas should be limiteci os nect~.iaty and feasible to providc adequatc opcn space,
parking, acccss and othcr amenitics.
It is proposed Ihat building standardti should generally wnform to the building
requircments of applicable state statutcs and local codes and ordinances.
~.W .
Cc:rtain goals and objectives have bcen identifieci in connection with the ~'roject, the
accomplishment of which will nttain the purposes of the California Community Redevelnpment Law. In
ge-~eral, tl~e goals and abjectives of a redevelopment program in thc Project Area are as follows:
1. 'The eliminati~r. and prevention of the spread of blight and dete~ioration; and the consccvation,
rehabilitation and redeveloptn~nt of the Project Area in accord with the General ~'lan, speci6c
plans, the Rcdevelopmeut Plan aad local cudes and ordinances.
2. The achievement of an environmeut retle.cting a high level ot' concerr, for architectural, landscupe,
and urban design and land use principle~ appro~riate for attainment of the obje~ctives of the
Redcvelopment Plan.
3. The provision for increased sales, business licc~nse, hotel occupancy and other fees, taxes and
revenues to the City.
4. The provision for tnx increment to provide funds as necessary to Gnance public improvements and
dcvelopment pr~grams which cannot be accomplishe.d throagh existing publically fundcd programs
ox 6y the private sector acting alone tu climinate blighting intluences in the Project Area. .
S. The promotion of new and continuing privute ~ector investment wiihia the Project r1r^a to prevent
the loss of. and to facilitatc the recapture of cnmmeccial sales activity.
G. 'Ibe rctcntion of As mnny e~dsting busineucs ao pos~iblc by means of rcdevclopa~ent and
rehabilitation activitics and by encouraging nnd assisiing the cooperation and partic~patioa uf
owxers, bu~iaess~ nnd public agencics in the revitalization oE the Project Area.
7. 'I~c creation and devclopmcnt of local jab oppoRunitics ::rd thc preservatioa ~f the area's e~dsting
employmcnt bs~u. •
8. 7he establishment of malern, conveaient commcrcial centers to serve the needs of the surroundiag
neighborhood and tha City.
9, The elimination or amelioration oE certain environmental de6cieacies, including substandard
vehicular circulation systems; inadequate watcr, sewer and sROrm draiaTgc systems; iasufficient oEf•
street pa;king; and other ~imilnr public impiovr.ments, facilities aad u:iGties deGci~ncies adver~.,ely
allecti~g the Project Area.
10. The encoura~ement of investment by the priv~te sector in the dev~elopmc:at und recievelopmen! of
thc Projcct Arca by eliminating impedimcnts tu such develcpment and redevelopmen~
, 2 , I'C92-IA7
11. Thc cxPansion uf tha community's supply of housing, including opporwnitics fcr low- and
modcratc-inr.omc hcuscholds.
12. To climinate blight through ahate;ment or code compliance, reconstruction and assembly of parcels
into more de~velopabic sites for morc compatiblp uses.
13. To improve pubiic parkirig, other puhlic facilities, services, utility lines, lighting, public safety and
public transportation.
14. To exp~nd and upgradc the housing op~ortunities in thc c:ommunity to climinatc blight and
improvc housing stock and standards for the present population.
15. To encouragc maximum participation of residents, business persons, property ownccs, and
community organizations in the redevclopment of thc P~ojc;ct Area.
16. To replan, rcdesign and develop arcas which are stagnant or im~ropedy used.
Redcvelopment of the Preject Area pursuani to this I'reliminary Plan and the above goaLs and
objcxtives will attain the purposes of the Califarnia Community Redevelopmcnt Law: (1) by the
elimination of areas suffering from economic dislocation and disusc; (2) by the replanping, tedesign and/or
redevelopment of areas which are. stagnant or improperly utilized, and which c;ould not be accompl~shed by
private enterprise acting alone without public participation and assistance; (3) by protectin~; and promotin~
sound dcvciopmcr,t and redcvelopment of blighted are~s and the gcnsral w~lfare of cituens of the Ciiy by
re~nedying such injurious conditions thruugh the cmployment of appropriate menas; pnd (4) through the
instaUation of new or replacement of c~dsting public improvcments, facilitiea an~ utilities in areas which Are
currently inadcquatety served with rcgard to such improvcmcnts, far,ilities and utiGties.
V. ~tZN_FORP~S NCE O 7'~il: GCNCR~[, P1.~N OF'I'~ir CITY
This Preliminary Plan fuUy conforn~s to thG General Plan of the Ciry of Anahcim. In e:neral, this
Preliminary Plar, is intrnded to act as a klcxible conceptual guide, and to cantinue to conform to the
General Plan as it may bc mod'~ied and/or impiemented by future amendments and specific plans.
~,u,~ROUNDIN~ NE[f;I~I3~RH ((~
It is propc~sed that the principal puxpose of the I'coject be thr, eGmination and prevention of blight
through assistance and encouragement of private rehabilitation aad deve.lopmeat efforts; thmugh seiective
land acquisition, clearanec and disposition for private redevelopment; aad through proviston or
replacement of new or erosting pubtic impcovements, facilities and utilities within and sennng the Project
Area. Direct Agency a~tivity will uccur only wheti si~fficient financial resources are available and sucw
action will producc effECtive and immecliate r~.development results.
The implct of the Project upon re~id4nts thcrec~f and upou the surrounding neighborhood, as weU
as upon business owaecs aad tcnants within the Projcct Area and the sunouading neighborhoocl, will, ia
general, be in the areas of increased and improved vetucular and pedestriaa traf~c ci~culation, tnhanced
shopping opportunities, increased emp(oyment and economic dcvelopment opportuaities, and 'uaproved
~cnvironmental quatiry. Ta the extent tk~at the acquisitioo of properties for redevelo~ment or for pubGc
improvements, ('acilities or utilities purposes rec~uires the acquis~tion of occupied build~ngs located on such
properties, the Project may cause dis~tacenient uf occupants. Occupants so displaced would be eatitlecl to
relocation benefit~ and assistanc~:, as provided under the St~te Relocation Act.
The impact of the Project will be cc~nsidered in detail by the Agenc.y in !he Project Em~sonmeatal
Impact Repc~rt.
, 3 , PC~)2-1d7
EXFilI3ff B
That portion of Sec~iuns 5, 6, 7, 8, l7, 18, 19 and 2U, Township 4 South, Range 10 West
in the Rancho Los Coyotes :-nd Rancho S:tn ]uan Cajan de Santa Ana as shown on the
map recorded in Dook Sl, Page 1Q of Mi~cellaneous Maps in the office of the Counry
Recorder of Orange County, California, described as follows:
Beginning at the centerline intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Muller Street as shown on
the map filed in Book 128, Pages 4? and 43 uF Purcel Maps in the office uf said County
Recorder; thence Norch 89°31'UU" West 30.UU feet along said centerline of LincAln
Avenue to the Northerly prolongation of' the Easterly line of Parcel l as shown on the
map filed in Book 1?.8, P;iges 42 ;ind 43 of l';trcel M:ips in the af~ce of said County
Recorder; thence Soutl~ UU"U2'S3" E;-st 66.OU t'eet along said Northerly prolongation to
the Northwesterly corner of said Parcel 1, said corner being the TRUE PO~NT OF
BEGINrJING; thence aloi:g the boundary of said Parcel 1, the following courses: South
UU°02'S3" East 134.95 feet, North~ 89°31'00" West 122.~J0 fcet and North 00°02'S3" West
134.95 feet to the Northeasterly comer of Lot 17 of Tract ho. 2299 ns shown on the map
recorded in Book 70, Pages 44 through 49 of Misccllaneous Maps in the of~ce of s~id
County Recorder; thence Nurth 89°31'00" West 538.83 feet along the N~rtherly line of
said Lot l7 and che Westerly prolongution chereoF to ~he Northeasterly corner of Lo~ 8 of
said Tract No. 2299; thenr,e Souch UU°O1'43" West 150.24 fee[ alon~ the Westerly line of
said Lot 8 and the Soucherly prolongation [hereof to the Easterly prolongution of the
Northerly line of Lot 5 qf s;~id Tract No. 2299; thence North 89°31'00" West 5~41.22 feet
along said Easterly prolongation, s;~id last mentioned Nurtherly line and the Westerly
prolongation thereof to the Norcheaster~y corner of Lot 2 of said Tract No. 2299; thence
along tha boundary of said Lot 2, th~. foliowing courses: North 00°a3'06" East 20.00 feet,
North 89°31'l)0" West 67.00 feet and South 00°OR'OG" West 151.59 feet co the EastE S ~
prolungati~r of the IVortherly line of Parcel 1~is shown on the map filed in Book 12, Page
30 of Parcel M1ps in the uffice of said County Recorder; thence North 89°31'0(3" West
160.00 feet along said las~ mentioned Easterly prolongacion ;ind said last mentioned
Northerly line tu che Westerly line of said last mentioned Parcel l; thence South
00°07'30" Wesc 320.01 feec along said last mencioned Wescerly line and the Southerly
prulongation thereof to the Northerty line of Lot ~28 of said Tract No. 2299; thcnce
Narth 89°32'00" West 1174.24 feet along suid last mentioned Northerly line and the
~Vtsterly prolon$ation thereof to t{ie Westerly line ot' Lot 246 of said Tracc No. 2299;
thence South 00 10'00" Wes~ 91.75 feec along s:~id las~ mencioned Wescerly line ro the
beginning of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly having a rsdius of 15.Q0 feet; thence
Soucherly and Easterly 18.39 feet along said curve through a central angle of 70°14'46" to
a line parallel with and Easterly 10.00 feec from the Westerly 16~e of Lot 247 of said Tract
No. 2299; thence South 00°10'00" Wtst 1C~2.86 teet along said last mencioned parallel
line to the Northerly line of C.ot 25~3 of said Tr;sct No. 2299; thence Nortti 89°33'b2" West
10.Q0 feet along said lasc mentioned Norcherly line co the Westerly line of said Lot 254;
tt~ence South ~0°10'QO" Wesc 343.0'7 feet along said lasc men[ioned Westerly line ana the
Southerly prolongation thereof to the beginnin, of a tangent curve concave Northeasterly
EXHIBIT f3 NI 168.1~(;~)
having a radius of 15.OU fee~; thence Southerly and Easterly 23.49 feet along said curve
through a cenu~al angle of 89°43'U2" t~ the Southerly line of Lot 26b of said Tract No,
2299; thence South 89°33'02" East 267.92 fezt along said las: menti~ned Sautherly line
and the Easterly prolongation thereof tc the Northerly prolongntion of ~hc Westerly linc
of Tract No, 36U8 as shown on the map recorded in Book 13U, Pages 17 and 18 of
Miscellaueous Maps in the office of said Counry Recorder; chence Sou~h OU°09'lh" West
1410.88 feet along said Northerly prolongation, said lust mentioneci NJescerly line and the
Westerly !ine of Tract No, 1988 as shown on the map recorded in Book 125, Pages'7 and
8 of Miscellaneous Maps in the uffice of s~id County Recorder to the 5outherly line of
Lut 18 of said Tract No, 1988; thence North 8~)°29'36" East SQ.55 fee~ tu the Northerly
prolongation of [he Westerly line of Tr;tct No. 27Rb as shown on the map recorded in
Book 83, Pages 33 and 34 af Miscell~uieous Mups in the office of suid Cuunty Recorder;
thence Souch 00°35'08" West 692.55 feet along stiid Northerly pralongation and said last
mentioned Westerly line to the Northerly line of Tract No. 2537 as shuwn on the map
recurded in Book 75, P;tges 38 and 39 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said County
necorder, thence along ~aid last mentioned Northerly line, the follawing courses: South
39°55'S1" West 166.69 feet, South QO°40'U6" West 7Q.00 feet and South 89°55'S1" Wcst
85.00 feet to the Westerly lino of Lot 35 of said Tr;-ct No. 2537; thenco South 00°40'06"
West 106,07 feet along said last mentioned Westerly line to the Southerly line ~f said l.ot
35; thence North 89°55'S1" East S9.?2 feet along said last mentioncd Sou~herly line to the
Northerty prclonga[ion of the Westerly line of Lot 31 of said Tract No. 2537; thence
South OU°40'06" West 160,09 feec alung said Nartherly prolongation and said last
mentioned Wescerly line to the Southerly line of said Trac:t No. 2537; thence North
89°S8'l l" Eust 1U5.0U feec along s~tid 11st mentioned So~~therly line to the Westerly line
of Tract No. 2713 as shown on the map recorded in l~ook 11 l, Page 42 of Pdiscellaneaus
Maps in the office of said County Recarder; thence South 00°40'Ob" West 324.31 feet
along snid last mentioncd Westerly line to the Northerly line of'tract No. 5162 us shown
on the map recorded in Book 302, Pages 24 ~hrough 29 of Miscetlaneous Maps in the
office of said County Recorder; [hence along the boundary of said Tract No. 5162, the
following courses: South 89°58'i I" West 19.98 feet, South 00°40'U6" West b4?.83 feet,
North 89°19'S4" Wesc 45.00 feet, South 00°4()'U6" West 368.62 feet, Norch 89°57'09"
West 35.00 feet and South 00°40'06" West 257.(~ feet co the Southerly line of Lot 112 of
said Tract No. 5162; thence South 89°57'09" E:isc 473.99 feet alang said last mentioned
Southerly line and the Eusterly prolongation thereof !o the Northerly prolongation of the
Easterly line of Loc 3 of Tracc No. 162 as shown o~~ the map recorded in Book 1Z, Page 6
uf Miscellaneous Maps in the office ~t' said Councy Recorder; thencc Souch O(i°30'00"
West 532.80 feet alang said Northerly prolongacion and said last mentioned Easterly line
to thc Narthcrly line of Lo~ 1 of Tract No. ] 0694 as shown or~ the -nap rccorded in Book
496, Pages 44, 45 and 46 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder;
thence South 39°04'32" West 613.6U feet to the Westerly line of said Lot l; thenc~ South
00°28'23" East 628.54 feet along said last mentioned Westerly line and che Southerly
prolongation thereof to the Easterly prolongation of the Norcherly lines of Lots 30 and 31
of Tract No. 2273 as 5hown on the map recurded in Book 63, Page 27 of Miscellaneous
Maps in ~he office of said County Recorder; thence Soutti 89°47'27" West 9q.00 feet
along said Eacterly prolongation to the bound:icy of the Anaheim City Limits: thence
f?\11lP,IT l3 ~11 It,ti.l~1~~1
LEGr+L GESCR(PTI(~N, C(TY OF .A~Al~IE:I~1 I 1-??-92
along said Anaheim City Limit boundary, che following courses: continuing So~~th
89°47'27" ~Vest 150.00 fcet al~ng said E:tstcrlv prolongatson and said last mentioned
1~'ortl~erly line to the Southerly prolu~ga:iun of the Easterly line of 1'r;icc Vo. 2473 as
shown on tt~e m:ip reccrded in Book 72, Pages 27 ;ind 2~ ot ~iiscellaneous ~iaps in tF~e
office of said County Recorder; thence atong said Southerfy prolongation, sa~d last
mentioned Easterly line and the tiortherly prolongation thereof, the following courses:
tiorth 00°12'33" West lO5.q0 fect, tiorth 8y°47'27" East 5.01 feet and Norrh W°12'33"
West 9', 1.69 feet to a line paralle! wiih and Southerly 30.(?Q feee from the renterlint of
aall Road; thence South 89°IT00" ~'Jest I 143 51 t'ere :~lonb s:iid last mentioned parallel
line to the Soucherly prolong:+tion of th~ Wcsterly line of P;~rcel l a, shown on the map
recorded in Buok 42, Pagc d6 of 1'areel ~1aps in che office of said Cuunry Recerder,
thence North 00`Ul'34" West SU4.73 fce~ :~long s;iid Southerly prolongation and said last
mentioned Wcsterly i'sne to tht Souther{y line of Lot l of Tract No. IU734 as shown on
the map recorded in Bcwk 473, P;~~;e. 33 and 34 ut tiliscellancous ~1aps in the office of
said County it~corder; thence le.~ving tl~e bound:try of said A~~aheim City Limits 3nd
along the bound:uy of said last rnentioncd Lu~ 1, the following course~: South 89°59'42"
East 778.78 feec, North W°(X)' ~ 2" Wes~ 3G0.33 feet. South R9° 17'SG" West 8.78 feet to
the beginning of a non •t~ngent curve I~orthwc•t:-1v having a radius of 73.00 feet, a radial
line to sa'd curve bears 5outh 33°17'S9" East, Westerly 41.53 feet along said curve
through a centtal angle uf ~32°35'SS" :ind South 89`17'SG" Wese 1.9R feet: thence Nonh
W°C2'12" West fi0.00 fcet to a aoint on ihe Sou~herly linP of Lot 27 of Tr.~ct No. 2701 as
shown on the map recorded in [iook 115, P;~ges 5 and 6 of Misc:ell~ncous Maps in the
office of said County Rerorder. ~aid F~:~int being the beginning ~f a non•t~ngent curve
concave Northwesttrly having a radius of I5.00 reet, a radial line to said point bears
Sonth 00°Q2' 12" Fast: thence Easterly and tionherly~ 23.Sb feet alung said curve through
a central angle af 90°00'0~1" to the Easteriy line ~f said Loc 27; thence North (~U''U2'lZ"
Wesc ~10.12 feet atong ~aid last mert:~o~ed E;-scerly line a~d the iv'anherly prolongation
theteof to the Southerly liae ot Lot 7 o-'said Tract vo. 270:; thence Nonh 89°Sl'48" ~asc
t60.W feet alon~ said lasc mentioned 5outherly line and che E:~sterly~roiongation thercuf
eo ~he Easeerly line of Lot S of ~aid Trac~ :r'o. 17Q1; -hence Nonh (p 02'12" Wese 121.77
feet along said last mentioned Easterly line and ihe Northerly prolongatinn thcrcof to s~id
houndary of the Anaheim ~ity Limits, said boundary being also tht Souiherlr line 4!'
Tract No. 2295 ~s shown on the m:ip rerarded in E~ok 62. Pages 7 and 8 of
Miscellaneous Maps in the otCce of s~id Countv Kecurdtr: thence along xaid ~naheim
City l.imit boundary, ths toll~wing cours~s: Nonh 89°57'48" Eas; 391.3U feet along saicf
lasc ;nentioned Suutherly line and the Eas~erly prolongaiion ~hercAf co a line ~arallel with
and Westerly 30.00 feet from the renterline o~ Brookhurst 5tnet• thence tionh 00°30'Q6"
Exsc 253.~ 1 fcet along said I~st mcntioncd parallel line tq tF.e '~onherly lin: of said Trart
No. ?295; thenc~ Sauth 89°S7'4K" West 4tO.(lU fee~ a:onq said !as~ mentionecf Nonherly
line to the ~ascerly line of za~d 1'racc ~o. 2295: ehrnce vorth AO`40'(X~" ~ast 198.0() feet
a~ong said last meneioned East:r!y linc to ~he 5c+uchcrly line of Tracc yo. 4523 as shnwn
on the map rccorded ii Book 6~. PaKes 7 and t~ of ~lisceUaneo4s 14aps in che office oC
xaid Couney Recorder; thence alon~ the bs~undary of said 'Cract ~io. 4513, the fol!~wing
courses; :Vnnh 89°S9'10" East 9.b3 lec~. ~orth U()`4A()h" Ca.r~ 20~.57 fect and ~'Qnh
A9aSl'SS" Wes~ 2319p fcec tu ihe 5~ucherly ~n~l~,r~gauun :,f ~hc E.i.terly Imc ~f Lcsc 11 of
f'('`.~`- 1 y"
LX11![31'f Li yi I(~;i.ISIA)
LEGAL DESCRI[~'t'IUti, CIT1' UI' rltiAtiEl~1 1 1•23-y2
Tract No. 2~318 as shown un the map recorded in l3ook b8, Pages 33 and 34 of
~liscellaneous ~1aps in the uffire nf s~~id Caunry Recorder; thence North UO°38'33" F_ast
219.15 feet along said Southerly prolongation and said last mentioned Easterly line to the
Northerly line of Parcel 1 of Pa:cel ~tap No. 79-231 as shown on the rnap filed in Book
141, Pages 32 and 33 of Parcel i~taps ~n the offict uf said Ceunty Recorder; thence
leaving the boundary of ,~id Anaheirn City Limits South 89°46'S9" East 2G3.60 feet
along said last mentioned Nonnerly lire to the W~sterly line of ~aid last mentioned Parcel
1; ~hence North UU°4U'3l" E~st 482.1d fect along sa;~ last mentioned Westerly line and
the ~`or:herly prolongacion thereof to a line p~rallel with ;~nd Nurtherly 4U.W feet from
the renterline ~~f Orange rlvenue a~ shown on T'r.~ct No. 292R recorded in Book 9~, Pages
l3, 14 and IS of titiscCll;-neous ~1ap~ ~n ~h~ otrire ut ~ai~l Counry (tecorder; thence North
89°51'OS" East 196.?8 feet a{ong said last meneioned par,illel line to a line: paraltel with
and Westerly 200.OU t'eet from tht eenterline of Brookhurs~ Street as shown on said'i'ract
No. 2928; thence I~orth lx1`p6'OS" East 224.t)7 feet along said last mentioncd parallel line
to the Easterly prolongation of the Southtrly linr of Lut :~l) of ~aid Tract No. 2928; thence
Suuth R9°51'US" West Iy0.R2 feet alon~ sa~d Easrerly prolongatior~ ~o said boundary of
the Anaheim City Limits, s~id bound:+r,y being also the Easterly line of said Tract No.
2928; chence along said Anaheim City Lin~it b4u~dary, the following :ourses: Nonh
OU°06'OS" E:ist .535.09 feet ai~n~ said last menii~ned Easterly lin~; thence South
89°S1'OS" West 20.U0 feet a:ong sciid iast mentioncd Easterly line; thence vorth
Ol)°06'OS" Cast 133.14 feet along said last mentioned Easterly lim ~~- a iine pacallel with
and Southerly 7().UU feet from tlie Southerly linc of ehac certain U.689 acre pan:~l as
shown on the map rtcorded in 8oc~k 34, Page I I ot Rec~xd ot Surveys in the office of
said County ftecorder; thence North 89°55'25" East 38p.82 feet along said parallel line so
a line parallet ;~~ch and Westerly 30.00 feet from the renterline of said Brookhurst Scrcet;
thence North UO'OG'OS" East 488.Sb feet to a~ine paratlel w~th and Northerly 20.00 ftet
~rom the centerline of I3roadway as shown on said 1'ract No. 2928; then~e South
SS°58'15" West 30.00 fect along said last menti~ned parallcl lin~ ~o a line parallel with
and Westerlv 6b.(b feet from the ccnterline of said [3rookhurst Street: thence Itaving ct~e
bounda.ry of said An~heim City Limits (vorth 00'07'30" Wcst 6db.87 feet along said last
mentioned paralle! line ~o che Easterly prolongation af the Southerly line of Parcel 3 as
shown on th~: map rccorded in Book 71, ~age 13 ~f Record o~ 5urveys in the office of
said C:ounty Recorder; thence Sou~h 88°58'20" We~t 270.07 feet along said ~asterly
prolongation to ~he Southeast~rly corntr of s:~id last mcntioncd P~rrel 3; thcnce atong the
boundary of said last mcntioned F'arcel 3, ct:e (ol{owing courses: Nonh Ul)°p7'36" West
b00.82 fee~. Souch SS°SS'00" W~sc 194.W feec, Souch JO`07'S4" Wcse 278.(b Ceet. South
88°SS'00" West 292.00 fecc and North !)0°07'S4" West 27S.110 fect co the hlortherly line
of said last rnentioned Parcel 3; thence South 88°S9'W" Wesc SU~:.Z7 feet along ~aid tast
mentionecf Norti~erly lir,e and the Wes~ertr prolonganon thercc,f ~o s•rid boundary of the
Anaheim Cicy Limits: thence along ~~id An~heim Ci~y Limit boundary, the followin~
courses: cominuing South 88°58'(~" We~c 49.(K, fcec ~o ~he tionherty ptaiw~gatio~ ot the
We..terly line of said las; menei~ned f'arcel 3, and South ~?U'(i~'SS" East 17U.02 feet along
said +~onherly prolongation to the Nor~hwrticerly curner of said I;ut mcntioned Patcel 3;
thcncc leavinr thc baundary of said Anahcim City Limits South t~°U7'S5" East 43U.;0
(eet alonq said Is~t rnc»~ioned ~'esterly linc :o the ~a.tcrl~• prolong:ition of thC ~~onhtrly
t'C11:- t t'
~:xt{t~3cr ~ ~)116~.15(A)
LECiAI. UESCRI('TION, C:l~'Y OF AtiAHCI~I ~~-2-~-y~
line af Lot 26 ~f Tract \o. 20p I:ts shown on the map recorded in Book 82. Pages 3 and 4
of Miscellaneous !~taps in the office ot' said County Ftecurder; ehence South 39°O1'25"
West 66U.UU feet along said E;~stcrly prolongation, saici las[ mentioned Nonherly line and
the Westerly prolonga~ion the~eof ~o ~he E;~sterly line ot' th;it certain 8.9~ acre parcel as
shown un ehe map recorded ir t3ook 4, P:-ge 3y of Record ~f Surveyx in the oftice of said
County Recorder, thence North UU°U~'35" West 7O6.4K fe~~ along said last mentionecl
Eastcrly line and thr Vortherty prolungation thercof to :- line par:sll~l with and Northcrly
40.(i0 feec from the centerline of Linc:oln Avenue ;+s shown on Tr;t~t No. 2625 recorded in
Eiook 94, Pages 9, l0 and 11 of ~liscellaneous Maps in ~he oftice of said C~unty
Recorder; thence horth 89°Ul'S9" E;sst bfiO.lU feet along ~~id last mentioned parallef line
ro the Southerly rolongation of the Westerly I:ne of Lut 5~ af said Tracc No. 2625;
thence ~orth (~~16'S7" Wes[ ?2fi.0U fee- along said Southeriy prolongation to the
Soucherl~ line of said Lot s8; tlience North R9°O1'59" East 247.4U feet along said tast
mentioned Southerly linc and thc Eusterly prol ongation thereof to the Easterty n~ ~A d 1 st
55 of said Trace Ho. 2625; thence North OQ l6'S7" Wes~ 2U.67 feet alono
mencioned E;tstcr[y linc to ehe W~eseerly pr~~lon~;acion of ~he Southerly line of Lot 54 of
said Tract No. 2G25; thenc,e North 89°UI'S~)" E:~~~ 412•") feet :+long ,;+id Wescecly
prolongation, said last mentiontd Southeriy line :ind the Easterly prulongacion thereof to
the Westerly line of Trncc No. 1633 as si~own on the map recorded in Book 47. Page SO
of Miscell~n~ous Maps in the office of said County Recorder; th^nce South QO°lh'2Q"
East 1G6.00 feet along s~id last mentioned 'vVesterly line to the Sautnerly line of Loc 1 of
said Tracc No. 1b33; thence North F,N°~6'2U" Ea~t 1U4.27 feet along said last mentiqned
Soucheriy linc co che Easterly line uf said Lot I: thence North'JU°16'~U" West 227.43 feet
along said last mentioned Easc~rly line anci chc Nrntherly prolongati~n tt~ereof to the
Westerly prol~~ngation of the Southerly line of Lot 14 of said Tr~cc No. 1633; chence
hurth R9°36'2~" ~asc 283.W fect along sai~i Westerly prolongation, said last mentionc:~
Sauenerly line a~~d the Easterly prolong;uion thercof to the center~ine of Ranchito Strcet
as st:own on s~id 'fract No. 1633; thence South 77.°SU'45" Eact 51.33 feet to the
Souch::p~~°r!y eorner uE Lot 44 of .aid Tract yo. IG33: thence North 78°38'32" East
El.dS fect along the Southeriy line of said Lot 4A to the Easterly line of said l.c~t 44;
~hence Nonh 00°lG'l0" West l~t0.00 fcet alnng ~aid last mencioned Easterly line and the
Northerly prolongation thercof to the ~ortherly line of Loc 19 of Tract No. 1569 ...~
shown on ~he map recorded in Book 47, Page 17 of Miscellaneous Mape in the office of
said County Recorder; chence Nonh 89°36'2()" Wesc :ic).Ol) leee atong said last mentioned
Nonherly line to ~he Southerly prolongation of ch= Eas~crly line of Loc 3 of said Tract ^~~ ~.
1569; thence North 00°lb't0" Wesc 158.00 t"ee~ al~nb said Southerly prol~ngacion and
said lasc mentioned Easterly line to the Nor~herly lirc of said Tract ho. t 569; thence
North 89°36'20" West 156.33 along said Iast mentioned Monherly fine to the rnost
Eas~erly line of l.nt 21 of said'I'ract No. 1633: chenre Norch tx)°20'41" West 94'~.80 feet
along said last mentioned E•rsterly line and the Noreherly prolongation thr.reof, said
prolongati~n being thc mosc Ea~terly IinC of ihc nrange Counry Flc~od Contml Retarding
Basin as shown an the map rccorded in Book SU, Pages 43 :+nd 44 of E:er.rrd of Surveys
in the uffice of said County Recorder ~o •r line p~rallel wiih ~nd Southerly 365.44 feet
Erom the centeriine of Crescent Avtnue; thence 5outh 88°57'S7" West ~5~.34 feet along
xaid last mtntioned qarailel line to a lirtie parallel with and V-'euerly 590.1Y.1 fect from tt~c
I~t:~-~ - - a °
cxF~~~r-• t~ ~~i ic;~.i>~,~i
centerline of Brookhurs~ Street; thence North OU°2U'41" West 325.4U feec along said last
mentioned parallei line ro a(ine paraUel tivith and Southerly 40.U0 feet from said
cenrerline uf Crescen[ Avenue; thence South K8°57'S7" ~Yest 70.66 feet along said last
mencioned parallel linc to tlie Southerly prulong:-tion of the Eastcrly linc c,t' the 26.936
acre parcel as shown on che rn;ip recorded in Buok 73, Page 13 of Record of Surveys in
the uffice of said Counry Recorder; thence along said last mentioned Eaxterly line, the
following courses: Nonh OQ°44'44" We:ct K10.95 feet, South K8°38'4Q" Wcsc 12UA1 feet
and North OU°44'~i4" West 548.U3 feat to the Suutherly line of'I'ract No. 1?U2 as shown
on the map rccorded in Book 37, Pabes 27 and 28 of ;~1iscellaneous hlaps in the office of
said County Recorder; thence North 88'3R'40" East 249.R3 feet along said last mentioned
Southerly line co the Easterly line af said Tract No. 12U2; thence ~orth OU°h3'36" West
687.39 feet along said last mentioned Eascerly line to ch~ Southwesterly line of Sequoia
Avenue as shown on said '1°ract No. 12(?2; ehence along sxid last mtntioned
Southwesterly line and the tiorchwesterly prolongation ~hereot, the following courses:
North 57°12'36" West 543.25 feec and N~rch RS°54'(X)" West 822.83 feet to ~he Nonherly
prulongatiun of the Wescerly line of Lac 37 ot' Tract No. l~h! ~+s shuwn on cl~e map
recorded in Bc~ok 3b, Pages 45 and 4ti of Niiscellaneous Nl;+ps in the oftice of said Cuunty
Rccorder; thence North 78° t 1'3 i" We,t 63.75 fee! to the Southeasterly corner of Lot 32
of said Tract No. l 161; ~hcnce South 89°13'lU" Wcst ! 17.K0 fect ;+long ttse Southerly line
of said Lo~ 32 to che Westerly line uf said Tr3ce No. l 161; chence South lx)°A6'S0" East
460.93 feet along said last mentioned Westerly iine to the Northerly line of said T'ract No.
1161; thence Soutli 85°22'W" West b90.19 feec alon6 said l:isc mentioned Nc,rtherly linc
and the Westerly prolongatien thereot' to tht ~Vesterly line of Gilbert Street as shown on
the map filed in Book 5, P:tge l of Parcel hlaps in tht office of said County Recorder;
thence IVorth W°23'35" West 711..81 feet along said last mcntioned Westerly line nnd the
`lortherly prolongatiun th~reof to a line parallel wich ~nd Northerly 53.0() teet from the
c:enterline ~f La Palma Avenue as shown on Tract No. 22U1 rccorded in Book 63, Pages
47 throu~h 50 of Miscellaneous M~ps in the office of said County Recorder; thence
horth 89 2l'40" East 1351.95 fett al~r.g said last mentioned par,-Ilel line to the Southerly
prolongation af the Easte~ly line of Lot i58 of ~aid Tract No. 22U1; then:e North
QO°46'40" Wesc 561.W feet al~ng s:tid Soutlierly prolong:ition, ,aid last me~tioned
Easterly line and the Northtrly prolongation thereof to tlie Southcriy line af said Tratt
No. 2?01; thence Nonh 89°21'40" East 1281.85 feet along swid last mtntioned Southerly
line t~i che Easterly iine of Lot i30 of said Tract No. 22U1; thence Norch 00°47'15" Wcsc
134.59 feet along said last mentioned Eascerly line and the Northerly prolongation ther+eof
to the Wescerly protongation nf tht Soucf~crty linc of T.:~ec No. 2Q93 as shown on the map
recorded ir. Soolc ~76, ~'ages 45 ~hrougt~ 48 of Mis~.cllaneous Maps in che office af said
County Rtcorder; thence s~long said Westerly prolongation and said last mentioned
5ouiheriy line, the following ~ounes: North Sy°40'15" Easc 3UI.U0 ket and South
GO°36'30" East 220.b8 feet to thc Vorthwesterly corner of Tr.+ct hu. d233 as shown on
:he map recorded in Book 150, Pagt 22 of ~lisc•ellan:ous M~ps in ttie officr of said
County Recarder; thence alon~ the Westerly snd Southerly I~ne of said Tract No. d233,
the folEowing courses: Sotuh Oc?°21'35" Cast 3Sy.(w f~et :~nd ~or~h K9°46'20" East
255.73 feet tc~ t~~e Westerly lint of snid Tr~ct No. 2U93; tl~ence South UU°21'35" Cast
331.Uq feet along said las: mentioned Westeriy line and the Southerly prolongation
~,~.yl _ t ,1..
EXFiIBIT R 911G8.1:i1,~)
thereof to the Northerly line of Lo[ lU7 of Trae~ No. 1721 ;is shuwn on the map recorded
in Book 50, Pages 37, 38 and 39 of Miscellaneous Maps in the ofFice oF said County
Recorder, thenc~e Sou~h 89°46'2G" West 1b2.4~ feet :ilong said last mentioned Northcrly
line and the Westerly prolonnation ~hcreot' t~ the Easterly Iine of the Santa Ana Freeway
(Irtterstate No, 5); thence along said lase rnentioned Easterly line, the followinfi courses:
South QO°24'1R" West lUU.00 fcet, Souch 89°35'42" Easi 2.17 feet, South OU°2~'07" West
179.42 feet co the beginning of a tangent curve conc;tve Northeas~erly h:~ving a radius of
1(?OO.UO feet, Sr~uthc.~sterly G~7.34 t'eet along said curve through a cen~ral angle of
38°48'32", and South 38°?4'25" East 97.65 feet to the Westerly corner of Lot 2U of said
Tract No. 1721; thencc South 47°06'32" East 18U.1H? feet alon6 the Southwesterly line of
Lots 20, 21 and 22 of said "l ract No. 172 l; thence South I 3'' 16'S7" Wes~ 30R.88 feet to a
point, said point being the beginning of a non•;angent curve concave Westerly having a
radius of SO.UU fcet, a radi;tl lin,: to s;iid poin~ beurs North 32°47'74" East, said point
being also the Northerly corner of P;-rcel C as shown on the map filed in f3uok 44, page
15 u: Parcel Maps ir, ihe office of s;tid County Rrcorder; thenre ;tlon~ the Westerly line
ot' said Parcel C, the fo{lo~ving courses: Southerly '19.76 Ceet along said curve thruugh a
central angle of 91°23'SS" co ihe be~inninb of a reverse cun+~ concave Eascerly havin~ a
radius of 50,00 feet, Southerly 3U.4~ Fcec along said curvr thraugh a central angle of
34°54'S5", South OU°43'36" Eas~ 4hG.91 Feet to the bcgi~ininn uf u tangene curve concave
Easterly having a radius of 268.00 feet, Southerly 62.U3 feec along said curve through a
central an,le of 13°15'4U" to the beginning of a reverse curve concave Westerly haying u
radius of 332.00 feet, Southerl ~ 76.84 feet along s:~id curve through a central angle of
13°l5'40" and South (~°43'36" East 542.51 feet to the Easterly prolongatian of the
Nortfiecly line of Parcel 1 as shown on thc map filed in Book 85, Pagcs 4 and 5 of Parccl
Maps in the nffice of said County Recorder; thence Norch 89'4.3'23" West 463.93 feet
zlong said Eastcrly prolongation to che Northerly pro;ongaiion of the Eacterlv line oF
Valley Street as shown on said last men~ioned P;ircel Map; thence South (~°16'03" ~as~
663.62 feec alun~; said fYortherly prolor~acion, s;~id lasc mencioned ~ascerly line and the
Southerly prolongation thereof to the Northerly line of Lot 7 of'1'ract No. 5053 as shown
on the map recorded in Book 183, F:tbes 3A through 38 of Miscclfaneous Maps in the
office of said County Recordcr; thence North 89°4U'U9' Wcst 330A5 feec along said
Northerly linc and the Wescerly prolong;-tion theiYOf co tlu Nonhcrly prolongatian of che
Westerly line of Lot 3 of said Tract No. 5053; chence Souch OU°l6'lU" East 539.55 feet
along s~id Northeriy prolongation, sa;d I~st mCntioncd Westerly line and the Southcrly
prolongation thereof to the West:rly prolonbation of the Southerly line of l,ot 3 of said
Tract No. 5053; thence South R9°;i 1'SU" East 116.U(1 feet atong said Westerly
proiongation and s~+d 1:-st mentionCd South~:rly line to the Nonherty prolonbacion of the
Eustcrl~ line ot F~arcel ! us sho~•n on che map rccorded in Baok 1i2. F'age !~ of Record of
Surveys in the office of suid County Recordrr; thence South 11U°16'lU" E~st 139.10 feet
along said No~therly prolongation and said Ixsc meneioned Easterly linc to the Southerly
line of said last rnentioned ParcCl 1; thencc Ncrth R9°31'Q()" West 79.1X? feet along said
last mcntioned 5outherly linc ro the Nonf~erly prolongation of tt~c Westerly line of l.ot 9
of Tract No. IK51 xs shown on ~ht m:~p reco-~c1eJ in Eluok SG, f':~be 26 of l~1iseellaneous
41aps in tht of(ice of said County Recorder; thence South W°16'IU" Enst 9U29U feet
along said I~ortherly prolongation and said last mentioned Wexterly line co the Southerly
NC'.1:- ~ •{ ;
EXHIBI~r ~ ~~i ~~,~.iS~A~
line of said 1_ut 9; thence Souch 8~)'=31'UU" E;~st 157.UU t~rt alonb suia last mentioned
Southerly line and the Eas~erly prolongativn thereot ro~he Wesrerly line of Lot 32 of said
Tract No. 1851; thence South OU°lfi'lU" East 7?.2l feet along saiJ last mentioned
Westerly fine and the Southrrly prolongution thereof to the Westerly prolongation of the
Southeriy line of Lot 33 of said "fruct No. 1851; tt:ence South 89°31'00" Eas~ 289.33 feet
along said Wcsterly prolonga~ion, s:tid Ictst mentiuncd Southerly line and the Easterly
prolongation thereoF ro a puint on the Westerly line ot L~~t 66 ot's;iid Tract No. 1R51, said
1Vesterly line being a curve conc;~ve Westerly h;-ving :- radius of SU.UO feet, a radial line
ro said point bears South 89°31'00" C;i~t; th~:nce SoutPiwes~erly 78.54 feet along said
curve through a centra! angle of 9U°0O'UU" to the Southerly line of said Lot 66; ti~ence
South 89°31'(?0" East 131.7b feet :long said last mcntioned Southcrly line ro the Eas~erly
line of said Tiact No. 1851; thence North 00°16'lU" Wext 562.03 feet along said last
menci~ned Easterly line ro che Norcherly line ot' P:u•cel l as shown on the map filcd in
Book 129, Pages 26 and 27 c,; P;trcel M;~ps in the oFfice of ~aid County Recorder; thence
South 89°31'00" East 91.9U feet ;~long said last mentioned Northerly lina to the N~rtherly
prolongation uf the Easterly line of Parcel 2 of suid last mentioned Pc!rccl Map; thence
South (~°U9'22" E;-St 118.W feet along s;~id Nnrcherly prolunn;uion to the Southerly linc
of said last mentioned Psrcel 1; thence along the buundary of said last m~ntioned !'arctl
1, the followin~ cour~es: Souch 89°31'UO" East 173.54 feet, South (x)°l t'U9" East 302.13
fe~t. Suuch 89 32'S3" Easc 96.(lU feet, Souch 311.y3 feet, South 89°3 t'UO" East 295.79
feet, North 98.01 feet and E;-st 152.00 f~et to ;tie Wasterly line of Lot 32 uf Tract No.
1642 as shown on the map recorded in Book 49, Page 4 of Miscellaneous Maps in the
office of said County Recorder; ihenee Souch 78.U0 feet along said last mentwned
Westerly line and the Southerly prolong;uion thereot' to a line par~illel ~vith and Nonherly
60.q0 feet from tne centerline ut Lincoln Avenuc us showi~ un said Tr;~ct No. 1642;
thence South 89°31'UO" East ~64.90 t'eec along said last mentioned par,:~lel line co the
Easterly lins of Tract No. 1775 as shown on cht map recordrd in Baok 50, Page 15 of
Mi~cr.llaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence North I°14'14" West
775.1G feet along said last rnentioned Easterly line to the Northerly ti~ie of the land
described in the dced to James T. Tso and Rita C. Tso recorde~i Oecerr~ber 16, 1988 as
Instrument N~~. 38•6~7987 of Olficial Itecords in the oft'ice ot' said Coun~y Recorder;
th~nce Souch 89°39'04" East 319.77 feec along s:iid last mentioned N~itherly linc to a line
parallel with and Westerly 32.0(1 feet from the eenterline of said Muller; thence
South W°l5'00" East 40t.16 feet along said last mentioncd purallcl linc to a line parallcl
with and S~utherly 66.0(? feet frcm ti;iid centerline of Lincoln Avenue; thenc~ South
89°3 t'00" East 2.OU feet alang said lasc mentioned par:+lle! line to the true point of
~XC~PTING therefrom that portion described as follows: Btginning at the
Nor~hwescerly corner ~f Parcel I as shown on the ma~~ filed in Book 57, P~ge IQ of
Parce! Maps in the office of s;~id County kecordcr: ehenca along the boundary of said
Parcel 1, ~he follawing course~: Nonh 89'S7'48" Easc 124.33 feet and Souch OJ°40'U6"
West 1()A.OU feCt ta the lVonhwecterly corner of E'arcel 2 of said last mentioned Parce!
ti1ap; thence along the boundary ~f sai~~ last rnrntiuntd Parcel 2, the follow•sng courses:
Nonh 89°57'48" Easc 215.(w free and Souch lx)°~ti)'('6" `Nest ?0).()2 fect to thc Northcrly
{'C91-14 ~
E:{H1BIT B yl IGii.15(A)
line of ['arrel 2::s shown on the m;ip filed i!i Book 1 K, P;~3e 3U of Parcel Maps in che
office of said County Rrcorder; thence South 89°l7'33" West 335.20 feet ulong said last
mentioned Northerly line to th~ Southerly prolong:stion of the Westerly line ot' sc~id last
mentioned PurcPl l; thence North OU°U2'l2" West 3U9.03 feet ;tlong suid Southerly
prolongation nnd s:~id tast mentioned Westerl~~ line to the point of beginning.
Contains a~ area oF 318 acres, more or Ic:ss.
~ ~~:%~ - °'~~~Np SUA`~
~ ~ ,~ ~
AlV1ES B. DUNLAP. LS ~ gy - ~ ~~Spep' ~'~'
f~tp. fr30~96 ~
~, 4189 Q
sr Qr
~rf OF CA~~F~'